
Summer Fun

“Bridget” by FlexDreams, ID1557607799 from Shutterstock.com


WHEN WE GOT HOME after breakfast and playing in the park Sunday morning, we found Leslie sitting at the kitchen table, looking glazed. Anna and Ronda were down in the store.

“Is it always like this?” Leslie asked.

“Oh, no,” Patricia said, giving Leslie a quick peck on the cheek. “This is a special welcoming time. Later, you get to babysit.”

“Oh,” Leslie answered weakly.

We spent the afternoon getting the studio ready. Bridget said she would bring costumes and props for both the Monday and Wednesday shoots. I couldn’t wait to see what she came up with.

“So, I’ll be shooting black and white in the Hasselblad,” I said. “You should try it out a little so you can use it for your shoot on Wednesday. The color pictures are great, but they’re expensive. A customer cringes when they see the $100 price tag on a Cibachrome, but they’ll buy twenty five-dollar black and whites with no trouble. And then they’ll feel okay about buying a Cibachrome, too.”

“How did you ever figure this out?”

“I confess, I didn’t. Anna did. I was pretty much giving stuff away when Anna started keeping my books. I have never been so thankful for a person in my life. And I almost lost her in high school over a silly misunderstanding. It took us a year after that to really get back together again.”

“Anna is your boss bitch,” Leslie sighed. “I look at her and wonder how I get along without her.”

“I’m sure she’d consult with you on putting together your business plan.”

“The way she consults, I don’t know if I’d survive. I was almost ready to come five times this morning when she stopped what she was doing to explain the rules to me. By the time she made me come, I was ready to agree with anything!”

“I hope the rules aren’t too painful for you.”

“Not if I obey them,” Leslie laughed. “I think Anna would inflict serious damage on anyone who did anything to hurt a member of her family. She made it clear that you, Ronda, Patricia, Toni, and Elizabeth are her family. But really, the rules are things I’d obey anyway. I have no desire to hurt any of you and I’m not in the market for taking you away from the family. Nor am I really in the market for becoming a part of the family.”

“You understand that doesn’t mean we don’t love you, though?”

“I understand that. And I love you, too. I thought I only loved you, but I’ve been surprised to realize that I love all of you. I don’t want to live with you or anything like that, but I hope we stay in love for a long time to come.”


Monday morning, Bridget got to the studio at nine o’clock. I was surprised to find she didn’t have any makeup on. She was wearing a track suit sort of thing and carted in an armload of clothes we got onto the rack. Then we all followed her out to a theatre van that was loaded with props and furniture. It almost made the studio look like the old attic.

“Bridget, welcome to Attic Allure. Wow! You brought a truckload! We’ll have a really long shoot.”

“Oh, this isn’t all for my shoot. When I went to the props closet, Damien and the props manager were there and just kept loading things into the van. They said they were sure you could use them and they really needed room in the props closet. I wouldn’t be surprised if you get another load of props and costumes when Olivia makes an appointment. Damien is a big fan.”

“I don’t know how I’ll ever repay him for all he’s done,” I said.

“Treat us well when we place ourselves in your hands,” she said. I turned to look at her and she raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll do my best,” I said.

I took her into the dressing room and looked at her in the dressing room light.

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without makeup,” I said.

“I was told that you’d change the makeup anyway, so why bother to start with it?”

“I like this look,” I said. “Maybe not for your performance pieces, but I’d like to get a nice natural portrait of you. Do you mind?”

“I suppose it won’t hurt. Really, though? You like this mess?”

“Yeah. You have a really fresh innocent look. I know that isn’t really your style, but it shows something about you that I really like. Come out here to the stage and let me set a light on you. Here, sit up on the high stool. I’ll be taking both color and black and white pictures today and this one is going to be the essence of Bridget in black and white.”

I helped her up on the stool and twisted her slightly. Then I adjusted the tilt of her head and squared her shoulders up. I don’t think Bridget actually noticed that I was touching her. I glanced over at Leslie, though, and she was staring with her mouth open slightly. I unzipped Bridget’s track jacket a little, not far, but enough so it didn’t look like it was choking her. I took another picture then offered her my hand to get down off the stool and led her back to the dressing room.

“Now let’s get you ready for a professional portrait that you can add to your resume if you want.”

I started with a foundation and just started applying a light makeup that she would wear out on the street. Fortunately, I’d seen her in what I assumed was her daily street makeup just Saturday, so I knew which colors she favored.

“Tell me what you think,” I said, turning her toward the mirror.

She looked surprised, turning her head left and right.

“It’s perfect,” she finally said.

“Okay. What do we have among your clothes for your professional picture? This very nice button-down?”

“That’s what I thought would work. Is it okay?”

“I think you’ll look fantastic in this,” I said.

I reached over and unzipped her jacket and helped her out of it. She was wearing a nice bra and I held the blouse as she slipped her arms into the sleeves. Then I stepped in front of her and held the blouse open so I could look at her front.


“Oh. I promised I wouldn’t be sneaky about it,” I said. “Very nice.”

I quickly buttoned up her blouse, leaving two buttons open. I looked at her and shook my head. I buttoned up the last buttons.

“You decided you didn’t like what you saw?” she asked, mildly offended.

“Oh, I liked it very much,” I said. “Can’t wait to see more. But that’s not the look for this photo. In fact…”

I looked in the dressing room and didn’t see what I wanted. I stepped out and told Leslie what I needed and she ran upstairs to the apartment.

“Let’s just fluff your hair out a bit. I have a redhead friend who once told me that she had a freckle for every soul she’d eaten. I believed her. She had quite a lot more freckles than you have. Okay, let’s get set for the portrait of a professional.”

I led her back to the stage and helped her up on the stool. Leslie handed me what I asked for and I threw my best tie around my neck and tied it.

“Really, you don’t need to dress up for me,” Bridget laughed.

I pulled the tie off, still tied, and put it over Bridget’s head and under her collar. I tightened it and straightened it.

“Now you truly look professional,” I said. I squared up her shoulders and moved behind the camera again.

We went through a number of poses and then shifted to the dressing room again.

“That was awesome,” she said. “I actually felt more professional while we were doing that set. What else do we have?”

“Well, you brought the costumes,” I said, sorting through the rack to see what we had. “Oh, I like this. It’s kind of fairytale-ish.”

“It does look like something from a Disney movie, doesn’t it?” she asked. “I didn’t really bring that for myself, but if you think it works, so be it.”

I held the dress as she skimmed out of her track pants and took off her blouse. Very nice. I didn’t try to hide the fact that I was looking at her and she blushed a bit. I held the dress for her and she got it on. I stood back and shook my head.


I reached out and touched her bra straps.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think about this when we were getting it on. You don’t want these showing.”

She opened her mouth to protest, then glanced in the mirror. She shrugged out of the sleeves of the dress and started to reach around. I reached around her first.

“Allow me. You can focus on getting tucked back in.”

I unfastened the bra and pulled it off, then turned my back. I heard her stamp her foot.

“Turn around!” she demanded.

I turned and she was bare on top. Very nice. The color of her nipples and areolae complemented her hair. I could definitely make a meal on those.

“I’ll be damned if I keep waiting all morning for you to slip up and sneak a peek. Would you just look at them?” I stepped up to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

“Bridget, I will stop and look at your beautiful breasts all day if you’d like. I’d touch them, kiss them, do my best to make them feel wonderful, but I know you want beautiful pictures, not just to have your body worshiped the way I’d like to. I love them. They’re beautiful.” I passed my hands gently over them and pulled the blouse up so she could put her arms in the sleeves. “Now let’s show them in the best light on stage.”

I led her back to the stage area and Leslie and I quickly changed to a woodland backdrop. I positioned Bridget and shot the first black and white, then switched to my Nikon for a color picture. I stopped.

“Wait. Not quite right. Leslie, would you change film in the Hasselblad while I make an adjustment to Bridget’s costume?”

“Sure, Nate.”

I ran back to the dressing room and quickly found what I wanted. I returned to Bridget with a hairbrush and a green ribbon.

“This fairytale princess needs a bow,” I said. She beamed when I tied the bow in her hair and preened as I returned to the Nikon to take more pictures.

And the day progressed. Her costumes became more daring and she cared less if I saw her nudity in the dressing room. I was casual about it, but I didn’t try to not see her. She was really quite lovely. Finally, we got to a costume that was truly stunning—mostly blue and gold. It would make her hair stand out by contrast. It was made for color photography. I wouldn’t even bother taking a black and white of this.

I examined it carefully. Then we went about getting her into it. It fastened up the front with three buttons and a belt with a full skirt below. The inner sleeve had as many buttons and was partially covered by a bell sleeve over the top. There were gold braid leaves that formed a collar. She kept fidgeting as I started to work on her hair.

“Is there a problem?”

“It’s very uncomfortable. It’s scraping up my… nipples.”

“Oh! I know what’s wrong.”

“Well, fix it!”

I reached for her and then paused.

“May I??”

“Oh, just do it.”

I reached into the front of her dress and gently caressed her breast as I moved the sewn-in cup of the dress into the right position that would protect the breast from the rough fabric of the dress. I took my time, but when I removed my hand, Bridget sighed. She looked at me with her mouth open and whispered, “Other side?”

I reached in and repeated the process, though that side was perfectly fine. I spent a moment just caressing her nipple and then withdrew my hand.

I searched through the props she’d brought and found a tiara. There was also a jeweled flower and a matching pendant. I got them all in place and then was inspired to separate a lock of hair on either side of her face and braid it, putting a little gold ear cuff at the end of each. I touched up her makeup as she simply sat quietly and let me handle her. I stepped back and looked at her, then reached for powder and gently applied a bit to her breasts and cleavage so they didn’t shine.

“Let’s go find something regal to set you against,” I said as I led her to the stage again. It turned out that the best backdrop for the costume was a neutral gray with a soft amber light glowing behind her. Leslie was a godsend in setting lights.

I took a few pictures with the Nikon and then moved the Linhof into place. I knew I’d want a superior quality portrait in color, so I’d loaded my precious sheets of Ektachrome into it and focused carefully. I moved to Bridget and positioned her with arms raised slightly and her head tilted down. It was beautiful.

As usual, that wasn’t the last picture, but in my mind it captured the essence of Bridget.

I took her back to the dressing room and unbuttoned her sleeves and then the front of the dress. She just let it slide off her shoulders and onto the floor. She surprised me by putting her hands around my neck and kissing me deeply. I loved having her bare breasts against me and stroked them lovingly.

“I think I’m ready for my nude scene,” she whispered. “Can you capture something dramatic without, you know, being a porn shot?”

“I’m sure we can handle that.”

“Handle me. You need to take off my bloomers.”

She returned to kissing me and I slid my hands into the waistband of her panties and nudged them down off her hips and over her butt. They fell to the floor. I stepped back and looked at the fiery red bush that was exposed. I plucked at the hair slightly to fluff it up and Bridget returned to kissing me. It was tempting to just delve into that wonderland, but I pulled away and found a strip of gauzy fabric we had. I took that with me as I led her back to the stage.

I saw Leslie over Bridget’s shoulder and she was just shaking her head.

I draped Bridget and we did some different poses, careful not to over expose her. I’d noticed that actors are pretty carefree about who is with them when they are dressing, but they don’t want pictures that show the naughty bits floating around.

When I’d finished this one, I swept Bridget up in my arms and carried her to the dressing room where I sat with her in my lap as we kissed and petted some more.

“This has been quite an experience,” Bridget said. “I am thankful for the no fucking in the studio rule or I would be lying on the floor with you buried in my fanny. As it is, I’m tempted to take you home with me. I don’t think my husband would approve, though.”

“Husband?” I squeaked, getting ready to push her out of my lap.

“Please, don’t quit petting and kissing yet. I promise, he won’t come after you with a shotgun. And I won’t be a problem in the future. But being held in the arms of a man ten years younger than I and being so turned on by him is something I can’t resist right now. Kiss me. Touch me. Hold me like I’m the first woman you ever discovered.”

With that invitation, I did kiss her and held her and petted her. I did not attempt to part her legs or to get her to touch me. Eventually, we eased up and Bridget Gray stood before me, completely naked. She pressed her bush against my face and I kissed it, then she began looking for her undies and her track suit. I helped her get dressed, or at least didn’t hinder her much.

“I’ll have the slides back tomorrow,” I said. “If you’d like to come in around noon, we can select what you want prints of.”

“If there is one that we both agree on, I’ll sign a release for it to be placed in your gallery,” she said. “Otherwise, I assure you I’ll make an order large enough to compensate you for the wonderful experience this day has brought. Thank you again, Nate.” She kissed me again and left, leaving all the props and costumes behind her.

* * *

When Bridget was gone, I ran all the transparency film down to Dave and he got his motorcyclist to take it to London. Then I went back to the studio and Leslie joined me in the darkroom.

“I watched it all and still find it hard to believe. Thank you for being sure the dressing room door stayed open. I don’t think she even considered that I was in the building. She came in determined to not be moved by you and by the end, she was stripping off her clothes and throwing herself at you. And she’s married!”

“Married and in the age category that I profess to know nothing about. I’m told by the movie producers I worked with, women in that age group are insanely loyal to their mates and don’t get involved with anyone else. I don’t understand either, Leslie. The question is, do you think you’ll be able to control Daniel on Wednesday?”

“That’s really the question. He needs to be the one seduced, and only as far as I want to go. I am the photographer. He has to be putty in my hands to mold the way I want. Men are always so domineering. If a woman flirts with him, he assumes he should fuck her. Preferably right now.”

I was setting up my first proof sheet from the Hasselblad as Leslie was going through this diatribe with her hand in my pants and my cock in her grip. I wasn’t complaining. Feeling up Bridget’s boobs was stimulating to say the least. And she could really kiss. But I definitely wasn’t driving. I let Leslie steer.

When I turned to put the print in the developer, Leslie dropped to her knees and sucked my cock into her mouth. This just felt too good to resist. Why would I?

“Doesn’t it get you insanely horny?” she asked. “How do you resist just bending her over and fucking her?”

“No fucking in the studio,” I said.

“And we don’t tell them that the dressing room and the darkroom aren’t the studio,” Leslie giggled.

She kept my cock in her mouth as she worked my trousers down and off my legs. Then she stood and turned me toward the enlarger so I could print the next contact sheet. She moved the first proof from the developer to the stop bath. When I was ready to put the next print in the developer, Leslie had moved the first print to the fixative. I turned to find her fully naked. I pulled off my shirt and she pushed me down in the chair and rolled a condom onto my cock.

“We don’t actually need to fuck. I mean, other than having you inside me, we really aren’t doing anything. I mean, except for me squeezing your cock in me with my vagina muscles. We aren’t really doing any fucking, except for your cock jerking every once in a while. And I promise I’ll get up as soon as we’re ready to move the proofs to the next stage. Oh, God! Come in me. I feel you pulsing. Do it!”

I did it and my timer went off to move the prints to the next stage. Leslie kept her word and jumped up to shift one from developer to stop bath and take the first one to the rinsing station. I set up the third and final proof sheet and turned on the enlarger. I turned to put it in the developer and Leslie moved the second to the fixative. Then she moved herself into my arms and we kissed.

“You didn’t come when you were coaxing that load out of me,” I said.

“That load was just for you to get relief after getting all hot with Bridget,” she said. “I can wait until later. I might need you to do the same thing after my session on Wednesday.”


We got great pictures. When Bridget and her husband came in to choose which ones to print, he kept suggesting another and another. He loved them. He ended up ordering close to a thousand dollars’ worth of prints. Bridget signed a release for me to display my favorite. It turned out to be her favorite, too. She did order a dozen 8x10 professional portraits, too. It was really a great picture.

I spent the rest of Tuesday printing and Anna stayed in the darkroom talking about how profitable our summer in Canada was turning out to be. Of course, she did all that talking with both of us naked and taking a break now and then for playing with each other. It took about twice as long to do the printing as it might have if I’d been alone in the darkroom, but what fun would that have been?

Wednesday morning, a very reserved Daniel Fournier came into the studio. I stood back and busied myself setting up props and lights. Leslie greeted him and welcomed him to Attic Allure, then took him to the dressing room. She was direct and a little clinical about her approach to deciding what he should wear. He’d chosen a white shirt and tie, and Leslie agreed to do one set of promo shots in that, but told him straightforward that he’d find it wasn’t his best look.

When she’d taken the basic set of headshots, she talked him out of his shirt and tie—and undershirt. She handed him a black T-shirt that fit him snugly. Daniel had the build that could support that look and I quickly pulled the black background for her. We reset the lights with a strong backlight to separate him from the background, and Leslie took a great series of shots. I thought Leslie was right on regarding his light brown—almost blond—beard against the black T-shirt. It looked striking in this setting where it had faded to nothing with the white shirt and tie.

“Oh, there’s a note with this shirt,” Leslie said. “It’s from Olivia. ‘Just imagining you wiggling into this shirt.’ That’s all it says.” Daniel blushed.

Then Leslie worked with him to get him into an early 1900s sort of Edwardian costume. She used beard and mustache wax on him to smooth his beard down to a point. She teased him about the beard not being strictly Edwardian, but she’d refrain from shaving him because looking at his chest she wasn’t sure where she’d end up stopping if she started shaving. Daniel was a little alarmed but then realized she was teasing.

“This one has a note from Kathleen. ‘I hope everything fits in this pair of trousers. They’re so tight.’ That’s all.”

She gave him a top hat and cane from the props Bridget had brought. He struck quite a nice figure in front of the same library pillars I’d used for Greta’s graduation picture.

Leslie returned to the dressing room with him. I was moving around on the stage, going to the next scene that we’d agreed on in advance, but still able to keep an eye on things in the dressing room. Leslie had him down to his boxers when she held up a pair of tights for the Elizabethan scene. I was using the stone wall and fireplace backdrop, which I found was incredibly utilitarian. She turned away from Daniel as he pulled off his boxers, but he was wearing a dance belt. He knew he’d be dressing in at least one Elizabethan outfit. By the time he was pulling the tights up, Leslie had turned back around and could clearly see the outline of what he had in his strap.

She handed him a pair of blousy knee-length breeches and he pulled them on, then took the shirt from her and tucked it in. Finally, there was a doublet and a jaunty hat. When they went back to the stage, she gave him a sword and a tankard and sat him at the wooden table and chair. He looked quite striking. Not royal, but certainly a gentleman of Elizabethan times. And it was a look he wore naturally. He’d been onstage in this type of outfit often.

He’d not been in it in the way Leslie had in mind.

“Let me guess. There’s a note,” he said as he made sure the breeches were straight.

“Hmm. Yes, here it is. From Bridget. ‘You don’t really need to wear a codpiece, you know. You could even go without the dance belt. We wouldn’t mind.’ I wonder what that means.”

“Those women make me crazy!”

She took some pictures and then removed his doublet. He looked a lot more like a pirate, but the breeches looked ridiculous without the doublet. When he’d lost both, Leslie fastened a sash round his waist, holding the shirt in place. She took his hat and began brushing out his hair and beard so they were a little more wild.

That’s when I saw him start to stray. A hand rested on Leslie’s hip and moved upward toward her breast. Leslie calmly laid down the brush and took hold of both Daniel’s hands, pulling them away from her body.

“Daniel, I am the photographer. You are the model. Think of me as your director. It is your responsibility to do what I say. When I want your hands on my breasts or my butt, or anywhere else on my body, I will place them there.” She demonstrated by pulling his hands to her breasts and then her butt, and then placed them firmly in his lap. “Until then, relax and enjoy being pampered and played with like the big lovable doll you are.”

She petted and primped him, fluffing his hair and letting her hands linger on his chest. Then she moved him into position with his sword rampant. Or rather drawn. It was other things that were rampant. There are some things that a dance belt just can’t hide. Leslie grinned and went to the costume rack and pulled the codpiece that Sam had worn a couple of weeks ago. She had Daniel stand and worked diligently to make sure the codpiece was in the right position and that everything was properly tucked in.

After a few more pictures, she got the shirt off him. She plucked at his abundant chest hair to make sure it was fluffed out, even using the hair brush on it. I’m pretty sure she plucked at his nipples a time or two. She continued for a minute and then took his sword and replaced it with a kind of flintlock pistol I hadn’t seen among the props.

“We’re getting close to the climax of your little scene, Daniel,” she said. She moved around behind him and put her arms around his chest, her hands tangled in his hair. “Now point the gun over toward the gallery. Think about it. You are protecting me from brigands. You know what awaits you after you’ve fought them off.” Her hands roamed across his chest and stomach—even down to his upper thigh. “Be careful now that it doesn’t go off too soon. Steady. Growl for me.”

This was the picture she’d been waiting for and I had the 4x5 prepared and ready to shoot. She checked the focus, then pulled the shield and shot the photo.

“One more, Daniel,” she said, approaching him and running her hands up and down his chest. His right hand, holding the pistol was shaking. She pulled his left hand up and placed it on her breast. I saw it reflexively squeeze. “That’s it, Daniel. Think of your fair lady waiting for you. Think of her tender breast as you squeeze off your last shot.”

She darted back to the camera and Daniel grimaced and bellowed as he squeezed the trigger. The camera clicked.

Daniel was panting, and a wet spot was spreading under the codpiece.

“Oh shit,” he said.

“We got a wonderful photo, Daniel. Go ahead back to the dressing room and get cleaned up and ready to go home. I need to get the film down to the photo lab so we can look at these wonderful photos tomorrow.”


“He came!” Leslie shouted when we were alone in the darkroom. “I didn’t even touch his dick and he came. I only let him touch my boob for a few seconds. And he’s not a horny teenager. He’s older than we are by years! And he came in his pants!”

“You have the power,” I said. I stripped her clothes off so I could be skin-to-skin while she printed her first proof sheet.

“You never came when I was photographing you,” she giggled. I got right behind her with my stiff cock nestled between her butt cheeks.

“That’s because I knew if I waited, I could come in you.”

“Oh, God! Yes! I’m so horny I could fuck you and all your girlfriends, too.”

“You know, we might put you to that test.”

“Please do!” she put the first proof sheet in the developer and set up the second contact print. She turned on the light in the enlarger and turned toward me. “Do it. Stick it in me and fuck me!”

Instead, I dropped to my knees and got my tongue up in her pussy. I parted her hair and started licking until the timer rang to move one print to the stop bath and the other to the developer. She shot a lot of film. She went through three 36-exposure rolls of Kodachrome, and three 12-exposure rolls of black and white from the Hasselblad. As soon as she had the third roll on the enlarger for proofing, I was back between her legs. This time, she got off before the timer rang.

We moved the prints from bath to bath for the next half hour. I got them rinsed and on drying plates and then Leslie pushed me down on the chair and sucked my cock into her mouth. I handed her a condom, which she rolled onto my dick, and she settled onto my cock with her pussy. We slowed things up, no longer constrained by the timer for the photos.

“I don’t know how to thank you for my time here,” Leslie said. “I’m going to miss you guys once I get back to Chicago. You are coming back, aren’t you?” She squeezed my cock inside her and slid up and down it.

“Yes. I even have a work study job this fall,” I said. “The school is getting a new Polaroid ID system in. I’m officially one of two ID photographers.”

“Rad! We’re going to have a card-like thing with our picture on it? Are we getting ready for Big Brother?”

“I think everything is going to require a picture ID before long. Do you know how hard it was to open a bank account up here? After Anna and I presented our drivers’ licenses, the incorporation papers for our business, and the bill of sale for the store and apartment, we still had to have Harold, our real estate agent, come in to the bank and vouch for us being who we said we were. And any time we want to cash a check, we go through almost as much problem.”

“I could come with you and vouch for you being the same guy who had his cock in my pussy today,” she said. “Will we need picture ID for that, do you think?”

“Your honor, I attest that this woman is my lover. I can identify her by the little beauty mark next to her right nipple,” I said, sucking said nipple into my mouth. We lost track of conversation as Leslie bounced on my cock and we both climaxed.


Eventually, our fun came to an end and Leslie had to head back to Chicago. We sent her off with as many orgasms as four of us could give her in one night. I was a little worried that she’d be too tired to drive and gave her the name of the hotel in Windsor to spend the night.

The family spent a quiet night with just the five of us enjoying being together. It seemed like we had been frantically on the go for a solid month since we arrived in Stratford. We’d only had a chance to see a couple of the shows. We went to a Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Patricia had found a daycare center there and enrolled Toni so she could make some friends. We were welcomed in the church and it was nice to sing some of the familiar hymns, though the service itself was a little different than in the Methodist Church. The people were nice and friendly and we even saw a few people we’d met through the theatre.

We went out for lunch at a nice family restaurant and were enjoying just being our little family. When we got home, Toni wanted to dance because she had a skirt on that flared out when she spun. She was just days away from her second birthday and was completely potty trained—though she wore a night-panty to sleep in. Since she had big girl panties, she’d been able to wear big girl dresses—like Mommy. Patricia still dressed in dresses or skirts and tops almost all the time. Anna and Ronda were more casual about their clothing and often wore slacks, or shorts if the weather was nice.

We finally got Toni settled for a nap and I was seriously considering capturing one or more of my girlfriends for a little romp in bed when the phone rang. Anna answered it and grinned.

“Yes. Where are you? I’ll see if he is interested in you. You should be ready. You know what that means. Yes, I will give it to him. Now be a good pet and be ready.” She hung up the phone and looked at me. Patricia and Ronda were grinning.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“It seems your pet has taken a suite at the Queen’s Inn and the management is concerned about you leaving her unattended. They have a very strict pet policy there,” Anna smirked. “I don’t think we need to be worried because I’ve threatened her with being sent to a kennel if she pees on the floor. But I suppose you should check in on her. She’ll need to be fed tonight and you know how she whimpers all night if you leave her alone.”

“Anna! You could just say, ‘Adrienne has arrived.’ There’s no need to go through all the play-acting,” I said.

“Oh, I know. But it is fun sometimes. You really should pack an overnight bag and go to see her. She’s traveled all the way from Los Angeles to be with you,” Anna laughed.

“And make sure she knows that we all want to spend time with her,” Ronda said.

“And that you bring her to the studio for pictures,” Patricia added. “We should decide which shows you’ll want to see with her—and which others of us want to see with her.”

“Poor Adrienne,” I laughed. “I wonder if she really knows what she’s gotten into when she asked to be my pet.”

“I got a little gift for you to give to her,” Anna said. “And don’t worry about whether it’s an insult. I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time on the phone with her. She seems to think I can solve any number of problems and give her advice on being a good pet.”

Anna went to the spare room, where the girls had expanded their closet space, and returned with a nicely wrapped box.

“Can I see what it is I’m giving to her?” I asked.

“It would be very funny if you were surprised by it, but the box lid lifts off so the paper doesn’t need to be torn.”

I lifted the lid from the box and saw, wrapped in tissue, a beautiful black velvet… collar. It was about half an inch wide. It sparkled with rhinestones or crystals and had ‘Fifi’ spelled out on the front. A tag hung from a loop on the collar that read, ‘Nate’s Pet. If found, please call…’ with our phone number.

“You want me to put a collar on her?” I asked in disbelief.

“I’ve talked to her, too,” Patricia said. “She’s such a sweetheart and I don’t think she’s as threatened by me as by Anna. I’ve found out a lot about her lifestyle and what she likes. She’ll wear the collar whenever she is with us, and will be so proud of it that you might have to discipline her for her vanity.”

“Discipline…” I said. I supposed I’d need to do that somewhere along the line. I wasn’t quite as mentally prepared for this as I thought I’d be when she visited.

“That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be loving and kind to her,” Ronda added. “She does like to have a bit of pain included in her loving, but she really does just want to be loved by you and by us.”

“So why is she staying in a hotel instead of in one of our extra rooms?” I asked.

“It’s part of knowing her place. She understands that no matter how much the family loves her, she isn’t a member of the family. She’s a pet. It’s the way she’s wired,” Anna said. “Now let’s get you scrubbed and dressed and off for your little rendezvous. I hope the room isn’t too chilly. She’s waiting naked by the door to welcome you.”

It didn’t take long to get ready, though all three of my girlfriends wanted to make sure I was clean and taste-tested my cock. It was likely that I’d still be hard by the time I got to the hotel. I only carried the Nikon for my visit. Any other pictures I wanted, I could retrieve a camera from the studio. My instructions were to stop at the hotel desk and ask for my key, as the room was in my name. I should simply walk in, not knock.


I unlocked the door to the suite and walked in. Adrienne was kneeling naked on the floor ten feet in front of me. I set down my bag.

“Fifi! Stand up! Do you expect me to kneel on the floor so I can hug and kiss you?” I demanded.

I think she simply elevated off the floor and rushed to my open arms.


“Kiss me, my Fifi. Kiss me and let me hold you in my arms. It has been too long once again.”

“Yes, master. I’ve missed you so much.”

“Now, come to the sofa and cuddle in my arms. Tell me all about how you have been since I was in LaLa Land. Are you warm enough?”

“Your arms will warm me.”

“Quickly grab a blanket and let’s cuddle under it.”

She ran to the bedroom and came back with a blanket almost at once. I wondered what kind of condition she’d left the bed in. She sat on my lap and I pulled the blanket over both of us. The temperature outside was nice, but the air conditioning in the room was set pretty low. I rubbed Adrienne’s skin to warm it up and just to feel her body beneath my hands.

“Now, it’s been two months since I visited you in Hollywood. Tell me about your life and what has been happening.”

“I have kept active, because idle hands, you know. So, I’ve invited different people to dinner each week just to socialize. You will recognize some of the names. I’ve found that actors and directors enjoy an evening when they are simply guests in a small party of three or four and are not being hounded by the hordes at most Hollywood parties. While they are at my little apartment, I always show them the photographs you’ve taken of me. I would so like more,” she said. “If it pleases you.”

“It very much pleases me. You’ll like my new studio here in Stratford. And you’ll be surprised at how many actors and theatre people I’ve met here as well. That’s a good idea to have intimate parties with just a couple in our home. I’ll suggest it to Patricia. She kind of runs the household,” I said.

“She is so sweet. I just love your little girl.”

“Toni will be two years old this week.”

“How wonderful! May I celebrate with you?”

“You will be expected. Now what else has been happening?”

“I have always arranged for my guests to receive your card and brochure. The next time you are in Los Angeles, I will be able to set up as many photo sessions as you would like,” she said.

“Hmm. When you get back, you should investigate where I might be able to take those photos and where the best and most discreet location is for processing.”

“Yes, Master.”

We got lost for a moment kissing and petting her glorious body. She was beginning to warm up under the blanket.

“Tell me more.”

“For some reason, Reg, Frank, and Bert have decided to run things by me for the movie and to pay me a consulting fee. Their requests have always been appropriate in my areas of expertise—fashion and food. They’ve asked me, for example, to design a menu for what certain characters should eat when they are together, or what a particular character should wear for her photo. I don’t kid myself. They could get that information anywhere, but I think they want you and my sponsor both to realize that they are treating me with respect.”

“I am glad to hear they are respecting you, but don’t feel that you need to consult for them if it doesn’t please you,” I said. I paused to kiss her again. Adrienne in my lap was like some luxurious kitten who could mold her entire body to match mine. It was like all her bones were pliable.

“Oh, I do like being involved. My sponsor told me the same thing. But I’ve expanded my contacts some through the involvement with the film and I’m sure they will be useful.”

“You have been very busy.”

“Now, I am here to please you and your family. Would you… like to have me? In any way?”

“Oh, yes. I intend to have you. In many ways. Your body excites me and I want to enjoy it completely. I want to love your mouth. I want to love your breasts. I want to love your vagina and your bottom. There is no part of you that I do not want to touch and kiss.”

“Oh, Nate, that makes me quiver with excitement. Shall we go to bed?”

“No. Not yet. My dear Fifi, I want you to get dressed in something nice so we can go out to dinner. When a man has such a fine pet as my Fifi, he wants to show her off.”

“Oh, Nate. I can be ready in fifteen minutes.”

“Make it twelve. I’ll be timing you. Go.”

She jumped off my lap as I squeezed her butt and was in the bedroom in a flash. I grabbed my suitcase and put on my tie. I was wearing a sport coat and was pretty pleased with it since I got it at Marshall Field rather than Goodwill.

Adrienne emerged from the bedroom a picture of elegance in eleven minutes flat. She was just beautiful. She stood before me as I walked a full circle around her.

“There is one thing missing,” I said.

“Master?” There was a note of worry in her voice.

“Lift the lid from this box I’ve brought for my Fifi,” I commanded.

She lifted the lid and revealed the collar. She gasped. I lifted the collar from the box and tossed the box on the table. She held her head high as I fastened the collar around her neck.

“Now, everyone will know you are my Fifi,” I said. She was absolutely quivering with excitement.

“Fifi is so proud to be your pet!” she said. I kissed her tenderly and took her out to dinner.


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