


“Min” by Mr. Tempter, ID 128471603 from Shutterstock.com


SUNDAY, I TOOK TONI on an adventure. Of course, everyone else came along, too. I hadn’t had so many people in the microbus since last summer. I told everyone that blue jeans and summer shirts were the fashion of the day. We drove out into the country to a stable Doreen told me about. Apparently, it was quite popular for theatre people to go out and have trail rides when they weren’t on stage. Of course, with both a matinee and an evening performance on Sunday, there weren’t any theatre people at the stable this time.

Suddenly, all my family became extremely shy and unsure about getting on one of the big horses. The stableman said he understood, but that the horses were very gentle and he’d have each of us mount in turn and lead the horse around the ring. Patricia volunteered to go first, before she’d let her daughter be taken around.

I got my camera out and started taking pictures. Leslie was right beside me.

The horse really was gentle and it took forever for them to go once around the ring. Then Patricia agreed and the guy attached a child saddle with short stirrups to the one on the horse. I helped get Toni on board. Patricia walked on one side as I walked on the other steadying Toni in the saddle while she wiggled all over yelling, “Horsie! Giddap, Horsie!” exactly as she would have if she were riding on my back around the living room.

Eventually, we all got a turn riding around the ring. Then Anna, Patricia, Leslie, and I agreed to go on a trail while Ronda, Min, and Leanne decided to sit it out and have a cup of coffee in the barn, served by one of the owners. The guide fastened something like an extra pair of stirrups in front of me so Toni could sit there between my arms.

We walked out to the woods, about half a mile away, then followed a path around a corn field and back to the barn. We were gone about half an hour and came back to the barn. We joined the others in the barn and all had some refreshments, then drove back to town. All the way back, Toni continued to bounce in her seat saying, “Horsie! Toni ride giddap!” I might have created a monster.


Min’s body was fully recovered from the staining a week ago. Her fair skin was glowing as I’d helped Leanne apply a moisturizing cream all over before she started painting the design for this day. Min purred beneath the attention and begged me to stay with her while Leanne drew on her body. I was nearby, but not always in touch with her as I set lights and backdrop with Leslie.

Leanne had Min lie on the bed and worked on her that way instead of having her standing through the entire process. I turned up the heat in the studio a bit so she wouldn’t get cold, just lying there naked. It had gotten pretty cool the previous night.

“I know now what an artist’s canvas feels like,” Min sighed. “So many exciting things happening on it and around it, but being completely dependent on the artist to put the beautiful part on the canvas. The tickle of the brush. The breath of the artist. And always looking out at a world looking in—never seeing what they see.”

“That’s a beautiful sentiment,” I said. “A little sad. Shall I tell you what I see?”

“Oh, yes.”

“The canvas is pristine. Unlike an artist’s canvas, though, the living canvas has the contours of a beautiful woman. There is the hollow of her throat, the ridge of her collar bone, the gentle but tantalizing rise of her breasts, and the sole darkness of the blush of her nipples. The delicate turn of her arms adds to the contrast with the artist’s design, even though no pattern will be drawn on them.”

“The artist spent a long time getting the design just right on my nipples. They must have made it hard for her to execute the design.”

“I needed to make them hard for me so the design would be just right,” Leanne joined. She was working down Min’s stomach.

“Now she’s painting around the deep inset of the navel of the canvas,” I said. “The stomach ripples as the brush tickles her sensitive surface.”

“I know what’s coming next,” Min said. She shifted her legs apart and I stroked the inside of her thighs. “The artist loves to draw on my vulva. She always takes her time there and tickles me just right.”

“Painting should be as pleasurable for my beautiful canvas as it is for the artist. There is not a part of her body that fails to please me,” Leanne said.

“As a completely independent observer,” Leslie said, “I somehow wish I had an artist to paint my canvas. My skin is alive as I imagine each stroke of her brush. I might need to shave some areas I don’t usually shave in order to make them available for the design.”

“Min is always so incredibly smooth there,” Leanne said. “I just want to lick her.”

“I think you did a little while ago,” Min giggled.

“Yes. So sweet,” Leanne said. “And that concludes the painting of this wonderful canvas. I think. Stand up now and let me see if I missed anything.”

I helped Min to her feet and we all looked at the beautiful tracery covering her body.

“It’s like the vines are alive. They shift and move as you change position,” Leslie said. “I hope we can capture that in the photos.”

“Well, let’s clear the bed out of the way and start taking those photos,” I said. “Min, I’m going to be working in black and white on the Hasselblad and the Linhof. Leslie is going to be shooting color transparencies on her Leica. So, we might need to change lighting and retake poses to get the best from both worlds.”

The vines really did shift and appear to be alive as Min posed and moved. We worked her into different twists as well as straight shots. We decided the color images would work best against a lighter background and using colored lights across her body. I felt the black and white would really zing if I isolated Min against a black void. I used a strong backlight to isolate her more.

Of course, we both took pictures of the other’s poses so we could compare the black and white and the color images. When it came to my piece that I wanted for a work of art, though, I switched to the 4x5 and went for the finest texture I could get with a sheet of x-ray film. Min was a perfect model and could hold perfectly still as I set the long exposure needed for such delicate work. Yes. Perfect.

I checked with Leslie and she was satisfied that she had what she wanted. I picked Min up and carried her to the dressing room where I could use cold cream and a few hundred tissues to carefully remove every trace of the black makeup. We kissed as I removed the makeup and caressed her body. I paid extra attention to being sure her breasts were clean and passed my personal taste test. The same was true when I opened her pussy lips and loved her clit with my tongue.

I didn’t think I’d be with Min again during this visit and wasn’t sure if I would ever be with her again, so I took my time making sure she knew I loved every crease and fold, every rise and fall of her body. When I sat on the chair and she settled her pussy down on my cock, I tried to memorize the feeling of her pussy squeezing and coaxing me to come in her.


As was usual for me after an intense session like this, I spent the rest of the day in the darkroom. Unsurprisingly, Leslie joined me. We just talked, mostly. Of course, talk included kisses and caresses when our shirts came off. We did not actually screw around, though.

“You have a very special relationship with Min,” Leslie said. “When we were working, I noticed that she responded differently to your voice than to mine. She always did what I said, but seemed a little stiffer.”

“I don’t know exactly how that relationship developed. You know, Leanne is hopelessly in love with her, but even though Min likes Leanne and will do anything for her, she doesn’t return that depth of feeling.”

“I could see that. I hope you don’t mind that I started using you to transfer my thoughts to her. I saw Leanne do that, too,” Leslie said.

“Really? What do you mean?”

“When I turned to you and asked you what you thought about having her move to a different pose, you’d turn to Min and give her the instructions, often touching her to move her as you so often do. Then I’d take my picture. Those were always the best ones—much better than if I’d just asked her to take that pose myself, or had tried to position her the way you do.”

“I didn’t even realize what you were doing. You really think it was that different?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. And I don’t think it is unique between you and Min. I really have a purpose in being here this week, other than getting my inner itches scratched a little. I’m trying to learn how you develop that relationship with a model. And do it so quickly. I don’t even want to take pictures most of the time while I’m here with you. Today was okay because this was a model that you’d been working with for quite a while. But when you have another model in—I think Anna said you had an actress coming in next Monday—I just want to function in the background as your assistant and watch how you work with her.”

“Maybe we can get a model for you to practice on,” I said.

“I wouldn’t refuse that, but this is your business, Nate. It’s not a school. I really don’t want to interfere with the business,” she said.

“First, I think you’d work better with a male model to start with. Tell me if I’m wrong, but you have a more natural affinity to working with men than women, just like I have a more natural affinity to working with women. Second, I know a guy who would like to have an Attic Allure photo, but is hesitant about posing for a guy. Sounds like a good match. And third, I will always help my friend, whether it is business or school,” I said.

“I love you, Nate. In a good wholesome way. Wanting to have sex with you is completely different.”

I had a couple of ideas and thought I could pull something together that would benefit both of us.


“Hey, sweetheart. Are you celebrating or mourning,” I asked Beth when I got hold of her.

“Yes, both. It’s weird having a night off and then just one more performance. I’ve seen the new entr’acte rehearse, though, and she’s really good. I’ve had an incredible run.”

“I’m so looking forward to seeing you next week. Do you want me to come down to Chicago to pick you up?” I asked.

“Um… Uh… That won’t be necessary. I’m not coming up right away,” she said.

“You aren’t?” I’d really been working on holding a place for Beth in my heart and in my life, but it was hard when she didn’t sound like she wanted to be with us.

“I really want to be there, but my sister offered to take me to Kenya for a week. Just the two of us and safaris in Africa and all that! Can you imagine? She just contacted me this week and said not to argue because she already had the tickets and reservations once we get there. How could I even think about arguing?” she asked.

“No, you’re right. You know we all got passports this year, just in case we get a chance to travel like that. I’m thinking of taking one of the college’s study abroad classes in the intersession this year. Of course you should go,” I said.

“I knew you’d understand. I’ll plan on being up there by the eighteenth. I’m so looking forward to seeing you all and going to shows and meeting people like you’ve been meeting.”

“Don’t forget how much we love you, Beth. It will be difficult to wait another three weeks, but we’ll be here,” I said.

“I love you, too. I need to get ready for the night now. Rose and some of the girls are taking me out dancing tonight. I can’t believe these girls dance all week and then want to go dancing on their night off. But it’s a farewell thing to me.”

“Okay. Have fun. And have a great time in Africa. That sounds radical!”

“Thank you, honey. ’Night now.”


“Um… I was told I could get a promo picture here,” a young woman said at the front counter of the store, Thursday morning.

“Yes, of course,” Melinda said. “Let me call for Anna. She’ll help you.”

Anna was upstairs in the apartment and was down in a minute. We’d all just wished Min and Leanne safe travels as they left for Chicago. I wandered into the store to see what had walked in.

“Hi… um… I am working with the Theatre Festival and they suggested I should have a more current headshot for my resume,” the girl said. Easily as tall as Anna’s 5'7" with long, dirty blonde hair. Nice shape from what I could tell, but she looked awfully young. I wondered what she was doing with the theatre.

“Oh! I see,” Anna said, looking up from the photo the girl showed her. She looked at the girl who smiled a pearly perfect smile. “Recently get them off?”

“Yes. I can’t believe I had to go through my high school graduation with braces on. I don’t have a single picture from the past two years that shows me without a metal-mouth.”

Oh. So that was it. Reminded me of the days of the old high school retakes.

“We can fix you up. Nate has a lot of experience with high school photos,” Anna said.

“I’m not in high school anymore. I mean… I know I look young, but I’m eighteen and going to the university in the fall. Colin saw me in our school play and was nice enough to talk to me about what I wanted to do and to offer me an opportunity to understudy a role in the last play of the season. That means I’ll never actually get on stage, but I can shadow the actress and learn as much as I can,” she said.

“I didn’t mean to imply you were still in school,” Anna said. “You do look young, but Nate has worked with actors of all ages. I’m Anna and I’ll go over the various packages we have and see if we can tailor something that fits your needs.”

“I’m Greta Ahlquist. I was in the theatre the day Kathleen Thomas brought in the photo she had done here. It was so beautiful! I’m not nearly as beautiful as she is, but I’m hoping it’s better than when I had braces.”

“Well, Greta, let’s have a seat and talk about what you really want. I’ll show you some more of Nate’s work and give you an opportunity to meet him so you can decide if you want to work with him.”

I glanced in a mirror in the studio and wondered—if I were an eighteen-year-old girl, would I trust this dude to take my picture? Probably not. I’d been keeping my beard short, but my hair was shoulder length now and I had a tie-dye headband keeping it out of my eyes. Today, of all days, I’d chosen to wear a sleeveless T-shirt and a pair of bellbottoms. I really looked like all I needed was a guitar and a joint to be a perfect hippie.

“Can we really do that?” I heard her exclaim in the other room.

“Let’s go into the studio and ask Nate about it,” Anna said.

I still had a selection of both Leslie’s and my photos of Min on the table. Doreen’s photo of the Muse had just been returned from the frame shop and was ready for her to pick up. Leanne and Min had taken copies of the latest photo with them, but Leslie and I were still discussing the relative merits of the color vs. black and white image.

“Nate, this is Greta,” Anna said by way of introduction. “She had the unfortunate experience of having all her graduation photos, including her promo headshot, taken while she had braces on her teeth. She’d like to get them all redone.”

“All?” I asked as I held out my hand to shake Greta’s. “I’m happy to meet you, Greta. Welcome to Attic Allure.”

“Anna said that you could do the promo shot, but that I could have a new graduation photo, too. And I just love the pictures you’ve done that she calls Attic Allure. These are really cool, but I’ve had enough at the moment of additions to my face. Can you make my promo photo look pretty?” Greta gabbled on.

“Oh, I don’t think that would be a problem at all. Anna, what did you have in mind for a graduation photo?” I asked.

“Greta says she still has her gown and mortarboard. I suggest she bring them, along with her diploma, and we could stage a photo as if she’d just received it.”

“Oh, sure! We have that pillar front to a library or something among the new backdrops. It would make a nice scholarly background. We can do it this afternoon if you’d like.”

“Yes! I’ll run home and get my props and costume. I can be back in an hour.” Greta took off at a run.

“Nate, just so you know, all we’re charging her for are the prints. She signed a model release and is interested in some of the more exotic pictures you’ve taken.”

“Isn’t she a bit young for nudes?” I asked.

“If I remember rightly, Patricia was sixteen when you first took her pictures. So were Chris, Judy, and Janice. I was just eighteen when you talked me out of my shirt and bra, as were Lori, Avery, and Pam. I don’t think Greta wants anything too explicit, but every girl that age wants something that makes her look mature and exciting.”

“Well, she’s local and involved with the theatre, so I don’t want to make a spectacle of her. We’ll work on something that gets her excited.”

I chose the backdrops and figured we’d do the standard headshot series first. Then we’d move to the graduation photos.

When Greta got back in an hour, we got straight to work.

She’d changed clothes and was wearing a nice sweater with a cowl neckline, but she also brought several items on hangers. I showed her to the dressing room and had her sit in the chair.

“You are a lovely woman, Greta,” I said. “Unfortunately, you’ve overdone the makeup a little. That’s not a criticism, really. It would look fine going out on a date or to a party. In a photo, though, it would come off as being harsh. Strictly an effect of the lights and film. So, I’m going to soften things a little. Same general shaping and highlight, just a little softer.”

“Did you do the makeup on those photos I saw in the studio?” she asked as she let me turn her head and wipe off some of the eyeshadow and liner.

“I assisted on those. The real makeup artist was my instructor who conceived the images. She’s been helping me with makeup for a couple of years now. I’m pretty good at the street makeup techniques. A little less so for the theatrical makeup. I’m taking a course in that this fall.”

“That’s cool. Oh! I see what you’re doing. That looks better even as street makeup, doesn’t it?”

“Your face is very pretty and doesn’t need a lot after you apply the foundation. I’m darkening your lips a little because I want your teeth to be highlighted. I’ll bet you’ve been keeping your mouth closed as much as possible in pictures. Now we want to see those pearly whites.”

“Can we do two poses for the headshot? I love this sweater and I think it looks good on me, but I’ve also got a blouse that has a more… um… open neckline. You know, so it will show some cleavage. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

“Very much so. I’m pretty relaxed about how often costumes get changed and what we do with them. I love this mohair sweater. So soft and it shows your shape nicely.” I petted down her arms and then took her to the stage.

“You have almost as many lights as the theatre,” she said as I started turning them on.

“Not quite, but like the theatre, the quality of a photograph often depends on the way it is lit.”

“And the photographer’s use of the light,” Leslie said from beside me.

“Exactly. Greta, I’m going to be shooting a standard set in black and white. Those are pictures that I can have ready for you to pick up tomorrow morning. Leslie is my backup and will be shooting color transparencies. Those are for that one special shot that you want to present to your parents or someone important to you. It takes a few days to get those ready to print and they are pretty expensive.”

“I understand. Hi, Leslie. I do hope you get one color photo that I want to have a print of.”

I started moving her into position on the stool and getting shots on the Hasselblad that would fill her promo needs. I even took a full-length shot and then suggested she change to her next blouse.

“Let me know if you need assistance with anything. Otherwise, I’ll leave you to it.”

She hopped into the dressing room and not fifteen seconds later called for me.

“I’m caught,” she said. “I should have taken my earrings off before I tried to take off the sweater. Can you untangle them?”

“Sure,” I said, carefully freeing the earring from the knit. I removed the sweater, leaving her standing in her bra in front of me. A very thin bra. It impressed me as being one of those bras like Kelly had worn years ago that fulfilled the rule that girls had to wear one, but it didn’t really need to do anything. More like a sheer band of nylon.

“The blue blouse, please,” she said, obviously expecting me to just continue dressing her now that I’d removed her sweater. I didn’t mind.

I pulled the blouse over her arms and around her front, then simply began buttoning it, letting my hands rest against the inside of her boobs as I worked the buttons. When I was finished, I came back and unbuttoned two more buttons so the blouse fell open to show some cleavage, but didn’t quite reach her bra.

“Do you think I need to take it off?” she asked hoarsely, obviously meaning the bra.

“Not at the moment,” I said. “Remember, this is your promo shot. You want to look appealing, but not too available.”

“Oh, yeah. Okay. I’m ready.”

We went through basically the same sequence of shots and I stopped to change film.

“We’re ready for the graduation gown now,” I said. “Leslie, let’s get the background changed. I think this will be very cool.”

Greta ran into the dressing room and by the time Leslie and I had the background changed, she was back out with the gown on and her cap with the tassel hanging off one side. She had her diploma in hand.

“This will be fun,” I said. “Let’s give you a step to stand on and make sure we aren’t casting any shadows on the background. Leslie, let’s take the light on the backdrop down a little. It looks too flat with that much light on it. Yes. Much better.”

I did a couple of tight face shots with the mortarboard and then started moving out for the formal graduation picture.

“You paid a lot for that smile,” I said. “Let’s see it. Much better. Be happy. Dance a little.”

She did a little hop and skip. I saw it was time to loosen up the scene.

“Let’s unzip the gown so it flows around you as you dance,” I said.

Greta gasped as I pulled the zipper down to open the graduation gown. Staring me in the face were a pair of white bikini panties. As I looked up toward her face, I saw that was all she had on under the gown.

“Uh… Perhaps I should zip it back up,” I said.

“No. I mean… Well, this is how all the girls dressed under their graduation gowns. Some wore their bras, but some ditched the panties, too. They were really popular at the party after commencement. Um… Do you want me to ditch mine?” she asked.

“No. At least, not yet. If you’re okay with this, let’s see that last pose again, with your foot kicked out. That’s the one. Let me just shield the nip a little so you can display this if you want to.”

It was obvious in the photo that she wasn’t wearing anything significant under her robe, but it also didn’t show anything dangerous. As we progressed, though, my adjustments to her robe were to expose more rather than less, and I lingered with my hands on her breasts as I moved the robe. They were quite nice. More than a mouthful and less than a handful as the old saying went. I made sure her nipples were hard and protruding. And I took pictures.

“That’s it,” I said, pulling her robe together and zipping it to her waist.

“I have my rehearsal costume for the play,” she said. “Can we get some pictures in it?”

“Sure. What’s your part?”

“I play Justine, a character stand-in for Justice. My father is a lunatic professor called Genius who wants to bring Justice to the world. So, he makes me do a striptease in order to make men lust for Justice.”

“I think that is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I can’t really explain any further without sitting for a couple of hours with a bottle of wine and a joint and maybe making love. It’s an absurdist drama in seventy-seven scenes. It has a couple called Mr. and Mrs. Bat who are vampires and their forty-year-old son still lives with them and wears diapers. And is a bear. My character starts out so naïve and innocent that she believes children are conceived in the mind. But by the end of the show, she’s even crazier than her father.”

“I am definitely going to need to see this show,” I said. “Get your costume on and let’s shoot some pictures.”

She headed for the dressing room and Leslie and I changed the backdrop to an abstract pattern and shone spotlights across it to make it look like she was really on a stage.

“I’ve changed my mind,” Leslie whispered to me. “You don’t have a strange effect on women, you simply attract strange women. It makes me wonder about myself.”

“If it helps, I’ve never considered you strange,” I said, giving her a quick kiss.

“That’s because you’re strange,” she said, shaking her head.

It took longer for Greta to emerge this time. When she did, I could see why. She’d brushed out her hair and ratted it so it stuck out in odd places. Her makeup was more garish than what I’d toned down when I first saw her. Her lips were a bright red gash. Her dress hung off one shoulder with a bra strap showing. At least she was wearing one. For now.

She really got into her part as she moved on the stage and I held her in positions that I thought would make a good photo. The dress ultimately fell in a puddle at her feet as she raised her hands showing the thin bra and a tiny pair of panties that were just a patch over her pussy and a string that ran between her butt cheeks.

I hadn’t noticed her butt so much before. Now it was simply bare and I could see it was very nice. When the bra came off, I positioned her by holding one butt cheek and one boob. I thumbed her nipples to make sure they were protruding. She held the position with her bra dangling from one hand. Then I carefully turned her so her nipples were just out of the line of sight and her butt was in full view. I had her turn her head to look at the camera over her shoulder. I got her up on her toes with one foot back and one forward.

This called for the Linhof and I quickly loaded a carrier into it. It was perfect. Then I did something I hadn’t done in quite a long time. I pivoted her so I could see both breasts and shot a closeup of her from her breasts up. She had such a steamy look in her eye that I almost came in my pants. That shot would go in my private collection.

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the dressing room.

“That’s all for today,” I said.

“I want more.”

“No more photos today,” I repeated.

“That’s not what I want more of,” she said, pulling my hand to her breast and my face to her mouth.

With her legs spread, the tiny piece of fabric that covered her pussy was soon pushed aside and I fingered the swamp in her pussy.

“Yes! That’s what I want. Do me.”

I slid my fingers into her vagina and as I stimulated her clit with my thumb, I sought out the rough spot on the top of her vagina and rubbed it. She gasped into my mouth and shoved her tongue as deep as she could as she moaned out an orgasm. I softly rubbed her pussy as she continued to tremble.

“Anna said there was no fucking in the studio. Let me suck you,” she said.

“It’s not necessary.”

“Nate, you just had your fingers up my pussy. Put your cock in my mouth.”

I’ve always been a weakling when it came to resisting direct commands from pretty girls. I stuck my cock in her mouth and really enjoyed coming down her throat.


“In the play, I don’t take my bra off. It’s a shorter scene than we played out. And neither the director nor any of the actors fingers me to orgasm. But now that I’ve had that experience, I think I can work the feelings into the part. I can’t wait to see the photos.”

“You were pretty spectacular. I hope I get to see you in the play.”

“It’s not likely, but if I get an opportunity to fill in, I’ll put tickets aside for you. Thank you for today. I feel like so much of my high school time was wasted because I had braces. Do you think a boy will let a girl suck him with a mouth full of sharp metal? It was either spread my legs or go without. Most of the time I went without. I got tired of guys always wanting doggie style so they didn’t have to try to kiss me. I know you’ve got girlfriends and all, so I won’t try to get you to be with me. But thank you for today. I’ve never had so much fun kissing.”

“You’re welcome and thank you. I’ll get proof sheets printed this afternoon and you can see them tomorrow. We’ll send Leslie’s slides down for overnight processing, so you should be able to see them, too. Then we can put together the package of photos you wished you had in high school.”

“Thank you, Nate. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”


We got good photos. I had to admit that the color transparency that Leslie took of Greta in flight in her gown was absolutely stunning. She managed to catch it without an exposure of her nipples. It just looked like her gown was flying with her. Greta loved it and bought an 8x10. She also got a nice selection of her promo headshots and a couple of nice photos from her striptease.

I worked with Leslie that afternoon to pull the Cibachrome from her slide and then encouraged her to pull a 10x15 for her own portfolio. She asked why I was only pulling an 8x10 of my closeup of Greta and I told her that like a couple of her photos, it was for my private collection.

“Here’s my thought,” I told her as we were cleaning up and drying the photos. “I’ve got Bridget coming in on Monday. Based on what I know, I’ll be shooting mostly color. You would not believe the color of her hair. I’ve never seen anything so bright red. Anyway, there’s this guy named Daniel Fournier who’s an actor and the girls have been urging him to get a sexy shot like Kathleen’s or like Sam and Rachel’s. He likes the idea, but he’s not sure about letting a guy talk him into a sexy pose. This guy is maybe a little homophobic. I’m betting he won’t look at his own dick in a mirror. But he’d really like the photo. So, I gave him a call and told him—I’m sorry to make it sound this way, but I had to position it so that I could talk him into it—that I had a female apprentice who really needed experience working with a male model. I offered him a free sitting and all he needed to do was buy the prints he wanted. If you agree, he’ll come in on Wednesday and you’ll have him for the morning.”

“Wow, that’s a lot to live up to,” Leslie laughed. “Um… you know that this all means I’m staying an extra week? I kind of intended to go home Monday, but if you guys will have me, I’m willing to stay.”

“Oh, yes,” I whispered. “I definitely think we’ll have you.”

“Now? I think I’m available.”

“How about after the show tonight? We’ve got tickets to Hedda Gabler. Interested?”

“You got a ticket for me?”

“Unless you’d rather babysit.”

“Fancy that, Hedda!”

We both laughed. How many people can respond with a line from a Henrik Ibsen play?


“I was kind of surprised that it was you who joined us at the show tonight,” Leslie said as Patricia and I escorted her to her bedroom and went right in with her.

“I needed a break from little Miss Mischief,” Patricia said. “And I thought it might be nice if you had the company of a woman who was a late-comer to some of the pleasures I’d like to show you. I remember the first time Anna and I decided to try just touching each other. We were so excited, I don’t think either of us lasted a minute before we came. But if anything makes you uncomfortable, just shove me away and Nate will continue to um… fill your void.”

“Well, there’s no fooling that I want my void filled by him, but seriously, I’ve always thought you were the cutest of the girlfriends. You’re so petite, it’s hard to believe you’ve had a baby.”

“Well, she keeps me in shape.”

By that time, all three of us were naked, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Then Patricia caught Leslie in a kiss and that was the clincher for the deal.

“Oh, wow! That’s so different than kissing a boy! Do I kiss different than a boy?”

“Oh, yeah. It’s one of the things that convinced Anna and me that making love to each other wouldn’t really be bad at all. We can just kiss for hours,” Patricia said.

“I’m in. We can keep kissing.”

We rolled into bed and the kissing became more enthusiastic. We introduced Leslie to the three-way and I think she came. I knew the signs and had a finger in her cleft when she flooded me. Patricia worked her way down to suck on Leslie’s nipples while I kissed her. Then she worked her way on down until she’d moved Leslie’s legs apart and replaced my fingers with her tongue.

Patricia tugged at my cock to get me behind her and I got the message. Leslie writhed beneath Patricia’s ministrations as I slotted my cock and pushed into Patricia’s waiting quim. Being in that hot familiar passage while watching Leslie grabbing her own breasts as Patricia licked her clit meant I wasn’t going to last long. I reached around Patricia’s slight frame to get a finger on her button as I filled her with semen.

“I prepared a treat for you,” Patricia said as she climbed Leslie’s body, kissing her way up to her lips.

“I want to do that to you!” Leslie said. “That was so… Your tongue is amazing!”

“I want you to do it, and Nate is almost ready to fill your void, honey.”

“Will you… sit on my face while he does?”


I got a condom on and moved up between Leslie’s thighs to slide smoothly into her well-lubricated hole. Before she had a chance to object, Patricia swung a leg over Leslie’s head and settled her come-filled pussy on Leslie’s mouth.

Leslie had had my come in her mouth several times, but never deposited from another girl’s vagina. I wasn’t sure how that was going to go, but Leslie’s hips started churning against me and Patricia threw herself against me as she gasped out her pleasure from Leslie’s tongue. We all took just a little longer to make it to heaven this time, but coming while I was clamped tightly in Leslie’s pussy was exquisite.

“That was sneaky to feed me Nate’s come while I was trying to concentrate on what I was doing to you,” Leslie giggled as we cuddled together and kept kissing each other.

“I wanted to give you something familiar in the experience,” Patricia said. I noted her hand was still filled with Leslie’s smaller breasts.

“Can we do it all again?”

“It’s only midnight. I’m not going anywhere else,” I said.

Having already come twice, though, it took a while before I was ready to go again. In the meantime, I had the pleasure of fondling Patricia and Leslie as they locked themselves in a sixty-nine.


“God, that was fun!” Leslie said as we finally calmed down for the night.

It was around two o’clock in the morning. I’d lost track of how many times the girls brought each other to orgasm. I’d popped again in each of them, though they were pretty small pops by that time. I’d certainly licked two of the tastiest pussies ever. And they’d licked each other.

“No reason for it to be over just because we need a little sleep before we continue,” Patricia mumbled. She had a hand on one of Leslie’s breasts, and her lips were up close to the other nipple. Leslie had a hand on my cock as I tried to hold both girls.

“Will it be as good in the morning?” Leslie asked. “I’ve never had anything remotely like that.”

“Oh, you’ll be surprised,” Patricia said. “It gets better. You know, that was the first time I’ve been with anyone outside our family. Nate, Ronda, and Anna. It was fun. I don’t think I’d be happy sharing with another guy, but your pussy is really tasty. Any time you get lonely while you’re here, I’ll be happy to warm your bed. And lick your clit.”

“Just tonight, I’ve had more sex than in the past six months. I could get to like this.”

“We’ll see,” Patricia mumbled as she went to sleep, kissing Leslie’s nipple.


When Leslie woke up Saturday morning, she got another surprise. Patricia and I slipped out of bed early to take care of Toni when she woke up. Our two naked girlfriends padded into the guest room and got in with Leslie. I heard her yelp in surprise as Patricia and I took Toni down the stairs to go have breakfast at That Scottish Café.

We didn’t have a huge breakfast, but Toni loved the scones and so did I. Although I had been a little leery of giving her any—after all, hell hath no fury like a woman sconed! As we sat at the table, I saw four actors come into the café. I waved and Bridget detached herself from the group and came to join us. The others sat at a table a little ways away.

“Nate and Patricia,” Bridget said. “And who is this little charmer?”

“This is my daughter, Toni,” Patricia said. “Can you say hi to Bridget, honey?”

“Briddet,” Toni said and hid her face behind her glass of milk.

“That’s close enough, Toni. It’s nice to meet you,” Bridget laughed. “Nate, is it true you talked Daniel into posing for a picture?”

“He’s agreed. But he’s not posing for me. I have an associate visiting from Chicago this week. She’ll be the photographer Wednesday and I’ll just assist with lights and scenery. Much the same as she’ll assist me on Monday when you come in,” I said.

“We’re so excited!” Bridget said. “The girls have gotten together to choose the wardrobe and props for him. Damien gave us free rein to bring unused items from the props closet and wardrobe.”

“Wow! That will be great,” I said.

“I’m bringing his wardrobe with me on Monday when I bring mine. I’ll go over it with your assistant so she knows what to expect. I wish we could watch. You know, Daniel is a nice guy and we love him, but he does like to peek on the girls when he can get away with it. I think any one of us would give him more than a peek if he just approached and asked us. We’re writing little notes for his costumes from each of us,” Bridget laughed.

“That sounds incredibly evil,” Patricia said.

“Evil!” Toni chimed in. She’d heard that word tossed around the apartment enough times to have it down pat.

“Yes, it is. I hope he suffers… in a good way.”

“And will we enjoy your suffering on Monday?” I asked. I, too, can be evil.

“I have accepted the fact that I will be posing in some suggestive costumes and that I might be… accidentally… exposed to your eyes at times. All I really ask is that you not try to be sneaky about your peeking. It really drives a girl crazy. Or crazier in my case.”

“I will do my best to be obvious,” I said.

She caught her breath.


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