
Display Art


“Min” by Kiselev Andrey Valerevich, ID54395566 from Shutterstock.com


WHEN LESLIE AND I heard our assignment on Tuesday, we just looked at each other and nodded. Dale told us that we were to collect six found objects that we could carry to class conveniently. We should create a composition of the objects that embodied the eight elements of composition—balance, movement, unity, rhythm, focus, pattern, proportion, and contrast. She added that not every composition included all eight elements, nor all in equal emphasis. But we should be ready to explain how we composed the objects and considered each of the elements. We’d have all day Wednesday to work on our compositions and were to bring them to show on Thursday.

“Can we use your props closet?” Leslie asked as we left class.

“Absolutely. Want to meet there at 8:30 tomorrow morning?”

“Yeah. Do we have to wear clothes?”

“I’ll make sure everyone knows the space is reserved and to stay out,” I laughed. Hmm. A day in the studio naked with Leslie could have some interesting ramifications. We’d met topless the previous week while we were processing film, and that had involved a lot of rubbing and petting and kissing. I needed to remember that we had an assignment and not give it short shrift.

As I was headed out to catch the train, I saw Min and stopped to talk to her for a few minutes.

“Did you and Leanne get the paint figured out on Saturday?” she asked.

“Well, mostly. We’re going to meet again this Saturday to refine the movement a little so we don’t just have you standing naked in front of us for two hours while we try to decide who’s painting what,” I laughed.

“Mmm. I would stand naked in front of you for two hours. In fact, I don’t think it would be a hardship at all. For me,” she teased.

“Oh, you will,” I promised. “After we finish painting, we still have to photograph you. I know we’re going to want pictures of every little detail.”

“I have some very interesting details,” Min said. “No one has ever complained about them being little, though.”

She did that little wiggle of her torso that girls do, where they shift their body inside their clothes and you can track their nipples as they glide beneath the fabric. It did attract the eye and I realized she was very much braless today.

“I don’t think I’ll complain, either,” I said. “But I will want to look closely at what I’m doing. We’ll try to make sure you are comfortable while we’re painting.”

“I hope Leanne lets you paint some of the interesting parts and doesn’t keep them all for herself. I think she’s just as interested in them as you are.”

“Leanne is attracted to the points of interest on both female and male bodies,” I said.

“That matches me. I hope I get to see some points of interest, myself.”

After that little repartee, I headed for my train thinking split thoughts about working naked with Leslie tomorrow and soon painting Min’s naked body. Leanne really found a winner with her Chinese model.


“We got a call from Miss Ludwig,” Ronda said. “Clyde Warren was ‘laid off’ from the draft board. The board cited a reduction in workforce due to streamlining the draft process with the lottery.”

“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy,” I said. “In fact, I’m glad it didn’t. We have to keep making racism unprofitable to get through to assholes like him. It’s the only thing he understands.”

“Where does that put us with the suit against the Board?” Beth asked. She’d not been at any of our rallies or protests, but she’d kept up with what was happening and her father had been a staunch supporter.

“I’ll check with Lowell, but I can’t see that this changes anything. Warren manipulated the call-up and the Board allowed it to happen. I think they’re both still culpable,” I said.

“You know we’re all still right behind you, honey,” Ronda said. “We are doing this because we believe in it, not just because we love you.”

“It’s as much for Patricia and Tony,” I said. “Tony should have had at least a year after high school before he was called. When he was called, they were supposed to be taking the oldest first. That’s different now. They say the lottery has shifted the emphasis to taking the youngest first. They’re so screwed up. Regardless, Tony is dead because of Clyde Warren. There’s no two ways about it.”


Wednesday morning, I carried two cups of coffee from a vending machine on the platform into the studio to meet Leslie. She was outside shivering even though she was wearing a heavy coat. It was only about twenty degrees out and the wind was whipping up Wabash under the tracks.

I unlocked and we went in. I locked the door behind me since the store didn’t open for another hour. We went up to the studio and kicked off our boots and coats as we sat on the couch cuddled together to get warm.

“Geez, it’s miserable out! Take me to Las Vegas with you this year,” Leslie said.

“We’re going the other direction this summer,” I said. “But summer in Canada is pretty nice.”

“Today, Canada just sounds cold.”

“Yeah. The heat was out on the train this morning. You’ve never seen so many strangers huddled together for warmth. Of course, by the time we got downtown, that was just normal crowding on the train,” I laughed. “At least the heat kicks on in here at eight.”

“I suppose we should start exploring the props closet,” Leslie said. “Do you have any ideas yet?”

“No. I guess this is sort of like designing a still life.”

“Not sort of. It’s exactly like designing a still life. That’s what we’re doing.”

“Are you saying I can’t use you as one of my found objects?”

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow as I grinned at her.

“It depends on what you find for your other five objects,” she said with a shrug.

We set about on our scavenger hunt.


I thought Leslie’s array of things was an interesting combination. We spent the morning trying out different combinations of things and each had pulled enough props for two or three compositions. I tried to keep a theme going with my props, but Leslie’s seemed to be all over the board. When we came back from a lunch break, the atmosphere in the studio changed.

Leslie started things off after she’d hung her coat and taken off her boots. Then she stripped off her shirt. As was usual with her, there was nothing under the shirt but Leslie. She smashed her lips against mine and started unbuttoning my shirt.

“We’ve been good and all proper this morning. Now I need some inspiration. Strip!”

What could I do but obey such an authoritative command? Why would I want to? I pulled off my shirt and since Leslie was pulling down her jeans and underpants, I did likewise. As soon as we were naked, she crushed herself to me again.

“Yeah. Now we can really help each other compose things,” she said.

She started arranging things on the table and I pulled down a light blue backdrop. I figured we needed to record the arrangement of our objects so we could put them in the same order on the table in our classroom. Dale showed us a picture frame and said that when we created the composition in class, everyone would view it through the frame and comment on what they saw.

Leslie put a sword, a flower, a tiara, my pipe, and a piece of sheet music on the table. It really looked random.

“What do you think?” she asked.

I had a bunch of empty picture frames in the props closet, so I grabbed one and set it in front of my camera to take a picture.

“It’s flat,” I said. “I’m not thinking of the assortment of objects, but they’re all just lying on the table. It needs more dimensionality.”

“Yeah,” she said, coming around to view the composition through the frame. “I see what you mean. How about a piece of red cloth and put some random objects under it to change the levels?” I agreed and we went in search of some things to put under a cloth on the table. Since the objects weren’t part of the composition, I thought we could get away with it.

I also thought I could get away with leaning over Leslie’s back while she was bent over the fabric box. That put my stiff cock right in her butt crack and I reached around to cup her breasts in my hands.

“I was going to save that kind of thing for when we were done,” she gasped. She moved her butt against my cock. “We could take a break now, if you want.”

“Just a little appetizer,” I said, pulling her upright and kissing her neck.

“I hope you have enough to satisfy the appetite you’re working up,” she said. I pushed my cock against her ass one more time and then we got back to work.

Her new arrangement worked well for such an oddball assortment of things.

“I can almost see it,” I said as I took another picture through the frame. “It needs movement. I think that’s what’s missing. How do you make it a little more dynamic? You almost have something I’d display in the gallery.”

“I agree. I hope this works.”

She picked up the sheet of music and impaled it on the sword. Then she put the sword back into position. She looked at the composition and changed the position of the tiara.

“Can you light your pipe?” she asked.

I stoked the pipe and lit it. Once I had a good stream of smoke coming from it, I handed it to her and she put it in the composition. Then she came around and looked through the frame. I nodded as I took another picture.

“What do you think? Should the music be just at the tip of the sword, as if it’s just been stuck, or should it be around halfway down the sword, so it looks like it’s really been run through?” She slid the music down the sword and I took another picture.

“They have completely different meanings,” I said. “I think you should show both ways. The tip of the sword is kind of genteel. Halfway down the sword gives everything a sense of violence.”

“Yeah. I like it. Now I need to draw out the positions of the things under the cloth so I can get the same levels and angles.”


“Okay, what do you have?” she asked as she continued stroking my cock. We hadn’t really taken a long break, but with my fingers in her pussy and her hand on my cock, we were dangerously close to a conclusion. She pulled away, leaving me waving in the air and leaking pre-come.

“Okay. Yeah. Let me collect my brains from where you had them focused. What I have,” I said. “I’m going to use the red cloth, too, but just as a cover on the table. Then I have a champagne glass, a bottle, a tube of lipstick, a necklace, and a pair of earrings.”

“That is one big necklace.”

“I don’t know where Cassie came up with all the costume jewelry. She must have gone to an estate sale or something. But I like the way it dangles down. It would hit you right between your breasts.”

“Will Dale count the pair of earrings as a single object or as two?”

“I’m counting it as a single entity.”

“Then what’s your sixth item?” she asked.


If she objected, I had another idea, but I thought I’d read Leslie right in her willingness to do almost anything. At least once.

“Me?” she squeaked. “It’s supposed to be a still life, not a portrait.”

“That’s not what she said. She said six found objects. I just found you in my props closet and decided to use you. You kind of like to be used, don’t you. Leslie?”

“Oh! Well, I sort of use as much as I get used, so I’m okay with that.”

“The real question is, will you pose topless for me in class?” I said.

“Oh, shit! Topless? In front of those guys?”

“There are only six guys, including me. That leaves you, three female students, and Dale. It’s not really out of balance.”

“Jim… um… hmm. I might need to get a little high before class tomorrow,” she said. “But it could be interesting. And exciting. If I get too excited, you need to promise to come to my room afterward and fuck me.”

“I have to promise? As if I wouldn’t love to come to your room and fuck you?” I laughed.

“Yeah. And you’ll probably need to do it today, too.”

“Okay. Here’s how I see the scene.” It wasn’t exactly what Leslie was expecting, but it did turn her on enough that she simply bent over the table and I fucked her right there.

“God, that’s good!” she called out.

“So fucking good,” I agreed as I spewed my load into the condom that I’d had nearby ever since I saw where the afternoon was leading. As in since yesterday.

“I got so damned horny during the holidays, and I couldn’t do anything about it. My mother and father are both teachers and everyone tells them everything they even suspect about their kids. I never had a boyfriend in high school because they were all afraid of my parents.”

“I hope I never meet them. I’d be tempted to tell them what an incredibly hot fuck their daughter is.”

“Do it again!” she demanded.

We did.


Thursday morning, we carted our box of props into the classroom along with the photos of what we intended. They were really just reference photos so we could see how we set things up the previous day. Nearly everyone had a polaroid to refer to.

I stopped to talk to Dale before class got rolling and asked to be the last to present my composition.

“Is there a specific reason you think that’s appropriate?” she asked.

“It’s the nature of my props.”

“The nature?”

“If you like, I can show you my reference photo,” I said, starting to reach for my bag.

“No. Wait. I’m intrigued. A class needs a bit of mystery. I’ll announce it and then the pressure will be on you.”

“Oh. O-kay,” I said. Crap.

Everyone looked at me when Dale announced that I’d requested to go last of the day, so we could all look forward to something special. Well, she was right. The pressure was on. In an odd twist, Jim—the third photographer in our class—requested to go first. He set the tone for the presentations.

“I’m planning to go into commercial photography in the near future. A lot of commercial photography is product shots and one of the major clients for it is the food industry. Whether you are looking at the Wednesday grocery ads or the menu in your favorite restaurant, you’ll find lots of pictures of food. Taking those pictures and making them look appetizing is tricky. I believe good composition will help make my food shots gourmet.”

He set about preparing a plate of food from things he’d brought with him. He had a plate, a pair of sunny side up eggs, strips of bacon, a slice of buttered toast, a cup of coffee, and a fork. He moved the table closer to the viewing portal. The frame Dale showed us Tuesday was set on a stand about midway back in the room we were using. It was bordered by a set of theatre flats so we could stand back and just see what was visible in the frame. It was a pretty cool idea. The closer your composition was to the frame, the more like a close-up it would be.

Jim arranged his breakfast composition and then in a final flourish, broke the yolk of one of the eggs with the toast and had it dripping off the bread for his composition.

Everyone applauded his composition and Dale did a basic critique inviting everyone to add their comments. We all thought it was a good composition, but we weren’t sure if the broken egg yolk and dripping toast would effectively sell the breakfast. Jim agreed and said he’d done that as a bit of humor and felt that the dripping yolk added movement to a subject that was probably better without it.

It took around twenty minutes to half an hour for each presentation, with a few minutes to talk about it and clear the set. The guy who was a set designer in the theatre had a display of tools that were just hung on a peg board, but the hammer was hung so that it looked like it was falling off the board. It was pretty clever.

One of the painters brought apples. She asked everyone to please not breathe too heavily as she arranged the apples in a pyramid with three on the bottom, two in the middle, and one on top. Five of the apples were yellow and one was red. Instead of doing the obvious and stacking the red apple on top, she put it on the second layer where it created a surprising look.

Leslie was the last to go before lunch. I helped her put the base in and then cover it with the red cloth. There were a few people who said that was more than six objects, but Dale said she felt the use of levels was part of the arrangement and not part of the objects. I stoked up my pipe and handed it to Leslie so she could position it. Finally, she slid the sheet music onto the sword.

“I wanted a sense of mystery in the composition,” she said. “I intentionally chose objects that I thought were completely unrelated to each other. I wanted the composition to hit the observer so she asked, ‘What was going on there?’ I think it came out the way I wanted it to.”

Dale and the class agreed and it sparked a conversation about the story in a composition and how composing the objects told a story or inspired a sense of wonder. The conversation continued into lunch. We all grabbed a quick sandwich and returned to class by noon.

Mine was the last presentation at about a quarter after one. By that time, Dale had reminded everyone that I’d requested the last presentation because of the unusual nature of my objects several times. I went to the table and adjusted the position so I thought the right amount would show through the frame. I spread the red cloth on it and then laid out my objects.

“I’ve always been intrigued by how women prepare themselves to go out. I have four girlfriends and there are many times when I’m simply waiting in one room while they ‘get ready’ in another. It takes us guys, like, five minutes to put on a shirt and a tie if it’s fancy. We’re ready.”

“But that’s just stuff laid on a table,” one of the girls said. “I see that every day, though maybe without the champagne.”

“This is just the beginning so you can see the objects. Most of them. I’m counting the earrings as a single object since they are a pair. If you prefer, I can make the composition with only one, but it is better with both.”

“That’s only five objects, then.”

“Which brings me to the nature of my sixth object,” I said. Leslie came around the blind and sat in the chair with her back to the viewers.

“Hey, it’s supposed to be a still life,” one of the guys said.

“Not necessarily,” I said. “The instructions were ‘six found objects in a composition.’ Leslie happens to be an object I found in the props closet in my studio.”

“Lucky,” I heard Jim breathe.

With her facing away from the class, I put the necklace on her as she unbuttoned her shirt. I caressed her chest a little as the blouse fell back and off her shoulders and arms.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said.

I clipped the earrings to her nipples and she gasped. I heard a couple of squeals from the class as they realized what I’d done. I spun the chair around so Leslie was facing the class. She reached for the champagne glass and pressed it to her heavily made-up lips. Then she set the glass down and held the lipstick in her hand. I checked the composition and stepped back away as my classmates stared through the frame.


I’d positioned the frame and table in such a way that her head above her chin was out of the picture. The necklace fell between her breasts and the earrings dangled from her nipples. She held the lipstick exactly as we’d practiced the day before.

Dale began applauding. She was soon joined by the rest of the class.

“Very creative. And, with the framing that Nate chose, I agree that this is not a portrait. It is a still life. Now, besides Leslie’s painfully stiff nipples, what else do you see about this composition?”

There was a pretty lively discussion during which one of the guys—it might have been Jim again—said, “I wish I’d been in his studio.”

Dale nodded and said, “So do I.”

Pretty soon I was able to get Leslie into her blouse again and unclip the earrings, which made her gasp almost as much as clipping them on did. I rubbed them softly as she buttoned her blouse, and then took the necklace from around her neck.

Class was over.


I was waiting for Leslie after class because she’d warned me that she might need some relief after displaying herself in class and me putting clamps on her nipples. The springs on those earrings were pretty powerful.

Jim intercepted her before she got to me.

“Say, um… Leslie. I know Nate’s got like four girlfriends or something are you, like, one…?”

“No! Oh, no. We’re study partners and we work on photo concepts together. Sometimes I model for him, but that’s all. We’re nothing else. Why?”

As if I wasn’t buried to my balls in her twat the day before. But really, what she said was right. I was just a slut available for her relief.

“Well, I’d been wondering and intended to, like, ask you out, if you’re interested,” he stuttered.


“Oh. Um… This weekend. We could figure out something to do.”

“Why don’t we go get a cup of coffee and decide what we should do. I don’t want to think you asked me out just because I displayed my tits in class,” Leslie said.

“No! I’d been intending to ask you out ever since our first day in this class. It wasn’t because I saw anything… You know?”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

As she passed me in the hall, she winked at me.


The next day’s class wasn’t quite as exciting, but we talked about the difference between found object composition and planned composition. Dale wanted us to consider designing a composition that we wanted and then going out to intentionally assemble a select bunch of items. That was a cool concept, but she sort of spoiled it by saying, “No living beings in this one.” She looked straight at me when she said that.

Then she caught me after class and asked me to stay a minute.

“I had to make that last statement or we’d have puppies, nude acrobats, and a homeless man pissing in the street,” she laughed. “I trust it doesn’t limit you too much.”

“I’ll figure something out. My whole Attic Allure style has been built around the found object sort of thing. But it will be good practice for me to base a work on a plan rather than a sudden inspiration.”

“Attic Allure? I like the ring of that. I had dinner last night with a number of faculty members and told the story of what you had done in class. It seemed that at least the photography professors weren’t surprised. I heard you had a studio nearby. I’d love to experience it,” she said.

I wasn’t sure about her use of that word. I thought maybe it was an Australian way of saying she wanted to see my studio. Okay.

“I’d love to show you,” I said. “We could do it after class one day, if you’d like.”

“Probably better not to do it until this class is over. It ends next Friday. How about we set a time on Saturday?”

“Sure… Oh. Wait a minute. I’ve got a sitting scheduled for Saturday next week. It’s likely to take five or six hours.”

“It must be quite an involved sitting.”

“I’m working with an artist who does body painting. But she can’t really exhibit the living canvases anywhere, so I agreed to work with her to photograph them.”

“Fascinating. I hope I’ll get to see the results. Why don’t we say Sunday, then. I’m planning to take a month just to tour America before I head back to Australia. I could delay leaving Chicago until Monday.”

“Sure. I’ll arrange to show you around on Sunday.”

“Nate, let me be clear. I would like to experience your studio, not just see it. As a model, okay? I’m not so much older than you that I wouldn’t be a suitable model. I’ve done a fair amount of modeling in Australia. If I can get a nice souvenir photo out of it, I’ll be quite happy.”

“Okay,” I said. So, that wasn’t just an Aussie-ism.


The next thing on my agenda was to head home and make dinner for Ronda. I thought we might have a nice quiet evening together. Beth was auditioning for A Streetcar Named Desire at DePaul. I was glad she was working on some serious acting in addition to her comedy. Based on our birthday photo session, I didn’t think she was as fully committed to comedy now as she’d been a year ago. Maybe I was reading her wrong.

I made one of Ronda’s favorite chicken dishes and she floated into the kitchen when she smelled the oven.

“Oh, it smells so good. Will you take care of me tonight, honey? I miss our lovers,” she said.

“They’ll be here tomorrow,” I said. “You’ll have them and I’ll be working.”

“It’s going to be such hard work for you to get Leanne naked and paint patterns all over her breasts and pussy and legs and feet. Is there a pattern for her back side, too?” she asked playfully as she tugged at my shirt.

I got rid of the offending article of clothing and managed to get her out of hers, as well. I got the Chicken Kiev out of the oven and prepared a plate with the chicken and rice and some brussels sprouts. It was the only fresh vegetable at the store that didn’t look like it was left over from the revolution.

Ronda sat her bare bottom on my lap and I proceeded to feed us both. We talked about how our classes were going and she thought the whole scene with Leslie was very funny. When I told her about the instructor wanting to experience the Attic Allure treatment, she lit up.

“Can I be your assistant that day?” she asked. The look in her eye told me she thought an Attic Allure sitting with a professor would be especially fun. When she’d found out that Yvonne Renninger—our Miss Sullivan from high school—was sitting for me on occasion, she had practically begged to be on my crew. It turned out that Yvonne was pleased to welcome her.

“I think it would be a wonderful idea. I don’t think I’ll use anyone else, though, unless Anna wants to join us. She might stabilize us and keep us from getting too carried away,” I said.

“I’d kind of like to get too carried away,” Ronda sighed. “I miss Adrienne already. Why does she have to live all the way out in LA?”

“I think it’s a good idea that she does live all the way out there. I wouldn’t want us to constantly be distracted from each other like I know would happen if she lived here in town.”

“Yes, I suppose you are right. But it was fun while she was here.”

All during the meal, when I wasn’t feeding her, I was actively caressing and massaging her. When the meal was ended, we left the dishes on the table and I carried her to the bedroom. It was not long before my cock was deliciously sliding in and out of her tight pussy.


Leanne was delighted to find that Ronda trimmed me the night before. I felt pretty bare. I’d had hair around my cock since I was twelve. Ronda had used an electric clipper set and just went wild. My beard was trimmed to short hairs and my pubes were nearly gone. When Elizabeth got home, she stopped her narration of how the audition had gone and inhaled my cock in one gulp.

“I had no idea it was so big!” she said. “You’ve been hiding it in that bush of yours. Give it to me. Give me all of it!”

I gave her all of it and she kept exclaiming how much bigger it was than before. I’m pretty sure my cock was the same size. Apparently, the visualization of it without two inches of hair surrounding it made it feel bigger to her. Or she was just pulling my chain. It didn’t make a difference to me. I filled her and absolutely loved coming in her. She was so overwhelmed that she didn’t do more than moan when Ronda went down on her to bring her to another big O.

Leanne had a slightly different reaction.

“This will make it so much easier to paint,” she said. “But, dear God! Asian girls will run in fright. If they’ve been with Asian guys, they aren’t used to something that looks so… fucking big! That doesn’t include me. I’ve had it before, and I think I want it again soon!”

First, I had to paint the entire pattern on her body. That included spirals on both breasts, making sure the nipple was erect and fully covered, the directional arrows that went right to the top of her clit, and resulted in me having to clean her clit thoroughly with my tongue, and the back decorations that went straight down into her crack.

At intervals, she painted a freeform version of the artwork on me, making sure my cock stayed upright through our entire session. I took some pictures of her and ultimately set the self-timer and got right behind her so we could get the artwork on both of us in the picture.

That had the added benefit of getting the cock she’d kept so stiff all afternoon in her crack. After that photo, we didn’t go back to painting or photography. I fell back on the couch and grabbed a condom. As soon as I was wrapped, I watched her arrow connect with mine as I slid up into her little pussy. I hadn’t made love to Leanne in quite a while and I was still amazed that she even wanted me to touch her. She was pretty enthusiastic about riding my cock, though.

That night, Patricia and Anna took me to the shower while Ronda and Beth watched over Toni as she went to sleep. We didn’t go back to the living room after the shower. Once the two had me respectably clean, they got me straight to bed and teamed up to make me beg for mercy before they were exhausted.


“Oh, Nate,” Professor Hyatt said when he saw me in the hall Monday. “Nice to see you are advancing to color work this spring.”

“Thank you, Professor. I’d still rather do black and white work, but I have some projects coming up that require color.”

“Yes. That’s what I wanted to mention to you. I’d like you to join a team of photographers on a work-study opportunity. You’ll be using a fairly new technology and the time commitment is minimal. Can you show up in the photo lab next week on Thursday at three?”

“Sure. I’ll take a look at it. I’m pretty busy with my studio and all, but I’m always interested in learning a new technology.”

“Good. Good. I’ll expect you then for the training session.”

Wow! I never even considered a work-study program. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I’d said I’d show up, so I guessed I would.


“I have an eighteen-month-old goddaughter who came to visit this weekend,” I told the class as I set up my planned still life. “In my composition, I wanted to capture a little of what the chaos brought by that little girl means to the family. It’s pretty outstanding.”

I started pulling the things Toni had left behind this weekend out of my box. I was not the last to go this time. I used the tray from her high chair and a few things that really spoke of Toni to me. Of course, her favorite bedtime cuddly toy went with her everywhere, so the stuffed bear I used was one that we kept at the apartment for her. I had one of her crayon drawings of our family, which was mostly a bunch of scribbles, but it had its own rhythm. I put a sippy cup on the tray, sitting on the raised edge so it looked like it was tipping over. I seated the teddy bear at the tray as if it was the one doing the drawing with the crayons I placed at hand. I thought it was a pretty good composition and people had good comments.

“I hope this three-week session has been fun and informative,” Dale said at the end of our class on Friday. “It certainly has been for me. For the next three weeks, I’ll be visiting New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles. I’ll be flying from there back home to Melbourne. I have included my contact information, so should any of you happen to visit our great continent, please contact me so I can show you Melbourne. Whether you are a painter, a sculptor, a designer, a musician, or a photographer, I wish you great success in your future.”

Our class was dismissed. Everyone wanted a minute to thank Dale for the class. It had been fun and informative. When I got to her, I handed her two copies of my model release.

“I hope we are still on for Sunday afternoon,” I said. “Here’s the release and the address of the studio. It’s just a couple of blocks from here.”

“I’m looking forward to this experience, Nate. I want to know exactly how you compose your photographs. Perhaps I will learn something, too.”

I headed out, knowing that I’d be right back with my spring schedule on Monday.


Anna, Patricia, and Toni were waiting at home. Toni was quite put out that I’d taken her tray and her Bo-Bear. She wanted to dance and I picked her up to spin her around the living room. She kept Bo-Bear in one arm as we danced, so I pulled Patricia into our dance with one arm and managed to get a kiss. Then I got a slobber from Toni. I caught Anna next, and she just laid her head on my shoulder as we moved around the floor. Toni slobbered a kiss on her cheek, too.

“So, I understand you have a big working weekend this week,” Anna said. “As it happens, so do I.”

“Lots of homework?” I asked.

“No. Not unless you consider my boyfriend’s career homework. I’ve got an appointment tomorrow with Hal Zefford. We’ve been corresponding and he’s agreed to look at some of your art photos for possible sale in his gallery. I’m taking eight for him to look at and expect he might order two.”

“Whoa! You’re marketing my photos to a gallery?”

“Yes. I received a referral that Cassie forwarded to me. One of your patrons made the original contact and suggested he make the Attic Allure connection.”

“Why am I not going to this meeting?” I asked.

“Because you are making art and you have a business manager to take care of business,” Patricia broke in. “If you went to him, he would make you an offer and you’d be pleased and accept it. With Anna talking to him, she’ll get you the best offer she can squeeze out of him. And she won’t give away free samples.”

“I do that, don’t I,” I said.

“You can’t help it,” Anna answered. “You are a photographer in love with your art. You are not the business head. We found that out three years ago.”

“I love you,” I said. “I’ll go make art. You go sell stuff.”


Saturday morning, I was already in the studio when Min and Leanne arrived. I’d been fussing with lights and a space where we could paint without worrying about little spills, that was still well-lit, and not so exposed that the model would feel uncomfortable just standing naked for an hour while we worked on her body. The thought of which gave me a bit of a chub. I was definitely looking forward to working on Min’s body.

“You haven’t practiced the face paint,” Leanne said to me. “So, let’s let Min sit on the stool while I do her face and you work on her arms. Then we’ll do the torso work.”

“Sounds good to me. Min, would you like something to drink while we get things ready? Tea or coffee? Water?”

“I think not, thank you. Perhaps I should use the restroom and make sure I’m ready for a long sitting,” she said.

“I think you’ll find everything you need in it. Just over there.”

Leanne and I set our own stools and put our paint brushes and paint on tables beside us. I turned on the lights.

Then Min appeared.

She had not waited for us to undress her, offer her a robe, or keep her partially covered as we worked. She simply walked up to us completely naked, five feet two inches of perfect Asian beauty. I quickly spread a towel on the stool for her and she sat facing us.

I would love to have spent some time just appreciating the living breathing doll in front of me, exploring her body with my eyes and my hands. She was truly exquisite. Her breasts, definitely smaller than Leanne’s but substantially larger than my flatness. Small hard nipples crowned the gentle mounds and there was no sign of any sagging. She was completely shaved from the neck down. Underarm hair, pubic hair, leg hair was all gone. As I took her hand to begin work on her arm, I thought that perhaps she had shaved all the hair from her arms, as well.

Leanne and I went straight to work. She did Min’s hair first, piling it up off her face and neck. I started at her shoulder and began applying the paint on her upper arm. We worked carefully, but we managed to focus on the job at hand. Even when I began painting her right breast, holding it in my hand and thumbing the nipple erect, I was too focused to pay attention to any erecting that might be happening elsewhere.

I was surprised that Leanne gave me free rein to paint the front of Min’s torso while Leanne worked on her back and legs. Eventually, of course, Min had to stand up while we worked and she gasped slightly as Leanne painted the stripe that went into her crack in back.

As I worked down her stomach, she began to breathe more deeply and positioned herself with her feet spread slightly farther apart as I approached her mound. Her slit was shaped a bit differently than Leanne’s, the clit not being quite so prominent at the top. I noticed her mouth open to breathe more deeply as I slid my finger down her pussy and felt the moisture gathered there.

I could only spend so much time drawing the simple lines that pointed into her pussy and she sighed deeply when I removed my fingers and moved to her left thigh. By this time, Leanne was working her way up from Min’s right foot. At last, we had all the paint applied and Leanne and I did a walk-around to inspect our work and make sure we hadn’t missed anything important. It was beautiful. Leanne led Min to a mirror while I got the camera ready and began resetting the lights.

We worked at poses and photos for over two hours, Leanne and I both moving Min into different positions that would show off the art, but also show it as an integral part of the model. That was trickier than painting it. As I moved Min into different positions, I petted and stroked her, eliciting many little moans. I tried to keep in mind some of the things I’d learned from my composition course and got several good photos on the Hasselblad.

Then I switched to the Linhof. These were the photos I expected to turn into works of art and I moved Min in front of a black backdrop that almost made the black lines on her body look like they emanated from the background and were wrapping around her. When I felt we had enough, I picked Min up and carried her behind the privacy screen. She reached up to kiss me and I let that first kiss carry into a second.

Leanne arrived with the water basin and Min reached over to kiss her as deeply as she had me.

“That was a wonderful experience,” Min said. “I feel like a precious work of art.”

“You are,” I said. “You were a spectacular model. You are beautiful and sensual and the lines Leanne created for you only enhanced your elegance.”

“Now relax,” Leanne said. “Let us take the first layer of paint off your body. Later, you’ll want to shower with Dove.”

This time, I worked on Min’s face as Leanne scrubbed the paint from her torso, being sure to get the nipples extra clean so she could spend a few minutes bathing them with her tongue. As I cleaned her face, she continued reaching for my lips to kiss as she murmured “Yes. Yes. Wonderful.”

I washed her arms, bending to kiss her nipples as Leanne worked her way down between Min’s legs. When Min threw her head back and I saw Leanne with her face buried in that smooth pussy, I kissed Min more and stimulated her nipples until she came.

We finished bathing Min and Leanne got her dressed, as I cleaned up our mess.

“I hope that next time we do this, I will not be the only one naked,” Min said, stroking both Leanne and me. She kissed us both and then left the studio.

“Mmm. I hope she’s not the only one naked, too,” Leanne said, kissing me. “Thank you for helping make my art come to life.”

“I think we should go straight to the darkroom and see what we succeeded in creating,” I said.

Leanne immediately started peeling off her clothes.

“I’m in favor of that,” she said.


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