


“Adrienne” by brickrena, ID119621638 from Shutterstock.com


ON FRIDAY, JANUARY SECOND, Patricia and Toni went to pick up Adrienne for a day of parks and play. I spent the day with Beth, Ronda, and Anna, just handling little projects around the apartment and being homebodies together before school consumed us all on Monday.

Anna and I went over the year-end finances. We were getting some credit for purchasing a business in Canada, but we weren’t getting mortgage credit on my US taxes because it was a personal loan from Jordan and not a mortgage on the property exactly. That meant that the money the girls were paying to me for the loan was technically income for me. Anna got around that by writing up loan documents for herself, Patricia, and Ronda that said I loaned them the money for their part of the purchase and now they were just repaying the loan to me. Elizabeth’s portion was being covered by her father and she made her own arrangement for repaying him.

The new equipment had been ordered from a company in Canada and would be shipped directly to Attic Allure Canada in Stratford, prepaid. Our business income in Canada was minimal this year as it was mostly just what Melinda had sold in the shop over the winter. That was almost completely offset by how much we paid her. I was really looking forward to spending the summer up there and becoming part of the arts community.

Patricia and Toni brought Adrienne home for dinner and had picked up a pizza at Pizzeria Uno. After dinner, Adrienne excused herself and caught a cab back to the hotel. Toni wanted hugs and kisses from Adrienne before she left. I’d see her in the morning.


Our photo session Saturday was phenomenal. Well, I had a phenomenal model and she followed direction perfectly. She helped move props and lights, changed backdrops, got the fan started for her costume, and encouraged me to touch her and handle her exquisite body. I was really going to miss this girl when she went back to LA the next day.

Leanne had prepared a skirt that was nothing more than long wide strips of red satin. Each strip was about four feet wide and the strips were gathered together at the waist. When standing, they dragged on the floor and out a good six feet. The waistband was the only thing that held the strips together. So, when I managed to finally get it straightened out and fastened around Adrienne, I could slide a hand between the panels and pet her bare bottom or dip into her honeyed slit. Both of which I did often. But her bare top was tempting, too, and as I dressed her, I used my tongue on her nipples to keep her interest up.

Then there was the black corset Leanne had prepared. I carefully tucked Adrienne’s boobs into the cups and pulled the corset tight around her. To top the outfit off, there were long black gloves. I’d put our abstract red backdrop behind her and used the fan to blow up from almost right under her, to make the skirts billow out above and around her. She had to grab hold of a portion of the skirt and hold it above her head to keep it from blowing into her face. A few times, I caught a tantalizing view of her slit as the skirts blew.

I went to our costume jewelry and found a kind of gaudy necklace that I put on her. Then I kissed her soundly, refreshed her lipstick, and we were finally ready to start taking pictures. I used bright lights on this one. With the wind blowing the fabric around, it would be a wonder if it wasn’t all blurred in motion if I didn’t shoot fairly fast.

I shot some with the 4x5 camera and felt I had a perfect composition. It wasn’t the end, though. I wanted to uncover this beauty. I unlaced the corset and pulled it away from her luscious boobs. I spent a while massaging her to remove the marks from the corset, then we went back to taking pictures.

Eventually, I got her out of the skirt, too. She stood in front of me in just the gloves and necklace. She was beautiful. I had her hold the skirt in a ball behind her and then throw it in the air so the wind would catch it while I took pictures of her naked body against the billowing fabric.

We fooled around a little in the darkroom, but I didn’t do final prints of anything. Instead, I got her dressed in one of her sexy gowns and took her out to eat at a nice restaurant.


“That was stimulating,” Adrienne said when we got to her hotel room. “You have the makings of a real sadist. Keeping me on edge all that time and not even letting me come in the darkroom!”

“I intend for you to come, eventually,” I laughed. “And it will be unforgettable. I’m afraid, though, that I’m not a very good sadist. My experience says I lack something.”

“What would you like to learn? Anything. I’ll teach you. Do you want to know how to spank? How to invade an ass with your monster prick? How to humiliate me? Anything. Anything at all,” she said.

“That is quite an offer, my… hmm. I need a name for you. I don’t think I can call you ‘my love.’ I have women I love to the bottom of my heart and while I am quite fond of you, it is not at that level. Though I lust for you to the base of my scrotum. You simply have that animalistic effect on me. Hmm. Pet? Needs to be more personal. Oh, and I love your name and will use it whenever we are out or among others. I need a name that is just between the two of us.”

“That makes me shiver with pleasure.”

“Hmm. I do love to pet you. A little French name, like a poodle.”

“Gigi?” she suggested.

“That’s an old movie with Maurice Chevalier. Right sound, though. How about Fifi? That sounds like a nice little French poodle name.”

“I will be your Fifi,” she said, curling up at my feet to take off my shoes as I sat on the couch in her hotel room. She certainly spared no expense regarding her lodging. Under any normal circumstances, this woman was way out of my price range. “How can I serve you, master?”

“Wow! Talk about shivers. I don’t even know what to ask, Fifi. When I was in high school, my girlfriends, Christine and Ronda—we told you all about that a couple of nights ago—sent me out on dates with other girls, wanting me to get experience with anything I could before I tried it with them. Roxie’s were the first breasts I handled. Vicki’s was the first pussy I ate and the first ass I fucked. But Kelly… Wow! We went out and she did her best to teach me everything. She taught me how to handle her breasts, where her clit was, to nip at her nipples. We planned to go all the way, a first for both of us, but it turned out we both really wanted that experience to be with someone else. Even the night we made that decision, though, we milked more orgasms out of each other than at any other time in our lives.”

“Fifi will be your Kelly in a new age. Why do you not think of yourself as a good sadist?” Adrienne asked.

“Well, when it is simply good-natured play, I’m not bad, but… Well, for example, a while back a woman came to me for a photo sitting. She wanted—in her words—she wanted scandalous photos. Raw sexuality. Bedroom photos, bondage photos, distressed photos, and lots of nude photos. I really didn’t know what to do. I usually seduce a model on the set with soft words and gentle caresses to get her where I want her. I reward her with an orgasm. This model wanted me to use a firm hand. To bind her and gag her and make her beg.”


“I did it. I was always worried that I was going too far. She had to give me instructions nearly every step of the way and that made it less like I was actually dominating her. She ultimately got what she wanted, I guess, but the experience wasn’t great for either of us.”

I did not bother to tell Adrienne that Sylvia had taken the photos we did that night to her husband, who was one of my patrons. He flew into a rage, and when he struck her, her bodyguard shot and killed him.

“Come, my master,” Adrienne said. “Let Fifi walk you through the steps so you can handle her with a firm and confident hand should the opportunity arise again.” She led me into the bedroom and we kissed. I was ready to strip her and fuck, but that would end the lesson.

“There are steps?”

“Of course. First, assess. It will be up to you, the master, to determine what the lady you are with wants. Unfortunately, few women today are as forward as your client. Women… American women… are taught from an early age not to ask for what they want, for fear of being thought a slut. They would be too forward. Men would be turned off.”

“I understand that,” I said. “When I was growing up, it was against our house rules to ever ask for anything. If we asked for something as simple as a piece of candy, the answer was automatically, ‘No.’ We learned that asking was wrong and it was the role of the parent to decide what we wanted.”

“Without you saying,” Fifi sighed. “Americans have such crude practices.”

“Well, I never understood how I was supposed to tell them what I wanted or how I was supposed to tell what someone else wanted. Like a girl.”

“That is assessing. When you work with a model, you often pin her down demanding she explicitly say what she wants. It starts with you asking if she is under duress. In an instance where you are alone with a woman, you need to look at her clues. For example, if there are ropes or handcuffs beside the bed, she either wants to tie you up or to be tied up. Usually the latter. Of course, there is always the possibility that if you don’t take control, she will hang you.”

“That’s encouraging.”

“No. If she intended to tie you up, she would keep the ropes hidden. If you see a whip or a riding crop, it is likely that she wants it used on her. Remember, though, that unless she is insanely masochistic, she does not want to be permanently marked by you. Bruise, but don’t break.”

I looked around Fifi’s bedroom. It was different than it had been when Ronda and I were in it. She’d planned ahead. There was a coil of rope by the bed—the silk kind like they use in movie theaters to mark pathways, but not as thick. There was also a gag and a leather paddle type thing. There was a chair sitting in the middle of the floor. It seemed likely that Adrienne had set up what she wanted from me tonight well in advance. I started toward the rope and she caught my hand to stop me.

“You may have read the desire correctly, but you cannot simply move to fulfill it. The object of your attentions not only won’t tell you what she wants, she will need to be convinced that she wants it. Step two is to subdue. You must show her you are in control, and that she will now do what you want her to. She’d better just hope you’ve read her right. And that you care.”

“Do you mean to overpower her?” I asked.

“That is certainly one way. Or seduce her as you are so capable. Whatever method you use, once you have assessed her desire, you need to keep her from relenting. She must know you are in control. Now, some will tell you that when a woman does that, she is dominating from a subordinate position.”

“I think that is what we were being taught as children. We had to learn how to manipulate our parents into giving us what we wanted,” I said.

“If you ignored the clues I left around the room and insisted on some different activity, say like watching a movie on TV, then I would acquiesce to your will. That is what I really want. I want to be ruled by you. The clues I’ve left around are a way I have found to tell you what I’m hoping for. But my purpose as a submissive pet, your Fifi, is to please you. I will get pleasure from that, no matter what you do.”

“It’s very complicated, my Fifi. Let’s just relax for a few minutes and let me absorb what you’ve said. You know, I love to hold you and kiss you. I love to make love to you and feel your body beneath mine.”

I pulled her to the edge of the bed and sat with her on my lap. I kissed her and petted her as I continued to recite all the things I loved to do with her. I nibbled on her neck and stroked her breasts, and rolled over to lie on top of her as I continued to kiss. She was panting.

“Step three,” she gasped. “Restrain. Now that you have subdued her, make sure she cannot escape or accidentally injure you with her struggles.”

The rope on her nightstand was within reach. As I continued to lie on her and kiss her, I pulled the rope to me and quickly rolled her over under me so her face was against the mattress. I pulled her hands behind her and quickly wrapped the rope around her wrists. One thing I had learned from Sylvia was to tie them tightly enough that she couldn’t slip out. That was completely against everything I’d thought previously. I thought I should always be caring for my partner and be sure she could escape if she needed to. As soon as her hands were tied, I took the other end of the rope and tied her ankles together. Then I lifted her back to a seated position.

“You learn… very fast,” Adrienne panted. “I will say that if you follow rule four immediately, I will then be unable to give you rules five, six, and seven. You may wish to go back to rule four if I become too noisy.”

“What is rule four?” I asked.

“Silence. At any point in the past few minutes, I could have fought you off if I really wanted to. I could have told you that I didn’t want to play this game. This is my last chance to object. I’ve placed myself in your hands and allowed you to subdue and restrain me. Once you place a gag in my mouth, I no longer have that option.”

I looked at the gag lying on the bedside table and assessed the other items I found. There was a bottle of sexual lubricant, condoms, scissors, a blindfold, and the leather paddle.

“I think I’ll forgo the gag for now in the interest of advancing my learning. I may come back to it if I find you talk too much,” I chuckled.

“As you wish, master,” she said. “You seem to have backed yourself into a corner, though, by tying me before removing my clothes. Granted, I’m not wearing much, but you might want some of it out of the way. If you untie me to remove something, you might accidentally set me free. So, you will need to explore and remove what you want to. This isn’t an ordinary step. It’s something you can do throughout the coming steps. If an article of clothing is in your way, you need to get it out of your way.”

“The scissors?” I said. “How do I know you aren’t wearing something precious or that cost a thousand dollars or that your great grandmother once wore?”

“I’ve placed myself in your hands. If it’s precious or costly, I know you’ll replace it. If it is an heirloom, shame on me for wearing it with such a known lascivious man as my master. If you cannot remove it with your hands, then the scissors will help.”

I spent a few minutes playing with her body now that she couldn’t do anything about it. There was something erotic about stroking her cheek, caressing her breast, kissing her, and running my hand up the inside of her thigh, knowing that she couldn’t return the gesture. It was all me touching her for my pleasure—and hers.

The clothes she had on were nice, but not expensive. She wore a T-shirt and mini skirt. I could tell all evening there was nothing under the T-shirt but her breasts. I tested the knit of the T-shirt and decided not to humiliate myself by trying and failing to tear it. I grabbed the scissors and cut the neck band as she held her breath.

“Fifi is such a good pet,” I comforted her. “But she has all these uncomfortable clothes on. She must be so tired of them. Let master just remove this nasty old shirt.”

Once the neck band had been cut, I was able to tear the shirt the rest of the way down her front, snipping the hem at the bottom instead of struggling with it.

“Ah, this is much better. I so like to see these lovely breasts and rosy nipples. They just make me want to feast on them and to ask my little Fifi what step five is.”

She giggled a little, but she did like her breasts played with and sucked on, so she gasped when I bit her nipple.

“Steps five, six, and seven,” she panted, “may be done in any order or mixed together. Step five is to decorate. Stripping your pet can be considered a form of decoration. There is a lot of rope you haven’t used. You can tie it in patterns around her. It’s only rope, so it can be cut with the scissors. Decorating can include putting her in a position you desire, wrapping the ropes, putting jewelry on her, or changing her hair. It could include drawing on her or painting her body if that turns you on. Think of how you would like to see her and put her in that position. You do that a lot naturally when you are photographing a model. You move her and hand her props and costumes. And you touch her any way you want to. Fifi is your pet. Fifi will be happy with any touch.”

I unzipped her skirt and pulled it down. It would fall off once I cut the rope that led from her hands to her feet. Her panties were a different issue. They were pretty flimsy and this time, I just pulled at the waistband from opposite sides until they tore. I pulled them away from Fifi’s shaved pussy. It was glistening with her lubrication and I took a deep sniff of the scrap of fabric I held in my hand.

I picked her up and took her to the chair. I’d see if I could learn some interesting ways to tie ropes that were more decorative. At the moment, I’d just experiment with some positions. Once she was seated, I pushed her knees apart and took a long lick of that wet slit. It was so good. I found her clit and tickled it with my tongue. Fifi was panting and gasping. But with her ankles tied together, it was a little awkward getting between her legs.

I quickly tested the stability of the large chair and lifted Fifi to position her on her knees facing the back of the chair. I leaned her forward so she was resting her chest, just above her breasts, on the back of the chair. What a beautiful ass was up in the air. I licked through her crack and Fifi whined.

“Step six,” she gasped. “Tease and torture. You’ve been teasing me all afternoon. I think you have that idea down. Torture might be new to you.”

I smacked her butt hard with my hand. She gasped out an “Ow!” She panted and then said, “Thank you, Master. I did not mean to be loud. Please punish me as you will.” I’d stepped away from her and stripped off my clothes, then knelt behind her to lick up her slit again. She gasped.

“You’d better tell me step seven while you can still talk,” I said, stepping in front of her with the gag. She saw it and saw my erection, automatically opening her mouth to receive either one.

“Step seven. Satisfy. It is not necessary for you to satisfy your Fifi. That is up to you. Satisfy yourself. She is yours to do with as you wish. Lick her, spank her, fuck her. Use her mouth, her pussy, her ass, her breasts, her feet. Satisfy your most carnal lusts on her body. You can even…”

I cut her off by pulling the gag across her mouth and tying it securely behind her head. Then for added good measure, I blindfolded her. I returned to her ass and licked her pussy some more, enjoying the way her ass cheeks quivered. When I thought she might be getting close to coming, I grabbed the leather paddle and whacked her butt again. She shook with her orgasm.

I rimmed her ass, thrusting my fingers deep in her pussy and thumbing her clit, then smacked her butt again. I slipped on a condom and lubed it liberally. One of the things we had all agreed to the first time Adrienne was in town was that I would use a condom with her, at least until we were comfortable that she was safe. I stepped up behind her and fucked into her tight pussy, using more lube on my thumb to press it into her ass. Fifi was in a constant state of orgasm, shaking and whining.

I pulled my cock out of her pussy, put it against her anus and pushed all the way into her rectum in one stroke. I pumped hard and knew I was getting close from having teased all afternoon. I leaned forward over that gorgeous ass and reached under her to pinch her nipples hard.

The scream of her orgasm, as she clenched her ass on my cock and I started jetting into the condom, was only partially muted by the gag. Her entire body shook with the strength of her climax and I felt like I’d never quit pumping.

Adrienne had just given me an incredible gift. She’d completely surrendered her body to my control. I was gasping for breath as I pulled out of her and picked the precious girl up to take to the bed. I whipped the covers back and sat with her on my lap, much in the way I’d begun the seduction part of the scene. I carefully removed the gag and before she could say anything, pressed my lips against hers and my tongue into her mouth. She responded vigorously, sucking at my tongue, and offering me hers. Next, I untied her ankles and then her hands. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she continued to kiss me. I pulled off the blindfold and she looked into my eyes and began to cry.

I petted her hair and held her as she continued to cry and attempt to kiss me more.

“Oh, thank you, my master. Thank you. You have made Fifi the happiest pet in the world. It makes me so happy to bring you pleasure. Use me. Whenever you want and however you want. I am your Fifi.”

I got us tucked into the bed and continued petting and kissing her.

“Now, my Fifi, I want to make love to you.”


I took Adrienne to the airport Sunday and she promised to be back for spring break or earlier if I wanted her. We’d had a really good time over this week and all my girlfriends got to spend some fun time with her.

I needed to print up some of the shots from our session Saturday, but that would wait until later in the week. I’d be studying Art Composition during my three-week intersession. I had no idea what all it would involve, but we were scheduled to meet for three hours each morning, have a lunch break, and then come back for two more hours every day. This was really going to cut into any private studio time I might have wanted.

Ronda and I sat in the kitchen Sunday afternoon and called Christine to wish her happy birthday. We had two numbers for her—one in Tenbrook and one in Peoria—but we didn’t get an answer on either line. That was a little depressing, but I cuddled with Ronda in the beanbag chair for an hour or two before we got up to wish Patricia and Anna a safe trip back west.

Ronda, Beth, and I all started classes Monday morning. I rode the El with Beth and we split as soon as we got off so she could head to DePaul and I could head to Columbia. My class started at 8:30 and I found there were only ten students and the instructor, Dale McKenzie, in the class. Our first day was mostly an introduction to concepts and a lot of slides to show us what Dale wanted during the class.

She was a short dynamo who filled the whole room with her personality. I thought the class would be fun and wondered if I could get her to pose for me. She was only here for the intersession and wouldn’t be teaching here full time. She said that her accent was Australian, not British, and we should learn the difference.

The class had been recommended to me by Professor Hyatt, my photo lab instructor, but the class wasn’t specific to photography. I was happy to see Leslie in the class with me, but there was only one other photographer, Jim Lehman. As we introduced ourselves, I found out there were four painting majors and a sculpture major. Of the last two, one was a theatre designer, and the last was a musician who thought he’d learn something about music composition by studying art composition. More power to him.

“Do you know if the photo lab is open during the intersession?” Leslie asked me at lunch. Jim came to sit with us, too, and seemed like a nice guy. He was focusing on commercial photography and thought he’d really benefit when setting up product shots or food images.

“I haven’t been in the photo lab since we got back to school in September,” I said. “Professor Hyatt chased me down in October and told me I needed to register for this class.”

“Where do you do your image processing?” Jim asked. “I mean, you said you shoot a lot of black and white, right?”

“Yeah. I have my own studio and darkroom a few blocks from here,” I said. “How about you?”

“Commercial photography is almost all color slide work now. I shoot mostly Kodachrome or some Ektachrome and send it to Pro Color for slides. Then I use the photo lab to make Cibachrome prints,” Jim said. He was a senior and quite a ways ahead of Leslie and me.

“We’re going to take the intro to color photography this spring, aren’t we, Nate?” Leslie said.

“I registered for it. I’m not sure I’m up for it, though. I’m just glad you’re in the class with me. We’ll be able to compare our mistakes.”

“What makes you think I’ll make mistakes?” she giggled. “I’ll just help you make yours.”

“And here I was going to invite you to the studio and let you use the darkroom,” I laughed.

“Oh, please! May I, pretty please?” Leslie pled. “I’ll do it naked.”

Jim looked at us with his mouth open.

“Um… Could I use it, too? Sounds like a pretty good place.”

“Oh. Um… You never can tell what’s happening in Nate’s studio,” Leslie backpedaled. “He shoots a lot of nudes. Nate, if Jim’s willing to model nude for you, can he use your darkroom?”

“Um… Wait! Uh… That’s okay. I don’t have any pressing needs and you’re like set up for black and white, not Ciba, right? I’ll have to make do with what I’ve got for a while. I’ve been working part time at Pro Color over on Hubbard. They said I can do printing there.”

“It sounds like we might need to come to you to use the lab instead of you coming to mine. I guess we’ll find out more about that when the spring term starts,” I laughed. “Seriously, though, you’re welcome to come tour the studio almost anytime. I’ve got a huge amount of junk that I’m hoping I’ll learn how to compose into interesting shots in this class.”

“I bet you’re interested in composing a few shots with Dale,” Leslie whispered. Our instructor had told us right off that our class was a first names-only class and we should forget all the crap like ‘Miss So-and-so’ or ‘Professor Such-and-such.’ That was okay with me.

“How did you know that had crossed my mind?” I asked.

“Geez, Nate. It even crossed my mind, and I’m pretty committed to heterosexual relations. Not a specific one, but in general, you know.”

“Yeah. I know,” I said, winking at her.

She reached under the table and squeezed my leg, really high. She just sort of grazed my cock with her fingers. We had to get back to class after our half-hour break.


I didn’t get over to the studio after class that afternoon because I ran into Leanne after class. I think that was intentional. She was with a really cute Asian girl with a beautiful kind of heart-shaped face and bright eyes. Her hair was styled in a more western fashion with a lot of curls. A lot of Asian women seemed to have square bangs across their foreheads.

“Oh, hi, Nate!” Leanne said. “I was hoping to run into you. This is Min Chen. Min, this is Nate, the photographer I told you about.”

“Hello, Nate. Leanne has told me so much about you.” There was scarcely a trace of accent to her voice, except perhaps something southern.

“It’s nice to meet you, Min.”

“Min has agreed to model for us!” Leanne said. “She’s just perfect for the black and white concept I told you about. Maybe we can get a session in before the regular term starts.”

“As far as I know, I only have the class work that I’m taking during intersession. We should be able to set up a Saturday to work,” I said. “I’ll cross check with Cassie.”

“Maybe you and I could get together Saturday this week to go over the concept and practice it. I don’t think we should spend more than an hour and a half actually painting Min before you get to take photos,” Leanne said. “We should make sure we have our process down.”

“That sounds good. Min, has Leanne told you about her concept?”

“Oh, yes. We met when she found me looking over her shoulder at her sketches. I hope I can model several of her paintings. Maybe we could do a regular photo shoot, too,” she said.

“Are you a student here at Columbia?”

“Yes. I’m studying Marketing and Advertising, but I’m trying to get into modeling, too. It’s a little difficult for a Chinese girl to get a job in a basically Caucasian marketplace,” she said.

“I know a couple of agencies here in town and what they look for. Maybe I can help get you a portfolio that will introduce you.”

“Oh, Nate! That would be wonderful. Leanne, you’ll let me know when we are ready to start? I’m very excited to do this.”

I said goodbye to Leanne and Min, and went out to catch the train home. I intended to get a good meal on the table for Beth and Ronda tonight.


Once we had classes to focus on and people we were talking to almost daily, things evened out at home, too. I got into the studio on Wednesday to get the last pictures of Adrienne processed and printed. Leslie came in to develop some film with me and… Well, she didn’t get naked, but we were both topless and did a lot of rubbing against each other. I liked sucking on her little nipples and she seemed to like it a lot, too. We decided to set a regular schedule of processing prints on Wednesday afternoons.

Saturday, though, proved to be my heavy work day in the studio. I had a simple portrait sitting in the morning for a client at Camera Warehouse. She wanted a nice portrait for her family, but also wanted a good passport picture. I knew how to light those and get the shot that was probably a level or so above what the normal passport photo was. I told her I’d have the prints for her by Thursday. Unless something was urgent, I wasn’t promising anyone next day service.

Leanne assisted me and when my model was gone, she got out her various paints and sketches.

“This is a design that is strictly black on body,” Leanne explained. “I have several drawings. There is a face view, arms, torso front and back, legs, and feet. The entire body becomes a canvas for a design that is strictly decorative. It isn’t of anything.”

I looked at the sketches and appreciated Leanne’s artistic viewpoint. The images of arms and torso were detailed, as was the face. In fact, the face really looked a lot like Min’s.

“I redrew the face after I met Min,” she said. “I’m not sure I got her torso right, but I haven’t actually seen her naked yet. Those legs, though. Wow! Can’t you just imagine her naked, sitting on a stool or standing in front of us as we paint on her entire body?”

“Leanne, is this for the art or for the opportunity?” I laughed.

“Yes,” she answered. “And don’t tell me you can’t just imagine holding those little titties while you draw the design on them.”

I didn’t tell her. We actually started practicing on each other. She used a fine brush and a pot of black paint to create a twisting pattern on my forearm. She was really good. I hoped I could match her. She held out her arm and I carefully traced the design and then filled it in. We held our arms next to each other to compare and they passed.

Then we worked on the upper arm and I ended up having to take off my shirt or get paint on it.

“As long as I have you like this, let me try the torso pattern,” Leanne said. “You’re a little flat chested, but I don’t think Min has a lot up top. It should be just enough to give the design a nice contour.”

She held a hand against my chest and casually thumbed my left nipple as she dipped her brush. It kind of tickled to have her painting a spiral design from my nipple outward. She moved the free-standing mirror over in front of me so I could see the design taking shape. I was thinking about what a cool tattoo this would be if I was really into that kind of thing.

Then Leanne stripped off her top. I was flat compared to Min Chen, but Leanne was noticeably more stacked. This would be very distracting.

I started with her upper arm, and after critiquing a couple of my strokes, I moved on to her torso. I stroked her nipple several times before I got started on the decorative pattern. Then, I seriously had to hold her breast to keep it from moving as I applied paint. Then I painted the chest portion between her boobs. I had to hold the unpainted boob out of the way as I applied paint to her chest.

Leanne instructed me to pull my trousers off so she could do the paint on my abdomen. Then she complained about my pubic hair getting in the way. The hair wasn’t the only thing in the way, though. She finally stopped painting and sucked my erection into her mouth. I completely forgot about what we were there to do. We’d been at the body painting for two-and-a-half hours. Once my cock was deflated, she finished running the paint into my pubic hair.

When she was finished, she looked at me critically and pulled at my pubic hair.

“This would be a whole lot easier if you didn’t have all this bunch of hair down here,” she said again. “You should look like I do.” She pulled her own pants and underwear down and off. She was hairless below the waist. It had been a while since I’d last seen Leanne’s pussy. It wasn’t at all disappointing.

I tried to concentrate on the paint up on her stomach, but then I followed the curve of the painting right down to the top of her slit. When completed from both sides, it looked like it ran right onto her clit.

I tested for a while and was pleased to find an ample supply of personal lubricant in Leanne’s pussy to spread around her clit. She sat on the stool and I got down where I could put my tongue to work on her clit. Leanne was shaking when her orgasm hit and let out a long low moan.

“That’s how we want Min to feel when we paint her. Maybe, though, we should have another practice session next weekend,” she said. “We should make sure you know how to paint the back and legs. Okay?”

“Yeah. That should work fine, Leanne.” I kissed her clit again and then stood where I could kiss her mouth. Eventually, we had to stop messing around. I noticed a bunch of her paint was smeared.

“We’ll have to be careful after we’ve painted. It’s water-soluble.”

“I’m glad. That means we just need to shower it off, right?”

“It might require a little scrubbing, but generally, that should be all you need. I’m sure someone in your family will be happy to help wash you all over.”

I kissed her again and we dressed to go home.


Ronda and Beth were intrigued by the decoration Leanne had painted on me and spent a long time stripping me and examining it.

“She’s right, you know,” Beth said. “It would look better if you cut back the shrubbery around your cock. You had to have been hard to get this circle painted around the head of it. Did you fuck her?”

“Not that it’s a problem if you did,” Ronda jumped in. “We’ve had Leanne in bed with us before. I kind of like that she goes both ways.”

“We didn’t fuck,” I said as Ronda got the water running in the shower. “She sucked me off.”

“I hope you returned the favor.”


“And she says this will come off with just a little soap and water?” Beth asked.

“She warned me that I might need a little help scrubbing it,” I said.

“So, who’s scrubbing her? Nate, you need to be kind and bring her home so we can take care of her next time,” Ronda said.

“There’s going to be a next time, isn’t there?” Beth asked.

“Yeah. We’re planning to do another practice session next weekend and then bring her model in the next weekend. The whole idea is to decorate her and then to photograph her. Leanne has a whole book of sketches and paintings for paint like this, but she can’t exhibit the model in public because of public indecency laws. So, we need to photograph her and sell the prints,” I explained.

“This model…?” Beth started.

“Min Chen,” I supplied. “Very pretty Chinese girl.”

“She knows what you’re planning, doesn’t she? You’re not putting something over on a girl who doesn’t understand the language, are you?” Ronda asked.

“She knows. She’s a native English speaker. She’s something like third generation born in the US.”

“Okay. So, Min is very pretty. Shaved?” Beth asked.

“I haven’t seen, but I’d guess that Leanne made that a condition of modeling. Leanne, by the way, is now completely bare as well. And very slick,” I laughed. “Her stomach decoration went right to the beginning of her slit. Really looked great.”

“So, you’re going to spend a couple of hours decorating Min together and then you’ll photograph her,” Ronda mused. “Maybe you should book a hotel room that night so you can help her get clean.”

“I think Leanne has plans for how to get her clean, and I don’t think I’m invited. Min wants to get into modeling, though, so I’ll probably do a portrait session with her and build a portfolio like I have for the other models. I’ll be using assistants for that, so if you want in on it, you should let me know. You know Leanne and Theresa will be all over the idea of ‘helping’ me.”

“Oh, look. I got the paint off of this, but now it’s all hard and looks so uncomfortable,” Beth said. “You should come and let me get it to soften up. I mean come to bed. And come. If it just won’t soften up, I’m sure Ronda will take a shot at it, won’t you, girlfriend?”

“Yes. I’ll give you first go, but I’d like to see him standing tall again right after you’re through.”

We toweled off and went into the bedroom. Even though I was hard, none of us were really ready to fuck. I had a great time kissing and petting both girls. Beth was focused on me, so she didn’t really recognize that it wasn’t my hand that was in her pussy getting her juiced up. Ronda gave a tug at my dick and I slid home into Beth.

Then we got serious about fucking.


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