Pygmalion Revisited ©2018 Elder Road Books, Serialized edition ISBN 978-1-939275-95-0

Pygmalion Revisited

A Thousand Words


This story was inspired by a reviewer of my work. “‘If a picture paints a thousand words…’, a phrase from a 70s hit from Bread; Devon turns that on its head, and uses thousands of words to paint a picture. Almost lyrical at times, this long story grips the reader, and holds him/her until the end.”

I love art. I love drawing, singing, sculpting. But I’m not very good at it. My medium is words. And so, I wrote this story to discover whether the ideal lover could be painted with a thousand words. The unlikely artist is an advertising copywriter. If he can describe toothpaste, razor blades, and deodorant well enough to attract buyers, why not attract his perfect mate… with a thousand words?



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