Shutter Speed



THE FIRST THREE WEEKS of December were typically insane. School would be out on the twenty-first for Christmas break, which meant the last three days we were in school there would be final exams in all my classes. Not only that, I’d promised several of the senior girls that I’d have their photos ready before Christmas. I’d been printing all the previous week and would be printing most of the next two weeks.

I looked at my calendar, meticulously kept up to date by Anna. The whole two weeks was blocked off and marked ‘Darkroom.’ I chuckled at that. Then I saw that right after our break started, the Saturday before Christmas was marked, ‘Anna’s senior photos and Attic Allure.’

She’d asked me to take her pictures after she turned eighteen. I wasn’t sure why she wanted to be sure to wait. Anna wasn’t a model and I wouldn’t be displaying any of her photos, whether nude or clothed. And I really couldn’t imagine Anna posing nude.

I mean, sure I could. I’d imagined her posing nude for me a hundred times. When she started showing up at the studio in a bra and panties this summer, while all the other girls were running around naked or in just their panties, I imagined a lot of things. But I couldn’t believe she’d actually do it. And I sure wouldn’t try to convince her. Still, she’d asked that the time be with only the two of us and none of the other girls hanging around.

I needed to think up a good scene and props for her. I wanted to capture more than the conservative and staid side that wanted to wait until she was seventeen before we kissed. We had waited, by several months. But I wanted to capture the bright and cheerful accounting assistant, the organizational genius who scheduled my photos and time, and the calm and collected director who talked Kent through his rather blatant display of genitalia. Anna had a lot more sides than the one she showed her church.


I spent Friday evening sitting with Chris watching TV and holding her heating pad against her tummy.

“In four weeks, I’ll have my stupid period again, and Monday after that, I want you to cut school with me and go to Dubuque so I can get birth control,” Christine said. “And a month after that, we can make love without a condom. I’m nervous and excited and trembling inside, thinking about you putting your bare penis in my vagina and coming in me. It would be almost like you were getting me pregnant.”

“Does getting pregnant excite you?” I asked.

“Yes. Not like I want to do it now, but someday I’ll want to have a baby grow in my tummy and come out of my vagina. Can you imagine that? A whole baby coming out of where you put your cock in?”

I could imagine it. My cock was pushing at my slacks and I knew Chris was aware of it. She groaned a little.

“You know if I wasn’t feeling so crappy, I’d be sucking you,” she said. “I love having you in me and fucking me, but there’s something about not having latex between us that really thrills me. It’s not like I’m ever going to come from sucking you. It would be cool if I could. But when I get you hard and feel you throbbing in my mouth, it’s such a feeling of… power, I guess. I suppose you feel like that all the time, just because you get hard like that.”

“I guess so. I never thought of it quite like that. I think I feel more powerful when I make you come until you pass out. When I’m making love to you, I just feel so close to you and so completely in love. I want you in my life forever,” I said.

“Don’t talk about forever, love. It makes me sad. I just know we’ll have to part and then what will we do? Just be mine right now. Love me and let me love you. And Ronda. And… you know.”

“Yeah. I know.” What was I supposed to say? I was planning a date with Ronda for the next night. It was a bit of a ritual that I fucked Ronda when Chris was out of commission. Even the weekend I’d been out with Roxie, I took Ronda out the night before and we had a terrific time in her bed. I’d love to repeat that. It was so comfortable and relaxed.

And I loved Ronda, too. It was different. I couldn’t really see spending the rest of my life with Ronda, no matter how passionate and loving she was. She was sex personified. Every guy who saw her cheerleading got a hard-on. And I got to go home with her and fuck like bunnies. There wasn’t a position Ronda didn’t want to try, nor a sex act she wasn’t interested in. She liked putting her pussy in my mouth as much as taking my dick in hers. We hadn’t actually done anal, but she loved butt play and I liked doing it.

The thing was that part of what drew Ronda and me together was our mutual love of Christine. Ronda loved girls and me. Christine turned out to be more bisexual than Ronda and I think she’d probably like to screw a couple of other guys in our class. But she’d also shown she wasn’t exclusive to Ronda when she had sex with Lori and with Roxie. The thing was, I didn’t think there was a ghost of a chance that Ronda and I would be together if we weren’t both in love with Christine. So, when Chris broke up with me, that would be the end of Ronda and me, too. I realized that would hurt just as much.

What a fucked-up world.


We celebrated Anna’s eighteenth birthday on Saturday the sixteenth in the studio with a cake and little gifts. As had become traditional, she sat on my lap during the celebration. I did not, however, touch her in any way that would cause an orgasm or even a moment of alarm. She was happy to have my hand on her waist as I held her there. We took no pictures.

Sunday afternoon, Anna joined Christine and Ronda at my house to study for our Senior English final. We were reviewing No Exit when Mom called me to the phone.

“How has the car hunt been?” Uncle Nate asked.

“So far, no luck,” I said. “I really need to pay attention to the Chicago ads earlier in the morning. I’ve called on two that were already sold.”

“Well, I’ve found one. A 1966 VW Kombi. It has two rear seats, but they’re removable so you can use it for cargo or camping. It’s in good condition without as many miles as you might expect for one to be on the market. And we’re looking at only $1700.”

“That sounds great!”

“If you want it, you need to get here this week. I can convince the owner to hold it if you tell me you’re coming.”

“Give me a second to clear it with Mom and Dad,” I said.

I quickly talked it over with Mom and Dad and we decided I could do it if I took the bus. The Chicago route came through town at about nine o’clock in the morning. I told Uncle Nate that I’d get in around three o’clock. Then I went to tell the girls what was going on.

“I bet I can get Dad to give me the wagon and I could drive you,” Chris said.

“That’s kind of you, honey, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. If you drove me into Chicago and I buy a car, you’d have to drive back here alone. You know how long and boring that trip is,” I said reasonably. She pouted a minute.

“I know,” Ronda said. “Why don’t we all catch the bus and then ride back with you?”

Chris was quickly all over that idea. It actually sounded pretty good to me, too.

“Didn’t the ’63 microbus we saw only have two front seats. I don’t know about the Kombi. And this one is newer, but one of you might have to ride in back,” I said.

“How about it, Anna? Will you go with us so there are two in the back seat?” Chris asked.

“Um… uh… No, I don’t think so. This sounds like a trip for girlfriends. I’d just be a wet blanket,” she said.

I didn’t think having Anna along would dampen our fun at all, but the girls couldn’t convince her. Ronda and Chris were in full-fledged planning mode. They were figuring out what we should carry for food and how we should carry blankets, ‘in case the heat doesn’t work.’ Okay. Volkswagens were notorious for having poor heat, so I could see that Chris and Ronda might be cuddled up together in the second row seat under a blanket while I drove.


We got through our finals and were standing on the corner Thursday morning when the Greyhound came around the corner and we waved like mad to flag him down. I’d called in a reservation, but sometimes the drivers just kept rolling through if they didn’t see anyone standing out there.

We each paid the driver our fifteen dollars and made our way toward the back of the almost empty bus. Of course, almost meant that the back seat was full of some guy stretched out full length on it. We stowed our bags overhead as the bus picked up speed out of town and managed to get all three of us into two seats. It wouldn’t be a comfortable ride that way for the whole distance to Chicago, but I figured we’d trade off sitting across the aisle. With Christine on my lap and Ronda beside me alternately kissing me and getting felt up, it was a good way to pass the first hour or so.

We all sort of slept on and off, with one of my hands up under Christine’s shirt and the other under Ronda’s skirt. I’m not sure how I managed it, since I’m not double-jointed, but I had a finger buried in Ronda’s quim when she came. Chris followed soon after with Ronda’s fingers in her panties. Oh, poor me. We ran through the small towns in western Illinois without stopping, so Chris slipped off my lap and managed to wedge herself between the seats. At least a Greyhound bus had more legroom than a school bus. Once she was down there, Ronda helped her fish my cock out of my pants and Chris started sucking on me while I pretended to simply be watching the scenery. I was pretty sure the driver was used to all kinds of fuckery on his bus. At least we were being quiet. The guy stretched out in the back seat by the bathroom never stirred.

We stopped for half an hour in Rockford at a diner that packaged up sandwiches and coffee for us. We had food in one of our bags, but figured we’d probably eat it on the way home. We were back on the bus with about thirty more people from Rockford and more boarding at every little town between there and Chicago. We decided the girls would be safest if they occupied a double seat together and I remained alone in the seat behind them. I avoided having anyone in the same seat until Schaumburg, when all the remaining seats were filled. Fortunately, it was only about forty minutes from there to the bus terminal.

We got our bags down as soon as the guy next to me moved into the aisle and the three of us managed to get off the bus with only minor hassles. At least we didn’t have to grab bags from under the bus when the driver unloaded the luggage compartments. It seemed like most people, though, were traveling pretty light, possibly just coming to Chicago for a night at most. We’d be leaving in a few hours, I hoped.

Uncle Nate was at the station to meet us and the girls got in his back seat and I rode up front. He drove us back the way we’d come about a mile and went into Maplewood. He knew his way and we drove up to a house that had the van sitting in a driveway. It was the classic dove blue and looked shiny.

The Kombi didn’t have all the classic windows that the microbus had. It still had the split screen in front, but only a total of eleven windows instead of twenty-one or twenty-three. But otherwise, it was perfect. It had the side doors on the passenger side with mesh gray seats. I looked the upholstery over and it hardly showed any wear. I couldn’t believe the odometer—only 15,000 miles! This beauty was cherry.

“I really only owe the guy $1,700?” I asked Uncle Nate.

“Fifteen hundred. You owe me two hundred for the money I put down on it so he’d hold it for you.”

“Sold,” I said. The guy filled out the transfer of title and I peeled fifteen $100 bills out of my pocket that I’d gotten out of the bank the day before. As soon as we turned away, I gave Uncle Nate the other two.

“There’s a diner about six blocks from here,” Uncle Nate said. “Gas station, too. Why don’t we get a bite for dinner and make sure you’re full up for the trip home?”

“I’ll follow you,” I said. We loaded the bags into the bus, settled in, and I started it up. It had room for all three of us in front. It was a split seat, but double on the passenger side and single for the driver. I could hardly hear the engine from where it was all the way in the back of the bus. Driving it was a little strange because it drove… like a bus. The steering column came almost straight up out of the floor. I could work the clutch okay, but the four-on-the-floor transmission gave me a few fits until I figured out the rhythm. I ground the gears a few times. The gear shifter was almost two feet long, running from where I could reach it fairly comfortably, down to the floor. It seemed I ran my hand up Christine’s leg every time I shifted. There was no hump in the middle of the floor. It was flat all the way back to the third row of seats.

It was also a little strange getting used to turning and steering. I was sitting right over the front tires. There was nothing between me and the road but the steering wheel and the split windshield. It was definitely an odd feeling to get used to driving it.

We didn’t dawdle over dinner because we had close to four hours to drive back to Tenbrook and I didn’t want any of our parents to be worried about us. We got out of Chicago about six.

By the time we got home, the girls had figured out that I had perfect seating to take all eight models and crew from the studio to Huntertown the next day for ice cream. That turned into shakes or sodas at Gerties when we realized Dairy Queen was closed for the season. Nine of us in the bus was max capacity. I suppose if my little sister wanted to come along, we could cram her in. If the girls had been guys, they’d have been hanging out the doors. I was interested in trying out other aspects of the van that didn’t involve having the seats in place. It looked like a fairly simple process to fold the seats down. Ronda figured her blowup mattress would cover all the space behind the front seats and curl up at the edges. Christine was already working on curtains for the windows.


First, though, I’d told everyone I was unavailable for the day on Saturday and that the studio was off limits. I had the entire day blocked out to work at as leisurely a pace with Anna as she wanted. She’d already said she wasn’t sure which outfit she should wear for either her senior portrait or her Attic Allure photo. As a result, she’d been bringing clothes over for the past week to leave on the rack. Then she’d spent a lot of the time I was in the darkroom examining the various drops and deciding what she wanted to use for her pictures.

One thing about photographing my regular eight was they knew the studio, the props, and the process. They could develop complete ideas before we ever started. It would be just a little trickier with Anna because we weren’t going to use any helpers to change scenes and props. Anna and I would need to do everything.

Except that. I wasn’t going to cross any lines with Anna. I kept telling myself that. I kind of thought she wanted the studio reserved for the two of us just so everyone else would speculate about what we were doing. I knew, though, that she’d talked it over extensively with Christine and Ronda. I wasn’t worried.

She arrived at eleven and I was set up for her school portrait. She looked happy and ready to work. She immediately went into the dressing room with her rack of clothes and came out a few minutes later in a lovely blue cashmere sweater. She’d obviously had her hair and makeup done to look perfect for her photo. Unfortunately, pulling on a sweater always messes the hair a little. When she was set, I went up to her and smoothed the few stray hairs that had flown away from her carefully styled coiffure. She smiled a radiant smile and I shot her picture. Then I had her pose in a couple of different directions with different expressions on her face. I think the best was when she looked at me and I said, “Ice cream.” Her face lit up with eyes wide open and a beautiful smile.

Of course, Anna had not decided firmly that the blue cashmere was what she wanted for her portrait. We went through the same process with a white blouse, and with a cute plaid shirt. With each outfit, I checked her hair and made sure none of her makeup was smeared. I often touched her cheek or her chin, tilting her head a little and once lightly stroking up from the corner of her mouth to elicit a particular smile. I think what Anna really wanted from her session was personal attention from me, so I tried to give her all of it.

Once the portrait session was done—and it had taken us much longer than I normally allowed for a senior portrait—we sat and looked through the portfolio of Attic Allure images. She commented about what she liked and didn’t like about each one. She seemed especially interested in the bare shoulder shots. The only time I’d seen Anna with bare shoulders was when she sat around in her bra and panties this summer. Even her prom dress had been up to her neck.

“Do you think my shoulders are pretty enough to do a photo like this?” she asked, pointing at a photo that showed a girl’s shoulders down as far as I could crop it without showing her nipples. Anna was getting a little worked up, I thought. I put my hands on her shoulders and turned her toward me.

“Anna, you are pretty enough that I could make a beautiful photo in anything you wanted to wear or not wear. You never have to worry about being pretty enough,” I said. “The question is, do you really want a photo that is so… daring? You were there when I took this photo and you know Jennifer wasn’t wearing anything on top.”

Anna leaned toward me and lay her head on my shoulder.

“I wouldn’t be able to show a picture like that to anyone but you,” she whispered. “And maybe one day to my husband. I doubt if anyone else would ever see me topless. I’ve always been such a goody-two-shoes that sometimes it builds up a lot of wickedness trying to get out of me. I felt so evil when I was posing Kent. All I really wanted was to see his cock get erect and I didn’t have to do anything to get it there. You did all the work.”

“All I did was stand behind the camera.”

“That was all it took. One time in school, a couple of years ago, I noticed the middle button on my blouse had come undone. When I sat in class and leaned forward, my blouse gapped open. I saw Tom glancing my way and I just ignored the button until after class was over. I’m sure he could see my bra. And this summer when all your girls were running around naked, I wore just my underwear. And when I knew you noticed, I went out and bought a matching bra and panties that would um… show more. I suppose all that sounds like nothing to you because you have beautiful girlfriends who run around naked and you can touch and… stuff. And you have beautiful models from Chicago who drive three hours just to take off their clothes so you can photograph them. I’m still just a little prude.”

“I don’t think anyone thinks of you as a prude anymore,” I laughed. “You’ve shown us all that you are playful and want to make others comfortable. That doesn’t require being naked.”

“But I want to.” She heaved a huge sigh. “That’s what today is really all about. I want to act out my wickedness and not have any consequences. I know that sex is forbidden in the studio and you are careful to never cross that line. But sexiness is what the studio is all about. And that’s a line I want to cross.”

“Why don’t we start with something sexy, but that doesn’t mean you are nude,” I suggested. “You are a very sexy girl. It’s why I wanted so desperately to kiss you a year ago. And why I’m so glad that you eventually did kiss me. But you don’t need to be completely exposed to be sexy. That’s what Attic Allure is all about. We’ll bring out what a sexy girl you are.”

“I’m in your hands,” she whispered. “Literally.” She hugged me. “Where should I start?”

I went to her rack of clothes and found a very transparent blouse hung over a camisole.

“Do you have that cute little black bra you wore this summer with you?”

“I’m wearing it,” she giggled.

“Perfect. Put this on over it. Not the cami. Just the top.”

“But it will show thr… Oh!” She grabbed the blouse and ran to the dressing room.

I arranged a high stool I’d found upstairs next to a table that I put up on blocks. I found a coke bottle and a glass to put on the table. Then located the sun glasses. There was even a floppy sun bonnet. When she appeared, though, she was wearing the transparent blouse over the black bra and it looked terrific. But all she had on below were the matching black panties.

“Hmm. For this scene, we want a pair of slacks. Can you wear these black ones? And Patricia left her strappy black heels here. Will they fit you?”

“Um… Probably a little tight, but I won’t tear them out.”

She didn’t return to the dressing room. She just pulled on the black slacks and fastened them. Those might be a little tight, but I liked the look as they clung to her shape. I seated her at the table on the stool and started with the sunglasses on. She held the glass and straw as she turned toward me. That was one of the sexiest Coke ads you’d ever want to see. With the lights positioned the way I had them, you could clearly see the black bra beneath her white blouse. I think it showed off her shape better than it would have without the blouse. We tried several different positions and included lifting her sunglasses and then taking them off completely to hold in her hand as if gesturing with them.

We moved from the table and Coke to the fainting couch and I had her sprawl on it with one foot off the edge and the other propped up. She pulled off the hat as if she was just recovering from a long hard day of… shopping or something. That gave me an inspiration and I ran to get a couple of shopping bags that I stuffed and put on the floor around her. I had her look askance at the bags and bite her tongue slightly. She was doing great!

“Would you feel comfortable unbuttoning a couple more buttons on your blouse?” I asked. “I know you really want to have your pretty black bra noticed.”

She smiled shyly at me and undid two more buttons. That did the trick. Now the outline of the bra beneath her blouse emerged to be visible on one side. I shot the last two on that roll and turned to change film.

When I turned back, her blouse was all the way open and I could clearly see the outline of her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra. I quietly went about taking pictures as she shifted to new positions and finally lost the blouse entirely. I went over to sit beside her on the couch.

“Do you want me to see your nipples?” I whispered. She nodded. I looked down at the thin fabric covering her breasts. “They’re very pretty. Let’s work on the over the shoulder shot for your bare shoulder photo. There’s a bandeau on the rack that Patricia brought specifically for this kind of work. Why don’t you go change into that while I change film?”

A few minutes later, she was back on the couch with just the little white strip of Lycra around her chest. She sat facing away and I moved in close with the camera as she looked back at me. I touched her shoulder and she bit her lip. “Let me pull this down smooth in back so we see your shoulder blades,” I said. She nodded and raised her arms a bit so I could smooth out the fabric and stretch it down her back so I could see more of her. She returned to her over the shoulder shot. I really like the backs and shoulders of girls. I arranged her hair a little and she smiled at me. After that shot, she turned fully toward me and leaned back on one arm.

“I want the deep decolletage shot,” she said bravely.

“Okay. Smooth the front of the bandeau down to where you want it.”

She tugged at the fabric with her tongue caught between her teeth as she looked down her front. I was about to suggest she go use the mirror.

“I can’t see it,” she said. “Will you pull it down so it’s right?”

“Really, Anna?” I said as I sat on the edge of the couch to face her. “I can’t really do that without… um… touching you a little.”

“You can touch me,” she whispered.

I was shocked, but not so much so that I couldn’t act. I slipped the fingers of one hand under the top edge of the bandeau and the other hand under the bottom edge so I could smooth it out as I ran my hands left and right over both her breasts. Her eyes drifted closed and her breathing was deep enough to accent the amount of breast I was touching. I decided this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I reached under the side of the fabric and lifted her boob up and in so that the fabric just covered her nipple. I reached in the other side to do the same thing and Anna came to life, pulling my face to hers for a deep and passionate kiss. I was holding her breast in my hand, so I just went with it and let my thumb caress her nipple slightly.

Anna reached up and pulled at the bottom of the bandeau until both her breasts popped free, holding my mouth to hers with the other hand. The girl who didn’t want to kiss a boy until after she was seventeen had just turned eighteen and was not only kissing this boy, but giving him free and unfettered access to her breasts. I used both hands to massage these precious wonders and to stimulate her nipples as much as I could as she panted and moaned into my mouth.

I kissed her with all the love I could muster in ways I’d learned from Chris, Ronda, Kelly, Vicki, and Patricia. And when the opportunity was there, I dipped my head and sucked her nipple into my mouth, bathing it with my tongue. I pinched it with my lips and Anna went stiff before collapsing back on the couch, staring at me. Her rosy nipples were pointing to the ceiling on perfectly round mounds on her chest and I fully enjoyed looking at them. She pulled my hands back to cover them.

“I, kind of blacked out for a second,” she gasped. “It was… Oh! I thought I knew what an orgasm was. I’m not such a pure girl that I don’t ever touch myself. It’s nice and I get a good feeling from it. But I think I’ve been cheating myself. I’ve never had anything like that one. Take a picture of me, Nate. Take one just for you to see and keep.”

I stood to get the camera and she pulled the bandeau all the way down to her waist, then thought better of it and just pulled it off over her head. She sat up and looked toward me with a look of sheer delight on her face as I took a picture of her from the breasts up.

“Can you crop that one for my cleavage shot?” she asked.

“I think so. Anna, you are so pretty. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift.”

“I’m glad you liked it, but I did it for me.”

She rolled over on the couch so she was facing down and I could see the side of her boobs, but nothing else. She lifted and smiled at the camera as I continued to take photos, focused on her back and face. Finally, I couldn’t find any more excuses to keep her naked and take more pictures. She stood and faced me with her chest fully displayed for my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed some more as I ran my hands up and down her back.

“Would you… um… kiss them one more time before I go get dressed?” she whispered.

I gladly worshiped each of her breasts with my mouth and tongue for a minute as she petted my hair. Then she turned to the dressing room with a dreamy look on her face.


I was still a little dazed when I picked up Ronda and Christine for our big date that evening. We were headed into Dubuque for our little Christmas celebration together. Sunday and Monday would be pretty tied up for all of us with family things. We loaded the bus with blankets and the air mattress. I took the back seats out and carted them up to the studio.

“Are you okay to drive?” Christine asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little drained from the photo session today.”

“I hope you aren’t too drained to… Oh, my God! Did you fuck Anna?” Ronda screeched.

“No! I wouldn’t do that. At least not in the studio. But… Well…”

“Don’t tell me she got naked! That’s the only thing I can imagine that would get you so distracted. Do we need to stop and pick her up for our little party tonight?” Chris asked.

“Topless,” I sighed.

“That little vixen. She showed you her boobs. I underestimated her,” Ronda said.

“Please don’t say anything to her or anyone else about it, okay? I didn’t photograph them. Except once. She wanted me to have one for my private collection.”

“Did you… she let you… you know… touch her?” Chris asked. I nodded. “Don’t tell me she came!” I just nodded again.

“You guys are partly to blame, you know. She’s been in the studio with us all for six months. She’s seen every girl who came into the studio strip. She’s watched more than one have orgasms. She was curious. I don’t think she’d ever really come before,” I said.

“That poor girl. I hope she learned something. Did you do it all above the waist or did she let you dip into the honey?” Ronda asked.

“No. All above the waist. It wasn’t really intentional. I mean on my part. Just all of a sudden, her breasts were out of her top and in my hands. What could I do?”

“Kiss her and play with her nipples until her senses were overwhelmed,” Chris laughed. “Did she pass out?”

“Not quite. She said she kind of blanked for a couple seconds.”

“Gosh! That means that even though I fuck you like every other week or so, I’m the only girl who comes to the studio whose boobs you don’t have a picture of. We’ll have to fix that,” Ronda said.

“You don’t have to do any of that. I haven’t taken a picture of Chris since we started going out either. Except snapshots and school stuff like we do,” I said.

“Yeah, but Ronda and I both turn eighteen in a few weeks. I’m on the fourth of January and Ronda’s right before Valentine’s Day. I think that we should keep the tradition of the eighteenth birthday party and photoshoot alive.”

“I’m good with that,” Ronda joined in. “We’ve got Debbie’s between yours and mine and Janice is soon after mine. I don’t think Judy turns eighteen until the end of April. We’ll have a lot of nice parties between now and then. I’m thinking the birthday girl needs to get to spend the party naked in Nate’s lap. Maybe we should offer a prize to any girl who gets him off while sitting on his lap at the party.”

“Wouldn’t that, like, be the prize,” Chris laughed. “Hey, weren’t we going to blow up the mattress while we were driving?”

“I don’t want to go back there alone.”

“I’ll come back and help.”

The two climbed over the seat without bumping me around too much and got on the floor of the van. The saliva that was swapped wasn’t all on the valve of the mattress.


“I wanted to give you each something that wasn’t just a picture or food,” I said as we sat at dinner. It was a nice restaurant in Dubuque, but not overly fancy. I went all out and ordered the breaded jumbo shrimp. I don’t think I’d ever had shrimp before and I liked it dipped in the cocktail sauce they served. “So, I got you a little something. I don’t expect anything in return. This is just a kind of symbol of my affection. You don’t have to wear it all the time if you think it’s too personal.”

I gave them each a small box, which they excitedly unwrapped. They were just a simple gold chain with a heart charm.

“A bracelet!” Chris said. “It’s so sweet.” She started to put it on her wrist and I intercepted her.

“It’s an ankle bracelet,” I said. “Please allow me.”

I took the chain from her and knelt at her feet where I fastened the bracelet around her ankle. I spent a little time rubbing her leg while I was down there. Then Ronda handed me hers and I repeated the process, leaning forward enough to kiss her knee.

“Did you just propose to both of them?” our waitress asked when she came with the check. “We give out free dessert to newly engaged couples, but I don’t know if they’d honor it for a threesome.”

“No!” we all three shouted at once.

“It’s just a little Christmas present,” I explained. Chris held out her foot and the waitress made appreciative noises. I’m not sure if they were for the bracelet or Chris’s leg.

“We got you a little present, too,” Chris said.

“Circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back,” Ronda added. I looked at them puzzled. They handed me a flat package and I quickly unwrapped it to find a copy of the newly released Arlo Guthrie album, Alice’s Restaurant. I loved the cover photo with Arlo sitting at a candlelit dinner table in nothing but a hat and napkin.

“I wish I had a turntable in the bus,” I said.

“Wouldn’t it be something to be able to carry your own records in the car instead of just listening to the radio?” Chris asked.

“Can you just imagine the skips and scratches as the car bounces down the road?” I laughed.

I paid for dinner and left a nice tip for our waitress. We went out to the bus and the girls immediately crawled in on top of the air mattress that filled the cargo floor and directed me to find a nice quiet place where we wouldn’t be disturbed.

It was cold as the dickens at about twenty degrees, but we still hadn’t had any snow, for which I was really thankful. I was still learning to handle the bus with the wind gusts that seemed to toss us from side to side of the road. I headed out to the golf course and found the construction site still undisturbed. Weeds had grown up around some of the equipment and I wondered if it had all just been abandoned.

Once I was parked, I crawled into the back to join the girls, who were sandwiched between the blankets in nothing but their panties. I was soon in a similar state of undress and thankful we’d increased the number of blankets. The bus never did get really warm, even with the heat up at max.

We petted and kissed and generally loved on each other in a leisurely and relaxed manner. With three of us keeping it warm under the blankets and the air mattress for comfort under us, we didn’t feel the least bit hurried. Then the girls launched into a teasing plan that about drove me crazy.

“Did Anna leave you hard when she was finished coming?” Chris whispered in my ear.

“I… uh… I guess.”

“Are her breasts as big as mine?” Ronda asked, pulling my hand to her boob. “No, I know they aren’t. I’ve got too much up top. Not as much as Patricia, but almost. But I’ve always wondered whether those tight little nipples of Anna’s are as sensitive as mine. Lick my nipples, Nate. They’re so sensitive. Did you get to suck on Anna?”

Fortunately, my mouth was full and I couldn’t answer the question, but Chris had her hand between my legs and was feeling my balls.

“She left a super big load for you to put in Ronda,” Chris said. “Poor Anna still doesn’t know about making a boy come.”

“You probably could have fucked her, you know,” Ronda said. “What do you think? Is her pussy shaved smooth like mine or does she have a hairy little twat? She’s a virgin, you know. I’ll hold my pussy closed as tight as I can get it and you can pretend you are opening the virgin Anna for the very first time with your long hard cock. I’m so hot and wet thinking about you fucking Anna. Could you smell her arousal as you sucked on her nipples and made her come?”

“Um… Chris…?” I don’t know how it evolved, but when we were all three together, it seemed I always made love to Chris first. Right now, Ronda’s legs were spread and Chris was tugging my cock toward Ronda’s pussy.

“Ronda first tonight,” Chris said. “Then when you’ve filled her little hole full of your come, you can get behind me and pound my pussy while I lick all your come out of our girlfriend.”

“Oh, girl,” Ronda moaned. “You get nastier every day. Nate, you have to give me an extra big load for Christine to lick out of me. You have to give me mine and all you had saved for Anna. Put your cock in my hot little virgin cunt and think about how much you’d really like to be fucking Anna right now. You’d like her to be with us, wouldn’t you? You’d like Christine and me to be sucking on her hard little nipples while you pumped your whole load of sperm into her hot little pussy.”

I started pounding into Ronda a little more vigorously than I usually did. I don’t like to leave her pussy bruised, but she was really making me damned horny. Fucking Ronda was as much of a turn-on as any guy could ask for, but thinking about even the possibility that I might have gone all the way with Anna was making the speed of my orgasm hard to control. Chris was sucking on Ronda’s nipple and Ronda was hitting her peak just as I unleashed a torrent in her pussy. Oh, God, it was good!

I collapsed forward, almost trapping Chris’s head between us and kissed Ronda as deeply as I could manage. She was right there with me, her pussy muscles still twitching around my cock. My hard-on wasn’t going away as I kept moving in and out of her.

“Hey, my turn,” Chris said. “Take your cock up to Ronda’s mouth so she can clean you off and get a condom on you while I start licking her yummy pussy. Then get behind me and give me some of what you just gave her.”

Ronda sucked me into her mouth and cleaned all our joint spend off my cock. Chris was between Ronda’s legs with her butt in the air. I needed to get back there and keep it warm as soon as Ronda had the condom on me. I crawled behind Christine and fed my cock into her sloppy wet hole. Oh, yeah. She was made for me. An absolutely perfect fit. I appreciated all the fantasy that Ronda had painted, but when I was fucking Christine, I didn’t need any other motivation. Ronda managed to toss a blanket over all three of us and I just hunched over Christine’s back with her tits in my hands and kept stroking into her pussy.

Chris got her first before I was even close to mine. Ronda was almost to her peak when Chris started again and I started pumping into the condom.

Damn! I needed to be some kind of great magician that could magically put the best international affairs school, the best photography school, and the best business school into the same building so the three of us could all go to college together and just keep fucking each other forever.


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