Shutter Speed

Birthday Present


MR. GROSSMAN, the photography superintendent at the Hunter County Fair, and a mentor of mine, called Monday evening and said he’d received the State Fair entries and prizes. He congratulated me on my win and asked if he could come to see the progress in my studio Saturday. Of course, I said yes.

It always seemed Christine got hit hard with cramps on the first day of her period and then got better rapidly. By the time Friday’s home football game came along and the dance afterward, she was feeling great and was on my arm at the dance. We had a great time, even though we didn’t always dance together. I still danced with a lot of girls, but most were a little more reserved about wanting to go out with me since Chris was right there. I still got a couple interesting requests from juniors who were friends of Vicki’s. I wasn’t sure what they had in mind.

At the end of the dance, I expected Ronda to join Chris and me, but I glanced over and saw she was dancing with Anna. The two of them left together before Chris and I got to the door. Football dances all ended by ten, since the games were played right after school and people barely grabbed a bite to eat before the dance. So, Chris invited me in to get a bit of food and watch TV before I went home. Her parents and siblings were out at a big card party in the country someplace. Chris led me straight to her bedroom and asked me if I saw anything I’d like to eat.

It was the first time I’d been in her bedroom, but I didn’t even look around. I just said, “You,” and began kissing her. She giggled and flopped back on her bed, lifting her skirt.

“Please, dig in,” she said.

Maybe it was a bit abrupt, but I didn’t even pull her panties down. I just pulled the gusset aside and started licking my favorite pussy in all the world.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she moaned as I drove her up the ramp to ecstasy. “You make me feel so good!”

She hit a peak and unzipped my pants. She grabbed the condom she knew I had in my pocket and rolled it onto my cock. Then she lay back at the edge of the bed again and spread her legs. I stepped between them and thrust into her welcoming pussy. We fucked hard for a few minutes and both hit the climax a few seconds apart. I loved feeling my cock gripped by her pussy when she came. I fell forward and began kissing her with my cock still buried.

After a minute, she pushed me away, stripped me of the condom and wrapped it in a tissue, sucked me once into her mouth and tucked me back in my trousers. She pulled her panties straight and took my hand to lead me to the kitchen. Our clothed fuck had taken less than fifteen minutes. She was happily making me a sandwich in the kitchen when her parents arrived home with her brother and sister. They greeted us, told us to be quiet because they were going to bed and that I should leave by one. Chris and I went into the living room and pretended to watch TV while we made out for two hours. That session yielded a couple more orgasms, though we didn’t actually fuck. She did swallow my cock while I was pumping semen right down her throat.


I had the laundry and ironing done Saturday in plenty of time to be in the studio by two to meet Mr. Grossman. He brought all four photos and I hung them in the gallery while he looked at all the new work. There were close to fifty pictures hanging now. I was pretty proud of the exhibit.

“Some pretty great work here, Nate. I’m not sure what other kind of advice I can give you. This is the new darkroom?” he asked.

“Yes. Um… you know I have some patrons in Chicago who have provided me with better equipment. This is the setup they sent me early this summer and is the whole reason for having the new darkroom.”

He was very appreciative of the quality of equipment.

“This is certainly going to give you a sharpness and clarity to your photos that you couldn’t get with your old equipment. You haven’t thrown it out, have you?”

“No. I did some experimenting with a few photos like the streetlamp photo and I really didn’t like the image from the new equipment as well as the one from the old. The old equipment had a dreamier effect,” I said.

“Good eye. Your old equipment had a slightly softer focus than this new setup. That was partly a result of both the age of the equipment and the lenses. It’s also the diffusion lamphouse. That suppresses dust spots because the light is coming through the negative in multiple directions. The condenser lamphouse in the new enlarger has a dual lens system that brings the light into parallel beams and you have to be especially careful to keep dust away from it. It projects dust spots in stark contrast. The down trade of the older variable focus is a slight loss of contrast. The biggest benefit in the new condenser enlarger is your ability to print much larger images, as you did with the image that won the Governor’s Award.”

“That’s a good point. It explains what I was seeing but couldn’t quite express. The old setup is still upstairs and I find myself running up to print a photo after I’ve printed it here, just to see the difference,” I said.

“Speaking of the governor’s award, I have some checks for you. First, here is the award for Best of Class in black and white portraiture from the Hunter County Fair. $25 for the picture of the little girl on the rocking horse.”

“My little sister. I refinished the horse and gave it to her for her birthday. She spends nearly all her reading and study time on it.”

“You might want to continue to take periodic pictures of her, simply because it is amazing how a child grows at this age,” he said.

I quickly grabbed the picture of her on the giant mushroom to show him, but my head flashed to photos of Sandra’s pussy, breasts, and butt.

“Very good. Now the Best in Class for black and white photography at the State Fair is still worth $300. I told you that picture under the streetlamp is a treasure. A real work of art.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Did you title the big picture? I noticed you signed it.”

“The signature was a requirement from the model. There were a lot of possible titles, but we thought the contrast of meaning with the photo made ‘Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll’ a perfect title. It’s not all just fun and games.”

“Very perceptive. The Governor’s Award, in addition to the certificate and ribbons, is $800. Congratulations, Nate. I’d say this year’s competition was very profitable for you.”

“Wow! That’s amazing. I can’t believe I won that award. I was so worried when I didn’t see the picture in the photography display. I thought they’d decided not to display it. Then Anna spotted it in the special display area. Um… There were three other items displayed in that exhibit. I’m afraid I was so caught up in my own that I didn’t notice what they were awarded.”

“The quilt, which was a memorial to fallen soldiers, was given the people’s choice award. The first weekend of the fair is the biggest and during that weekend visitors vote for what they consider the best. Then it is given an equal award check. Just think, if you had won both prizes, it would have been $1,600.”

“I don’t think my picture was that popular with the visitors.”

“Perhaps not. The other two—the painting and the pottery—were runners up in the two categories. They received somewhat smaller awards.”

“I’m glad there are more artists recognized than just one,” I said. “This is truly amazing. I need to call Amy to let her know her portrait won.”

“I hope she is very proud of what she accomplished. The picture shows a particularly tortured young woman.”

“Looking back on it, I’d have to say torture was a good word for the process. I had to break her down until she cried. It was painful for both of us, as well as for my assistant,” I said.

“I can imagine. Be careful of that. You get a wonderful photo, but you could damage the model.”


After Mr. Grossman left, I went home to call Amy. I found her particularly chatty.

“Oh, Nate! Can I come model again? I promise not to be a bitch and to do whatever you say. I feel so different. Thank you,” she said.

“That’s wonderful, Amy. I’d love to have you come to model again. Let’s put some ideas together for the kind of shots we’d like in the next series.”

“Yes! I have to get ready for a date tonight. Me! On a date! I started college at Lake Forest College and there was a guy there that I liked because he’s a little quirky and funny and smart, so I just went up to him and asked him to take me out! I don’t care if he’s rich or poor or what high school he went to. I just liked him!” she said.

It was good to hear her so excited. I hoped she was spending some time laughing.

“Say, the reason I called is because I exhibited your photograph both at the Hunter County Fair and at the Illinois State Fair. It got a blue ribbon at the county fair. At the State Fair, it received the Governor’s Award for Best of Show. That’s the best of all the arts and crafts exhibited at the fair. You won $800!”

“Uh… Nate, it’s wonderful that we won such a prestigious award, but I didn’t win $800. You did. I didn’t go to the fair this year, but I know that prize is awarded to the artist, not the model. I hope you will use the money to further your art. Please continue to show the photo wherever you see an opportunity. I’m very proud of it and it is hanging in my room at Forest Park. Congratulations! I really need to go now. Date, you know? Let’s set a time over Thanksgiving if you’re available. I might not be free for a weekend before then. See you, bye!”

I managed a “Goodbye” before the line went dead. Wow! I had considered the money to be Amy’s because I was exhibiting on her behalf, but she made it clear that it was mine. I was now sitting with $1,125 in my hands. I sat in my room that night with the Camera Warehouse catalogue open, looking at all the possibilities. I needed to call Levi Monday.


My models from school all wanted to meet after school on Wednesday for my birthday. I was eighteen years old. I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or not. I was supposed to be an adult now, but that also meant I had to register with the Selective Service. I was irrationally angry about that. I thought perhaps that had I been at this age in 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, I might feel differently about entering the army or even registering for the draft. That was a direct response to an attack on our country. I simply couldn’t find any good reason that we should be involved in Vietnam and it made me mad to think that guys were being drafted to go there and die for nothing. It certainly wasn’t in defense of America.

Well, I agreed to meet at the studio after school and was surprised when all of the models and girlfriends filed in and immediately stripped off their clothes. Chris had brought a birthday cake and a couple girls had brought six-packs of Coke. I blew out the candles on the cake and it took two puffs because every time I inhaled, a naked girl would either tickle me or accidentally rub a nipple across my lips. I was rather surprised at one or two of those nipples. They did not belong to a girlfriend.

Before long, we were all laughing so hard that I had an opening and managed to get the candles out in two breaths. That’s when I turned and saw Anna standing beside me in a lacy bra and panties that were both pretty much see-through. I caught my breath and when I finally started breathing again, I could have blown all the candles out twice with the amount I exhaled.

As we hung around and ate cake, someone brought out the portable record player I’d used in Amy’s photo and started playing the stack of 45s. They were all from the ’50s. I cautioned them not to get too loud. The market downstairs was still open and I didn’t want anyone coming up to investigate.

There was a lot of play as girls danced and pretended to pose for pictures, some of which I actually wanted to take. Pris, especially, was soliciting suggestions for her photo session coming up in a week. I thought it was definitely going to be an interesting session.

Then Chris worked on me until she got my shirt off, then we started dancing. We pretty much ignored the music and just moved around a little, rubbing our bare chests together. But Chris yielded after a song to Ronda, who also made sure I was completely aware of her bare breasts pressed against and sliding across my chest. That wasn’t the end of it. Patricia was next and she was followed by every one of my naked models. I’d had seven pairs of seventeen-year-old breasts sliding across my bare chest.

I was hard as a rock when Anna stepped into my arms. She wasn’t naked, but holding her in my arms in just her underwear was an experience I would remember for a long time… at least until I got off tonight. I thought she was going to jump back when she felt my erection beneath my slacks. Her breath caught and she started to pull away, then smashed herself up closer to me and I felt a few subtle shifts in her pelvis as she rubbed her pussy against my cock. At the end of the song, she lifted her lips and gave me a searing kiss, unlike any we’d had before.

“It just makes a girl want to do more. I think I’ll go home now and do a little more,” she whispered.

My God! Anna had just told me she was going home to masturbate. At least that’s how I took it. As she stepped back, she reached up and adjusted her boobs in her bra. I sank back in my chair. The girls started getting dressed, but one by one, they stepped up to me and had me kiss a nipple for luck. Even Anna brushed her lace covered nipple against my lips. I couldn’t help myself and bit down on it with my lips. She gasped and ran to get her shirt on. Everyone was dressed and left except Chris. She was still naked and locked the door behind the last girl.

“I know we don’t mix sex and photography, but my boyfriend has just been teased to bursting. As your girlfriend, I feel responsible for your condition. So just sit down and let me do my thing.”

Her thing was to open my pants and suck my cock until I came like a tidal wave in her mouth. She had a little trouble getting it all and had to scoop a little off the corner of her mouth and suck her finger. I couldn’t leave her like that and pulled her into my arms to kiss and diddle until she’d had a nice orgasm, too.

“I love you, Chris,” I said.

“I love you, Nate. That was just a little birthday present from all the girls. And next week, we’re going to have a blast photographing Pris.”


“Yes. She’s going to need a little help with costumes and poses. We’re all working on what will be in her set. It will be fun!”

“I have no doubt that it will be,” I said.

“Now, walk me home and then go home for your birthday dinner with your family.”

We dressed first.


Ronda was the only one of our group who went to the Huntertown football game Friday. Saturday, after I’d done laundry and ironing, I went to the studio and worked in the darkroom while Chris, Pris, Debbie, and Patricia worked in the studio to get the needed props and backdrops in place. This time I was just going to adjust lights and trigger the shutter. The girls had decided an entire theme for Pris’s birthday album. It was nice that they were working so well together and I was especially happy that Patricia was involved in getting things together. She needed to stay active.

Anna came to the studio, as well, but I had specific work for her. I’d brought a package home from the post office and restrained myself from opening it until we got here.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“I told you I won a lot of money with the photos at the State Fair. I decided to reinvest it in the business. Since I got the new enlarger, I’ve noticed some anomalies in my pictures from school. I decided I needed a better 35mm camera. My Hasselblad is a superior camera for studio work, but it’s a little awkward to haul around on my shoulder all the time. So, I asked Levi what the best camera was that I could get for the money and this is what he sent me.”

I opened the box and pulled out a compact case in which I could carry a camera, two lenses, and several rolls of film, as well as a strobe flash. Nice case. Next was the box with a new Nikon F 35mm SLR. As soon as I had it out of the box, I fell in love with it. It weighed a ton. The kit lens was a 50mm f/1.4 lens that was going to get a big workout around school. I’d also ordered a 105mm f/2.5 lens. Levi suggested this lens was what professionals were using for sporting events and I couldn’t wait to try it out at the homecoming game in two weeks.

I included an F-36 motor drive that could shoot three and a half frames a second when I was doing sports photography. The whole thing had set me back nearly $500, and that was with a steep discount that Levi gave me when he found out what I needed. Anna went to work taking down the serial numbers of every piece of equipment with the pricing and invoice Levi had sent.

Then she wanted to know how soon we’d start using the new kit at school. The answer was ‘Tuesday.’


On Monday, the time I dreaded came. I cut school and drove Mom to her hair appointment. Then I found the Selective Service office at the courthouse and went in to register.

“I just turned eighteen and I need to register. I’d like to register as a conscientious objector,” I told the woman at the front desk.

“I see,” she said. “You don’t have full information. Your first step is to register for selective service. That is the simple process you will complete today. Simply fill out this form and let me see your ID. A birth certificate is preferred, but we can use your driver’s license.”

“What about my status?”

“You need to apply for the status you wish to have. The automatic status that will be supplied is 1-S-H, indicating you are a student in high school. If you are college bound, you need to inform the board of your new address and request deferment. You will be assigned 1-S-C at that time, the classification for a college student. You may keep that classification for up to four years or until you graduate, whichever comes first. Now, should you apply for your classification as a conscientious objector, and the board agrees, you would be reclassified as 1-A-O, meaning that you could be drafted for non-combat service. There are other classifications of conscientious objectors that require non-military service. Please note that this classification trumps your role as a student and you could be drafted for alternate service while still in school.”

“Wow! You seem to have that all memorized. Is it a common request?”

“We have enough draft dodgers who come in that we need to rattle off the most concise statement possible or we would be here all day. Everyone thinks he’s a conscientious objector, but very few actually follow through with an application and fewer yet are approved. Being opposed to the war in Vietnam is not an adequate excuse,” she said.

I didn’t like what I was hearing, but there was another person in line behind me and like all government crap, standing and arguing with a receptionist would get me nowhere. I filled out the form and returned it, then was shooed out of the office. There were various brochures for all branches of the military and one on how to maintain a student deferment. Another was labeled simply, ‘Avoiding the Draft’ and another that showed prison bars and was titled ‘Draft Resisters Will Be Prosecuted.’ I took it and left the office. Apparently, I had to write to the Board and explain my situation and request. Then I had to appear before them with references verifying my position and justifying my stand. The Board would then determine if a change of status would be granted.

I contemplated the whole thing about just keeping a student deferment, but I was committed to showing I was willing to serve in alternate service, even if it meant taking a break from college. I’d definitely follow the guidelines in the brochure and make my application.

It didn’t take as long as I expected and I picked up Mom after her appointment. We went to lunch together and I told her about what I had to go through to become a conscientious objector. There was only another hour and a half of school left in the day and I decided to spend it in the studio, setting up my new camera outfit and maybe shooting a roll of film as a test.


When I got to the studio, I found Patricia sitting on the steps waiting for me. She had school books with her and was reading, but bounced up as soon as I got there and followed me in.

“I cut for the afternoon. I’m so glad you showed up when you did. Can I just sit in here and study with you?”

“Of course you can. I need to get a tea kettle over here so we can make hot drinks and be comfy this winter.”

“Do you have a blanket?” she asked. I turned to find her moving the fainting couch over toward the center of the room. She was already naked and I paused for a minute just to appreciate the shape of her butt as she bent over the couch.

“Oh, yes.” I ran upstairs and came back with the blanket I kept for making love to Chris and Ronda. Patricia took it and wrapped it around herself, taking a moment with her arms outstretched to straighten the blanket behind her. It was almost a pose designed to show off her perfect body against the backdrop of the blanket. Then she pulled it around her shoulders and settled on the couch. She grabbed her US Government book and started reading. I had thought I would set up a still life to test the new camera with, but with Patricia right there, I just loaded film and started taking pictures.

There was something incredibly sweet about her being just a typical teen girl, studying her lessons. Something I should probably be doing, but I was busy. The new lenses were incredibly fast, meaning I had to add neutral density filters to reduce the light getting to the film so that I could control the depth of field. Patricia was completely relaxed about ignoring me as I changed settings and moved in and out. The 105mm lens would focus for incredible closeups at just three and a half feet distance. I could get even closer to the subject with the 50mm lens, but the image didn’t fill as much of the frame. With the 105, I could focus on just Patricia’s face, and not even all of that.

As I worked my way around her, I noticed a subtle shift. The blanket had ‘accidentally’ fallen away just enough to expose her left breast. It was a beautiful shot and I quickly placed a high contrast filter over the lens to take the picture again, opening the lens up for the tightest depth of field I could get.

That was the end of my test roll and I went about processing the film while Patricia continued to study, with the blanket pulled up around her again. I liked the responsiveness of the new Nikon. It was ruggedly built, so I wouldn’t feel bad about carting it around under my arm or having it bounce against my hip. The controls on the lens were easy to change, and I never had to stop to wind the film. Even when I was shooting a single shot, the film automatically advanced to the next frame. I needed to get used to the noise of the drive, but I expected to use it most in noisy environments like basketball games.

Struck by an idea, I quickly loaded the Hasselblad and moved in to take more pictures of Patricia. She smiled at me and just pulled the blanket down when I was set up again. It would be interesting to find out how the two cameras compared with the same subject. Besides, taking pictures of Patricia’s tits was becoming a favorite pastime.


After school Tuesday, the whole crew showed up to ‘get Pris ready.’ Patricia, Judy, and Janice were focused on getting costumes sorted for her—even though most of them would be falling off her in the shoot. Chris was directing Ronda, Debbie, and Anna regarding what props to get from the attic, as she checked them against her list. I set up the camera and Chris helped me put up a backdrop with a striking red spatter in the background. The girls even had which background would be needed for each scene.

When we were all set, Pris entered the scene. She was wearing a loose floor-length dress with a very loose bodice. As she got in position, I realized it was loose because it wasn’t fastened in back at all. With her was a mannequin. It wore a shirt that was open down the front. He had an eyepatch and a pirate’s hat. The stuffed parrot was perched on a stand behind her and a chest that could have been a treasure chest was in front of her. They’d positioned everything so that she could sit on a stool that was completely hidden by her dress. It looked like the mannequin was holding her up and the other hand was reaching for her breast.

Anna paraded across the set with her trusty chalkboard and announced, “The Heartless Pirate. Scene One, Roll One.” I took the first photo of the name of the roll.

That was when I became aware of something very odd about all the girls in the room. They were all dressed. Except Pris, who, now that she was in position, let go of the top of her dress so it fell away from her breasts. Now it truly looked like she was about to be raped by the pirate mannequin.

I lined up the Hasselblad with the 100mm Planar lens so I could fully compose the scene the way the girls had envisioned it. I would be cropping all of the images to a portrait in a 4x7 aspect ratio, the same as a typical romance paperback. When I enlarged the prints for her, she wanted to keep the same proportions but in as large as I could print it, which would be 10x17. She intended to turn each picture into a poster size picture of a paperback cover. She was definitely going to have fun with this. For all I knew, the whole group would be working on the book covers.

She did pull her dress up so there was one photo that had her breasts covered, but the rest became progressively less clothed. She kept moving the mannequin’s hands—which only bent at the shoulder—into positions that were increasingly lewd. Her facial expressions changed to suit until her dress was draped behind her, the mannequin had a hand between her legs, and her head was thrown back in ecstasy.

First scene finished. I changed out the film and the girls went to work on changing the scenery and Pris’s costume. I was directed to change backdrops and went to the blue sparkling horizon backdrop.

“I notice none of you are running around naked today,” I whispered to Chris.

“Today is Pris’s day to show off her eighteen-year-old body and no one wants her to have any competition for your attention,” Chris giggled. “So, we’ll just make sure she’s in every suggestive position we can get her in, so you have plenty of fantasy fuel.”

“I don’t need fantasy fuel. I have you, lover.”

We kissed and she quickly pulled away from me.

“You do have me, but you should make sure Pris has all your attention today. This is really a big deal for her. She might want to think about you fantasizing over her as you develop her pictures.”

I nodded. I guess it made sense in a way. Chris was functioning as the artistic director on this shoot and I was following her instructions.

Anna paraded across the set with her chalkboard again and I got the picture of the next announcement. “Must Stop Dating Dummies. Scene Two. Roll Two.”

The mannequin was set turned away from the chair where Pris seated herself. They’d dressed it in a suit and tie with a slouch hat on his head. One hand was extended back and Pris clutched it as if begging him not to go. As the scene progressed, the poses became more provocative until she was once again stretched out naked on the chair looking ravished and deserted.

I changed out to the third roll of film and was directed to set up drapery for the boudoir. We were going to shoot two bed scenes, so I’d need to change the decoration of the bed and the drapery between sets. The first one included the mannequin lying naked in bed. Pris was dressed in a rather flimsy nightie that did little to hide her charms—as if she wanted them hidden. She’d been running to me after each scene, still completely naked, to ask me if I liked the scene and if she looked okay. I made a point of looking her over carefully before I said she looked good, or ravishing, or ravished, or whatever.

“He Never Felt a Thing. Scene Three, Roll Three,” Anna announced.

Pris looked quite frightful as she raised a knife over the mannequin for her mystery thriller. The scenes, again, got progressively more risqué as Pris’s clothes came undone, then pulled aside, and then dropped entirely. Her poses included one where she was plunging the knife between the mannequin’s legs, and one where she was riding its center as if he were fully equipped, and slitting his throat. The girls had even arranged to have red ribbons attached to the location of each wound to look like blood flowing from it.

All right. So, it looked like red ribbons attached to the point of her knife. What’s mannequin blood supposed to look like?

She came to me to ask if the scene was good and if she looked okay. I took hold of her shoulders and turned her around to face away from me, then stroked her bottom.

“I didn’t realize what a nice ass you have until that last scene. That was a great view.” She gasped as I gave her butt a squeeze and then patted it to send her on her way.

We quickly got busy to change to the next boudoir scene with more streamers of fabric hung from above and the bed changed to face the other direction with different bedding.

“A Stiff in My Bed. Scene Four, Roll Four,” Anna announced with her chalkboard held for me to take the picture.

This time the positions were changed and Pris lay in the bed as the mannequin approached her in different positions. The first was a rather tricky one because the mannequin had his back to me in the foreground of the photo, looking like he was approaching the bed from my viewpoint. As the scene progressed, it included everything, including Pris with her legs spread and the mannequin between them as if he were pumping her full.

We ended the scene and Pris upped the game a little.

“I was lying on my back, Nate. Do my breasts flatten out too much? Are they firm enough?”

“Oh, Pris, I was a little concerned at one point. It wasn’t so much the firmness of your breasts,” I said as I hefted each one and then stroked across the nipples with my thumbs. “What concerned me was whether your nipples were stiff enough. There are all kinds of ways you can make sure for the next scene. We could get some ice for you to rub on them to make sure they are stiff. Or you could come to me just before the scene and I could suck them up stiff.”

I pinched her nipples lightly and she nearly swooned before running off to get ready for the next scene.


We managed a total of eight scenes between three o’clock and seven o’clock. We’d all prepared for a long afternoon and to miss dinner with our families. When we were finished, the girls all promised to come back later in the week to clean the studio and make sure everything was back in its proper place. We all went to Debbie’s house for a little party as Pris thanked all the models and ‘staff’ for their help in making her birthday treat become real.

She spent most of the party perched on my lap, encouraging me to hold, squeeze, and pet her. Since it was her birthday, I indulged her and managed to keep her butt in my hands and occasionally feel up her breasts, which she had conveniently left unprotected by a bra. Debbie had a basement family room where the nine of us were all undisturbed as we ate the meal she’d prepared in advance and had cake.

While I did get a hand on the inside of Pris’s thigh, I stopped just short of her pussy when I ran it up and down, causing her to squirm rather delightfully in my lap. She seemed to really be enjoying my attention and gasped a few times when I pinched a nipple or tickled the inside of her thigh just below her pussy.

We all managed to get home before our ten o’clock school night curfews.


Chris teased me all week with how much I’d like to fuck Pris and whether her breasts were firm enough and her nipples were stiff. But Friday night, she drove us to the away football game and found a place for us to park and fuck afterward.

“I don’t want you to be so horny tomorrow night with Vicki that you can’t enjoy The 5th Dimension with her before you plow her,” Chris giggled.

“Honey, you know I really don’t need to go out with Vicki. And even going to see the concert tomorrow night doesn’t mean I need to fuck her. I’d be quite happy to just bring her home and say goodnight.”

“Don’t you dare. As far as I know, Vicki has the only asshole willing and excited to fuck you. The very thought of what you will be doing with her makes my bottom flutter!” she said as I slid smoothly into her pussy and felt even those muscles there fluttering around my dick. “Really, Nate. Call us perverts, but Ronda and I are going out tomorrow night and we already know that we are going to be licking each other’s clit until we come. But the whole time, we’ll be fingering and tickling each other’s bottom hole, just thinking about you fucking Vicki’s. If you don’t fuck her, we might have to return our orgasms to wherever they come from. I’m not even sure the powers that be take returns.”

In a way what she said made perverted sense, but I was pumping in and out of my girlfriend’s hot little pussy the whole time she was painting pictures in my head of her and Ronda locked in a sixty-nine licking each other as they played with their assholes. The idea of fucking Vicki’s ass didn’t even surface as I made love to my sweetheart.


The concert Saturday night was great. They sang all the songs on their new album, including “Up, Up, and Away,” “Poor Side of Town,” and “Go Where You Wanna Go.” I just knew this group was going to be big.

And Vicki was like a cat sitting next to me. She draped herself over me like she didn’t have a bone in her body and wanted me to keep petting her. I spent a good share of the last set with my hand under her skirt, just lightly stroking her pussy. She never quite came during the concert, but when I pushed a finger into her in the car in the parking lot, she had her first come of the night.

We parked out at the golf course development project which hadn’t progressed all summer and got in the back seat. She got my cock out of my pants as quickly as she could and sucked on me until I was straining to keep from coming. It was a good thing Chris had drained me the night before.

Vicki got on her hands and knees and pulled her skirt up above her butt, begging me to fuck her. I refused.

“I want you on your back,” I said. “I want to fuck you while I kiss you and suck on your little titties.”

“Yeah!” she panted. “But, no! You can’t fuck me there. I don’t want to make babies.”

“Don’t worry. I think I can reach the other hole just fine from this direction. Now where’s that oil?”

I got my cock slicked up and spread both Vicki’s pussy lubrication and oil up her butt crack until I could easily push my finger into her anus. Vicki got her blouse open so I had easy access to her tits. Then I pushed her legs back so her butt rolled up a little, slotted my cock against her asshole and pushed.

“Oh, God, yes,” I breathed as I sank into her bottom.

“Yes! You’re in me again. No one has been in there since you were, but I’ve kept myself ready to stretch with a carrot. You feel so much better than a stupid vegetable.”

I considered that to be a great compliment. I was better than a vegetable! Oh well. I was just enjoying having my cock punching in and out of her butt while I sucked on her luscious little nips. I did have a fleeting moment when I was mentally comparing the size and shape of Vicki’s breasts to Sandra’s. They were, thankfully, a little bigger. I thought perhaps they were a little bigger than the last time I fucked her in June, too. But when I scraped her nipples with my teeth, she started coming and her butt just pounded up against me as I sank as deeply as I could inside her. And then I was spraying up there. Oh, yes.

Honestly, I couldn’t imagine putting my cock in Chris’s butt or Ronda’s. I knew they were very sensitive around their holes and thought playing around the edge with my cock and pressing against it just far enough to spray come in them would be great. I didn’t think they’d ever want me to go further than that, though. Sliding my full length in and out of Vicki was a one-of-a-kind experience. And while I fucked her, I had images in my mind of Chris and Ronda licking each other and playing with their assholes while they thought of me in Vicki.

That kept me hard. While I kissed Vicki and she panted hard to come down from her orgasm, I kept plowing her butt. And I got my hand between us far enough that I could rub her clit with my thumb. When Vicki mounted to her peak again, I was right with her and shot a second load into her slippery ass.

I had no real feelings for Vicki. I mean, I liked her. She was cute and cuddly and willing. But I didn’t love her. If I never fucked her again, I wouldn’t be heartbroken. But if my girlfriends didn’t mind loaning me to her for a little mutual relief on occasion, I certainly wouldn’t object to sliding my cock into her again.

Vicki had a wad of tissues ready before my softening dick was expelled from her rectum and managed to stuff her crack full of them to catch the drips. I wiped my cock off and then just cuddled the little imp while I kissed her and played with her boobs some more. Eventually, I got my hand between her legs again and used my fingers to pump in and out of her unused pussy as I managed to rub her clit to a knockout orgasm. She was out so completely that I left her asleep in the back seat while I drove her home.

When I got her there, I parked just at the start of her driveway, out of sight of the house, and got in the back seat to wake her up and help her get dressed again. She pulled a pair of panties out of her purse and put them on over the glob of tissue still soaking up leaking sperm. Once she was back together, we got in the front seat and drove the rest of the way up to her house. I walked her to the door and thanked her for a wonderful night. She just clung to me for a minute, still trying to mold her body exactly to mine. I kissed her sincerely and she went inside.

I pulled around to the studio to remove the blanket from the car and to make sure the car was cleaned up and no remaining evidence was lying around. Then I went home.


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