Heaven’s Gate

34 Belles

Then there were three more weeks of shows, one week of which was spent in Savannah, Georgia. Our show was broadcast from a historic mansion on Forsythe Square and we had fairly small but intense audiences. Most of our audience members were preparing for a debutante ball or junior cotillion over the weekend. A lot of focus had turned to Savannah since the publication of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Not only were the debs, their families, and their dates preparing for the big dances, but tourists were flocking to the town with sometimes-reluctant children just out on winter break.

We debated long and hard about how to approach the events with humor but still respecting this old tradition. The first decision was that I would debut a different one of my cónyuge during each show and that we would do it in the best style that Leonard could whip together for us. That included both the women and me. Cassie and Rose were instant picks. They often traveled with me. Samantha would be next on the list as my producer. Both Liz and Dani demurred, saying that my debs should not be mothers. It would spoil the effect. Doreen was working, had two kids, and agreed with Liz and Dani. Mary wanted to stay in Corazón and spend the week with Josh now that she was out of school for break and could focus on him. Courtney was my fourth pick as a reward for getting through her finals and having them all graded before the term ended. Of course, Elaine, Hannah, and Nikki were out because they were working on Chick Chat.

I had immediately said that Jennifer would round out the five, but she got sick the week before we left and said she really didn’t feel like traveling. Courtney was going to stay home with her, but Jen was appalled that our cónyuge would pass up the trip. I wished Whitney was home, but she’d called after she arrived in Pretoria and told me it was eighty-five and sunny and to enjoy Savannah. I was going to suggest Heaven, but she would just be coming off a shoot and would barely get home by Christmas.

Damn! All the women in my life and I couldn’t find a date.

“We’ve got it covered,” Samantha told me when I asked her what we were going to do. “Just make sure you get over to Designed by Leonard and make sure all your clothes fit correctly.”


“It’s a surprise.”


Monday morning when we left for the airport, it was Pam who snuggled into the seat next to me.

“You’re going to Savannah with us?” I asked.

“Well, I hope you aren’t disappointed!”

“No! Not at all. I just assumed you’d be busy with Fashion Week. And Bob,” I said. I liked Pam a lot, but I sure wasn’t going to be messing around with someone else’s girlfriend. Not that going as part of my entourage necessarily meant messing around with me, but Pam was… a sex kitten.

“We tape a week ahead for Fashion Week. I’ve got the week off,” she said.

“Well, that’s good,” I said. “I’m glad you can be a deb this week.”

“I miss you, Brian. You haven’t been on a dorm crawl all fall.”

“Pam, you have to understand…”

“I do understand. I know Reese is like a protégé and you hardly know Laurie, though she’d like to know you a lot better. I know it’s seemed like I was building my own little casa in the dormitories and Nancy isn’t ready yet. And I know that Amanda could walk over to the big house any time she wanted to and you’d welcome her. So that just leaves little ol’ me.”

“And you have a boyfriend,” I reminded her.

“Well, about that. I like Bob and he likes me. We’ve had some really good times together, and TK and I even double-teamed him one night. I’ve never really minded the thought of sharing with another woman and TK and I have certainly fooled around together. But I really can’t share a guy with another guy. That’s where I draw the line,” she said.


“Bob likes Leonard more than he likes me. And Leonard likes him.”

“Crap! I’m sorry, PJ.”

“Yeah, well, that’s life. Like I said, I like Bob and he likes me and I could have shared him with TK, Amanda, Laurie, and Reese. But not Leonard. Don’t worry. There is no drama going on over it in the dorms. We’re all cool. The show’s fine. We’re doing good stuff with the fashion advice and I even have a fan club that has been sending me letters. I’m just horny,” she said flatly. “If you don’t want me this week, I might have to get a southern gentleman to help me out a little.”

“Are you saying you want to make love to me this week?” I asked.

“Brian, I give you explicit permission to put your hard cock in my mouth, my pussy, or my ass anytime within reason this week. That includes here on the airplane before we land in an hour.”

Well, hell yes. You can’t be a responsible adult all the time!


ME: When I read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, I thought, this place can’t really exist. Don’t get me wrong. I love it. I thought it wasn’t possible for anyplace as magical as Savannah to exist. And here it is. I’m southern, you know. Southern Indiana. But what most people don’t know is that the South in Indiana starts up at the Lincoln Highway, about fifty miles from Michigan. That’s U.S. Route 30 through Indiana. That is only to say that geographically, Indiana is a northern state. Culturally, we’re part of the Deep South.

The one thing we are missing are the dulcet tones of Southern Belles. You ladies have to have the sweetest voices in the continental United States. They simply breathe culture and sophistication. And that is certainly evident in the appearance of the belles attending our show this evening.

I understand there is a big dance coming up on Saturday evening. You see that’s another thing that divides our cultures. To us that’s a dance. To you it is the cotillion. It is the time that the daughters of the Southern Gentry are presented to the public.

What I noticed, as I was walking around the park today, is the fact that not every woman is a belle and not every man is a gentleman. I want to ask you what kind of behavior defines a gentleman? And what is the behavior of a lady? I don’t believe that is entirely defined by region of the country and as evidence, I would like to present my own Northern Belle, Miss Samantha Cortales.


Of course, I had other guests, as well, including a former debutante and a woman who was one of the cotillion organizers, who described what qualities debs were expected to have.

Each of my belles got a chance to do the show with me. Tuesday, Courtney joined me. Wednesday it was Pam’s turn. Thursday, Rose was my guest for her twenty-fourth birthday. And Friday night, Cassie wrapped up our Savannah stand.

Each night in our hotel room, five girls and I got in every combination possible. Between Wednesday night and Thursday morning, Pam got her wish to have my hard cock in each of her holes. Although Cassie had only done it once and neither Rose nor Samantha were interested in trying, they all seemed to have no difficulty getting off with each other while Pam was receiving a full anal treatment that started with Courtney rimming her and escalated through screams that were probably heard on the waterfront.

On Friday morning, I went out by myself and walked along the waterfront until I’d found and bought an entire bouquet of Savannah roses. The homeless gather reeds from around Tybee Island and fold them into roses. They sell them all along the waterfront. I probably paid too much because by the time I’d bought the fifth one, I had homeless people headed toward me from all over the waterfront. I guess that’s why they say never to feed the birds.



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