Shutter Speed

Sex God


“NATE! CAN YOU TAKE my picture this afternoon?” Patricia asked excitedly as soon as I arrived at school. It was such a relief not to have to be there at six o’clock to take pictures.

“Sure, Patricia. What’s the occasion? What’s got you so excited?”

“Tony finishes boot camp this week and he has a week of leave time before he reports for duty. We’re meeting in Chicago and spending a week in a hotel screwing our eyes out until he has to report to Oakland on the thirtieth. I want new pictures to give to him.”

“Then let’s do it. We’ll go to work as soon as school is out and get him some great shots.” We walked into school and got to our first period US Government class with Mr. Turner. Chris slid into the seat on the other side of me.

“Did you have fun Saturday night?” she giggled.

I might have rolled my eyes. But then I grinned and nodded.

“Unbelievable. I promise to tell you all about it. In bed.”

“Oh, I’m going to like this story. I hope it can wait until I’m off the rag,” Chris said, just before the bell rang and Mr. Turner started the day’s roll call and lecture.

The three of us got through both US Government and English Lit together, then Chris and I walked on to Statistics with Mr. Jacobs. Judy was happy to slide in next to me in that class. She looked at me a little strangely, but class started and I had to get to the other end of the building for my fourth period art class. Judy latched onto Chris as they walked to whatever class they were taking next. It seemed I was getting a few strange looks from girls and I automatically checked to make sure my fly was closed.

I really enjoyed the experimental nature of the art class. This week we were working with colored pencils, just to get a feel for using color. We weren’t required to draw anything realistic. In fact, we were encouraged to create patterns and see what colors went well together and what didn’t. It was very informative. The class was over all too soon and I headed down to lunch. I know people were talking at the table before I arrived, but they were suddenly quiet when I sat down. I looked around at everyone who was suddenly busy with their food. Chris and Ronda were sitting next to me and both sputtered in laughter.

“What’s going on? Am I suddenly the brunt of some practical joke? Do I have a ‘Kick me’ sign on my back?” I asked my girlfriends.

“Oh, no,” Chris laughed. “The sign says ‘Sex God.’”

“What?” I started reaching around behind me to get the sign off my back, trying to figure out who had put it there.

“There isn’t really a sign,” Ronda said. “There just might as well be one.”

“The way I hear it, half the girls in school want you to fuck them and the other half want you to teach their boyfriends how,” Pris said. “I was feeling pretty high after my party and now I’m feeling cheated.”

“I was wondering if you’d get Roxie to help so you could teach me your techniques. I mean, I’d only use her for practice, you know,” Andy said. Karen slugged him in the arm, harder than usual.

“I’ll teach you myself,” she hissed. “You keep your hands off that… that… sex pot.”

“I don’t get what’s going on,” I said.

“Don’t worry. We’ll tell you all about it after school,” Ronda said. “We might need to go someplace, you know, private.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Damn! I can’t after school. I promised I’d take new photos of Patricia. Tony’s going to be on leave next week and they’re meeting for a week of m… um… bliss.” I wasn’t really sure how many people knew Tony and Patricia were married. I was pretty sure the school would frown on her continued attendance as a married woman. But it did turn the conversation and soon everyone was talking about how they hoped it lifted Patricia’s spirits.

Anna joined Patricia and me on the walk toward the studio for a block.

“Wow! We got six new requests for Attic Allure photos today,” Anna said. “The girls you shot on Saturday must have really been talking.”

“Roxie sure was,” Patricia said.

“Yes, but you can’t believe anything Roxie said. We know the rules.”

“Roxie isn’t a model, though,” Patricia said. “She just hired a photo taken. I think that changes the rules.”

“Not in the studio,” Anna said firmly.

“Okay,” Patricia sang. “I concede.”

“You need to block out what times you won’t be available for photos in the studio,” Anna continued. “Bring me your calendar tomorrow and I’ll start scheduling the sessions.”

“Just not more than three a day on the weekend. It gets really tiring,” I said. I’d rather only have one model for a longer session, but dealing with seniors, I needed to get them through while they were hot, so to speak. “Friday’s an away football game. I’m not going, so I can take a couple after school Friday. That will get them done this weekend.”

“Unless I get more,” Anna said. “See you guys later. I need to get home.” She peeled off and headed back toward her own home.

“I don’t get what all the excitement is about all of a sudden,” I said. “We only had half a dozen sign up for Attic Allure photos and senior photos in the studio, including most of you models. Now all of a sudden Anna’s got six more.”

“The only reason all the Attic Allure models haven’t signed up is because we didn’t think of it before we had our pictures taken in the gym. I don’t think your girlfriends thought they needed to sign up. So, I think that will bring you to seventeen girls in our class you’ll see in various stages of undress. Only ten more to go until you see them all.”

“Why? I just don’t get it.”

“Oh, you poor boy. Roxie. Did you really give her so many and such strong orgasms Saturday night that she passed out?” Patricia asked.

“Damn! I guess I was a little hard on her. She’d been so cocky about never coming with a boy that I sort of pulled out all the stops. I guess I should apologize to her.”

“Apologize? She’s been bragging about you to every girl who will listen. Do you know how unusual you and Tony are? I mean, from the first time Tony was with me, he made sure I had the most powerful orgasms of my life up to that time. Then we fucked and I had another. Roxie was talking in the locker room and little Vicki McMillan piped up and said she always passed out when you fucked her. She said the first time she was with you, you practically had to carry her to the door of her house and hand her off to her sister.”

“I didn’t quite need to do that. It was funny, though. The last time we were together, she slept in the back seat all the way home. I had to get her dressed before she could get out of the car.”

“See? That’s what I mean. And then Ronda and Chris chimed in and said, as if it was nothing, ‘Yeah. He often knocks us out with orgasms when we make love.’ Now there is a line of girls in our class who want to find out if you could do that to them. Believe me, Anna has told every one of them that there is never sex in the studio, even if they are naked. But after today, I’m guessing even staid and pure Anna is going to lose her bra when you do her photo. It wouldn’t surprise me if she lost her virginity.”

“Oh, no. I’m not going to do that to her. Besides, as she said, no sex in the studio. She knows that. I didn’t even touch Roxie while she was in the studio. Chris sure did, though. I still don’t get what the big deal is. Do you mean to tell me all the guys don’t make sure their girlfriends come if they’re making love?”

“Oh, so naïve, Nate. I would bet that pressed to answer, there isn’t a single guy in our school who could identify where the clitoris is. Tony told me that guys talked about a girl’s hymen being up inside her vagina and the guy had to be halfway in her before he could break it, so it was okay to fuck a little way into a girl and she’d still be a virgin.”

I’d seen the diagram when I read the Facts of Life book, but I hadn’t ever actually seen one until a month ago when Sandra asked me to photograph hers. I could understand the confusion. Both Ronda and Chris had broken theirs long before we made love. With the way I’d finger fucked Vicki, I was pretty sure there was no hymen guarding her vagina. What did I know about women?

I got busy photographing Patricia. She wanted to play on the bed and pull the fabric strips around her to tease with. But before I had the film loaded, she was naked.

“Has marriage changed me?” she asked from about a foot away.

“How would it change you?” I asked. “You’re still living at home and eating the same diet you always have. If anything, you’re exercising more since Tony isn’t here to burn calories off of you. Patricia, you’d still win the hottest girl in our class award if they gave one out.”

“That’s sweet of you. I turn eighteen the week before Thanksgiving. Tony wants me to do an official set of photos to send to Playboy. We should practice some of my Playboy poses.”

We practiced. I made sure to feature her best points, often. But we also got a couple of photos Tony could take with him when he transferred in two weeks. It was not advisable to take nudes with him. Patricia fully clothed was so beautiful her picture could be in demand.

Patricia posed on her stomach with her bare buns visible, and then lay back as if she were welcoming her lover. I did not take any gynecological photos, though I did happen on a couple brief views of that sacred land. When she was lying on her stomach leaning on her elbows, her breasts were visible just to her nipples. In fact, I darted in and folded the sheet up just enough to cover them. Her perfect round butt was visible over her shoulder and I made sure I slowed the camera down enough to get sharp focus all the way down her body. She had two little dimples on either side of her tailbone and I couldn’t help but think that would be where my thumbs would fit if I was pounding her from behind. I didn’t mention that.

We worked for almost two hours and I promised I would have the best photos ready for her to give to Tony next week.

“You know, if I didn’t have Tony, I’d be in line for one of your knockout treatments,” she giggled as she came to me for a hug. Of course, she was still naked. She turned in my embrace and leaned back against me, pulling my hands up to cup her beautiful breasts. A Patricia tit in each hand. I knew she could feel my hard-on pressing against her butt. “I wonder if I could knock you out before you knocked me out,” she giggled. She sighed and squeezed my hands so I’d squeeze her breasts, then bent over to pick up her clothes from the floor. She stayed in contact with me and pushed her butt back a little before she stood up and started dressing.

“You are a very dangerous woman, Patricia,” I said. “I think it’s a good thing that you are married.”

“Yeah. Me, too. But I have my rule, just like you have studio rules. There won’t be any intercourse. That’s really what it comes down to, isn’t it? I think I can tease pretty well without going all the way.” Fully dressed now, she slipped into her shoes and smiled at me. “I’ll see you in school tomorrow.” She winked and left the studio.

That was a pretty damn liberal rule. Aside from a model or two who rubbed one off in the restroom after a session, there’d been no orgasms in the studio—I didn’t think. But even that left room for a whole lot of play.


I got a cute set of pictures for Patricia, including a bunch of wallet size pictures Tony could carry with him. I started printing proof sheets of the senior portraits and Anna checked them over. She took over delivering the proofs to the subjects and taking orders. She had to go all the way into Dubuque Saturday morning to have order forms printed at a new Insty-Prints store. It was pretty cool that she could get a hundred forms printed for fifty dollars. But she was the expert at labeling the photos and coordinating the forms with students who were interested. I felt kind of bad leaving all that work to her, but I was swamped in the studio.

And let’s not forget homework. None of our teachers were slacking off on the amount of work we had to do. We were wading through Camus’s The Stranger as an example of existential writing in the twentieth century. We were studying the legislative branch of government, and there were a dozen different formulae we were supposed to have memorized for statistics—and know what the heck they were used for.

Bookkeeping wasn’t overwhelming. It was mostly learning what categories things were applied to and what the difference between credit and debit were in double entry. The rest was all adding and subtracting.

Patricia and Judy were my Physics lab partners, like they’d been in biology. I found the experiments we conducted in that class were much more palatable than those we had in biology. If I never see a dead frog again, it will be too soon. It was nice, though, that Mr. Darwin taught a lot of concepts with musical instruments. The unit on sound waves was really interesting.

By Friday I was ready to crash, but I had three girls who had appointments for their senior portrait and Attic Allure photo. I really had no idea that girls would have such an interest in having a glamour shot. And they weren’t all intent on having a nude photo. Most wanted a photo they could display to their parents or boyfriends. But they still got naked. Then they got draped on the bed or the couch or the floor or the table. We gave them different props and some brought their own. Patricia was out because she left right after school Friday for Chicago. Judy and Janice helped with costumes. Chris and Pris worked on the scene changes and props. Ronda, of course, had to travel to the football game in whatever Podunk town it was being played. Debbie had a date Friday but promised she’d help on Saturday.

Anna, of course, had the schedule, checked the clients in, collected money, explained the process, and generally talked the girls out of their clothes. For a girl who was so conservative herself, Anna could explain the benefits of not wearing anything extra that would show straps or underwear lines beneath the costumes they wore. She put them completely at ease, and while they didn’t make a big show of exposing themselves to me, I saw every breast that came into the studio. Except Anna’s.

I’d found a thick shag carpet remnant at Wilson’s the previous week. One of the favorite photos was mocking up the classic baby photo, bare on a bearskin rug. We set up the mock fireplace with the electric log and three different girls stripped naked and lay down on the rug on their stomachs, propped up on their elbows so their cleavage showed and their bare bottoms were exposed. They were pretty cute. The girls and the photos.

Mary Simpson was decidedly overweight, but between Chris and me, we talked her into a couple of very sexy poses. She was our last client for the day on Saturday. After the last photo, in which she was lying on her side in bed with a sheet artfully draped so it just barely covered her nipples and bush, Chris and I sat on either side of her in the bed and just talked to her for a few minutes, complimenting how cute and sexy she was.

“Don’t you mean ‘cute for a fat girl?’ I’ve heard that before.”

“No, I mean you’re a really cute girl. If I had known you when I was kind of dating around last winter, I’d definitely have asked you out,” I said.


“It was Ronda’s and my fault,” Chris said. “We kept introducing him to girls at the dances, but you were never at one of the dances, so we never connected Nate to you. And then we decided to tie up all his time for ourselves.”

“But I’ve got, like floppy boobs and a big butt,” she sighed.

As if to emphasize her point, she let the sheet slide down away from her very generous breasts. She was exposing them, so I indulged in looking at them. Yes, the sheer weight of them caused them to sag, but I was surprised to see what really tight and hard nipples she had standing up on them.

“To borrow a phrase from my girlfriend, Chris, I could make a whole meal just feasting on those,” I said. She caught her breath and let the sheet fall farther away from her. I could see the dark brown curls of her pubic hair under a roll of fat.

“You mean you’d actually like, even touch them?”

I glanced at Chris and she nodded. Anna was at the desk facing the wall, but I noticed a new addition to the desk. There was a little mirror sitting there. I leaned in toward Mary and whispered.

“May I, Mary? May I touch your beautiful breasts?”

She caught her breath and leaned back slightly to give better access. She nodded.

“Yes,” she rasped.

I was pretty sure Mary had no experience with boys. Some girls got in a mode of believing that boys don’t like them because they are fat or skinny or have acne or crooked teeth or red hair. Then they act as if no one likes them and it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. But the truth is that boys are a lot less discriminating in their tastes than girls think. I moved slowly, the same I would if we were on a date and I was trying to feel her without startling her.

I just rubbed the back of my hand along her nearest boob. She drew in her breath and I stroked lightly down the valley between her breasts. When I lifted her left breast and weighed it in my hand, she moaned slightly. Chris had an arm around her and whispered in her ear as my hand slid up to cup the big breast and hold the nipple in the palm of my hand. I squeezed her breast lightly and realized my cock was pressing hard against my slacks. I’d never felt a breast like this before. I slid across to the other breast and rubbed it softly, then lifted it and bent to kiss her nipple.

Mary wrapped her arms around my head and crushed me to her breast. I realized that with breasts like this I could actually suffocate in her grip. Instead, I scraped my teeth along her nipple and she whined an orgasm as she released me and fell back on the bed. Chris leaned across and kissed me.

“It’s true,” Mary moaned. “You didn’t even have to touch my clit. Are boys really willing to have a big girl like me as a girlfriend?”

“I think if you are open about wanting to date a boy, he’ll jump at the chance,” I said.

“Except Nate,” Chris admonished. “He really has all the girls he can handle.”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t try to take him away from you, Chris. I wouldn’t stand a chance anyway. But maybe Rod would be interested in a little date. I think I should get dressed now.”

She got up, dropping the sheet completely, and calmly walked naked to the dressing room. I’d heard the expression ‘walking on air’ before, but this was the closest I’d ever come to seeing it in reality. Chris pulled at me and I welcomed her in a lovely deep kiss.

When we went out later, Chris and I didn’t bother with a movie or any other pretense of doing anything except parking and making love for three hours.


The whole next week, I spent about three hours after school each day in the darkroom. Chris, Ronda, and/or Anna were always hanging out in the studio with me. Anna had at least a pretense of working on orders and preparing the proofs for distribution. But a lot of the time she was just hanging out with Chris or Ronda or both, studying. I got a lot of work done, but I had a huge backlog of processing and printing to take care of. Each morning, Anna took a fresh batch of proofs in and made sure the seniors got them. Those who had Attic Allure photos were met after school either at Sweet Treats or the Market. It was too risky to bring sexy photos into the school, even if they weren’t nude.

Thursday afternoon, I looked at my log book to determine which film I would be working on next.

“Can I watch?” Anna asked as I headed for the darkroom.

“Of course,” I said. “It’s not very exciting, but it’s good to know the process. I can’t describe to you how much I appreciate all the work you do for the studio.”

“For you, Nate. You own the studio, but I do it for you. I think it’s fun, just like Chris loves working with the models and posing them. We do it for the same reason,” she said as she followed me into the darkroom. I closed the door.

“Chris and I… Well, we have something special. We’re going steady and even though we have pretty liberal interpretations of what is proper, we do a lot of things because we love each other.”

“Maybe I don’t love you, Nate. And maybe you don’t love me. But it seems I’m always happiest when I’m around you. So maybe I do love you a little. And I think maybe you love me a little, too,” Anna said.

“I’m very fond of you, Anna. You were my very first girlfriend. I will always treasure that memory. So maybe that does mean I love you a little. But please don’t think of me as your boyfriend now. I have two girlfriends and I go out with other girls. I’m even doing some of the stuff in the studio that you were afraid I was doing when we broke up a year ago. You deserve someone dedicated to you and not a gadfly like me.”

I turned the lights from white to red and started the first proof sheet in the batch I intended to do today.

“I watched what you did with Mary, Saturday. I didn’t see a boyfriend cheating on his girlfriend. I saw something really beautiful happening and every night I have imagined it happening to me. You’re the only boy I’ve ever kissed, and I don’t really see any other prospects around. Will you kiss me again?”

I moved the paper from the enlarger to the developer and turned to take Anna in my arms and kiss her. It started slowly, but Anna guided the kiss to simmer and then a full boil as our mouths opened and our tongues fully explored each other. She pressed her middle against me and shifted just enough to grind her pussy against my cock.

Unfortunately, I had to move the proof sheet out of the developer and into the rinse, then I had to put it in the fixative bath. I turned and Anna was ready to continue the kiss with increasing passion. Kissing that girl was a definite turn-on and we were both grinding our genitals against each other by the time I had to pull the photo from the fixative and rinse it. I was hard as a board and Anna was audibly panting.

“It’s a good thing we broke up before my seventeenth birthday,” she finally said while leaning her head against me. “I’d be pregnant by now. I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back.”

“Oh, Anna. I know we’d want to be making love all the time—just like Chris and I always want to. But I wouldn’t get you pregnant. I care too much about you to leave you as a single mom when I move away,” I said.

“You are going to move away, aren’t you? Yes, that should slow me down a little. I know you aren’t the boy I’ll spend my life with. I don’t think. But… um… I’ll turn eighteen in two months. Will you… would you… take my Attic Allure photo then? And treat me like you did Mary? I’ll be dreaming about it until that very day.”

“Anna, you control my schedule. Make sure your name is on it and everyone else is clear on the day you want your Attic Allure photo. I would be so honored to bring the work of art in you out to the world.” I squeegeed the photo off on its drying glass and placed it on the rack. Anna came to me again and kissed me with only slightly less passion than earlier, then she stepped out of the darkroom and I prepared the next proof sheet for printing.


I had to do more classmates’ photos the next weekend and the number of girls in my class I’d seen naked rose to twenty-one. It had not only been girls I’d photographed, however. Andy and Karen came to the studio together and each had photos done, then I took a few really nice photos of them as a couple, with Andy carefully covering Karen’s bits with his hands. But one of the photos was of Karen with her left hand against her chest between her breasts, smiling at the camera. She was sporting a new diamond on that hand.

“I got some lessons last weekend,” Andy confided. “I had no idea a girl could be so excited.”

That was good and I was happy my friends were headed toward marital bliss after high school. They planned to do a year of college before they got married, but neither planned to do a degree.

I shouldn’t have been surprised to find Kent on my appointment schedule. And where Andy had been just a little reserved in how much he undressed in front of my assistants, Kent wasn’t at all bashful about showing his equipment. Karen had made Andy lose his briefs in order to get hers off her. Kent definitely wanted a boudoir photo. I was also surprised that it was Anna who took over the posing of our gay friend. He and his boyfriend had taken Anna to the prom last year.

“My God, you’ve got a lot of cock!” she said. She was right. Just hanging limp, it stretched down the inside of his thigh. “Excuse me for hurrying you, but we need to get you into your first pose while you’re still soft. I think you should recline on the bed. Let me get some more pillows for you. Now, right knee up so you can angle slightly toward the camera. Here’s your magazine. The first shot, just ignore the camera. Focus on the magazine. Let us make sure we have you in focus and have the right lighting. That’s great, Kent. Now look up slightly, just over the top of the magazine, like you just noticed Nate over there.”

I took pictures as Anna positioned him and I saw his meat begin to stir. I could see what Anna was working toward.

“Now magazine down as you look right at Nate. He’s a hunk, isn’t he? That’s what you really wanted when you set this appointment, isn’t it? You wanted Nate to see you.”

Kent came pretty fully erect, and he was a monster. If I was homosexual, I still wouldn’t want him anywhere near my ass! I needed to be sure my girlfriends and dates were okay with the amount of ass play that we did because mine was clenched tight as I took that photo.

“That’s the exhibition part. Now we need to conceal things just a little so you can show the picture and people will really need to look in order to see how aroused you are,” Anna said.

She spread a sheet over him, just up to his waist, and then tucked it just enough that his pole made a noticeable tent. He kept with the magazine conceit for another couple shots and then just flopped back on the pillows with his cock tenting the sheet straight up. That was the end of the roll. Kent got dressed and went away a very happy guy.

“Just for the record,” Christine whispered in my ear, “I’m thankful you aren’t built like that. You have plenty enough to fill me and sometimes even that can be painful at the wrong angle. If there is some reason that I forget to give you a long, luxurious blowjob tonight, remind me. I want to feel you tickling my tonsils.”


Saturday night was the annual Halloween costume party at the Catholic Church. I hadn’t seen Father Emory in some time and I didn’t see him that night. He usually stuck his head in for a few minutes, but I might not have noticed him. I was dressed at the whim of Judy and Janice who had asked Chris if they could have me for the evening. Chris laughed and said she had a date that night, so wouldn’t be there. We had a photo to do at the studio that afternoon and after everyone else went home, Judy and Janice stayed to ‘get me ready.’

They handed me a pair of blousy pants with elastic at the waist and ankles.

“They’re Ali Baba pants,” Janice explained. “Go to the dressing room and put them on. Judy and I need to dress, too.”

“What do I do for a shirt?”

“I’ll give it to you when you come out in the pants. Just the pants. Got it?” Judy said.

“O-kay,” I said. These two could sure put together a scene. I went in the dressing room, took off everything but my briefs and slid the pants up my legs. They felt pretty good. They were some kind of silky fabric and glided over my skin. I came out of the dressing room to find the two girls also dressed in the blousy pants. And nothing else.

“Aww! You left your underpants on! What fun is that?” Judy said. The pants they were wearing were pretty much transparent and it was clear, they had not left their underwear on.

“I’m pretty sure we have to wear more than this to the party,” I laughed, taking a good long look as the girls posed for me. I’d seen them running around naked in the studio periodically all year, but this was the first opportunity I’d had in a long time to just look at the two sexy girls who had been my very first models in Tenbrook.

Janice’s boobs were just a little heavier than Judy’s, leaving a slight crease beneath them. Judy’s breasts—she’d been so embarrassed that I saw her nipples through her swimming suit a year and a half ago—were a little smaller and had zero sag. Both girls had very hard little nipples on display. And their butts and pussies were easy to get a look at through the transparent fabric, too. Nice.

“The party at the church isn’t for two hours yet. We didn’t think we needed any more clothes for our little party here.”

“Girls, you know, no sex in the studio.”

“Yeah, but one thing we found out from dating Pete is that there is so much we can do without fucking!” Judy said. She stalked up to me and without touching me with any other part of her body, lightly scraped her nipples across my chest. I suddenly wished I’d taken the briefs off. Janice, who had always been a little more forward in the past, duplicated Judy’s little dance, then pulled my hands up to cup her breasts as she stood on tiptoe to kiss me.

“We want a picture of the three of us,” Judy said as she pushed Janice aside so she could kiss me and get my hands on her chest. “This will be our little harem scene.”

They’d arranged the backdrop pipe over the top of the fainting couch with strips of fabric that looked like a tent over the back. A silky sheet was on the couch and thin veil fabric hung over the front. I had to ‘help’ them put their jewelry on and make sure their necklaces hung right between their breasts. Since I was behind them at the time, I had to check that with my hands. Then I fastened veils over their faces. They showed me where they wanted me and how they would pose. I set the camera on the tripod and used a timed exposure to hurry around and lie on the couch with the two girls draped over me.

We had to try that several times, which was a lot of running back and forth. Each time the camera clicked, one or the other of the girls would delay me from getting up by lying on top of me, or pushing a nipple into my mouth, or making sure I thoroughly explored her ass with my hand.

When the last exposure on that roll had been taken, I reached for Judy’s butt and discovered there was a slit in the side of her pants I hadn’t noticed before. As a result, my hand slid inside and cupped her bare ass. She froze an instant and then lifted a foot to rest on the couch next to me. I interpreted that as an open invitation and I wasn’t going to pass it up. I slid my hand inside her thighs and brought it up until it was tight against her pussy. She responded by letting her hips rock forward and back on my hand until I was slick with her juices.

“Is he?” Janice asked.

“Yes,” Judy squeaked. “Oh, God! Yes!”

I found her clit and circled it with my finger, then pushed it right up into her pussy. She moaned and her gyrations on my fingers increased.

“Me, too, Nate,” Janice said as she stretched out mostly on top of me. She’d lost her pants entirely and placed her pussy right on top of my hand. I happily went exploring as she kissed me, and I found her slit every bit as wet and slick as Judy’s. I felt bad that Judy only had one hand and Janice had a hand, her boobs pressed against my chest, and kisses like she’d been starving for them. But Judy was lost in her own world, gazing into space as she worked my fingers deeper into her channel.

Both girls had long, sighing orgasms. Janice rolled away from me and I licked my fingers of her juices. Judy stepped away and I repeated the process. I decided Janice was a little spicier and Judy was a little sweeter. I liked the flavor of both of them.

They weren’t quite finished, though. Janice moved up on the couch and fed a nipple into my mouth as Judy pulled my pants and underwear down so she could suck on my hard cock. Janice invited me to continue fingering her while Judy brought me to a rousing orgasm and sucked down my semen. I pulled Judy to me and gave her a deep and passionate kiss while keeping my hands busy on her breasts and pussy.

We made it to the party only a little late. There had been several pieces of the costumes missing that we put on before we left that made them decent enough to go to the party. Somehow, I managed not to fuck either one of them.


I had nearly $5,000 in the bank from my very profitable summer. I’d had ten Chicago clients and every one of them gave me an order for more than $300 worth of prints. We were collecting $25 from each of the seniors who came for Attic Allure portraits in addition to the $15 per student the school was paying me for senior portraits. The average order was coming in at about $125. It was time to start shopping for the vehicle that would carry my gear and get me to Canada if I needed to go. I sat with the Sunday paper while we watched TV that evening and started circling ads. We had the Chicago paper and the Dubuque paper. I saw one or two that looked possible, but I was just beginning the search and trying to price things out.

“What do you think of this, Dad?” I asked as handed him the paper.

“1965 Transporter. Sounds like it’s in good condition. They sold a lot of them that year. Most popular import in America. But it isn’t for everyone. I’d guess this one got to be too identified with hippies for the owner. Edison Park is more likely a rich area and the car is too working class. I don’t know about $1800, though. Sounds a bit high with 40,000 miles on it,” he said. I didn’t get anywhere near that kind of information from the four-line classified ad. I decided to keep looking.


Patricia didn’t get back in time for school Monday. Tony’s parents and sister took her with them to meet Tony in Chicago, but only stayed a couple of days. The newlyweds were intent on spending every second of their time together, preferably naked and in bed. She went to the train station with Tony early Monday morning and watched as he left toward California on the two-day trip. Then she walked to the bus station and caught the Greyhound bus west to Tenbrook.

We didn’t have a bus station. If someone wanted on or off a Greyhound in our town, they stood in front of the bank where there was a sign for the bus and waved their hands as the bus arrived. I guess the driver was supposed to know if you wanted off there. Anyway, Patricia got off the bus around one o’clock and dragged her suitcase around the corner and up the stairs to the studio to wait for me. I got there about a quarter till three.

I quickly let her into the studio and she dropped her bag and ran to the bed. She threw herself on it and began to cry. I was sure this was going to be a long one. Tony was being sent to a replacement center where he’d be shipped to whoever needed him.

I sat on the edge of the bed and just patted Patricia’s back and made comforting noises. There really wasn’t much I could say. I just needed to be there for her.

She lifted herself up and leaned into my arms so she could cry against my chest. Finally, she raised herself up to look at me.

“He’s going to Vietnam,” she sniffled. She could have slugged me in the stomach with less impact.

“Already? He’s hardly been trained.”

“He didn’t tell me. I snuck a look at his orders. It’s not just a replacement center that he’s going to. It’s the Overseas Replacement Center in Oakland. Soldiers are sent there to await shipment to Vietnam—to replace dead soldiers.”

“What a terrible thing. That’s awful!” I said. Then something else dawned on me. “Shit! That’s where my brother-in-law is being sent. I’m not sure of the schedule. I haven’t talked to my sister in a few weeks.”

“Tony put such a good face on it. He said he’d missed me so much and he wanted to build up a reserve of loving me because it would have to last him for a while. A while! We had a week and he’ll be gone for a year!”

I rocked her in my arms until I detected that she was laughing amidst her sobs.

“My pussy’s sore. Every time I could get him hard, I stuffed him in me. He couldn’t even get it up anymore this morning. I sucked him until he dribbled out a come, but he never really got hard. I guess I drained him. But oh, God, my pussy’s sore.”

“I guess that’s married life. I’m sure he’ll be smiling all the way to Vietnam,” I said.

“I hope so,” she cried. “It was all I could give him. And a wallet full of pictures. He said he’s looking forward to seeing all the pictures we take while he’s gone and coming back to his Playboy Bunny. So, schedule me to spend the weekend here the seventeenth of November. I’ll want to get into every sexy pose you can get me in.”

“That sounds like fun,” I agreed. “And it’s less than three weeks. Geez! I can’t believe Thanksgiving is in four weeks. My sister is coming to visit with her daughter. Um… Maybe John and Tony will run into each other.”

“Oh, Nate. How am I going to survive a year without Tony? We’ve only spent two weeks of our married life together. Damn the army! Damn them to hell!”

I continued to rock her in my arms until the sobs died down. Then she wanted to know all about the photo shoots from the past two weekends while she was gone. I told her about Mary and about Kent. She was amazed by both.

“I have an idea,” she whispered. “Start undressing me. Right here in bed. Undress me as if you were about to make love to me. Don’t imagine you will really do it. If anyone touched my pussy right now it would bite them. But start undressing me like you’d make love to me and when you get to the right point—whenever you say—jump up and take a picture. Um… You might have to kiss me a little while you undress me. It would be okay.”

I suppose I should have felt guilty about feeling up Tony’s wife, but we’d been playing some form of this game for a year and Tony always approved, if the photos were good. She was wearing what they called a shirt dress. It was a mini with buttons that ran all the way down the front. I loved it because it looked like she was wearing some guy’s oversize dress shirt. It even had a button-down collar.

I got up and went to load the camera and set it on the tripod in a position that looked good. I turned on the lights. Once I felt I had the shot framed close to what I’d want, I returned to Patricia.

She might have expected something different, but I started by sitting at the foot of the bed and taking her shoes off. She’d run straight to the bed and thrown herself on it when she came in. Once her shoes were off, I started rubbing her feet, but I didn’t like rubbing her pantyhose. After a minute, I ran my hands up under her skirt, much to her surprise, and hooked my fingers in the waist of her hose. I peeled them down her legs and off her feet, then resumed my foot massage.

“Mmm. That’s almost better than kissing,” she murmured. I took my time.

When I felt I’d done a good job relaxing her, I slipped around the bed and sat beside her, just petting her hair and down her arms. She got a dreamy smile on her face. I bent over her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

I kept massaging her softly, stroking her hair and arms and sides and shoulders. Somewhere in the process, I began unbuttoning her dress. It was already open one button at the collar, so with three more buttons, my hands were resting on her breasts as I worked on the next button. That’s when I put a soft kiss on her lips. I just teased at them as I continued to work my way down her dress and get all ten buttons unfastened. Her dress had already fallen away from her breast on one side and I ran my hand up her side to cup her breast in its bra. I debated on how to remove the thing or if I should just shove it up above her breasts. I gently squeezed her breasts as I kissed her a little more deeply. I could feel her chest expanding and contracting with her breath a little faster and deeper under my hand. It was a fairly thin nylon bra and it wasn’t difficult for me to find her nipple through the fabric. I rubbed it through her bra and she panted into my mouth.

“It has a front closure.”

I didn’t know bras came with those, but there was a single hook and loop between her breasts at the depth of her cleavage. It was easy to release and one half of the bra fell away from her breast, exposing her rosy nipple. The other side stayed on the breast, held by gravity. It wasn’t difficult to dislodge it as I cupped the beautiful full breast in the palm of my hand. Patricia wasn’t huge, like Mary, but she was definitely a handful and I kept kissing her as I continued to play with her nipples.

I was a little surprised that she seemed to be getting so turned on by me playing with her, but she really was enjoying the attention. I was about ready to take the picture and was really just playing with her breasts because I liked them so much, but I went one step further than I really intended to go. I moved from her mouth to her breast and sucked her nipple up between my lips. I bathed it with my tongue and it was as stiff as I’d ever seen a girl’s nipple. I scraped it with my teeth as I lightly pinched her other nipple with my fingers.

Patricia stiffened in orgasm with a long low moan.

I jumped from the bed and got behind my camera and began taking pictures. My spittle glistened on her nipple. Her head was thrown back with her mouth open in ecstasy. I credit Patricia for being a great actress and model because she held the pose long enough for me to capture the photo, then relaxed slightly before holding for another. In the course of a dozen shots, she opened her eyes and looked into the camera as she idly toyed with the nipple I’d been sucking. It was a beautiful series of photos.

When the film ran out, I returned to her side. I used my clean handkerchief to dry her breast and then pulled her bra around her breasts and fastened it. I started one button down from the collar and began buttoning her dress, covering the thin panties she was wearing as I reached the bottom of her dress. She lifted up and offered me a hand to pull her into a sitting position, then she held me tightly.

“It’s true. You can make a girl come without even touching her pussy,” she whispered. She finished getting her shoes on and picked up her jacket and suitcase. “See you in school tomorrow.”

I sat on the edge of the bed for a long time. Then I removed the film from the camera and went to the darkroom to process it.


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