


“Anna” by BLGKV, ID1556827643 from Shutterstock.com


I HAD JUST the 35mm Nikon with me and we had no lights in the studio except the general overheads. I took a couple of pictures of Anna with different props.

“You know, it isn’t really going to be an Attic Allure photo if you have all your clothes on,” I laughed.

“Oh. So?” she said. Hmm. I think she wanted to play a game.

“Well, let’s loosen your hair and let it fall around your face,” I said, taking her ponytail tie. “With all the work we have to do, you don’t really want to get this blouse dirty. I’ll just take it to the rack for you.”

I unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. Anna was wearing a very pretty bra, and I could see the shading of her nipple beneath the fabric. I led her to the window.

“We don’t have good light in here. We’ll have to use the window for light. Right there. Let’s get your hair down on this side a little. I didn’t realize how much your hair has grown in the past year. It’s really beautiful.”

I kept touching her and primping her until I stepped back and took some more pictures.

“I have an idea, but we need to get rid of your slacks and shoes or it won’t work at all. What an interesting concept, to wear a white bra and black panties. That should make a cool shot.”

I pulled off her slacks and shoes and carried them over to the rack. While I was there, I grabbed the standing mirror I’d used on a number of settings. I moved Anna around, touching her bottom and grazing across her breasts. She moved as I directed, but didn’t move at all if I wasn’t touching her. I got the mirror positioned so it provided a little backlight from the window and took more pictures, repositioning her after each shot. Anna wanted to be treated like any of my models. I was seducing her.

“You’re such a good model. I can’t believe I haven’t had you pose for me all the time,” I said.

“This is just my birthday photo,” she whispered.

“Oh, yes. A week after you turned twenty. Do you feel like you’re in your twenties?”

“I’m not sure what would make me feel that way. I’m so reserved. If I was more of a showoff, it would be different.”

“You’ve been showing off your pretty lingerie. Let’s show off a little more of your birthday suit.” I reached around her and unfastened the bra while I kissed her. I petted her bare breasts and pinched her nipples lightly. I snagged the stepladder from a few feet away and dragged it next to her, draping her bra over one rung.

“Just hook your arm through here,” I said. “We need to make sure your nipples are nice and hard. I love how they stick out. You have such pretty breasts. Now just here.”

I sucked each of her nipples hard and then stepped back. I took a couple different angles, one for my album, and one we could display.

“You know, that’s really very nice, but let’s get this black band of panty off of you. It’s so distracting. Now how about sitting on the window ledge.”

I was spending more time petting and caressing Anna now than I was taking pictures. We had some great photos. This was my naked girlfriend. When I started stroking through her pubic fur and found her clit, she spun on the window ledge to face me and unzipped my jeans.

“Picture-taking is done,” she panted. “It’s time to de-sanctify the studio.”

“How are we going to do that?” I asked.

“It’s an involved process,” she said. “You have to set aside the camera. Then step up between my legs and put your big hard cock in my tight wet pussy. Then you have to concentrate really hard on the mantra ‘No sex in the studio.’ You have to repeat it to yourself while you are kissing and fucking me.”

“But we’re having sex. Should we not be doing this?” I said, as I pushed her back against the window.

“If we’re having sex and there’s no sex in the studio, then this must no longer be a studio. Make me come and come in me. It will be officially de-sanctified.”

“Oh yes. I’m ready to de-sanctify this space and make it no longer a studio,” I said pushing into her hard. I started coming and Anna clamped down around my cock and vibrated with her orgasm as she called out.

Domine ex studium!

I kissed her and petted her and we stayed connected for as long as we could.

“Oh, my! I’m having sex with my bare back and butt pressed against the front window of Center Marketplace! I’ve really entered my wild twenties!” she said.


Christmas was pretty low-key for all of us. We spent the time with our individual families, just as Beth was doing in Chicago. Gifts were mostly symbolic, both among us and within our families. I was just thankful for a little time to decompress and try to get my head together.

Of course, I spent time with each of my girlfriends and their families. Ronda and Patricia joined Anna and me when it came time to clean the empty studio. I wasn’t really that surprised to see Judy show up. Wow! Had she changed! Halfway through her sophomore year in St. Louis, she was as much a hippie as she was a costume designer. And even though it wasn’t a studio anymore, all four girls stripped completely and bent to the task of scrubbing floors and windows.

Judy managed to shove me into the upstairs darkroom, which was pretty tight for the two of us, but she was determined that the two of us would occupy the same space at the same time. Pumping my cock in and out of her pussy was a great way to accomplish it.

“Are you going to Las Vegas again this summer?” she asked as she sucked and licked at my cock to get our combined juices off of it.

“Not that I know of. I think the production team got what they wanted from us. They said I might be called next winter to consult on the first film they shoot,” I said.

“Hmm. What’s the storyline?”

“They’ve turned it into a real playboy kind of concept as far as I can tell. It’s sort of a cross between the old Love That Bob TV show and maybe something a little more sinister. I guess one of his models tries to kill him after he gets her pregnant.”

“Holy cow! That would never happen here. Oh, look! I’ve sucked you hard again. You’d better put it back in me.”

I think she meant put it in her back door. That was sure where she guided me after scooping an abundance of our combined come onto her asshole to lube it up. It had been a long time since I’d been up a girl’s bottom. In fact, it was in September when Adrienne visited. I really couldn’t think about her upcoming visit with my cock sawing in and out of Judy’s ass.

“Mmm. That was so good. I suppose the girlfriends will be hunting for us before long,” Judy said. “I guess I’ll take a summer school class, but if I can come and visit you guys somewhere along the line, that would be great.”

“You’d have to come to our summer home in Stratford, Ontario. Come to think of it, you should do that. You should see the shows there and get a feel for possible jobs in the theatres. Since it’s a seasonal theatre thing, they do lose some people each year who get year-round jobs.”

“I’ll do it! But maybe I could see you sometime this spring, too. I don’t think this one injection—or double—is going to last me six months,” she said.

“Aren’t you getting with Janice and Pete anymore?”

“No. Not really. The last time we were all in bed together, I made a pass at Janice and she freaked out. I should have known better.”

“That’s really too bad. Well, we’d better finish cleaning these windows before they send a search party.”


Friday morning, the day after Christmas, Ronda rode with me in the jam-packed microbus. Patricia, Toni, and Anna followed us in Patricia’s car. We got to the apartment and Beth helped unload the things we were keeping at the apartment, then I met Theresa and Cassie at the studio to unload the rest of the props from Tenbrook. Leanne was still at her parents’ house in South Bend.

Both girls gave me Christmas kisses and made wisecracks about thinking of me that night when they masturbated. I couldn’t promise the same thing because I was pretty sure I’d have no reason to masturbate.

When I got home, we had birthday eve dinner for Beth. She’d already secured my studio time for the morning so I could take a picture of her on her twentieth birthday.


I was expecting Starr to show up. But when I got to the studio, Beth walked in, dressed in the most sensible college girl clothes I could even imagine.

“Hey, there. Is Starr with you?”

“Um… No. Starr just finished a gigantic tour and is too tired to do a photo session. I was hoping you’d do a revealing portrait of Elizabeth,” she said. “You know, I’m not always the hilarious clown. Sometimes, I’m just your everyday needy girlfriend.”

“Oh, honey. Let’s sit down and I’ll hold you for a while.”

“That would be nice, but I know you do your best psychological counseling when you’re behind the camera, so why don’t you get loaded, so to speak and get me a really nice college girl portrait?”

“Okay, Elizabeth. Let’s see if we can reveal who you really are when Starr is out of the picture,” I said.

I pulled down the white backdrop first. One of the things that we’d learned in our History of Photography class was about the U.S. requiring photographs on passports since 1927. There were specific requirements regarding how much of the person was included in the photo, what size the photo had to be, and what the background had to be. I was interested in finding out if I could take a good Passport photo and set the stage for Beth accordingly.

“I’m sorry, honey,” I said after the first photo. I moved up to her and pulled the corner of her mouth down. She had a full and brilliant smile. “We need to start with a completely neutral canvas for this work of art. You need to face directly forward and give me a neutral look. No smiling or frowning. This is just a record of your features.”

“That’s like my passport,” she said. I’d forgotten that Beth had a passport. I thought that was a pretty good idea and planned to suggest that all the family get passports now that we owned property in Canada. A passport wasn’t required to go to Canada, but we were traveling back and forth enough that it seemed like a good idea just to have one. Besides, we might want to travel somewhere else as well.

“Exactly. The passport photo is a neutral representation of what a person looks like. From there, we’ll start adding your sparkling personality.”

We got the photo, amidst a bit of laughter as she tried to hold a straight face in front of the camera. Then we started building on the foundation. I had her turn so she was three-quarters front. Then I dropped the blue backdrop for a different shade. I unbuttoned two of her blouse buttons and she started to look downright sexy.

I pulled the red backdrop and got rid of the stool. I had her stand in different positions as I worked her clothing down to just her bra and panties. I was using the same touches and patterns on Beth that I used on other models. It was taking us quite a lot longer than the rather abbreviated version I’d done with Anna earlier in the week. I’d only shot one full roll of 35mm film with Anna. I’d already gone through three 12-exposure rolls on the Hasselblad.

“Go pick a prop,” I said as I prepared the black backdrop.

“What prop?”

“You decide. Find something you feel speaks to you. Not just to the funny you, but something you see that you’d like to have nearby if you were home alone relaxing in the evening.”

I was interested to find out what she’d choose from the props closet. There were still more things back there than I had seen. Surely, something would strike a chord with her. I was a little surprised when she brought a brass bowl with her. But I could see a scene taking shape. I led Beth to the center of the black backdrop. Then I went back and grabbed a cube and draped it with a black cover. I had her sit on the cube with the bowl held in both hands.

“Tell me about your bowl,” I said.

“It’s cold. But it makes a cool sound if you bump it against something. It’s deep. You can’t see down inside.”

“Is that something you feel about yourself? Cold, deep, dark inside but making a cool sound?”

“Wow! I never thought of myself like that.”

I moved her so she was sitting cross-legged on the cube and then released her bra so she could shrug it off. I spent a moment gently rubbing the creases from the bra out of her skin, under her breasts and across her back.

“I love taking that off.”

“I thought you’d quit wearing them.”

“No. Starr never wears a bra, but Elizabeth still thinks she has to.”

“I see. How about putting something in your bowl? What would it hold?”

“Light,” she said. “I heard a storyteller in August who was riding a bicycle across the country. He told a story about a guy with a bowl of light, who kept trying to save up light in a rain barrel for a dark night or cloudy day, but his barrel seemed to leak because it was always empty.”

“Sounds like a futile effort,” I said.

I found a tea light and put it in the bowl, then lit the little candle. I turned down all the lights around Beth so that she was isolated in the darkness with just the candle flickering to light her breasts and face. I carefully positioned the camera and then adjusted Beth a bit.

“I think my panties should be off, too. Somehow, it feels like I should be naked when I’m sitting with this bowl.”

I helped pull her panties off and caressed her bottom as I helped her back onto the cube. I set up just a little very soft fill from the side so she wasn’t just a tit and nose.

“Now, gaze into the light and tell me what you see?”

“I see possibilities swirling around. Lots of different ways my life could go. All I need to do is reach in the bowl and pull out a thread and follow it.”

I loved the image and quickly got a ball of string. I cut a piece that could be in the bowl and she could pull it out with her fingers. Stunning! I was using exposures as long as two seconds to get the fine detail in this low light. Seeing her visage like this was mystical and erotic. She’d said it made a cool sound, so I found a little wooden pestle and handed it to her. She struck the bowl with it and the chime reverberated through the entire exposure and then some.

“Are you going to pull a thread from the bowl to follow?” I asked.

“I’m afraid to.”


“One thread gives me everything I thought I wanted in life—fame, fortune, laughing audiences. But it doesn’t have the people I love on it. The thread that has the people I love on it, doesn’t include the fame and fortune. I can’t find a way to tie them together.”

A tear fell from her eye and I caught the picture as it fell into the bowl. I quickly cut another bit of string.

“Let me help, lover,” I whispered.

I pulled the loose end of the string she was holding and tied it to the piece I’d just cut. I tied a big knot with floppy ends so I could see it.

“Now, sweetheart,” I said, touching the corner of her mouth with my fingertip. “Sometimes the string has to want to be tied.”

She smiled softly, though the tears continued to run. I took the pictures and then I approached her and took the bowl to set aside. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms as she cried.


We all went to the Marshes’ for the birthday celebration that evening. Nadia and Jordan were as taken by Little Toni as nearly everyone who met the precious little girl. I about lost it when Jordan got down on the floor and played horse while Toni rode on his back.

“Oh, my,” Adele said. You could just see her recalculating the hierarchy in the house. It looked like someone was above Jordan. I had a feeling he would set her straight later that night.

After we’d had birthday cake and ice cream—enjoyed most by Toni, who then needed a bath—we sat around and finally all went up to Elizabeth’s room. Toni was put to bed in the adjoining sunroom and we set about overwhelming Elizabeth with love. Before long, she was too turned on and too distracted by her own pleasure to be aware of whether it was me or one of the girlfriends sucking a nipple or even licking her clit. She knew it was my cock that slid into her and brought her the fourth of her birthday orgasms. She kissed each of us and we cuddled around her as we all fell asleep.


Sunday was when things began to get interesting in our household. We all went home after Sunday brunch and we’d scarcely arrived when the phone rang. Ronda answered it.

“Oh, you, naughty girl. Are you thinking you’ll have a lascivious week in Chicago?— Have you got a nice hotel room?— Well, you know we wouldn’t send him to you if you were in some dive.— The Blackstone? Really? That’s very convenient to the studio. I’m sure you’ll want some time in the studio.— No. I don’t think we’ll let him come to you tonight. Yesterday was Beth’s birthday and she’s the only one he fucked all day. The other three of us plan to keep him busy for the rest of today. Now here’s what you should do, Little Darling. You should take a nice hot bath and make sure you are very clean. Order room service and have a nice meal. At eight o’clock, be standing beside the door waiting. Someone will come to you and you will treat him or her as your master for the night. If you are very good, you can meet Nate at the studio tomorrow at eleven. If you are bad, you’ll have to stay in your room until the next day. Do you understand, Little Darling?— Very good. Now go and get yourself ready. Bye-bye.”

“What on earth was that?” Beth asked.

“Oh, that was our mistress calling,” Ronda said. “She’s come to Chicago for a week and I think she expected that our lives would simply come to a halt because she was here. I needed to put her in her place.”

“I’ll go meet her at eight,” Anna said. “Not to pre-empt a good time with her for you, Ronda, but I feel someone less eager should meet with her first and lay down the rules. I promise I will save some for you.”

“You two are making me wet,” Patricia said. “Nate, you are on dancing duty with Miss Toni while I take my sister wives to bed.”

I wasn’t sure what went on in the bedroom while I danced with Toni for the next hour and read her stories. Eventually, Ronda came out of the bedroom to entertain Toni and I was sent in.

My task was an entirely pleasant one. I was to make love to my girlfriends, starting with Anna. Just sliding into her hot slippery folds was nearly enough to set me off. Patricia and Beth worked on her nipples until Anna hit her peak and I filled her. She slid over and Patricia got me going again with help from Beth.

Their plan, however, was that I would make love to each of them, but when it was time for me to come, I was to deposit it in Anna. She intended to carry four loads of my semen in her vagina when she went to meet Adrienne. I really wished I could be in that room when those two met.


I found out on Monday morning when I went to the studio to meet a very subdued Adrienne.

“Welcome back to Chicago, Adrienne,” I said, opening my arms to hug her.

She rushed to my embrace and then slid down to her knees.

“Do you want me back, Nate?” she whispered.

“Hey! What’s the problem?”

“I promise to be good. I won’t be a bratty sub. I’ll serve you and your girlfriends any way I can. I know you’ll take care of me and I won’t suffer too much at your hands. Just please tell me you want me.”

This was not what I was expecting at all. Adrienne, wanting to be controlled, but not abject in her submissiveness.

“Yes, I want you,” I said. “I didn’t realize that at first, but I’ve missed you since we met in September. Are you unsure of what our intentions are?”

I got down on the floor with her and held her. She hugged me fiercely. Even though she was being humble, she wasn’t crying. I was sure this was something Anna had cooked up with her.

“Miss A said I could tell you exactly what she told me if you wish. She will check with you to make sure every detail is accurate,” Adrienne said.

“I wondered what went on last night. Why don’t we sit on the couch while you tell me.”

“When she arrived at my door promptly at eight o’clock, she introduced herself. She said, ‘I’m Anna, one of Nate’s girlfriends. You may call me Miss, or if there is a need to distinguish me from my sister girlfriends, Miss A.’ I was surprised. Miss R, as I was told to refer to your girlfriend Ronda, and I had several pleasant chats on the phone. I didn’t know Miss A would be the one to explain the house rules to me.”

“I didn’t know that either,” I said. “Sometimes the girls cook things up that I don’t know about.”

“Miss A had me undress her and bathe her,” Adrienne continued. “With my tongue. It was not unpleasant. She’s a very attractive woman. But as I was cleaning a large load of her boyfriend’s sperm from her legs and hairy pussy, she explained the rules. She said you were a kind soul and were often too sympathetic to set firm boundaries. ‘Nate,’ she said, ‘will be the kind of dominant man you crave. He will spank you and fuck your bottom and even tie you up if that turns you on. He will let you curl up in his lap like a good pet.’”

Adrienne squirmed a bit and I realized that when we sat on the couch, she had curled up in my lap and I was petting her hair and face and anything else that that my hand happened to touch. She had a spectacular butt.

“I almost missed the change in Miss A’s voice because I’d begun to focus on her clit and could tell she was getting near her climax, when she said, ‘I simply need to warn you that if you hurt or harm Nate, or one of my sister girlfriends, or our little girl Toni, I will thrash you within an inch of your life.’ Is that an Illinois term? To thrash? She explained the meaning. ‘That means I will beat you with any implement I find handy: a whip, a belt, my fists, a shoe. I will not care if I mark you permanently—in fact I will try to do so in the most obvious way. I will have no mercy.’”

“Oh, my God!” I could almost hear Anna speak that severe warning. It made me shiver. “You won’t ever have to worry about that. We won’t hurt you or mark you.”

“You won’t,” Adrienne said. “Nor do I believe Miss R, Miss E, or Miss P would hurt me. But I have never seen such a hot spark of love in the eyes of another. Anna—Miss A—would defend her family with her life and would bring the wrath of God down on anyone who hurt them.”

“What did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything. I worked twice as hard to bring her to a satisfying climax and then licked up her spend. I rubbed my face against her legs and against her stomach. I kissed her feet. I held her hands against my face and head as she petted me.”

“You do like to be dominated, don’t you?” I chuckled.

“Miss A realized that as well. She pulled me up to face her and kissed me for the first time. She said, ‘That turned you on, didn’t it? Has no one ever threatened to mark your perfect body before? It is perfect. I am going to love getting to know it better. I will love finding out exactly how you taste when you come. I will learn your scent as well as I know that of my lovers. But do not mistake that for softness. Like any dangerous pet, if you bite, I will put you down.’ I believe that I love Miss A.”

“That was quite a story. But Anna didn’t come home last night. Did she spend the night with you?”

“Yes. She tormented me all night long. She explored every part of my body, putting her fingers in my mouth, in my vagina, and in my ass. She rode my face to many orgasms. She parted the folds of my sex and chewed on my clitoris. It was so… exquisite! But she never let me climax. She always backed off before I came. When we slept, I slept curled between her legs and any time she touched my head, I licked her. This morning, she ordered room service and had me sit at her feet while she ate and fed me scraps from her plate. But during all the night and morning, she never hit me at all.”

“Anna is turning into quite the clever girl.”

“She told me that if I ever caused her to hit me, it would be the kind of punishment she had promised and not a game she played to arouse me.”

“And she still never let you come, either.”

“She told me that you owned my orgasms and I was not to come without your permission. Then she sent me here to see if you wanted me.”

“Yes, Adrienne, I want you. If anything, I think Anna has made me want you more. Let’s take some photos and I will see what kind of excitement I can generate for you.”

“I feel like I just stepped off the page of one of the Marquis’s books,” Adrienne said.

I began a sensual dance with her that took six rolls of film while I positioned her and petted her. I dressed her and undressed her. I took closeups of her and backed off so I could see her entire body as she moved the way I directed her. She was exquisite.

We developed the film and spent hours in the darkroom as I printed proofs and pictures, and she sucked my cock or bent over for me to fuck her.

And I let her come. Many times, even smacking her ass hard enough to sting once or twice.

When we were done, we went out to dinner and I took her back to the hotel and fucked her for half the night before we were both too exhausted to continue. I woke up in the morning with her sucking my dick and fucked her again before I went home.


Everyone’s experience with Adrienne was different. Not all the girls spent the night with her. Elizabeth spent a day shopping with her.

“That girl is a whiz at shopping. And not all about just buying the latest or most expensive things. Look at these outfits!” Elizabeth said when she got home that evening. She showed us shopping bags filled with clothes.

“You must have spent a fortune!” Patricia gasped.

“Not as much as you’d think. Adrienne was great at finding bargains. We sat and had tea before we went shopping and she asked me exactly what I thought I needed. I told her that my style and looks had changed so much in the past months that I needed a whole new school wardrobe. We got everything. Underwear, skirts, slacks, blouses. Even a couple of outfits if I need to travel for a show sometime. You never can tell.”

“It sounds like you had a great time,” I said. “I’m glad you got along well.”

“It’s probably different than with you or Anna. Really, Anna. Telling her to call me Miss E? She’ll be a great shopping buddy and even invited me to visit her in LA and go shopping on Rodeo Drive. I’ll bet my sister would love that.”

“When you’re alone with her, you can call each other whatever you want,” Anna said. “But in polite company, that girl needs to know her place and use proper titles.”

“I suppose. Adele does that kind of thing, too,” Beth said.

“Speaking of which, is Adrienne invited to the party tomorrow night?” I asked.

“Well, of course,” Beth said. “I’m sure Mama and Papa would love to meet her. They have a photo of her hanging in Papa’s study.”

I glanced at Anna and she nodded. It was apparent that she was the person who had been self-appointed as the manager of our relationship with Adrienne. That was kind of a relief. As long as Anna was in charge of it, I didn’t need to worry about whether things were out of control.


The New Year’s Eve party at the Marshes’ was quite different than celebrating New Year’s Eve at the EUB church in Huffington. Several of Jordan and Nadia’s friends were there and the party spilled out of the lounge and into the living room and dining room. Some people played cards, some hung around the bar, and some just sat talking to each other like they had a lifetime of catching up to do.

We got a bit of attention as Jordan introduced me as his daughter’s boyfriend and a photographer. He left it to me to introduce the other girlfriends. He was quite taken with Adrienne, though, and often introduced her to a friend, then showed the friend her picture on his wall.

I think half the time, he was carrying Toni around and introducing her as his daughter’s girlfriend’s daughter. Patricia and I got the little one down for bed when she could hardly hold her head up. Nadia had hired a sitter to stay with her while we were downstairs partying. I was surprised to find Adrienne standing in the doorway as Patricia and I kissed our little girl goodnight.

“She’s so sweet,” Adrienne said. “I just had to come and watch you put her to bed. Please, don’t be upset with me.”

“We’re not upset,” Patricia said, giving Adrienne a hug. “Why don’t we spend the day showing you some of Toni’s favorite parks on Friday.”

“Oh, Miss P, would that be okay?” she answered excitedly.

“I think it’s a date,” Patricia said.

We went back downstairs and joined the party. Elizabeth had been reciting stories from her tour to various people all evening. Her sister Valerie was in a different part of the room talking about where she’d flown and what parties they’d had in Tenerife or Bali or South Africa or Paris. She was with another stewardess and a pilot who seemed to make a threesome with her. Jordan just looked at them and shrugged.

I was getting a drink for Ronda when I chanced to overhear a conversation between Adele and Adrienne.

“So, have you been added to the clutch of Nate’s girlfriends?” Adele asked.

“No, no,” Adrienne answered. “Like you, I am just a pet.”

“I’m not a pet. I’m Nadia’s mistress.”

“Yes, but you are Jordan’s slave. And when you are in public, you obey Nadia because it is her house and her party. I’m a slave as well, but to all five of them.”

“Hmm. Maybe we slaves should slip away and get acquainted,” Adele said seductively.

“Unlike you, I know my place is with my master and his harem, not with another man’s slut.”

“Fine,” Adele snapped. “It’s just that sometimes these parties get tedious when I can’t just order my slut to pay attention to me.”

“It’s the role we’ve chosen to play,” Adrienne said.

“Adrienne,” I whispered from just behind her. She turned toward me and I kissed her full on the mouth. “They’ve put some swing music on the stereo. Let’s have a little dance.”

“Anything you wish, my master.”

She was a pretty good dancer and we had fun showing each other a few moves. Then Ronda stood beside her.

“Not bad. You need practice,” she said to Adrienne. “Not quite like Nate and I do it.”

“Please show me, Miss R.”

“I will, but fetch me a club soda, please. It’s what Nate was doing when he got sidetracked.”

“Yes, Miss.” Adrienne headed immediately to the bar and Ronda slipped into my arms.

“I’m so ready to cut loose,” Ronda said.

“Then let’s do it,” I answered.

Ronda and I had been living together now for four months. Most of the time it was just the two of us and while we had to study and loved to have sex, neither of those things occupied all our time. So, just like in high school, we’d started dancing, but now in the living room. We had enough space in the apartment to push the furniture out of the way and cut loose at least once a week. Once we’d been out to the Holiday Ballroom. They allowed all ages on certain nights, but checked IDs carefully before serving alcohol.

Suffice it to say, we were completely comfortable dancing with each other and had perfected some moves that were pretty difficult. When the next cut came on the stereo, we claimed the dance floor in the lounge. And everyone stepped aside to watch.

We kept right on through three songs before a slow piece came on and I pulled her close to me, more to embrace than to dance.

“I love you,” I whispered to her.

“As I love you,” she answered. “That was such fun.”

“Miss R, would you care for a sip of your drink after that marvelous display?”

“Ah, thank you, Adrienne.” We stepped apart and she took her drink. Adrienne smiled and handed me a drink as well. Yes, I was thirsty. Swing music on an LP wasn’t like the popular hits of today that came out on 45s. They were all timed for use on the radio at about three and half minutes. A swing number could go for ten minutes or more.


I guess the three-way kiss I had with Ronda and Adrienne at midnight set the tone for our New Year’s Day. Of course, I also had lovely intense kisses with Elizabeth, Anna, and Patricia. But when the party began to wind down at about two in the morning, Patricia and Anna joined Elizabeth in her room. Deke drove Ronda, Adrienne, and me to Adrienne’s hotel.

“Nate and I had a lover,” Ronda explained to Adrienne as we settled down for the night. We’d all had a glass of champagne at midnight and were very relaxed. “She was wonderful. Do you know how it happened? We were both interested in the same girl and I told him I’d fight him for her. He suggested that instead of fighting we share her. I fell in love with him that day. And Christine was more than happy to have us both with her. Nate and I never intended to be really intimate with each other. We’d just be happy to be intimate with Christine, even if we were both with her at the same time. But I couldn’t help myself. My virginity was Nate’s and we’ve been lovers ever since.”

“But this Christine,” Adrienne said as she wrapped an arm around Ronda. “She is not one of the girlfriends.”

“No. Not anymore. You see Christine felt that everything we were doing was perverse. Oh, she loved it, but it bothered her that she was a pervert. When she left for college, she made it clear that she was leaving Nate and me. She went to purge herself of her perversity and is going to be married this summer,” Ronda said as she stood on tiptoes to kiss Adrienne.

“I want to be happy for your Christine, but find I am sad for you and my master,” Adrienne said. She was lost in Ronda’s eyes.

“It’s the same way we feel. But you know, I miss her perversity. Oh, the other girlfriends enjoy a cuddle and often help each other out when we are making love. Sometimes we even get together for a little gentle lovemaking when there are just two of us. But I miss the carefree abandon with which Nate and Christine and I were able to let our lusts soar.”

“May I help in any way?” Adrienne asked coyly. This time, Ronda kissed her with such emphasis that both girls were panting when they parted.

“I think you understand now what I want,” Ronda panted.

“Yes. I would love to be your little pervert,” Adrienne said.


Our night stretched well into New Year’s Day. We started slowly because we were just a little tipsy and it was three o’clock in the morning. But when we were all naked and in bed, it was hard to restrain myself from just fucking both girls until I died. We all fell asleep before that happened.

With two really blonde girls being unrestrained and wild in the bed, it was hard not to see how it would have been with Christine. When we woke up around eleven, we ordered room service and hardly got the meal finished before we had to get back in bed to fuck some more.

Ronda even got one of her long held wishes to be under Adrienne in a sixty-nine as I slid my cock into Adrienne’s butt. Both girls went crazy, and I discovered later that Adrienne had two fingers stretching out Ronda’s anus.

And our New Year’s Day included one of my favorite positions, lying on my back as Ronda posted up and down on my cock and Adrienne had her pussy planted firmly on my mouth. The two girls were heavily involved in kissing and tweaking each other’s nipples as they used me for their fuck machine.

By the time Ronda and I got home Thursday night, we were both drained and sore.


At one point, as we were resting during the afternoon and eating dinner, an interesting topic came up that was unrelated to sex.

“How are we paying for all this?” Ronda asked as we enjoyed the oyster stew. “I mean, the food, the hotel, your airfare. We’ve just been having a fun week without considering the cost.”

“You aren’t paying for it,” Adrienne said.

We both looked at her in shock. I just assumed that I’d be writing out a check for all her expenses. It seemed like a good way to spend some of that massive amount I earned this year.

“Of course, we’ll pay for it. You came here for us,” I said.

“Yes, but no,” she answered. “This is what is different between me and the entire Marquis de Sade body of literature. I’m here by choice. The people, the libertines, he wrote about were captives, kidnapped, raped, servants, or other people they had power over. They were used and thrown away—usually permanently.”

“You know we’d never do any of this against your will,” I said.

“Yes. But if you paid for me, what would I be? I am not here to be paid—even my expenses. Oh, I love it when you take me out to dinner and wouldn’t dream of paying for that. I love the scarf Elizabeth bought me when we were shopping together. I enjoyed the party last night and meeting so many new and interesting people. But you don’t pay me. You don’t support my apartment in LA, or my hotel in Chicago, or anywhere else you want to meet me. My sponsor has made sure that everything I need in life is taken care of. If I wanted to, I could simply leave and go back to Paris. I would never do that to him. He still loves to talk to me or see my photos. I owe him more than I will ever be able to repay. But my being here, with you, is because I want to be here with you. Please don’t ever offer to pay me or for me to be here.”

“I guess that almost makes sense,” I said. “I have always known that whatever our relationship, you are not a prostitute and I never intended to offer something that made you feel that way.”

“Thank you,” Adrienne said. “I am your slave. I will do anything you ask. But I am a slave of my own free will. I have chosen to serve you.”


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