Shutter Speed


photo of Starr

“Starr” by Arthur-studio10, ID109658213 licensed from


I DIDN’T GET TO SEE the girls for a week, after we returned to Tenbrook with the two of them stretched out naked on the floor in back. We had Christmas Eve morning and evening services on Sunday. Then Monday, we got loaded in the Galaxie and headed for Uncle Nate and Aunt Grace in Chicago. Uncle Nate had asked me to bring my Hasselblad with minimal additional equipment and to stay with him for a few days after Christmas. To me, of course, that meant my Nikon, all my lenses, a tripod, and a strobe.

We had a nice holiday, all of us missing my older sisters, whom we’d seen at Thanksgiving. We made a trip to the Loop to see the Christmas displays while they were still up, and then Mom, Dad, and Kat headed back home. I sacked out on the sofa in Uncle Nate’s apartment and got up to help make breakfast in the morning. I’d gotten pretty good at making coffee.

That was when I found out the plan. We were going to Camera Warehouse where Levi had set up a studio for me to do some work in while a couple of my patrons watched. I wasn’t sure I could get the Attic Allure look without my setup and props, and I wasn’t sure how my models would feel about being watched. Suffice it to say that I was a bit nervous when I showed up.

I was pretty impressed, though, when I saw Levi’s setup.

“I’ve been preparing for you ever since Nate told me you were planning to attend Columbia. This crap just keeps coming my way. We haven’t attempted to make any sense of it. You’ll have to just work with what we have. There’s a set of backdrops, but none of the fancy painted backgrounds you’re used to. I went through your orders and set up a light system that mostly matches what you’ve got. A couple of new lights you might want to consider adding, though, and a good quality dimmer board. Works better than dining room light dimmers. You might want to consider an upgrade,” Levi said.

“This is great, Levi. How’d you find so much space?”

“Well, like a lot of stores, the industry changes and we need less room for equipment that used to be in high demand. We’ve been paring down the size of the warehouse for twenty years. This is just space that’s been gathering dust.”

“I need to look around a little and get a feel for the space. When is my first client?” I asked.

“Figured you’d want to test some film first. She’s scheduled here at noon. Oh, and you’ll find a full darkroom set up over in that corner. Plan to work a little magic late at night.”

“Yes, sir,” I breathed. I wasn’t counting on quite this level of setup. I needed to see what I had to work with. For the most part, Levi was right. He’d collected a lot of crap. There were a few select pieces, though, that could really be worked with. I trusted my model would bring her own wardrobe. I set out several pieces of furniture and some props. I’d need to find out what would work best for the model. I loaded the camera and shot a test roll of a still life I set up, just to get a feel for how the lighting controls worked and where the best setup would be.

About ten feet behind where I would be shooting was a row of chairs. I guessed that was where my audience would be. At least they wouldn’t be where I could see them. I was concerned about the model, though. I kept thinking about that as I developed and printed a proof of my test roll. Well, I was as ready as I’d ever be.


“Hi, I’m Charity. Don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t do anything for free,” she laughed. It sounded like a joke she’d used a million times. She handed me a model release form, effective immediately. “That guy over there notarized my signature and said all you needed was a name to call me by. What are we supposed to do?”

She was about five-five, I guessed, though the platform heels she wore might have thrown my estimate off. She had yellow short-shorts on and a tight tank top that showed her fairly modest assets to good advantage. Over that, she wore a fur coat – well, a fur jacket – that didn’t make it down to her waist or her wrists. It was cold out and the weather forecast said we were finally going to get snow. Of course, with the proximity to the lake, Chicago could have snow a month before we got it out west. Or a month later. We never knew for sure. There were signs around the city that they’d had one snowfall and it had been piled in the few places they had for it.

“We’re going to shoot some pictures, Charity. They’ll be sexy pictures if we work well together. But I need you to tell me if you are okay working with me in front of the audience back there behind me. It’s likely that you’ll lose some of your clothes in the process and I might want you to change into something else if you brought something.”

“Yeah. I brought extra clothes like he said to. Look, I’m a professional. The guy over there is probably paying me more than he’s paying you. He told me to come in here and pose and do whatever you told me to. So, if you want to fuck me, all you have to do is say ‘spread your legs.’ I’m used to having an audience.”

“O-kay. First, I don’t shoot porn and I don’t ever have sex in the studio or with a model. I’ll be going for very provocative poses that will inspire a guy to want you desperately. I mean without you actually being there. I call the style Attic Allure. As you can see, the area around us is pretty much a storage space and I’m going to find the setting and props that show you to your best advantage. If we work well together, by the end of this session, we’ll have a work of art that we’ll both be proud of,” I said.

“You’re going to turn me into a work of art? You’ve got some high ambitions. I’m no Venus de Milo.”

“Ah, but you know about her. You’re no dummy, Charity. I think you have some rather high hopes yourself.”

“Yeah. I’d like to get off my back and earn a good living without getting fucked all the time. Can you help me with that?” she said.

“I don’t know. Let’s give it a go. I want to start with you dressed just like you are and standing over here on this muslin backdrop. How about right here. Do you mind if I touch you to put you in position?”

“It’s your nickel. Touch me any way you want to, but don’t leave marks.”

“Thanks for the invitation. Most of the time I’ll try to keep it proper. Can’t always guarantee that I won’t be tempted, though. Let me adjust this light. I want a little backlight on you. That’s good. Is that red hair your natural color?”

“Can’t afford to color it. Red’s a bitch to cover.”

“I hear you. I kind of like it myself. Let’s get this started with you looking over this way. Feet closer together and your right knee bent so the foot is on tiptoe. That’s good.”

I clicked the first shot and we were underway. I asked about her makeup and she admitted that she spent time on it in the morning, but it often didn’t get refreshed until the next day. I suggested she touch up her lipstick and she pulled a tube from her purse that had a little attached mirror. Perfect! She was surprised that I took a picture before she was done.

After we’d worked a little more than half an hour and I’d handed her a couple of props to see what resonated, she turned to me.

“Don’t you want me to, like, take off my clothes?” she asked.

“Are you uncomfortable being dressed?” I asked.

“I’m… It’s like you’re looking at me. I’m not used to that.”

“You dress in sexy clothes. People must look at you all the time.”

“Not actually. They look at my tits. They look at my legs and my clam. I don’t dress to be sexy. I dress to show I’m available. Guys on the street don’t care about sexy.”

“I see. And you think that because I’m keeping you in your clothes, I’m not looking at your tits or your legs or your clam. I must be looking at the real you. Is that it?”

“That or you’re scared of our audience.”

“Hmm. I’d forgotten about them. Let’s look at what else you’ve got to wear.”

She opened her bag and pulled out three other outfits that were conceptually the same as what she was wearing. She had a button up blouse and a miniskirt among the things, though. She agreed to change, then just stripped off her clothes, took a deep breath, and then pulled on the new outfit. That told me a couple of things. First, it showed me that while not over-endowed, she had really nice smaller tits. They reminded me of Lori’s. Second, it demonstrated in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t wearing underwear. I guess it also showed that she didn’t care that we had an audience. There wasn’t a dressing room like I had in my studio, but there was a privacy screen just six feet away that she could have stepped behind.

She packed up her other outfits and set her bag aside turning to me for instructions.

“We’re going for some more casual looks now. I think everything we’ve taken so far shows you in professional mode. Let me pull this chair over and I want you to sit kind of cross-wise in it.” She took the position and I began moving her around the way I wanted her. First, I took the shoe off one foot and put that foot on the floor. I picked up the other foot and put it over the arm of the chair.

“Get a good view of the moneybox from there?” she asked.

“I guess I could have, but it’s not in the picture, so I’m not that interested.” I went to the camera and took a picture, then went back and loosened her other shoe and let it hang from her toes.

“Oh, that feels good. I stand on my feet all day except when I’m lying on my back.”

“It looks good like that, too. Let’s see you lean your head back against the chair. Wait, let me get a little pillow, I don’t want you too far back. There’s nothing glamorous about shooting up a girl’s nostrils.”

She actually giggled a little at that and I lifted her head with one hand as I slid the pillow under it with the other. I arranged her hair so it fanned out and went to get another picture.

“What would you do if you were home and could finally relax for a little bit?”

“I’d have a smoke and a drink,” she said.

“Good. Cigarettes in your purse?”

I didn’t wait for an answer but pulled out the pack and shook one out. She had a lighter, too, among the dozen or so condoms. I brought her the cigarette and she looked at me like she couldn’t believe I’d just opened her private space. Yes, her purse was more private to her than her pussy. I stepped over to the dumping ground and rummaged around until I found a bottle and a glass. I set the bottle by the chair and handed the glass to her. I positioned her hand with the glass so it was hanging down off the chair.

“Ready for a drag off that cigarette?” I asked.

“You don’t know how ready I am,” she snorted.

I held the lighter for her and she took a deep puff. By the time she exhaled, I was behind the camera and caught the smoke coming out of her mouth.

“Now just hold the cigarette there with a kind of limp wrist. Here.”

I went to her and positioned the cigarette and hand where I wanted it, then hustled back to get another shot. Then I came back to her. I moved her backlight so I got more definition to the smoke, then reached down with both hands and unbuttoned two buttons. I didn’t grab her boobs or anything, but I wasn’t particularly careful to avoid them.

“Look off into space with a pleasant thought,” I said.

She let her eyes drift up with the smoke. I took another shot, moved the camera, and fired off another.

I went back to her and knelt down on one knee so I was looking at her at eye-level. While I talked, I unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and let it fall open, not quite revealing her nipples. I was saving that.

“What do you plan to do after you quit this meat market?” I asked.

“Settle down someplace far away where no one has seen me standing on a corner every day. Get a nice boring job as some exec’s secretary and let him fuck me until he has to marry me,” she said.

“Sex is always a transaction, isn’t it?” I speculated. “Now you’ll do it for cash. Then you’ll do it for security. Maybe even get a family out of it. And with a rich enough exec, you’ll have the money, too.”

“You’re wise for one so young,” she laughed. I caught it on film. It was a kind of sad laugh. I think I nailed it.

“You know what I see?” I asked as I flipped her blouse open and exposed her breast.

“My left tit,” she snorted.

“Yeah. That’s definitely part of it. You could go out and make that dream come true right now. Move to Texas and trap an oil baron. Or Hollywood and find a TV exec. I’ll bet you have the money saved that you could use to make that move.”

“Yeah? So why don’t I do it?” she asked as I moved to her and made sure the other breast was exposed. I slid my hand over it and felt the nipple stiffen slightly. I gave both nipples a little rub, catching them between my fingers, but not really pinching them. She inhaled sharply, which pushed her tits up into my hands. I stepped back to the camera again.

“You’re afraid. It stands out like the nipples on your breasts. You’re afraid a full-time man would be too much work. Right now, you spread your legs, collect your money, and you never need to see him again. With a husband, you’d spread your legs and then he’d go to sleep beside you. When you woke up in the morning, he’d still be there. Maybe he’d want you to spread them again. There’d be no end to it. The same guy over and over again. You’d rather take your chance on the street than wake up to the same man every morning.”

Her head fell forward so her chin was on her chest and I caught the glimmer of a tear. Not falling. Just moisture in her eye. She didn’t move as I released the camera and carried it up to her and took a closeup of her, then backed off just enough that I could get the perfectly square tableau of her hands, her head, and her torso down to her skirt. Composition.

I set the camera down and laid my hand on her stomach. She had nice skin and I could feel firm muscles beneath it.

“That’s all for this set. We’re going to do some artsy nudes next. Go ahead and finish your cigarette,” I said as I took the glass from her other hand. “Sorry I didn’t have any whiskey to put in that glass. When you’re ready, you can go behind the screen over there to take your clothes off. I’ll call you out when I have the scene set.”

She placed her hand on mine and pulled it up to her breast.

“That felt nice when you touched me before. Be sure to make my nipples stiff again when we’re ready for the next scene,” she whispered.

I backed away and started changing film in the camera. She dropped her cigarette in the bottle and took her bag with her behind the screen. I moved things for the next scene. She was easy to move and compliant with my instructions. I’d use a black backdrop and the daybed I’d seen amidst the furniture. It wasn’t as heavy as the metal frame looked and had casters on it. I arranged pillows so it looked comfortable, even if the positions I put her in weren’t. I rummaged around until I found scraps of thin fabric. I had a feeling Levi had hunted for some specific ‘junk’ when he set this room up. He’d seen enough of my photos to know I used fabric. I draped it over the back of the daybed and then started arranging lights. I’d told Charity that I was going to do artsy nudes and that’s what I intended to do. As soon as I had the scene lit, I went to the wall and turned off the overhead lights so my lights were all there was.

“Okay, Charity. I’m ready when you are,” I said.

“It’s not like I’m not in my costume,” she chuckled.

I heard her take a deep breath. She came out from behind the screen and looked at the set and the lighting.

“Just sit on it?” she asked.

“Start by sitting right here and then let me take over. I’ll be sure you look perfect.”

“When we started today, I wouldn’t have believed you when you said that. Now I do. Put me exactly where and how you want me.”

“Just relax into my hands and let me settle you among the cushions,” I said as I slipped a hand under her side and the other around her shoulder. I moved a cushion so that it gave her back a little support and rested her weight on her elbow. Putting my hand where it was had the added benefit of putting her breast right in it.

Next, I moved her legs up on the bed, changing the angle of them and sliding my hands along them. I wanted one knee up slightly.

“I thought you weren’t going to do porn pussy shots,” she said. She still didn’t change the position, which admittedly exposed her pussy to my view.

“No. We aren’t quite set yet.”

I reached behind her for one of the strips of fabric that I draped across her waist hiding her pudenda. Then I lifted her lower leg slightly so I could pass the fabric under it and then drape it back over her knee. I placed a magazine, open and lying on the bed, in front of her with her right hand holding it open. Then I started adjusting lights some more, making sure I could see through the fabric enough to see the shape of her leg and the gap between them. I got directly in front of her and put my right hand under her chin. I was directly between her and our audience.

“Look right up into my eyes,” I said. As she turned to face me, I tweaked her right nipple a little to make sure it stood out stiffly. She smiled at me. “I promised,” I whispered.

I moved back behind the camera and took the first picture of the set. I adjusted the temperature of the front light to bring it down slightly, creating a subtle glow about her face that fell onto her breasts and the magazine. I needed to move a back light slightly and then I started taking pictures.

“We’re going to do one more and it will be a long exposure,” I said. “I want to see the detail and texture of your skin, I want to see the gentle blush you get when I talk to you about how sexy you look.”

“You’d better check to make sure… you know… that they’re stiff.”

“Ah, my woman of the world is embarrassed to ask me to touch her nipples. I happen to like nipples. I think nipples are one of the seven wonders of the female body.” I licked my thumb and rubbed it across one nipple and then the other. She breathed a little harder, and the flush I’d mentioned a moment ago began to appear on her skin. I hurried to the camera, put a filter across the lens, and held the shutter open for 1/30th of a second.


I didn’t turn the lights up, but I went to the bed, unwrapped her, and scooped her up in my arms to carry her behind the screen. When I set her down, she kept her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I accepted it and let my hand return to her breast as she moaned slightly.

“You never have sex with a model. I never kiss a John. But I’d be available if you’d just like to go out tonight.”


Of course, going out with Charity was never really an option. I thanked her and we exchanged contact information in case she wanted more photos. Then I had a bite to eat with Levi and Uncle Nate before pretty much locking myself in the darkroom for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Levi finally told me that he had to close up in half an hour and Uncle Nate came to pick me up. I never did meet the patrons who were watching our performance.

“Nice job today,” Uncle Nate said as we drove to his apartment. “You impressed some important people. If the photos turn out to meet the expectations you created today, you’ll have made some very important friends.”

“I can hardly call them friends,” I laughed. “I’ve never met them.”

“Okay. Important patrons, then,” Uncle Nate nodded. “How sure are you that you’ll go to Columbia?”

“I’ve been accepted. I got accepted by a film school in California, but I can’t really see myself moving out there. I like the program in still photography here better,” I said. “They have some shared housing with DePaul that isn’t priced completely out of sight.”

“Well, it’s only a sofa, but if you have a problem with housing, you’re always welcome to it,” Uncle Nate said, pointing to where I was going to sleep. “Just keep doing the kind of work we’re seeing and I don’t think you’ll have to worry about most things. Your patrons are excited. And don’t hesitate to let Levi know when you need something. He’ll make it happen.”

“It’s hard to believe he’s equipped a studio like that. I hope I’ll be able to use it when I come here full time.”

“Well, you’ll have another opportunity tomorrow morning. We have you scheduled earlier—at ten o’clock. Work some more Attic Allure magic.”


I was set up and ready to go, with the enlargements I did of the previous day’s photos drying and on display. As I’d been instructed the day before, I stood by the camera and waited for the model to approach me. Again, half a dozen guys filed in, including Uncle Nate and Levi. The model who approached me was seriously cute. She couldn’t have been more than my age, unlike Charity who was obviously at least two or three years older. Maybe five or six.

“Hi. I’m Starr. Mr. Mayer said I need to give you my model release form. He said there was a five-year moratorium clause that you can’t show my pictures publicly for five years. That seems a little unfair to me, but Daddy insisted that it be there,” she said as she handed me the release.

I looked it over and raised an eyebrow at her.


“Yeah. Happy birthday to me!” December 27 was Starr’s eighteenth birthday.

“Uh… I have to ask you if you are here of your own free will without coercion of any kind.”

“Oh, God! You’ve got a vocabulary! Yes. It’s kind of the other way around. My father is a collector of your artwork. I’ve seen a lot of it. I had to beg him to give me this photo session as a birthday present so I could have a collection like you’ve done for some of those other girls. They said you took that one over there just yesterday. I love it!” she bubbled as she pointed to my last picture of Charity. Cute and lively.

“Okay. My… uh… Mr. Mayer has notarized your signature, so I don’t see any problems. Are you sure you want nudes, like some of my other Attic Allure photos? We can do a really nice sitting for you without getting all the way undressed,” I suggested.

“I’m okay with the nudes. I think I’ve got a pretty good body. You’ll like it. Only a couple of other boys have ever seen it and they liked it.”

“Which reminds me, are you okay with posing and having me work with you on your positions with our audience against the back wall? The number of males who have seen you nude will quadruple,” I said.

“Yeah, I know,” she sighed. “It’s their problem, not mine. You should know, though, that one of those dudes is my pop.”

“Way to make me comfortable,” I breathed.

“It won’t be a problem. But if you need to touch me… you know, intimately? You might want to sort of keep your body between the spectators and my boobs while you do what you need to do. And just so you know, it kind of excites me to think that someplace along the line today you probably will touch my boobs. And maybe other places,” she whispered. “Um… Dad saw your session yesterday. He knows you’ll be touching me. I just don’t want to throw it in his face.”

“Right. We’ll be subtle. Did you bring some costumes along? Want to start with what you’re wearing? I’m not going to start with nudes. We need to get used to working together first.”

“Okay. If this is okay, I’d like to start with it. It’s one of my favorite school outfits.”

“Wow. I forget what it was like in the city. Our school out in Tenbrook still has a rule that skirts have to touch the floor when a girl is kneeling. It’s archaic,” I said.

“There’s that vocabulary again. You know, big words turn me on.”

“I’ll try to use a plethora of them,” I laughed. “Let’s make believe we’re doing a nice senior portrait for the yearbook, but we’ll give it a little twist.”

I got a stool and set it up just as if I was going to do a traditional senior portrait. I had her sit on it and cross her ankles on the rung. Her skirt was about three inches above the knees, so not really in the class of miniskirts my girlfriends sometimes wore, but they wouldn’t wear those to school. I smoothed the skirt out, just sliding over her knees to get her used to my hands. She had one of those short hairstyles that was poofed up in back and curled forward just under her ears with bangs. I straightened an errant hair and tilted her chin up just a little. Her sweater was a cowl neck mohair that fell below her clavicle. I loved the exposure of the hollow of her shoulder where it met her neck. I moved lights a little and then started the pictures.

“What was supposed to be the twist with this portrait?” she asked.

“First, that it isn’t just a headshot. I’m taking a full-length photo so I can see your knees and your knee socks and your little white tennies. Second, you have a very expressive face and so far, all I’ve seen is the standard smile. Turn toward me and give me a really serious look. No, not angry, just serious.” She adjusted and looked at me a little like a scholar. “Do you have glasses?” I asked.

“Yes. In my purse.”

“Don’t move. I’ll get them.” I went to her purse and extracted a soft case and took her glasses to her. I didn’t let her touch them. I placed them on her face as if I were an optician and straightened them. “Yes, that’s good.”

“You just looked in my purse. Do you know how personal that is?”

“Do you know what I found out about you?” I asked.

“No. What?”

“That you’re a girl who is always prepared. You might not need them today, but you have a couple of condoms, spare makeup, a tampon, a notepad and pen, your glasses, and I presume there is money in the little change purse—at minimum, enough for you to get a cab home from anyplace in the city.” I got the picture while she looked at me seriously and listened to what I had to say. “Oh, and a little screwdriver in your handkerchief. Very smart.”

“You wouldn’t know what that’s for,” she laughed. I caught that spontaneous expression, then pulled off her glasses and handed them to her.

“Contemplative expression, bow of your glasses against your lips. Don’t press hard. I love the shape of your lips and don’t want to make them look any less than kissable. Look over this direction and think about the world we live in and your future.” She followed the instructions perfectly and I took the picture. End of roll. As I changed film, I continued to talk to her. “I have two older sisters. The oldest is eight years older than me and told me stories about how she always carried a dime and a handkerchief on a date. She could use the dime to call home if she needed to, but before she resorted to that, she knew how to take the doorknob off the bathroom door and put it in her handkerchief just in case she needed to defend herself.”

“Did she ever use it?” Starr asked.

“No. When the situation finally arose in which she should have defended herself, she decided she didn’t really want to. Ended up marrying the guy and I’ve got a little niece to show for it.”

“You want me in this again?”

“No. I think the school portrait is done. What else do you have?”

“I have an older sister, too,” Starr said. “She’s a stewardess on Pan Am. I sort of borrowed her uniform and made a few alterations.”

“What’s she wearing on her flights?”

“Others. She hasn’t missed this one yet.”

Unlike Charity, Starr recognized the privacy screen immediately for what it was and grabbed her bag to change behind it. It took her a while.

“Nate, I need a hand with the hat,” she called. I stepped behind the screen to see a beautiful stewardess dressed in a blue suit. Yes, Starr had made a few alterations, if the magazine advertisements showing stewardesses were to be believed. This skirt was significantly shorter than the schoolgirl plaid she’d been wearing. The blue jacket was hanging open and it did not appear she had anything on under it. She handed me the hat and I worked on placing it on her head.

“Isn’t there usually a blouse under the jacket?” I asked as I flattened her hair in back so the hat would stay in place with a pin.

“Oh. Is that what’s missing?” she asked playfully. She opened the jacket wide with both hands. “Coffee, tea, or me?” she asked.

“Mmm. I think I’ll skip the coffee and tea. You’re definitely enough of a hot drink for me.”

She was offering and I accepted. I cupped her medium-sized breast in my hand and squeezed. She surprised me by reaching for the front of my pants and giving me a squeeze.

“Good thing I’m prepared for emergencies,” she said pulling the jacket together and buttoning it as I withdrew my hand.

I stepped back on the set and looked around for something I could give her. There were hardly airline seats in the junk Levi had collected. I found a serving tray, martini shaker, and a glass. There were various little things I could toss on the tray that wouldn’t look too out of place. I didn’t even need to open Starr’s purse for one of the items I decided I needed.

I decided to improvise on the theme and imagine a guy sitting at home was being waited on by a stewardess. I got the wingback leather chair I’d used briefly yesterday and set it facing the backdrop, away from the audience. I wasn’t going to use a live man, so I figured it should be facing away. There was a mannequin in the stuff, but it didn’t bend into a sitting position. I ended up pulling an arm off and filling the chair with cushions. Then I could have just the arm stick out from the chair.

Starr came out from behind the screen and I decided right then and there that I should take up flying. Not as a pilot. Just as a tourist getting served by this vision. I couldn’t imagine a man not choosing ‘me’ as his option.

Her skirt only hung a couple of inches below the hem of the jacket, exposing a mile of very shapely leg in hose and two-inch heels. The garter strap just barely stuck out beneath the skirt. An enticing view. Starr was definitely going to bend over when she served her imaginary guest.

“Let’s have some fun with this,” I said. “You look incredibly sexy.”

“Thank you. How about we start with me taking my um… arm’s… order. Geez looking down and seeing just an arm is gross. You could have given me some other body parts.”

“I couldn’t get the legs off. I might have been able to pull his head off, but nothing else could possibly do you any good. Let’s do one where you step just slightly in front of him. Just one leg in front of the chair. That’s it. Now pay attention to him. We want him to become very interested in you.”

And we went from there. She took his order, bent over the chair so I could see down the jacket. The back of her skirt did exactly what I wanted it to, so I had her turn around and bend over to talk to the imaginary friend with her back to me. The skirt rode up high enough to barely cover her butt and the gap between her legs. I was wondering if she had bothered with panties, but I had a feeling she had not.

I handed her the tray to serve him, and she burst out laughing when she saw the condom I’d put on the tray. I had a fresh roll of film and from this point, we really cut loose and did some comic scenes. Starr bent over facing away from me and looked back over her shoulder at the camera. She shoved the mannequin hand up under her skirt. The surprised expression on her face was precious. Of course, she couldn’t let it stop there. When she turned around, her jacket was unbuttoned and she pushed the mannequin hand inside to her breast. In the next scene, she was topless and kneeling on the cushions with just her head and chest down to her breasts visible above the back of the chair. She had a pretty good look of ecstasy on her face. Finally, she came out from behind the chair, carrying her skirt and jacket. I’d been right about there not being panties. She shook a finger at the imaginary man as if lecturing him and we ended the flight attendant scene.

She darted behind the screen and I cleared the set.

I saw one of the guys leave as I went into the storage area looking for what I wanted. I didn’t want to distort Starr’s features, but I’d begun to identify the real Starr during that last scene. I found a bunch of fabric of various sorts and went to work immediately. I hung the backdrop with white strips over the red background. I wished I had skyhooks, but I didn’t even have a stepladder to reach the ceiling here. I also found a box of tutus and grabbed one I thought might fit Starr and another that looked like it was for a toddler. As I kept looking, I found a parasol. Perfect.

“Starr, do you have higher heels than the ones you were wearing for the last scene?” I asked from beside the screen.

“Yes. I thought I might want them for the sexiest scene.”

“Well, this is it. I’d like you to keep the garter and hose on and put on the heels. Oh. And I’ve got a different hat for you, so lose the stewardess hat. I have a couple more things, too.”

“You’d better come and get me ready,” she said.

I picked up the tutus and a green St. Patrick’s Day derby I found back in the junk pile and went behind the screen. She stood there calmly in just the heels and hose, completely naked. I had her step into the tutu and was satisfied that I could pull it up over her hips to her waist. It left her neatly trimmed pussy nicely on display. Then I pulled the small tutu over her head and positioned it around her neck like a ruffled collar. I put the leprechaun hat on her head and used the hatpins to fasten it in place in her hair. I stood back and looked at her. She promptly turned in a circle so I could see all of her from every angle.

“Do you trust me, Starr?” I asked, holding her shoulders to face me.

“I’m naked in front of you with my pussy and ass and tits on display. I’ve let you hold and caress my breasts,” she whispered, pulling my hands down to cover her breasts again. That really felt good to me and I tried to make it feel good to her as well. “You’ve even looked in my purse! How much more trust do I need to have?” She sighed a little as I brushed her nipples with my thumbs.

“I want to work on your makeup,” I said. She gasped.

“You? My makeup?” In my experience, touching a girl’s makeup was as intimate as putting my finger up her pussy. Starr was panting.

“I can direct you and ask you to do it, but we don’t have a very good dressing room with lighted mirrors here.”

“No!” she gasped. “You do it. I’ll trust you. I just hope you know what you are doing.”

“Okay. I’ll need your eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. Do you have powder with you?” She got the necessary things out of her bag and handed them to me. “We’re going to do a few shots the way you are right now, and then I’m going to make some subtle changes to your makeup that will bring out the you that you love to see.”

“Okay. Okay. Trust. I trust you. Are you sure you don’t just, like, want to fuck me instead?”

“Starr, I have no doubt in the world that you would be a delight to make love to. But I don’t fuck in the studio. Here. Don’t open it until I say,” I said, handing her the parasol. I took her hand and led her out to the setting I’d created. I pulled the white strips out further on the floor so the effect ran underfoot as well as behind her.

“Oh, Daddy must have seen enough of his little girl’s tits,” Starr whispered. “He left.”

“If he was here yesterday, he knows this set will be more daring and intense,” I answered.

I led her to the position I wanted and started arranging lights. This would not be quite the dark drama of yesterday’s shoot, but it would still be dramatic. I set the Fresnel lights as high on their stands as I could get them and pointed them down at her from either side. After thinking a minute, I moved them right into the scene with her so they pointed more directly down. I used a backlight fill and a front light fill. There was enough spill to light the red and white backdrop.

I moved her between shots as I saw the scene come together more and more. I experimented with different temperatures of light and angles for the shot. When I changed film, I picked up her makeup kit and approached her. She stood quietly as I applied a little more lipstick, carefully extending her mouth to the side a little. I outlined the medium red with her black mascara. Then I used her eyebrow pencil to draw an indented triangle pointing down beneath one eye. She smiled at me.

“You’re turning me into a clown!” she breathed.

“I’m bringing out the clown in you,” I answered. “That’s what you wanted me to see when you came here, isn’t it? No one believes that you could actually be that happy and carefree. They are all looking for ‘The Tears of a Clown’ and you don’t have any to show them. Starr, I’ve seldom met anyone who is just so open and fun-loving as you are. You’re a lot like my girlfriend.”

“I’d be your girlfriend if you were here in Chicago. I think I’d like that. Can I smile while we do this set?”

“Absolutely. Laugh out loud if it makes you happy. Oh. One more bit of makeup.”

I took her lipstick and carefully applied it to her nipples, smoothing it into the proper shape with my thumbs.

“You’re going to get that all over your face when you suck them,” she said.

“We’ll be done shooting by then,” I answered. Suck her nipples? Hell, yes. Be my girlfriend if I was in Chicago? That was less than a year away. I was ready!

I started taking pictures again and she got into the swing of posing. Her bright red nipples stood out against the pale skin of her breast and her pearly white teeth contrasted with the red lips. She could pop her eyes wide open and could smile a thousand different ways. I changed film and started on a new roll, changing the lighting slightly. I went to her and positioned her facing three-quarters away by placing my hand on her butt and guiding her with it. I squeezed it slightly and traced her crack with my finger. We tilted her parasol slightly and she turned her torso back toward me so I could see her perky left breast. I couldn’t get enough of photographing her like this and took a fourth roll as well. At last, I had to admit that we were through for the day. She stepped behind the privacy screen and my audience all left.

A guy stepped into the room from the stairs, but didn’t approach.

“Miss Starr, I’ll bring the car around and pick you up out front,” he said.

“Never mind, Deke. Go ahead. I’ll find my own way home. I think I’ll have dinner with Nate tonight. I want to watch him develop the pictures.”

“As you wish, Miss,” the guy said. He left.

She was going to watch me develop the pictures? Well, why not?


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