
Business as Usual


“Doreen” by Fotokvadrak ID195671624 from Shutterstock.com


WE GOT THROUGH dinner Wednesday night with minimal problems. I was able to cook my ever-famous meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy. I even managed to serve a green vegetable with it. Everyone was satisfied. Min returned to the bathtub to soak for a while; there were still patches of the bronze color on her skin. Leanne kept assuring us that it would come off.

I danced with Toni and read stories to her. Once she was down for the night—she loved her new big girl room and bed—I danced around with Patricia. Ronda and Anna, of course, had dinner out and then went to the show. I had a feeling they’d be caught by Kathleen to go out after the show and meet Damien. Leanne disappeared into her room.

“I’m feeling awful tired tonight,” Patricia said. “My period is due and it’s been wearing me out lately. Why don’t you check on Min and make sure she’s doing okay. Leanne is feeling bad that the color isn’t coming off as fast as she expected.”

“Are you sure, love? I could just come to bed with you.”

“No, Nate. Really. Check on Min. I love you.”

“I love you, sweetheart.”

Patricia kissed me and went to our room. I went to the guest bath and knocked softly.

“Min, may I come in?”


She was submerged in the bathtub and I could see a ring of the color around the waterline. I was going to need to scrub the tub as soon as she was out. I sat on the stool next to the tub and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Are you doing okay, dear?”

“Yeah. I guess so.” She leaned her face against my hand. “Tell me it was worth it. It was such an exhausting day and I kind of snapped at Leanne.”

“If it helps, I think we got some absolutely spectacular photos. You were spectacular.”

“Thank you. The stuff is coming off. I know it’s not permanent, but I kind of thought I’d take a bath and get out and that would be it.”

“Would you like me to wash your back?”

“Yes, please. And anything else you can reach. I have no idea if I’ve gotten it all out of my crack. Do you think that was really necessary? I’d like to be clean enough, you know, that I wouldn’t be completely disgusting if a really nice photographer checked me with his tongue.”

“I’m pretty sure I know a photographer who would do that.”

I pulled my shirt off so I could get my arms down into the water to scrub her. We’d put in a good supply of Dove soap for the girls and I noted this bar was nearly half gone already. I held Min in my arms as I washed her tenderly. When I was well down below the waterline, she got on her hands and knees in the tub so I could reach her bottom. I took special care in cleaning her crack, all the way through her pussy. Fortunately, Leanne had only given a light spritz of the color to this area, and I felt it was pretty clean. She stood and I washed her legs just as thoroughly. My hand kept running up to caress her pussy, though.

“Your skin is going to be all dried out from so long in the water and the makeup,” I said. “I have massage oil. Why don’t we leave the tub and let me oil you thoroughly.”

That was quickly agreed to and with both the master bedroom and the guest room in use, I took her to the spare room and got my oil out. She tugged at my jeans and I slipped them off to cuddle next to her. We kissed and petted, then I started oiling her body and working the oil into her skin as I massaged her. And, yes, I oiled her butt crack and labia, making sure they were fully soothed. I oiled her neck and chest, checking to be sure I’d gotten all the makeup off her nipples by using a taste test.

“Will you make love to me tonight, Nate?” she whispered as I oiled her feet and made sure her toes were covered as well.

“Yes, Min. If you’d like to make love, I’d be honored.”


My massage turned more sensual as I caressed her skin and kissed her. Before long, I had a condom on and was sliding into the Asian beauty. She gasped.

“Slowly! I don’t think I’ve had anyone as big as you. In high school I stuck to Asian boys who all wanted a light skinned Asian girl. You fill me so much! Oh!”

I moved in her slowly until she began to pick up the pace and we made it to our climaxes within a few strokes of each other. After such a long and exhausting day, she fell asleep soon thereafter and I lay holding her and dozing lightly.


“Oops! The spare room is in use. I thought it might be,” Ronda whispered outside the door.

“Are Leanne and Patricia together?” Anna asked.

“No. Two big beds with only one girl in each,” Ronda said.

“Why don’t you cuddle Leanne and I’ll hold Patricia. Nobody needs to be alone in bed, do they?”

“I like the way you think,” Ronda whispered as their voices retreated in the night. I glanced at my watch to see it was just after midnight. They must have had a very good time after the show.

“Do you need to go to your own bed?” Min whispered without opening her eyes. “It’s okay if you do.”

“No, honey, I’m here with you for the night unless you prefer that I go.”

“Oh, good. Can we make love again?”

Her request. What could I do but comply. And thoroughly enjoy the experience.


Life returned to normal for the most part. When the transparencies got back on Thursday, I looked at them with Dave and we were both incredibly pleased. I decided it was silly for me to be amassing such a huge collection of slides and not have a projector.

He had a new projector from Bell and Howell that took a whole roll of slides and stacked them in a cube. I bought the system and took it home to set up a slide show for the family. Of course, the 4x5 slides would not fit in it and I’d simply have to look at them on the light table.

Everyone was pleased, even with the black and white proofs I pulled.

There were all kinds of considerations to be made in terms of making Cibachrome prints. I was willing to make blowups of the picture for both Leanne and Min, but Min said she really couldn’t use anything larger than an 8x10. She said that she hoped one day she could order a large print to hang in her mansion when she was rich and famous. In my book that was a sure thing.

Leanne was a little more difficult to determine. She was afraid she’d only be able to carry around and show an 8x10, but I talked her into a 12x15. Really, it was the first major piece of color artwork we’d done together and I felt she should have a hangable image.

After talking things over with Anna, and Anna talking to Leanne and Min, it was determined that I should print one full size 20x25 print to have framed and put up for sale. Min, Leanne, and I would all sign it and we’d give it the title of “Min the Gold, a Mythical Dragon.” Of course, all these prints were pulled from a 4x5 transparency, so the quality of the image was unbelievably fine, even at the largest size. I hadn’t actually pulled a Cibachrome in the large size, but I had the paper, so I decided to try it. I didn’t think I’d be printing many at this size, but I loved this one.

I spent the better part of Thursday in the darkroom, sometimes accompanied by either Leanne or Min. They were both interested in the process, but they also both wanted some loving reassurances. Min was nearly completely clear of the skin color, though she kind of glowed with all the scrubbing that had been done and the amount of oil we used.

Leanne desperately needed reassurance that she hadn’t done wrong in painting Min. It ended up with both Min and me providing reassurance and Leanne having multiple orgasms in the darkroom.


I finally emerged from the day’s work printing the Cibachromes to find Anna and Leanne in a deep conversation with the woman who had poked her head in the studio on Wednesday to see the incredible paint job on Min. She had said she wanted to see the finished product and that she wanted a portrait done in a similar style.

“Doreen wants to know if we can do a sitting for her similar to what you did with Min,” Anna explained to me. I carefully laid out the three prints on a table so they could be seen and examined. It was pretty sensational. We decided that we’d sign all three prints, and those would be the only ones signed by all of us. I might sign additional prints or Leanne or Min might sign prints, but only the three would be signed by all of us. Anna had already set the price for the big print and I assumed that it meant she simply wanted us to keep it. No one was going to pay that much.

“I’ve explained that I’m not going to use the bronze paint again,” Leanne said. “Min was very upfront with Doreen about what a pain it was. I do have some other body paints, though, that we could use.”

“I want a big picture of me… Not as big as that one, but like the medium size one. I’ve been trying to work myself up to posing for a nude portrait for a long time, and this would be just the thing,” Doreen said. “Of course, I don’t want to have a duplicate of this painting. It’s just so beautiful, I can hardly believe it. But something that shows my body as an artist’s canvas. I’m willing to pay the price to have an exclusive print.”

Really? I wondered what kind of price Anna had quoted. It didn’t make a difference as to what it was. I begged to have a day off and do the project on Saturday. I hadn’t really slept much the previous night. Spending a night curled up with a girl I’ve never had sex with before makes me lie awake just appreciating her body, even when she’s asleep. And making love with Min again in the morning was a great wake-up call.

“We were going to leave,” Leanne said. “Isn’t Leslie coming in this weekend?”

“We’ve got room,” I said. “Anna, do you think it’s a problem?”

“Absolutely not,” Anna said. “If Leanne and Min can stay for a few extra days, we can do the makeup, photo shoot, and get everything printed so you can both sign it before they leave.”

“Min, baby? Would you like to spend a few more days? I’m sure we could find a way to make it up to you.”

“Mmm. Maybe I could do that one you designed that is just black and white tracery all down the torso. At least the black makeup comes off pretty easily,” Min said.

“Oh, you know I’ll have to do all the drawing on that one. I don’t think Nate can do that intricate design without a lot of practice that we don’t have time for. Is it okay?” Leanne asked, still unsure if Min had forgiven her.

“Of course it is, sweetie. I’m sorry I got upset last night. I’m not mad at you. If you put the design on me, maybe Nate will take it off.”

“Okay. We’ll stay if we can agree on a design for Doreen,” Leanne said.

She sat down with her sketchbook and Doreen started going over possible designs.

I was blow drying the new photos when Rachel and Sam came in. Anna ushered them into the studio, which was a very busy place at the moment. They looked at the new picture of Min and were just gaga. I moved those prints aside and Anna pulled their photos out of the package from the frame shop. The two were nicely matted and wrapped in plastic. Sam and Rachel were ecstatic.

“I’d love to do something like that one sometime, though,” Rachel said pointing at the picture of Min. “I’m not exactly svelte like this gorgeous woman, but I think I’d make a wonderful canvas.”

“I’m afraid we’re booked up this week,” I said.

“Oh, we have to leave Sunday anyway,” Rachel said. “Where will you be over Christmas break?”

“Well, I suppose I’ll be in Chicago. Leanne is the makeup artist, though. I’ll have to see if she’s available.”

“If she is and you are, I could probably get to Chicago for a few days. My family is in Minneapolis, so I’ll already be three-quarters of the way from Seattle to Chicago,” she said.

“Okay. Let me pencil you in for the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Give me a call to solidify the date when you know what your schedule will be and I’ll talk to Leanne.”

“Nate’s card is on the back of your mattes,” Anna said. “That has both our office number here in Stratford and in Chicago. Remember, we’re only here in Stratford until the end of August, then we all have to rush back to Chicago for the start of the next school year.”

“I hear you,” Rachel said. “For another year, my life is dictated by the school academic calendar. Then, I’m sure it will be dictated by any production schedules I can find.”

We hugged Sam and Rachel goodbye and wished them luck and success. Rachel managed to lay a deep kiss on me before she pulled away.

“I still owe you a blowjob,” she whispered. “I had to rush out to give Sam his Monday.”

That answered the question of who got Sam off. I was sure that with Leanne working him out of his costume and makeup, it didn’t take long for Rachel to finish the job.


“We’ve decided,” Leanne announced when Rachel and Sam left. We showed the new print to Doreen and she thought it was quite funny. “We’re going to do the magical muse design, possibly modified a bit. See?”

She showed me her sketch and I thought it was pretty cool.

“You know this is going to take a while to get made up?” I asked Doreen.

“Leanne and Anna have explained the process pretty thoroughly,” Doreen said. “I practically grew up in theatre and performed here until I got pregnant and married two years ago. Yes, in that order. I’m not body shy, though I’ll ask you to please not put another baby in me.”


“I know. Anna told me, no fucking in the studio. I guess anything else goes,” Doreen said.

“We’ll see you Saturday morning at eight o’clock, then,” Anna took over. “Please try to not be late as Nate and Leanne will be working on your body—makeup—for anywhere between two and four hours before you are ready to photograph. We’ll try to have some modest refreshments available so no one faints from hunger or caffeine deprivation.”

Anna walked out with Doreen.

“Do you have everything you need to do this piece?” I asked.

“Almost. I need to run over to the theatre and talk to Trish. She’ll let me borrow what I need,” Leanne said.

“The theatre will let you borrow things?”

“It will be more like give me things since they’ll get used up, but they’re really nice over there. When I toured it with Kathleen, they said to just check with them if I needed something. When they see that photo of Min, I’m pretty sure they’ll give me anything I want.”

That was amazing. First Kathleen had borrowed stuff for her photo shoot, then she just brought us costumes and props for our shoot with Sam and Rachel and stayed to help. Then they offered to loan Leanne anything she needed. Anna told me that one of the actresses I met Friday night had called and wanted to set up a time for a portrait. I remembered Bridget Gray as the red-haired Irish actress who was another attendant in the show and, I gathered, had nice parts in School for Scandal and in Vatzlav, the last show of the season. The festival was a true repertory company and the productions of all the plays overlapped.

Well, I was pleased with the way that relationship was developing. If we could borrow costumes and props, or get actors as models for projects, we’d get along fine in Stratford.


When I got up on Friday, I kissed all the family, including Min and Leanne, and went out on my own for the day. I took the 35, but I was feeling kind of disconnected from my art, so I had it loaded with black and white film. I thought I might get some cool shots of the town as I walked around.

My first objective was to find a coffee shop for breakfast. I got a kick out of seeing a little restaurant I hadn’t noticed before called ‘That Scottish Café.’ Nice sense of humor. Several businesses in Stratford had names that had some association to Shakespeare. Why not? Shakespeare was making the town famous.

The menu had pretty typical café breakfast foods on it. I was about to order a corned beef hash and eggs when I saw the ‘Full Scottish Breakfast.’ There was a ‘Full English Breakfast,’ too, but I decided to try the Scottish version. I was asked how I wanted my egg—over easy—and what kind of toast—whole wheat—but those were the only options I was asked about. I’m sure I could have specified something else if I knew what options there were, but I prepared to just immerse myself in a bit of the local culture. I grabbed a copy of the newspaper and they brought me coffee while I was waiting. It took about five minutes to read everything of interest to me in the paper, but my breakfast was served pretty quickly.

I just stared at the plate for a few seconds. Or platter. This breakfast was huge, and it looked like everything on the platter had been fried, with the possible exception of the beans. I stood up so I could get a better angle and focused the camera on the plate to take some pictures.

“It’s beautiful, but not likely to get as many views as my bare breasts,” Kathleen said from behind me. I turned to find her and Damien standing there.

“Kathleen! Damien! I didn’t expect to run into anyone I knew. This might not show up in black and white as well as in color, either, but it was worth recording the event.”

“May we join you?” Damien asked.

“Yes, by all means. Please forgive me for eating, but I’d like this to be hot when I eat it.”

“Oh, go ahead. We’re just having tea and sweet rolls. Getting our day started,” Kathleen said.

“I’m glad we ran into you,” Damien said. “Leanne brought that latest photo you did yesterday and I have to tell you how impressed I am. Both with the makeup and with the photo. That is a spectacular piece of work.”

He paused to order their tea and crumpets. And Kathleen reached over to squeeze my hand.

“It was truly beautiful,” she said. “Half the company is talking about what they’d like for their character.”

“Wow! We’re doing another one tomorrow and one slightly less involved on Sunday or Monday, but Leanne and Min are leaving sometime mid-week or so. My photographer/model friend Leslie will be here tomorrow sometime.”

“You’re absolutely Victoria Station with people leaving and arriving!”

“It will be that way all summer. Wait until you meet Adrienne. Possibly the most exquisite creature to ever walk the earth.”

“Oh, my! I’ve seen Min and that really takes a lot to beat.”

“Anyway, Nate,” Damien said, “between the pictures of Kathleen and Min and that couple you just did this week, it got me thinking about the whole realm of performance art. Watching you create this piece and then photograph it could be an exquisite work of art in itself.”

“I’ve done a couple of limited audience photo sessions for my patrons in the past, but not with the whole makeup thing. It took us over four hours to do Min. But like I said, Leanne will be leaving soon,” I said.

“Well, it’s something to keep in mind. We’d have to moderate the audience and make sure everyone was of age and knew there would be nudity.”

“It helps if the model knows and understands that as well. That kind of thing is as stressful on the model as the artist. She rather gets… handled, you know.”

“And a storyline,” Kathleen jumped in. “I loved the thing you did with Sam and Rachel where it was a kind of Elizabethan Hair. You could probably sell the whole set of slides with a script.”

“Yes. More munging things together. Shakespeare and other concepts.”

“What is this?” I asked taking a bite of something disgusting. I pushed it aside.

“Oh. That’s fried haggis. No one likes it, but they almost have to serve it. Let’s see, you’ve got a Lorne sausage, sausage links, rasher bacon—that’s off the back—tattie scones—they’re great for mopping up all the juice on the plate at the end—baked beans, fried tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, and fried black pudding, which is also a sausage variant. And, of course, your egg,” Kathleen said.

“I hope you didn’t intend to eat again today. That’s a heart attack on a platter,” Damien laughed. “Now what do you think about if we came up with a little storyline. We could actually schedule a performance, say once a month, in the studio theater. Or it would be great for the coffee house if we go through with the purchase. I’m sure I could sell the idea and you know there are plenty of actresses who would take their clothes off on stage if we pay them.”

“You know what I’ve always wondered?” I asked, thinking about the storylines. “Why did Shakespeare never write a play about King Arthur?”

Kathleen and Damien looked at each other for long enough that I got a bite of baked beans and one of Lorne into my mouth before they responded.

“We should lead with that!” Damien said. “Do you think Leanne would buy into it?”

“Give her a full-time job in the makeup department for the season,” Kathleen said. “Then pay her a bonus as a performer for the art pieces.”

“Yes! Yes! I’ll come over to talk to her myself,” Damien said. “That would be splendid.”

The rest of breakfast was fun as they got their tea and crumpets and made comments on my reactions to the various food items on the plate. Aside from the haggis, everything else was pretty good. We talked about the concept more and what our schedules were at Columbia. Leanne and I couldn’t get to Stratford before mid-May.

I pushed back from the table a bit and got a nice picture of Damien and Kathleen together. They said they thought it was the first picture of the two of them and I promised them a copy. Then I headed out for a continued exploration of the town.


When I got home Friday afternoon, I’d probably walked ten miles around the city of Stratford. It was a great day for shooting photos of buildings and people. But when I walked into the apartment, I was attacked by Leanne—naked Leanne—who started kissing me and tearing at my clothes to get them off. I’d seldom seen Leanne so passionate. She liked sex with me, but mostly leaned toward women. That was where the problem with Min really originated. Min would tolerate sex with Leanne as a friend, but she definitely preferred men. Currently, me.

“I want you! I want you so much I’m dripping on the floor. Kathleen’s director friend and a producer came over this afternoon and asked if I’d be interested in working here full-time next season! A professional job! Here, where you and your family are. I want you! I want you in me. Pound me, Nate.”

She pulled me to the bedroom. Not the guest room, but the master bedroom. There, I found Ronda and Min already in bed waiting for us. Not like they’d been idle while waiting. Min was bent in half with her knees against her breasts while Ronda was licking her pudenda and asshole, with a dildo stuck up her vagina. Min looked like she was in ecstasy.

“Ronda said she’d help,” Leanne said. “She’s keeping number two warmed up for you.”

“Is Min coming back next summer, too?”

“Only if you want her. But Damien said he’d write a script especially for a performance with her if she’d come up.”

“Boy, they sure get things moving fast up here, don’t they?”

Leanne popped off from sucking my cock and applied a condom.

“Move in me fast, Nate. I’m so turned on, I can’t wait.”

I had thought it would be a nice quiet and restful night at home with my family. It was definitely not quiet and restful. And after I’d filled a condom in Leanne’s pussy, Ronda told me Anna, Patricia, and Toni had been invited out with Damien and Kathleen. They were going to see Hedda Gabler. Damien had assured Patricia that there was a special ‘cry room’ in the theatre where mothers could take a fussy child and still be able to see and hear the show. How convenient.

When I’d been revived and a new condom applied, I found Min mounting me with that long elegant body and extremely tight pussy. At least with us both having just come, we could slow up a little and just enjoy being connected for a while. Min was, however, ready for me to be with her and eventually turned up the heat as she pounded down on me and brought us both to fulfillment.

“I will miss you when we leave for Chicago,” she sighed as I held her and my cock continued to pulse in her pussy. “Can you do a model portfolio for me this fall when you get back? I have several photos, but I’d like to round out the portfolio with some other types of shots. Not necessarily makeup shots, you know?”

“You know I’ll be happy to work with you.”

“This worked, really well,” she said squeezing my cock in her pussy. I was softening, so I quickly reached down to grab the condom and toss it in the wastebasket. Min rolled off me and into Leanne’s arms. Ronda cuddled up to me.

“I can wait for a while,” she whispered. “This was just a party night because everyone was so happy. And it gave Anna and Patricia a chance to go out with Damien and Kathleen. You need to get some rest now. Doreen is scheduled to be here at eight. Do you think you can sleep with me in your arms?”

“You know that’s one of my favorite positions in the world, love.”

We cuddled together. Min and Leanne had plenty of room on the other side. Sleep was sweet.


Waking up early enough to make love to Ronda was sweet, too. We didn’t have much time, though. Leanne and I got downstairs to the studio just in time for Anna to welcome Doreen to Attic Allure. We went through the plans and the sketch and headed to the dressing room.

Doreen simply undressed and stood in front of us so we could assess. Leanne marked out the areas on her body that would get different colors of the Coty Originals body paint. I was in charge of the large areas of Doreen’s body, while Leanne worked on all the fine detail of her face. The face was more masklike than just having makeup. In fact, it started with a layer of clown white—the ingredient Leanne got from the theatre the day before.

The body paint was kind of cool. It was actually paint and came with a roller and pan. It was a dark tan and that would be the base for most of Doreen’s body. The nice part was that the dark tan did not cover her breasts. They were just breathing free in the air as I followed the markings Leanne had given me, skipping down to her stomach, and having Doreen spread her legs a little so I could wax her lips together. This was a step we didn’t need to worry about with Min because her labia were quite small and thin. While Doreen had fat outer lips, she also had inner labia that hung down a bit. I had to tuck the inner lips up inside and then apply wax to seal the outer lips over them.

“If you see anything up there that you like, feel free to take a taste,” Doreen laughed. She was surprised, though when I reached up and kissed her clit.

“Nate’s very creative with a camera,” Leanne laughed. “But with everything else, he’s quite a literalist. A lot of girls don’t realize that when they make a suggestion to him.”

“Remind me later to suggest that he finish that little job,” Doreen laughed.

“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to do so. If not, I’ll help,” Leanne said. She quickly pecked Doreen’s lips and then went back to applying the makeup.

I switched to the lightest shade of body paint that was almost white. Leanne wanted the pure white of the clown white to use as a base for the face makeup, but the pale skin would suffice for the body art. I started applying the paint up from her stomach toward her breasts. I had to hold them a bit to let the paint dry under them so they didn’t stick.

“Take your time kissing the nips goodbye before you cover them,” Doreen said.

I was sure she was giving a suggestion she wanted followed, so I clamped onto one nipple with my lips and flicked the tip with my tongue a few times. Leanne joined me on the other nipple and had a nice little suck, too.

“We need to make sure they’re extended so the paint covers them fully,” I explained. “We wouldn’t want them to suddenly come erect during the shoot and need to stop to touch up the makeup, you know.”

“I’ll accept that as a reasonable excuse—as reasonable as any,” Doreen said. “We’ll count it as something else you can come back to when we’re taking the makeup off.”

I rolled the paint on over her breasts and stiff nipples, making sure she was well covered. After I finished the base coats and made sure they were dry, I got to use a makeup brush and painted three curving lines across her chest, following the arc of her breasts as I made them look somewhat like music staves. I drew a treble clef over her right breast, circling her nipple. Then, according to the sketch, I drew half a dozen notes over her chest and left breast.

“This looks good,” Leanne said, stepping back to look at the overall vision. She’d finished the filigree on the mask and it did look superb. “Nate, I’d like you to use a damp sponge and the Ben Nye number 19 to just stipple the darker paint. All we want to do is give it a little texture. The white part should be just as smooth as her pretty skin is. I need to work on her hair now.”

“Can’t see much of my skin now,” Doreen laughed.

“Oh, we’re going to do all front shots with this, so I didn’t put any makeup on your back, really. I can tell by your butt that you have very pretty skin,” I said, patting her bottom and giving it a little squeeze.

“Don’t forget to stipple that area between my legs that we worked so hard on,” Doreen said, reaching over to give my stiff cock a squeeze through my slacks. Well, she’d been a very stimulating client.

At last Leanne pronounced her ready and finished with her hair. We led Doreen out to the stage area and the backdrop Leanne had chosen. I started working on lights and Leanne draped a fur stole over Doreen’s shoulders. Then she tied a sash low around her hips.

“I borrowed a couple of costume items from the theatre wardrobe while I was at it,” she said.

“What gave you the idea for the fur stole?” I asked. “That’s cool.”

“Oh, one of your older pictures hanging in Chicago. Your model Lori with a coat over one shoulder and the fur collar under her chin. Great picture. I decided I just needed the collar.”

A few sheets of music completed the look. We did a lot of playing with lights and I took pictures. Actually photographing Doreen took less time than all the shots we did of Min. Doreen had some pretty concrete ideas of what she wanted and so did Leanne. I managed to suggest a few and then set up with the 4x5. I got the picture.

Then it was back to the dressing room to strip Doreen of her paint. I spread a plastic sheet on the floor and we had a mop ready. Anna brought us a pan of nice warm water and we basically bathed Doreen. Once again, Leanne used cold cream to cleanse Doreen’s face, but all the body paint was water soluble and came off pretty easily.

“You’re getting your pants wet, Nate. You should take them off,” Doreen said.

That seemed like a pretty good idea and before long, Leanne and I were both naked and washing and mopping as quickly and thoroughly as we could. When I unsealed Doreen’s pussy lips, she practically gushed the juices that had been collecting.

I slid my fingers through her pussy and Doreen stretched out on the chair with her legs spread wide and Leanne sucking on her breasts. I did what I could and got between her legs to eat her to a good come. Doreen wasn’t done. She’d had her fingers between Leanne’s legs and got her off just as she came. Then she pushed Leanne to take my place between her legs and pulled me up to suck my cock into her mouth. Frankly, I’d been hard since we undressed Doreen at eight o’clock and was happy to unleash a torrent down her throat as she choked out her own orgasm at the tongue of Leanne.

“This will be a day I will remember every time I see my photo. I haven’t really done much on stage or with men since my little boy was born. This was very satisfying.”

“Kids can change your life, for sure. I wouldn’t trade our little girl for the world, though,” I said as I dried Doreen thoroughly and inspected her to be sure we’d gotten all the makeup off. “You’ll still need to shower out the hairspray when you get home.”

“You’ve got a little girl?” Doreen said. “Ugh! With a little boy, I only have one dick to worry about. With a little girl, you need to worry about all of them.”

That was enlightening.

I told Doreen that I’d try to have the transparencies for inspection on Tuesday, but Dave had already told me I couldn’t get overnight service on the weekend. We all kissed and she took off. I took all the film down to Dave and he sent it down to London even though we wouldn’t see it until Monday or Tuesday.


When I got back home, Leslie was there and everyone was sitting around the table drinking champagne. Leanne and Min were all dolled up and headed to the theatre for tonight’s performance of The Merchant of Venice. After dinner, I took Leslie down to the studio to show her the top pieces of the week. She loved the picture of Min, but also liked the black and white picture I took of her on Monday. This week had gone incredibly fast and I couldn’t believe all we’d done. We had three major production photo shoots. First, Sam and Rachel. Then two days with Min. I had a ton of printing to do for those two days. Then we did a Saturday makeup and shoot with Doreen. I’d have printing to do for that on Tuesday.

“What do I get to shoot?” Leslie asked. “I mean, beside you, not instead of you.”

“Well, we’re doing Min again on Monday,” I said. “Leanne is painting an ornate tracery design on Min’s body. It’s all black against Min’s skin. I’m thinking I’d like to shoot it in black and white. Would you like to shoot in color?”

“That would be fun! I always get inspirations when I work with you.”

“You always get ideas,” I whispered.

“Well, that, too. I hope you’ll find your way into my room sometime. Even if you bring a girlfriend with you.”

“You’re getting excited about having a girl now, aren’t you?” I asked.

“Oh, since I decided it would be okay to try it once, I’ve been on the lookout, you know?”

“Leanne would happily show you the ropes.”

“Yes, but I’ll still be in school with Leanne in the fall and I don’t want things to get awkward if I decide I don’t like it and don’t want to do it again. You know, sex with you was different. We’re in the same study group and lots of the same classes, but I knew before I ever opened that door that I was going to like it.”

“Well, I’ll see what happens,” I chuckled. “Leanne and Min are planning to leave on Wednesday after we’ve looked at the prints from our session earlier today. Our model today wanted a semi-exclusive.”


“She’s granted Leanne and I the right to display one print in our portfolios, but not for sale or duplication. Other than that, Anna has charged her some phenomenal price for a single print signed by both Leanne and me.”

“I never would have thought there was a market for that kind of print,” Leslie said. “It kind of makes sense in a way. People might do anything for a photo they thought no one else would have the right to.”

“Believe me, she very nearly did do anything,” I said. “Tell me, Leslie, why is it that women come to me willing to do anything for a photo that I suggest? Sometimes suggesting things themselves that I would never have asked for. I applied the makeup to Rachel’s boobs so they would be consistent with the color of her face. She insisted that I do a very thorough job of it. Doreen suggested that I take my time kissing her nipples goodbye before I painted them, then taste testing her pussy to be sure the paint was all cleaned out. Is this normal?”

“Oh, no. Not normal at all. It’s not normal for women to be willing to take their clothes off and be molested by a photographer. It’s not normal for a boy to have four girlfriends and a mistress. It’s not normal for a boy to sleep with all the members of his study group—and I know you haven’t slept with Dora, but that’s not because she’s unwilling. It’s not normal for a passenger and a stewardess to take off their clothes on an airplane so you can take pictures of them and stroke them to orgasms. It is way not normal for a college age photographer to hang a photo in his gallery with a $2,500 price tag on it and actually expect it will sell. Nor for that photographer to have already sold prints for thousands of dollars. Nate, you are not normal. But I’d strip right here in the studio so you could fuck me right now.”

“Uh… Uh…” For a moment I thought she was going to. The moment passed and I just sat on the floor with my head in my hands. “Why then? Why?”

Leslie pulled me to my feet and kissed me deeply. Then she turned and pointed to the pictures we’d hung on my wall as a start to my Canadian gallery.

“That’s why,” she said, pointing to the image of Min the Gold. “And that. And that. And that,” she said, pointing to pictures of Fran and Kathleen, and Missy. Then she pointed to the most recent picture I’d taken of her out at the lake. “And that. To see myself like that and know you took the picture makes me fall in love. Not love that would lead me to get married to you, because you really aren’t normal and I wouldn’t want to live with you. But make love with you? A hundred times, yes.”

She kissed me again, tenderly. I responded with my arms around her and held her to me to extend that moment.

“But not tonight,” she said. “I drove straight through and I’m beat. And you already have five other lovers in the house. I’ll wait a few days until the crowd thins. Then, buddy, I want you between my legs, filling my body with your dick and your semen. In a condom, of course. I want to have hot sex with you and whichever of your girlfriends wants to educate me and see if my tongue can satisfy a pussy as well as hers does mine.”

“Wow, Leslie. You are… just amazing.”


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