Shutter Speed

I Object


“Roxie” by Hank Shiffman, ID66041305 licensed from


CHRIS, BLESS HER HEART, got permission to use the Belvedere Monday morning and met me at the studio at six-thirty. We loaded the old paper backdrops and frame in back of the car along with fill lights, spotlights, my Hasselblad, and plenty of film.

We managed to get everything into the school and set up on the stage before class at seven-thirty. I was glad the other photographer—who would shuffle all the kids from elementary school through eleventh grade through his photo mill—would not be taking pictures until next week. I really didn’t want my setup compared to his. My backgrounds were a little ratty and torn around the edges, but the central area was clean and made a fine backdrop. It would be way too difficult to transport the muslin backdrops, since they were ten feet wide.

I carried my camera case with me all day long.

While Chris and I were setting up my studio on stage, Anna was in the halls taking reservations for pictures. Appointments were set up at ten-minute intervals for senior photos, which would be taken either in the hour before school, or an hour and a half after school. Seniors had the option of deferring their photo to Attic Allure and setting up a Saturday or Sunday appointment for a full hour session that would include their standard senior picture and an Attic Allure glamour shot. As expected, more girls were taking advantage of that than boys. All of my usual models were scheduling appointments near their eighteenth birthdays. A few seniors wanted to know if they could have their senior photo on stage and decide after they saw the proofs whether they wanted an Attic Allure photo. We agreed.

I was thankful that Anna was keeping track of all the appointments, collecting the money, and taking orders for photos. Chris, on the other hand was there with a brush and comb, powder, makeup, and an eye for making sure the guys didn’t have gravy on their ties. She also cleaned glasses, tied ties for guys who didn’t really know how, and adjusted their position on the stool. The three of us made a great team. I could just focus on making sure we got good photos.

We still had to do homework, so I wasn’t spending any evenings developing film. Anna was making sure the film rolls were labeled correctly with the names of the students, the time, and the date, then put in my case. When I started developing film over the weekend, we’d know exactly whose was whose.

Except developing time over the weekend would be at a premium, too. Anna had already set three appointments for Attic Allure photos on Saturday afternoon. She’d typed up an instruction sheet for the allure shots that told clients what to do, when to arrive, and what to bring. It also indicated that she and Chris would attend the shoot with me to assist, but they would slip away if the senior wanted any more intimate shots. I didn’t think anyone was going to ask for that, but I could be surprised.

With three of us working on everything, the photo week went pretty smoothly.


Friday night was homecoming and right on schedule, Chris had her period and stayed home. I had planned to escort both her and Ronda, but it ended up being just the two of us. Ronda’s dress was cut just above the ankle and was slit up to mid-thigh. When we hit the dancefloor, we didn’t leave it except when I had to take pictures of the homecoming court. I was really surprised that Ronda wasn’t named the queen, but there were two more big dances upcoming with basketball homecoming on Valentine’s weekend, and Prom the first weekend of May. A fall homecoming was still pretty new for Tenbrook, as this was only our second football season. The guys managed a narrow loss to Danville’s B-Team right after school. So, the dance that night was celebratory.

A year earlier, my parents had driven Anna and me to the dance. This year, I was privileged to have Mom’s car and pick up Ronda. And return her home after the dance. I followed Ronda’s instructions to park in the driveway and was surprised to find that her parents and brother were out of town. That meant that the two of us headed straight for her room and were naked in a flash. I reflected on the fact that Ronda’s bed was the only bed I’d ever made love in. Chris and I had crashing sex on her bed a month ago, but we never even pulled the spread back and we didn’t get undressed. It was all started and finished in ten minutes.

I’d had a lot of sex over the summer and fall, but it was almost all in the back seat of a car or on a blanket outside. It seemed so luxurious to have just the two of us in Ronda’s bed. We stretched out naked next to each other and just kissed and petted until I finally rolled over between her legs and slid smoothly into her hot pussy. We took our time in a way we just couldn’t manage in the car or when the playhouse was threatening to freeze us. This was just far more relaxed and intimate.

We both reached a climax and then just stayed cuddled in her bed, almost sleeping, but still kissing and touching. It wasn’t long before Ronda rolled over on me and I slid into her extra wet pussy again. Having already come once, I lasted a little longer and that was good enough for Ronda to get off twice before I shot my wad.

“I wish you were staying overnight,” she sighed.

“That would be terrific, just lying cuddled up with you and making love whenever we woke up,” I said. I guess that was my idea of sleeping with a girl.

“That would be nice, but what would be better is having you sleeping on the wet spot so I didn’t get in it,” she giggled.

“Gee thanks,” I said. “For you, I’d take the wet spot and be happy with it, as long as you were with me.”

“You’re so sweet. But if you are going to make it home by one, you’d probably better get dressed and go.”

I reluctantly agreed and she just lay in the bed naked watching me dress. I was hampered by looking at her instead of watching what I was doing as she absently stroked her nipples and her pussy.

“Aren’t you getting dressed?” I asked.

“Why should I? It’s my bed and I can sleep naked in it if I want to.”

“Well, yeah. Of course,” I admitted. “Um… shall I let myself out, then?”

“No, I’ll come downstairs with you.” She rolled out of bed and stood up. I saw my semen dripping out of her and running down her leg. “Hmm. I’d better stuff a tissue up there or I’ll drip on the stairs,” she giggled. “You did this to me. You put all that sperm in my pussy. I think that means you really love me.”

“I do, Ronda,” I said, folding her in my arms. “I’m always amazed at how much I’ve fallen for you.”

“Just remember this. We’re teens. If something happens and we break up—I mean any one of our three couples—it doesn’t mean that the other two couples have to break up. So, for example, if Chris and I break up, you and I could still date as well as you and Chris.”

“Are you going to break up with Chris?” I asked in alarm.

“No. I used that as an example so you wouldn’t think one of us is planning to break up with you. I just want you to know that now that we’re really three couples instead of a triple, no couple should depend on the existence of the other two.”

“I see. Right now, while I have you naked in my arms and have your breast in one hand and your butt in the other while I kiss you goodnight, is it okay if I only think of the couple that’s here now?”

“Yeah. I’d like that.”

Even having made love twice, having Ronda offering her naked body to my hands and mouth almost sent us back to bed. When I got home and lay in bed, the memory fueled one more come.


Saturday afternoon, the work went pretty smoothly and I was surprised that all three girls wanted a photo that might have them covered, but they would still need to be naked or topless.

The first, Libby Ganshorn, behaved exactly like Chris and Ronda had predicted a month ago. She brought a huge fluffy robe with her and came out of the dressing room to scurry to the draped fainting couch where she sat. Chris had a whispered conversation with her and then came to join me at the camera.

We were very quiet as I took a photo and paused for Chris to make adjustments to Libby’s position. As expected, she never really showed her face except when I’d taken the senior photo. She had striking features and intense blue eyes. But as soon as the picture had been taken, her head was down as she scurried to change. For the glamour shot, she started by sitting facing away from me and dropping her robe off one shoulder. She turned her head as if looking at me, but her hair fell across her face. I glanced at Chris and she nodded, so I took the photo. Then Chris went to Libby and made a subtle adjustment to her hair so I could see a kind of sidelong glance toward me.

It was beautiful.

As I wound the film, the robe fell from her other shoulder and I could see her bare back down just to her shoulder blades. She clutched the front together and tossed her head a little to get the hair partly out of her face as she looked over her shoulder and gave me a smoldering look.

I wasn’t sure who it was who would crack that shy exterior shell, but I had a feeling that when Libby emerged, he would have an intense and fiery lover to contend with. And really good looking. As the photos progressed, Libby turned on the couch to face me. She kept her face obscured by her hair but finally, the robe fell below her left breast as she looked down and away from me. That was quite a sight to see!

As soon as the last shot was taken, she scurried off to the dressing room and then left. During the entire session, she’d spoken only to Chris and Anna. Not a word to me.

Grace Lipton was next. She was only slightly bolder and yet more conservative. We did a really nice senior portrait and she dragged Chris to the dressing room to talk about her allure photo. Chris was quickly back and arranging things.

“You’ll love this,” she said.

She arranged the fainting couch at an angle toward me and then got a couple of pieces of 2x4 left over from the construction to prop up the far end so the couch was at a slope. Then we brought over the drop frame and she pulled out every strip of shiny fabric in the box to drape behind and over the couch. I could see immediately what kind of effect that was going to have with shiny parts and shadowy parts, but I wasn’t prepared for Grace when she came out of the dressing room.

She had a short silk robe on that looked like it could be Asian, maybe Japanese. It was barely long enough to cover her buns. She had peacock feather earrings and a matching fan. She kicked out of her slippers and lounged on the couch with her arm up on the high end. This whole setting called for a full frame photo and I carefully positioned the camera so I could get exactly what I wanted in the picture. I motioned to Chris and Anna to take a look through the lens and they both grinned and nodded. I started taking pictures.

Grace worked her props well. She changed positions of the fan and the tilt of her head or angle of her body between each shot and the robe gradually came loose. Eventually it was merely a pile of silk that covered most of her butt and was draped over her lap. The position of the peacock fan covered her breasts. Her feet were curled partly under her, but showed the soles and toes. She held her hand out toward me and I was reminded of Chris’s beckoning me when I took her topless photo months ago. Before I took the shot, Chris quickly darted in and smoothed a lock of hair that had come out of the topknot she wore. Then I took the photo.

“That’s it,” I said. “Absolutely beautiful. A true Attic Allure photo.”

“Thank you, Nate,” Grace said. She stood up from the couch and laid down her fan as she straightened her robe and pulled it over her arms. She didn’t look at me during that time, but from the time she moved, she was completely exposed and I was a voyeur looking at my naked classmate as she put on her dressing robe.


My last photo of the day was Roxie Barnes. We’d had one date last year and did some nice kissing and petting. I guess hers was the first breast I felt up while we’d kissed. She got mad at me when she found out I still planned to date Chris, though, and we never got to the second date. We did her senior portrait and when it was finished, she just stood up and took her shirt off in front of us. She had abundant breasts that I’d had the privilege of examining through her clothes. Seeing them unleashed and unshielded gave me a new appreciation for them.

“Well, what kind of picture do you want to take of these?” she asked.

“Let’s use the curtains as a backdrop, maybe with one open a crack so we get light through the window. We’ll move the couch over there and stack some cushions on it so you can stretch out and it will look like a regular sofa,” I said, trying not to respond too overtly to her display. She smirked at me.

We got to work arranging things as Roxie dropped her skirt and put a multiple strand of black beads around her neck. She was quite talkative as we got the couch and cushions arranged. Chris led her over to the set and started arranging her.

“I’m definitely losing my touch,” Roxie sighed. “I strip off my clothes in front of a guy and he goes to move a fucking light.”

“He noticed,” Chris said. “But in the studio, he’s a professional photographer, not a horny teenage boy.”

“If he hadn’t been dating you, he’d have seen all this and more outside the studio. I’m really ticked,” Roxie said.

“Why don’t you go out with him again?” Chris said. “It’s your conservative monogamous attitude that says during the three weeks that you are dating a guy he can’t date anyone else.”

“That has got to be the first time anyone has ever call my attitude conservative,” Roxie laughed. “I guess you’re right about me being hung up on serial monogamy. Do you mean to tell me you’re not?”

“Not really. I don’t have any desire for any other boy at the moment, but I’d probably go down on you if you took me out for dinner.”

“You’d… Me?”

“I could make an entire meal sucking on your nipples,” Chris said. I thought she was laying it on a little thick, but I also knew that if Roxie accepted the challenge, Chris would fulfill the promise. “And have your clit for dessert.”

“I suppose you’d want me to lick you then.”

“Tit for tat,” Chris said.

She pinched one of Roxie’s nipples and then smacked her butt. She scampered away so I could get the shot. Roxie was not as objectively beautiful as Chris or Ronda. Or Patricia. Or even Judy. But she was definitely fuck-dreamable. She had bigger nipples than any of the other girls, but she had the breasts to support them. Nice squishy big breasts. Chris moved in to direct Roxie into a new position.

“So, you’d let Nate go out with me again?” Roxie asked Chris, probably trying to provoke her.

“I’m dating Nate steadily, but I don’t own him. He’s really too good to keep exclusively to myself.”

“Even knowing I want to fuck him.”

“It would really be a waste of a date if you didn’t,” Chris giggled. “God! It’s good!”

“Well, damn.”

In her new position, Roxie was lying more on her side and I could clearly see both nipples that had been under discussion. Yeah, I could probably make a meal of sucking on those. What’s more, I could now see the full front of her panties. They were just a fine transparent mesh from the waistband down to her slit. I actually looked carefully to see if I could see down any farther, but the gusset was solid and opaque.

“If you want to see any more down there, you’ll have to take me out two more times. I don’t take my panties off before the third date,” Roxie sneered at me.

“Gosh. We should get started then. What are you doing tonight?” I said.

“What? Tonight? Like for a date?”

“Sure. Why not. That would make two.”

“Chris? Aren’t you going out with Nate tonight?”

“No. I’m kind of out of commission. Second day of my period isn’t as bad as it is for some girls, but after working all afternoon, all I want is my heating pad and some tea.”

“I hear you. But, um… if I’m going out with Nate tonight, could you hand me my bra? I should cover the girls so he can have the fun of unwrapping them.”


Roxie left the studio and I told her I’d pick her up in two hours. I needed to come up with an idea of what to do on a spur-of-the-moment date. In the meantime, I walked Christine home and held her gently as I thanked her for all the help she provided during the week at school and the day in the studio.

“I love you, Nate. But don’t count on me for anything tomorrow. I plan to spend the entire day in bed. Alone except my teddy bear and my fluffy robe. And my US Government textbook. Blech!”

“I need to get started on processing all the film for this week. I’ve got a lot of rolls of film, and I haven’t done any enlargements of Pris’s photos yet. If I don’t take another new photo for the next two weeks, I might catch up on processing and printing.”

“Well, just think, love. If I’ve counted correctly, there are twenty-seven girls in our senior class. And as of today, you’ve seen ten of us naked or at least topless. I’m betting at least ten more will be seen through your lens before school is out. I bet no one has ever had a record like that. Not to mention that you’ve had a few older and younger from our school and how many models did we shoot this summer? You should have plenty of material in your bedtime album,” she said.

“No matter how many are in the album, the one I always want is in my arms right now,” I said.

“Well, let me go in and you go get ready to put another girl in your arms for a while. I want to know if her nipples really pop out as far as I think when you suck on them. I was serious about being able to make a meal on her tits. I’m really beginning to be a pervert, aren’t I?”

“My favorite pervert in the world. It seems we think so much alike. I love you, Chris.”

“Have fun tonight, my love.”


Roxie and I did have fun. When she finally realized that she didn’t need to be brazen in her flirting, we managed to relax and just enjoy bowling three games and then having a malt and French fries at Gertie’s. Of course, then it got a little more interesting.

“You must have found a lot of places to park since we were out last year,” she said. “Take me someplace new.”

“Hmm. I think I know a place. Let’s see if I can find it.”

I drove through Tenbrook and on down toward Huffington before I found the road that led out to a little country lane where I’d last been with Kelly on the night we decided not to quite go all the way. I crept down the lane and when I saw three other cars parked, I turned the lights down to parking lights and managed to find a spot where I could pull over without disturbing anyone who was already parked.

“Wow! This place is popular,” Roxie said. “You might need to get me real relaxed in order to get my clothes off.”

“How would you like me to relax you, beauty?” I asked, giving her a little kiss.

“Oh. That’s a good start. If you don’t have any weed, you might just keep kissing me, and maybe rub my back a little. Yeah. Like that.”

We didn’t try to get in the back seat or anything. I did scoot the seat back, though, so we had more room. It was plenty for the kissing and petting we were doing. As Roxie got more relaxed, her clothes seemed to get looser. Before long, her blouse was open down the front and I was squeezing those big breasts I’d seen exposed in the studio. The bra that matched her panties was also a see-through mesh until it reached the underboob support system. I don’t know what they call that, but in my experience, the lower half of a bra was always heavier and more supportive than the upper half. I was managing to get her nipples to stiffen a bit.

“You can unfasten it,” she whispered as she continued unbuttoning my shirt. I reached behind her and managed to unclip the device and free her beauties. I pushed the bra up and cupped her breasts in my hands as she finished pushing my shirt off my shoulders. She smashed her boobs against my chest and started sliding them around. “Having my breasts against a man’s skin is my favorite part about sex. I love the feeling of rubbing our bodies together.” She tugged her bra up higher. “I’d take this stuff off if it wasn’t so cold.”

Only the tenth of October and already it was freezing. I sat her up so I could move around slightly and reached into the back seat where I’d stowed the trusty blanket. I pulled it around us and she giggled as she stripped off her blouse and bra and helped me get my shirt off. Then she unzipped her skirt and pushed it off so she was just in the black see-through panties she’d been wearing earlier.

“You can’t actually see my pussy. I’ve got my panties on and it’s dark in here anyway. So, there’s still a little mystery left for our next date.”

“Are we going to have a next date, Roxie? Even though you aren’t the only girl I’m seeing?”

“Chris convinced me. How am I going to have sex with you if we don’t have another date?”

“Oh, yeah, third time’s a charm,” I laughed.

“I’ve heard you’re really really good. I’d like to know what it is about you that makes us all willing to take our clothes off for you.”

“That’s photography. I don’t mix sex and the studio.”

“Mmmhmm. Yeah, rub my nipples. Guys all want to see them and squeeze my big breasts, but they don’t pay enough attention to the important things. Pris said you made her come at the table during her birthday party.”

“I did? She was being really quiet about it.”

“Not anymore. She was bragging in our FHA group. Well, not the whole group. She was talking to Debbie and Janice and I kind of listened in. What did you do? How did you make her come without fucking her?”

“Mmm. Well, I was just paying attention to her breasts and legs. I’m sure I could have done a much better job if I was holding her the way I’m holding you.”

“Then do that better job on me. Mmm!”

I closed her mouth with my own as I began really working on her nipples. I rubbed and pinched them lightly until they were stiff little nubs. Then I bent my head to them and started sucking and tonguing them as I started running my hand up and down the inside of her leg. I could hear her breathing speeding up and her moans increasing in volume.

And her nipples were responding. What had started out almost flat against her breast were now hard nubs that stuck out a good half of an inch. When I detected that she was getting close, I let my hand travel up her leg and across the gusset of her panties as I nipped at her nipple with my teeth.

“God!” she screamed.

She put one hand behind my head to hold it to her breast and used the other hand to press mine more firmly against her pussy. I could feel the moist heat against my fingers. I lifted my head from her breast and pressed my lips against hers, joining her tongue as we kissed.

“You did. You made me come and I still have my panties on,” she gasped. “If you can make me come while we’re fucking, I’ll be your sex slave forever.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Don’t you always come during sex?” I’d always made sure that my lovers had an orgasm during sex. I thought that was the right way to do it.

“Are you serious?” she asked. “I’m not going to say exactly how many guys in our class I’ve had sex with, but you are in the second half. Not one has even had a notion of where the clitoris is. If I’d had an orgasm during sex, I’d probably have kept dating the guy. At least once more! Hell, I almost took Chris up on her proposition instead of going with you. I just like having a cock in my pussy. I don’t know why, it’s always so disappointing.”

“If you’ll give me permission, I’d like to give you another orgasm right now,” I said. “I know it’s against your principles to show your pussy before the third date, but I’d really like to go down on you.”

“I don’t have a dick. How can you go down on me? I was going to offer to do you next.”

“Wait a minute, Roxie. You’ve had sex with—if I’m in the second half—at least fourteen guys. Hasn’t any of them gone down on you?”

“You mean you’d put your mouth down there?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“You can’t be serious. That’s like… Really?”

“Roxie, you are a sweet girl, even if a little promiscuous. I love your breasts and I’m happy to just play with them and suck them and bite your nipples until you come again. But I’d really like to give you something more,” I said. “I want to lick your little clitty until you have a crashing orgasm.”

She started nearly hyperventilating and for a minute I thought I might not need to go down on her to give her a crashing orgasm. I might be able to talk her into it.

“Yeah. Um… Okay. But… Like, I’m all turned on and am probably a swamp down there. It’s… You’ll get it… Like, in your mouth.”

“Roxie, you were going to offer me a blowjob, right? Do you let guys come in your mouth?”

“Well, yeah. That’s what happens when you give a blowjob.”

“Then why wouldn’t I want your come in my mouth?” I asked.

She didn’t ask any more questions. She hooked her thumbs in her waistband and pushed her panties off. A well-trimmed bush sprang into view. I kissed her again and used my hand to rub her tummy and sink lower into her curls. Then I dipped low enough to drag the liquid heat up from her hole to circle her clit once as she gasped. I didn’t want to get her off like that. I had a feeling she was on a bit of a hair trigger at the moment, so I pushed her back to lie on the seat. I quickly realized that I didn’t have as much flexibility to get to her with the steering wheel in my side.

“We need to change ends,” I said. “That way I can get down on the floor. Here you go, baby.” We shuffled around. “Now I can reach up and play with your beautiful breasts while I’m making your clitty very happy.”

I wedged myself down on the passenger side floor and parted her lips with my thumbs. Then I took a single sweep of her entire slit from her butthole all the way to her clit. She pulled in a breath that I didn’t think she’d release until I pinched her nipple. Then it exploded from her mouth.

“You’re doing it. You’re licking my crotch. Oh, my God!”

I really went to work then. I attacked her nipples with one hand as I thrust two fingers into her and curled them up in the way I’d found Kelly, Vicki, Chris, and Ronda all loved. While I was tickling the inside of her vagina, I started circling her clit with my tongue and then flattened it out and rubbed back and forth on it. Then I circled some more and went back to pressing and rubbing with the flat of my tongue. From about the time that I first started licking her clit, she started coming. She shook and shivered and gasped and screamed. Her legs clamped together on my head, only held from crushing me by my shoulder wedged between them.

And I kept licking and probing and pinching until she finally inhaled for a massive scream that never came out of her mouth. She passed out.

With her out, I took my time removing my fingers and my tongue, exploring more fully without trying to accomplish anything. She had rather meaty inner lips that I sucked clean of her juices. Her clit really stuck out, almost as far as her nipples. I really didn’t know how guys could have missed it. Were they really all that dense? I kissed my way up her body and she was roused from slumber about the time I reached her lips.

“I don’t taste that bad, do I?” she said as she licked her juices from my face. “Do you want to fuck me now? You can. You can do anything you want. I’d like to have your cock in my pussy. Put it in me, Nate. Let me feel you pumping in my pussy.”

“Oh, Roxie, you know I’d love to do that, but this is only our second date. I’ve already gone further than I usually do on a second date. I can’t go all the way. Next time. I promise, I’ll put out next time,” I said, doing my best to mimic what I felt a girl would be saying if I was asking to fuck her. Roxie got the message and gave me a playful shove.

“Then lie back and get your cock out so I can suck it,” she said. “What Chris said? Tit for tat? Let me suck you.”

Well, I couldn’t really resist that. I was hard as a rock and leaking enough to soak my underwear. I managed to get my trousers open and down so she had access and lay back to enjoy an absolutely exquisite blowjob. When I came, I filled her mouth so fast that I could feel my come running back down my balls.

“Oh, yeah. Roxie, that was incredible.”

She popped off and licked her lips, swallowing and working on getting my come out of her mouth and down her throat. I pulled her up to me and kissed her. She pulled back startled.

“You’d kiss me after you came in my mouth?” she asked in surprise.

“You kissed me after you came in my mouth,” I said. “I don’t taste all that bad.”

“You’re something else,” she breathed, and kissed me again, relaxing into a full tongue battle as she lay full length on me. I could feel her pubic hair rubbing against my cock. “You could still put your cock in me and fuck me if you want,” she said.

“Let’s save that for next time, okay?”

I patted her butt to get her to move off me and pulled my pants up. She took the hint and started pulling herself together, finding her panties and bra and managing to get them on. We switched places so I could drive and I started the car and the heater while she pulled on her skirt and blouse. Then she cuddled close to me and pulled my arm around her. The Galaxie was an automatic, so I didn’t need to keep shifting gears. She pulled my hand far enough around her that I could hold her breast as I drove back to her house. I noticed that we were the last car to leave the parking clearing. My watch said we were past our one o’clock curfew.

“When will we have the next time?” she asked. “Tomorrow?”

“I have so much work to get done for the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be crazy. How about this. Chris’s periods are really regular. You could almost set your watch by them. So, let’s say four weeks from tonight. We’ll have a really special night.”

“Four weeks? Oh, God! I don’t know if my pussy can wait that long. I understand, though. I’m not your girlfriend. I’m just a horny slut who craves you. I’ll wait. Maybe I can buy you from Chris. Are you for sale?”

“Nope. Off the market, I’m afraid.”

“Okay. But every time you see me in the next twenty-eight days, I’ll be thinking of fucking you. My head wants to rub another one off when I get home and my pussy is screaming don’t touch me! I’m still tingling.”

I walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight. My head wanted another come, too, and my cock was quite willing when I got to bed.


I was a little pissed off at my sisters. Not Kat. She listened to what I said and she got mad at them, too. Not to turn against them or anything, just mad about not helping me.

I’d read the brochures and information on how to file for Conscientious Objector classification with the Selective Service. Among other things, I needed letters of reference verifying that I was indeed a conscientious objector. I called Naomi first. She was doing well in her training.

“I need letters of reference from people who know me and can vouch for my upbringing,” I said. “We were raised in the same house, even though a few years different. I just need to have you say that we were raised to be nonviolent and that guns had never been allowed in our house. Heck, we weren’t even allowed to play Cowboys and Indians or to pretend we had a gun. You know all the rules and are closest to the same age. I can send you the address and details.”

“Nate, this is nothing personal. I can’t do it,” she answered.

“What? Why?”

“I’ve just received my commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force. I’ve been accepted for training to lead a maintenance unit. I’m in the United States military. How can I tell them about how we were raised to be anti-gun? That would reflect on me and possibly on my eligibility for promotion. There’s talk that the Women’s Air Force will be fully integrated into the Air Force in the next year or so. I might have the opportunity to become a pilot. I can’t do anything that would jeopardize that,” she said.

“Oh. Yeah. Why did you turn out that way? I mean, I know we had the same rules. Why did you join the Air Force?” I asked.

“I’m six years older than you and lived in the shadow of my older sister,” Naomi said. “Home wasn’t a happy place for me. The most important thing for me was to leave. I tried to go to college, but I couldn’t afford it. I had to do something and joining the air force gave me a path. It took me four years of exemplary service and learning to be accepted in the officer training school and there are only a dozen women in the country who have succeeded. I guess… Maybe Mom and Dad have mellowed in the past few years, but I hated the way we were raised. I just can’t support your claim.”

“Yeah. Well, thanks anyway. I’m sorry I bothered you with trivial stuff. Good luck in your training. It will be neat to have a woman minister as a mother and a woman pilot as a sister. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Nate, wait. I really didn’t wish you much of a happy birthday for your eighteenth. And I love the photos you’ve sent me. That picture of Kat on the hobby horse is adorable. If you can do it, when the time comes, I’d like you to come to photograph me getting promoted. That would mean a lot to me,” she said.

“Sure, Naomi. I’d like to do that. I don’t think taking a picture of a military officer conflicts with my status as a conscientious objector. I’ll talk to you soon.”


I called Deborah with little hope and that was a good thing.

“Nate, John has just been promoted to Staff Sergeant. With the promotion came word that he’s being sent to the Overseas Replacement Station in Oakland in two weeks. Do you know what that means, Nate? He’s going to Vietnam. I can’t write letters that could reflect poorly on him or possibly put him in danger,” she said.

“Would they really take your actions out on him?”

“It’s a far more brutal world than we were raised in,” she said. “I don’t know what they’d do. He avoided shipping out for three years by enlisting for four, but they need NCOs for replacement as well as privates. If I did something and it put him in danger, I couldn’t live with myself.”

“I understand, Deb. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him. How’s my little namesake, Cameron?”

“You wouldn’t believe how fast she’s growing. When John ships out, I’m going to take a little break and come up for a visit. I guess I might have to sleep in the living room, but I need to see my family.”

“We want to see you, too. I’ll take some new pictures of Cameron to send to him. And if you need a place to stay, I’ll bunk in the studio for a few days and you can have my room,” I said.

“Thank you, Nate. I hope you’ve been celebrating your eighteenth birthday all month.”

“I’ve had some good times. Can’t wait to show you my studio and my most recent photos. I’m actually getting paid to do senior portraits for the yearbook this year,” I bragged.

“That’s great! I’ll see you in a few weeks.”


I sat, just staring at the phone for a while. I really counted on my sisters to support my claim that I was brought up to be nonviolent and anti-gun. I was going to need a backup plan. I had time to work on it. I thought one of the best things I could do, though, would be to make regular trips north into Canada and always use the same border crossing. My intent was to get the border guards to know me and not even hesitate to wave me through after I got my draft notice. I would start building my escape kit now. I was still a year away from being draftable, but if I wasn’t in school for some reason, I had no intention of serving in the military in any capacity.

I told Mom and Dad about my sisters’ reluctance to write a letter of referral.

“Dad, will you write a referral? Have I misunderstood everything I think I’ve learned in eighteen years?” I asked.

“How serious are you?” he asked. I liked that he didn’t just shuffle it off or say ‘sure.’ “What will happen if you are drafted?”

“It’s about four hundred fifty miles from here to Windsor, and as far as I can tell, that’s the closest border crossing I can get to. I’m going to start shopping for a van that I can cart my photography stuff in anyway, so I’ll have transportation. If I need to, I can drive the distance in a day,” I said.

“I’ll write a letter!” Kat cried. “I’ll tell them I don’t want my brother to move to Canada where I’ll never see him!”

Dad looked at Mom and both their brows were creased. They nodded.

“We’ll write a letter that details our homelife and principles in raising our children,” Dad said. “Kat, there are probably some things we shouldn’t say in our letters, but I’ll help you with yours so we’re sure it doesn’t hurt instead of help if you really want to write one.”

“I do!” she said, hugging me. “I don’t want Nate to get drafted like Tony did. Patricia looks so sad all the time now. I’d be sad, too.”

I admit, I had to wipe my eyes.


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