Over Exposure

The Chamber of Lustful Secrets


TONI HAD AN OVERNIGHT adventure with one of her ‘school’ friends Friday. That meant the family and our mistress could all go to the opening of There’s One in Every Marriage. We knew several people in the cast, as well as Kathleen, Damien, John, Judy, Leanne, and other techs.

The show was funny as hell. We laughed ourselves silly and then joined the cast for the opening night party. Adrienne was extremely popular, mostly because she insisted on wearing her collar and letting Anna have the leash. The girls stayed next to her all evening and, of course, all looked absolutely stunning.

“Tell me it will be okay,” a voice whispered in my ear. I turned to find Olivia just at my elbow. She looked incredible and had been one of the women in the show. It was nice to see Kathleen and Olivia onstage together, even though both were in supporting roles.

“What has you worried, Olivia?” I asked.

“My photo session! Don’t tell me you don’t even know I’m coming in for a new sitting on Monday!” she said.

“Oh, I knew it was coming, but I’d forgotten it was this week. What are you worried about?” I put an arm around her and she leaned against me.

“Do you realize I hyperventilate every night before I go on as Lady Macbeth? It’s so stressful to parade my body around on stage in front of all those people. Give me a brand new script and make me memorize a million lines and I’m fine. Go naked and I’m a wreck.”

“What’s the real problem, Olivia? You’re beautiful. You aren’t exposed. People know you’re naked, but they can’t really see anything. Your silhouette is phenomenal. What is it that really bothers you about it?”

“I was raised to believe my body was a curse, not a blessing. I saw what you did with Rebecca’s photos. That girl hasn’t been the same since. I think Judy took her shopping for a new wardrobe, too. She looks great. But my problem isn’t that. I know I’m beautiful by all the world’s current standards. I was taught that was shameful. I was a dirty temptation to men. I should keep my body covered so I didn’t drive men to lustful thoughts. Whenever I expose myself like I do for Macbeth, or like I did in my photo last summer, I think that every man is looking at me lustfully. It drives me crazy.”

“You do come across as crazy in the show,” I said. “You need to stack this into your reservoir of experiences that make you a better actress. And you need to know that lust isn’t a bad thing in itself.”

“Don’t tell my parents that. The Bible says lust is the root of all evil,” Olivia jumped in.

“No, the Bible doesn’t say that. Timothy says the lust for money is the root of all evil. And even that, I think St. Paul would back down on, considering all the roots that evil has. Not only that, you are only responsible for your own evil, not that of anyone else.”

“Are you a preacher?” she laughed.

“Son of a preacher. Eighteen years of perfect attendance in Sunday School. And for a while I considered going into the ministry.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“There was no official area of ministry for photographers taking pictures of naked girls,” I laughed. “Actually, I think there might be now, when I read about some of the evangelists out there. But if they lust after you, it’s their problem, not yours. Don’t let anyone blame you for the way they feel.”

“I should pay you for a photo session every week, just so you can talk sense to me. I’ll see you Monday.”


After the party, we took Adrienne home with us. She’d only been in the apartment with us once and asked to leave because it wasn’t proper for her to be in the family residence. We didn’t give her a choice this time. We took her home with us, stripped her, and all had our way with her.

“Do you not like me, Fifi?” Patricia said. “Am I too old and rundown because I’m a mother? Did my pussy change flavors? Are my breasts saggy? Why do you never want to make love to me?”

That came as a surprise to all of us. The only persons Patricia had ever made love with outside our immediate family were her husband Tony, and one night when she joined me with Leslie. As far as women were concerned, she’d made it no secret that she got horny for me, but she loved Ronda and Anna and would do anything for them. To attack Adrienne for not making love to her was a shock.

Adrienne leaped out of bed and I thought she was going to bolt, but she crouched down, kneeling on the floor beside our super-size bed.

“Mistress Patricia, please forgive your slave. I love you so much I was always afraid I’d chase you away if I showed I was interested in you sexually. You’re so beautiful. And I love your little girl. I would do anything for you, mistress.”

“Then get up off the floor and come to bed with me, you silly pet. I want to kiss you and taste you and feel your tongue on my clitty. I want to lick you to a come while Nate fucks you and then lick his come out of your pussy. I want all of you, Adrienne. Come and take all of me.”

Adrienne considered an order from one of us to be an order from all of us. She absolutely worshiped Patricia in our bed that night, and she did come on Patricia’s tongue as I filled her with my spunk. She slept curled up against my girlfriend, murmuring occasional ‘I love you’ as she slept.


We picked up Toni in the morning and all went out for breakfast and then allowed Adrienne to return to her hotel for much needed rest. I don’t know if any one person had ever had so much loving attention paid to her in a single night before. I suppose so, but I don’t run in those crowds. And I’m sure that person probably didn’t have a running commentary from a three-year-old at breakfast that covered every little thing she did with her friend the night before, including an entire plot summary of Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree.

“I’m very ’spicious!” Toni declared.

Toni was soon distracted from Adrienne leaving to go to her hotel by the imminent arrival of Aunt Kat and Julie. Kat had been a favorite of Toni’s since she was a baby and Kat was just twelve. But Friday had been Kat’s sixteenth birthday, and true to their word, she and Julie drove up in Julie’s car to visit us in Stratford. We had our own birthday celebration for Kat. Anna even baked a cake. I suspected things would change around the house a bit as we’d be running around clothed instead of naked. Even when Min was staying with us, the dress code was no clothes. It was different with two teen girls in the house.

I got up Sunday to find Patricia feeding Toni, as usual, with Kat and Julie beside them. Apparently, the only ones required to dress were Kat and me. Julie and Patricia were as naked as Toni. Soon, Ronda and Anna joined us at the table as I turned out bacon and eggs, while my sister buttered toast. Yes, Ronda and Anna were naked, too.

“How do you keep from having your camera clicking all the time?” Kat whispered to me. “I just want my sketchbook out while I draw all of them! They all have the same basic shape, you know, but they’re all so different from each other.”

“Yes. I was not expecting quite the display today. But you know we’re always like this. I think as long as you and I stay covered, we’ve fulfilled our requirements,” I said.

“Yeah. Well, let me know if you’re going to be gone for a day or two, okay?”

I think Kat was itching to join the nudity and I suspected she didn’t get that opportunity in Reverend Mother Superior’s home.


Kat and Julie were fully occupied by Toni, who wanted all their attention on Sunday. They did get a tour of the studio and the store to see what had changed and found John changing out the set for what would become Olivia’s set. It was less ornate than the bedroom scene I’d done on Wednesday. I had Adrienne join us in the studio and explained the relationship to my sister and her girlfriend.

“What I want to know is what kind of magic juju my dorky brother has that attracts so many drop-dead gorgeous women to him,” Kat laughed. “Really, Nate! Just stay away from Julie, okay?”

“Aw,” Julie responded. “Can’t we do anything?”

“Of course, you can, sweetie,” Kat responded, kissing her girlfriend. My sister was sixteen now and entering her junior year in high school. Julie—Christine’s little sister—would be eighteen in a few weeks and would be a senior in high school. I just hoped Julie wasn’t like her sister and wouldn’t dump Kat as soon as she graduated to go off and purify her life somewhere. “Just leave someone for me to play with, okay?”

“I was thinking that you might want to do a painting of Adrienne,” I said. “I would love to have one and there is something different about having a painting than a photograph.”

“Really? Adrienne, would you sit for me to do a drawing and painting this week?”

Adrienne looked at me and I nodded.

“Yes, Miss Kat. If Nate wants you to paint my picture, I will be happy to sit for you.”

Kat was happy and this time it looked like Julie might be a little jealous. I wasn’t doing this to create any friction between the two girls. And I knew Adrienne would not cross any lines with either of them.

Kat and Julie took Toni to the Sunday afternoon concert at the Festival Theatre and I took Adrienne to her hotel.

“I’d like you to come to the studio to assist me tomorrow,” I said. “I’ll be photographing Olivia Dunn and I think you are just what I need to calm her down.”

“Whatever you’d like, Master. How may I serve you?”

“Oh, my sweet Fifi. Do I tell you often enough how much I cherish you, my pet?”

“You give me everything I could possibly want,” she said. “Let me be whatever you would like.”

I told her my idea and she embellished it with a few of her own. I thought it would work extremely well.


Olivia’s set was a stark contrast to Irene’s and yet held many of the same themes. It was a bedroom set. Where Irene’s set was full of ruffles and bright drapery, Olivia’s was not flashy or ornate. It was, in fact, rather severe. It had dark stone walls and a single bed, a dresser, and a straight chair.

“Welcome to Attic Allure, Olivia,” I said when she arrived. She hadn’t disguised her identity this time like she had the last time. “I think you know my assistant, Adrienne.”

“Yes. Oh my!” Olivia turned to look at Adrienne and realized for the first time that she was naked. “I knew Nate needed an assistant today, but I didn’t realize she’d be… Wow! You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you, Miss Olivia,” Adrienne said as she busied herself with setting a light where we’d agreed.

“I thought you might be more comfortable if you weren’t the only one undressing,” I said.

“Why worry? You won’t even see me with Adrienne in the studio,” she laughed.

“Not exactly true. I’ll definitely be focused on bringing out the best in you,” I said. “Why don’t you tell me a little about the set you’ve chosen. It looks a little austere—almost like a cell.”

“Yes. But what kind of cell? A prison? A nunnery? A whorehouse? Or just the place in my mind where I’m free and safe from everything that is outside?”

“I can work with that theme. We might try them all.” I turned to my naked assistant. “Adrienne, we need a candle on the dresser. And see if you can locate a crucifix for later on. I think we might want a piece of red fabric for the bed, too.” Adrienne hurried about getting the needed items and I led Olivia to the bed.

“You just have so many ideas,” she said.

“All inspired by what you said. But this cell… we don’t need clothes here, do we?”

I started unfastening Olivia’s clothing and removing it. I was glad she hadn’t worn a bra, but the panties were tight enough that they’d leave a mark. I took them off and massaged where the waistband had cut into her skin.

“I want to start with something as austere as the setting,” I said. “We’ll work into some fun things afterward. Just lie straight on the bed with your hands folded in the valley of your breasts.”

“Am I dead?”

“No. Vacantly looking straight ahead. Good. Let’s begin.”

I grabbed the camera and started taking pictures. We went through a lot of film that afternoon. And Olivia went through a lot of emotions. At one point, Adrienne held her while Olivia cried. I took that picture, too, but it would be only for my private collection. Not all of the pictures were deeply sad and emotional.

“Stand on the bed and jump up and down,” I said.

“Really?” Olivia laughed. “Are we allowed to do that?”

“You’re a grown up, Olivia. Who is telling you not to jump on the bed?”

“Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head.
Called the doctor and the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”

She chanted the old rhyme and as she did, I could see her spirit become liberated. I could see her boobs bouncing up and down, too, and there was nothing wrong with that. I walked up to the bed and Olivia jumped off and into my arms.

“I think we have a great set of pictures for today,” I said. “It’s been a long day.”

“It has, but I had so much fun! Carry me away! Thank you, Adrienne! You were wonderful! Take me to the dressing room and get me dressed, Nate, but don’t hurry covering up my body. I want to know that I inspired lust in you.”

“Oh, you certainly did,” I laughed as we headed for the dressing room. “Adrienne, thank you. I think Ronda wants to see you upstairs.”

“Yes, Nate. It was nice to work with you, Olivia,” Adrienne said. She didn’t bother dressing before she headed upstairs to the apartment.

“Cuddle me and kiss me,” Olivia demanded, with a laugh. “I feel so free!”

“You are certainly unrestrained,” I said. “Let me kiss you and caress you.”

“I’m messy. It’s the whole relationship thing. Oh yum! Kiss me more. Touch me, Nate. I want, I want, I want. Damien doesn’t know what he’s missing.”


“Is he missing something?”

“I love Kathleen to bits, but I thought I’d end up with Damien. She beat me to it because I was too caught up in being all proper and not moving too fast. This tortoise lost the race. Damien didn’t even know I was in the running.”

“I know he likes you,” I said. “But guys are pretty dense when it comes to knowing what a woman wants—especially an actress.”

“Am I not being clear with you?” Olivia laughed. She spread her legs. “I want you to get messy with me. I won’t try to join your little harem. But I want to feel all the things you’ve let out in me this afternoon, and I’d like to feel them between my legs.”

That was pretty specific. And I had nothing against exploring between Olivia’s legs. She was normally quite repressed and this was definitely a side of her I didn’t think anyone had seen in Stratford. Having had sex with Kathleen, I certainly didn’t think Damien had made a bad choice, especially since she was willing to let him play around on the side a bit. But perhaps he’d really screwed up by not seeing Olivia’s signals.

As I kissed and petted and stroked Olivia, she got me out of my clothes, as well. We lay on the couch in the dressing room and I worked my way down her body until my face was between her legs and I was licking and exploring her slit. Olivia approached orgasm several times, but never quite went over the edge.

“What can I do help you come?” I asked. She pulled me to her face and kissed me deeply.

“I need you… in me,” she rasped. “Please. We’re not in the studio. I’m not a model. Please, Nate, make love to me.”

There was really no reason not to. I grabbed a condom from my trousers and in just a few seconds, I was sliding into this perfect slice of heaven. Once we were moving together, it didn’t take Olivia long to ramp up and stay up until we both came.

“It’s a thing with me,” she sighed. “I’m happy with all the attention and touching and oral stimulation, but when I’m with a man, I can’t come unless he’s in me. That’s one of the reasons I don’t date much. I just don’t want to be that intimate with most men.”

“You never come except with a man in you?” I asked.

“No. That’s not right. When I’m with a man, I don’t come unless he’s in me. When I’m alone, I can make myself come. And if you want to keep going and come in me again, then please do. But I’m a one and done kind of girl. The only thing better would be to come back the next time I’m really horny, but I don’t want to stay with you, Nate. And I probably won’t come back to Stratford for next season. I need to find my next great opportunity. It’s out there waiting for me someplace.”

“I hope you find it,” I said. “Whatever it is your heart desires, I hope you find it.”

I kissed her again and we dressed.


Kat was over-the-moon happy when I told her Adrienne would pose for her. It was a selfish request, I suppose. I really wanted a painting of Adrienne done by my sister. I’d like to watch her work, too, but Kat had other ideas.

“And while I’m painting Adrienne, you can photograph Julie,” she said.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Kat.”

“Dearest brother, just as you want a painting of Adrienne, I want a photo of Julie. There is no one in the world I would trust her to for that other than you.”

“It’s just—I dated her sister. It feels weird.”

“We’re not asking you to date her. But she thinks her sister turned out extremely stupid. She fantasizes that you are her brother-in-law instead of the creep Chris married. Take her picture for us, Nate. Coax her into the pose you want, just like I’m going to coax Adrienne into the pose I want.”

I guessed the argument was at an end. I was going to take pictures of Julie.


“Okay, we’re ready for your Attic Allure photo,” I said to Julie after I’d finished her portrait. “Do you have anything in mind for what you’d like?”

“Yes, kind of,” she said, blushing. That was all the confirmation I needed that she intended to get naked. “I… um… spent a lot of nights when I was younger, hiding on the stairs and watching you and Chris or Ronda and Chris making out on the sofa in front of our TV. When I was home alone, I’d lie on the sofa with the TV on and imagine I had a boy or a girl who treated me like you and Ronda treated Chris. Um… It wasn’t about either of you specifically, but that one day I’d have a boyfriend or a girlfriend who would treat me the way you treated Chris. Can we do a picture of me lying on the sofa pretending?”

I had to chuckle a little. I’d once caught her watching Chris giving me a blowjob, just before Julie scampered back up the stairs.

“Okay. We’ll need to set the scene. I think we’ll use the black backdrop so it just disappears behind the sofa. Then we’ll need to set the sofa. The only one I have is in the dressing room, so you’ll need to help me move it.”

We went straight to work. In order to make things work with Kat’s painting, she and Anna had gone to Adrienne’s hotel room to do the art. Adrienne had asked if Anna would come, too, indicating she was a little nervous about being alone with a sixteen-year-old girl. Julie was nearly eighteen and I didn’t worry about being alone with her. Ronda said she’d look in occasionally.

Once I had the scene fairly well set, I went to the store up front and brought back an old TV. Melinda said she sometimes had it on for company. It had a poor picture with no antenna, but it did have sound. I also got a lamp to set just behind the sofa in case I needed a little more light on my subject.

Julie was pleased with the setting and I took her hand to lead her to the dressing room.

“We have the set ready,” I said. “Now we need to get you ready. We’ll start by toning down your makeup, and making you look a little more innocent than your portrait would imply.”

“Don’t make me look too much like a little girl,” she sighed. “I don’t want to be embarrassed by it.”

“No, not a little girl at all, but not all dressed up to go out on a date, either. I want to highlight your eyes without shadowing them so heavily. I don’t want you to look spooky. I want you to look sexy. Maybe even a little seductive.”

“Okay,” she breathed. I had a feeling those words were not unfamiliar to her in her relationship with Kat. Julie was both sexy and seductive.

I worked on her makeup until I was satisfied I had the right look, then I reached over to unbutton Julie’s shirt. She caught her breath, but just stayed still as she held my eyes with her own. I’d seen her naked a couple of times this week as she wandered out of her bedroom for breakfast. Kat kept underwear on, but Julie joined my girlfriends fully nude. The difference was that I didn’t undress her, so this was new.

When I pulled her shirt off, she was fully bare on top. Her breasts reminded me so much of Christine’s that I just wanted to throw myself at her and start sucking. Instead, I pulled a robe around her.

“Now, if you’d take off your jeans and anything else but the robe, we can get started,” I said.

I think she was a little defiant when she didn’t close the robe, but stripped off her jeans with the robe open so I could see everything as it was revealed. Julie was a little taller than her sister. That didn’t hurt her shape at all. I’d never seen a naked seventeen- or eighteen-year-old girl who wasn’t beautiful. Julie was no exception.

I led her to the sofa and got her in a generally good position. I had the television turned on with the volume down. The picture was pretty fuzzy, but it emitted the kind of light I wanted to see on Julie’s face. I turned off all the rest of the lights in the room and focused for my first frame. I was shooting long exposures in the limited light and felt I might need just a little more in order to really capture her features. I concealed a light in the floor lamp that I could direct down to just highlight the shape of her head. I took repeated meter readings to determine if I had enough light and finally decided to plant a light behind the TV to cast a little brighter blue on her face and upper body. I was so intent on getting the lighting right that I almost forgot about Julie.

I stepped back to focus and took another picture, then knelt on the floor next to Julie.

“Are you still with me?” I asked.

“Mmmhmm. Will you pay as much attention to me as you did to the lights?” she asked.

“The attention I paid to the lights is all to make you look perfect.”

“I know. I’m used to just sitting or lying still for an hour while Kat sketches me. I thought this would go faster.”

“Things move along a little faster now that we have the scene set. You look beautiful under the low light. Now just focus on the screen as we take a few shots.”

I moved behind the camera and directed her to different kinds of facial expressions as I took pictures. I knelt beside her again.

“We’re going to let your imagination take over for you now,” I whispered. “Maybe he just stepped off the screen and now he’s here beside you. You find your clothes are loosening as he kisses you.”

I brushed my lips across hers as I loosened the robe so it began to gap open. I took a picture and move to her again.

“You want more.”

“More kisses,” she whispered. I kissed her a little more firmly this time.

“More kisses, more touches,” I said. I ran my hand down the opening of her robe, moving the sides out just before they exposed her nipples. I knelt beside her again.

“More touches,” she whispered. I lightly caressed her breast as I moved the robe open enough to expose it. Then I changed her hand position so she was just touching the lower curve of her breast. I returned to the camera and captured more of her exquisite form on film.

I continued approaching and exposing more of her each time as I caressed and kissed her. I told her to hold certain expressions as I moved her hands so it looked like the caresses I’d just given her were delivered by her own hands. Our kisses became longer and deeper as my caresses lingered in her most sensitive spots and she began to rise to an orgasm.

I switched to the 4x5 with a color transparency loaded as I coaxed her closer to that climax. I guided her hands so they just concealed the breast I’d only recently suckled on. Her other hand rested on her mound as I worked my way deeper into her crevice and manipulated her clit until she cried out and threw her head back.

I scampered back to the camera and clicked the first, then turned the camera back to the side and switched the film side to take the second. I rushed to Julie and held her as she shook and came down from her climax.

“I know… that you don’t… like, do it in the studio,” she gasped. “But we could go upstairs to the bedroom.”

It was tempting. I began pulling her robe together to conceal the bits I’d just been caressing, kissing, and fingering.

“That is a line I won’t cross with my sister’s girlfriend, or with my former girlfriend’s sister. But we got beautiful pictures.”


“I love her!” Kat said at dinner. “I’m supposed to go over tomorrow with my paint and she’ll just sit while I lay in the color. Just look at these sketches! She is perfect!”

“Well, I guess I’m okay with your brother then,” Julie said, a little snippily.

“Oh, honey. No, no, no, no. I don’t love her that way! I just love her as a model. She’s the first one other than you I’ve ever had who could just sit still while I sketched her. Do you know how rare you are?” Kat said. “Besides, I love you in a whole different way.”

“Do you?” Julie sniffed.

“You know I do, honey. And I’m going to show you how much tonight.”


“I am, sweetheart. I most surely am.”

I wasn’t sure what that was a promise of, but I had a feeling I didn’t want to be near.

“I think maybe I’ll go see Adrienne tonight. Everyone okay with that?” I said.

“I was going to suggest that,” Anna said. “I think your pet had inappropriate lustful thoughts today. That’s just based on what happened after Kat left.”

“Oh, my,” Ronda said. “Maybe I should go and uh… chaperone.”

“I know you’ll be good at that,” Patricia laughed. “Don’t be too hard on her. Anna and I will stay with Toni and make sure the little nymphets don’t get too noisy.”

“Good luck with that,” I whispered. Ronda and I dressed and headed to our mistress’s hotel.

There wasn’t much I could do to punish my slave for having lustful thoughts about my sister. After all, I’d had lustful thoughts about my sister’s girlfriend and probably did more with those thoughts than Adrienne had. However, punishment was expected, so while Fifi’s head was buried between Ronda’s thighs, I gave her three quick smacks on her bottom and then shoved my dick in as Ronda went over the top on Fifi’s tongue.

We only had another couple of days with Adrienne before she’d drive off to the airport in her rental car. And Sunday, Kat and Julie would be driving the other direction to go home.

But Friday, I had to drive into Toronto to pick up Rachel at the airport.


“I am so excited!” Rachel said. “Will I have time to see shows and meet people?”

“Definitely,” I laughed as I tossed her bag in the back of Patricia’s car and we headed back to Stratford. “You remember Kathleen, who got us the costumes and props for your photoshoot last summer. She’s directing our performance and is very excited to see you again.”

“She excites me, too,” Rachel giggled. “I just love the designs Leanne and Judy sent me. I know I met Leanne when she was working on Sam. I didn’t get a chance to meet Judy.”

“She came in a couple of months after you were here. We did a nice photo of Olivia Dunn. In fact, I did a sitting with Olivia just this week,” I said. “She looked at the drawing Leanne and Judy did for your work and also loved it.”

“It’s exciting to be here for this. Can I really put it on my resume?”

“Yes. It’s an official performance during the Festival. And you can list Kathleen Thomas as your director. She’s in a couple of good roles this summer, but I think she wants to get into directing and producing.”

“She’s so beautiful. I’m surprised you didn’t just get her to do this part. And I don’t even have any lines to memorize!” Rachel laughed.

When I got her back to Stratford, we all got ready to go out to dinner. It was a special evening to welcome Rachel and to say goodbye to Adrienne. And it was probably our goodbye dinner for Kat and Julie. Of course, Adrienne had rented a car for her time in Stratford, so I didn’t need to take her to the airport Saturday. I supposed that I needed to explain things to Rachel.

“Rachel, this is my sister Kat and her girlfriend Julie. While Leanne and I work on your makeup tomorrow, Kat will be with us sketching,” I said. “She’s done some pretty remarkable pieces and takes every opportunity to sketch a new model.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Kat,” Rachel said. “Are you studying somewhere?”

“I’m still in high school, but I’ve been accepted at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and plan to start there next year,” Kat said. She’d answered the question so many times it was easy for her these days.

“I’m originally from Minneapolis!” Rachel said. “I adore the Art Institute. I’ve been talking to some people about moving back there next year to work with the Moppets. We’d like to incorporate a regular children’s theatre company and are negotiating with the Art Institute to cooperate in programs with them.”

“Cool. We might be neighbors!” Kat said.

“Rachel, I’d also like to introduce you to Adrienne. Adrienne is our mistress.” I’d become rather used to introducing Adrienne, just as Kat had been answering questions about her school. Still the answer seemed to give people pause.

“Your… um…”

“Our,” I emphasized as Anna, Ronda, and Patricia each kissed Adrienne.

“Aunt Addi!” Toni said, giving Adrienne a big kiss and hug. Adrienne carried her to the table and sat beside her.

“You have an interesting family,” Rachel said.

“You should see the painting Kat did of Adrienne this week.”

I sat beside Adrienne and Ronda joined me. Patricia, of course, was on the other side of Toni and Anna was next to her. Rachel sat between Ronda and Kat, with Julie between Kat and Anna.

The evening was genial. Rachel didn’t let her surprise at meeting my sister and my mistress show much, and engaged in a lively conversation with Kat about Minneapolis.

“Maybe we can work something out when you come to Minneapolis,” Rachel said. “My parents are trying to convince me to move back home. They say that now my youngest sister has decided to go to Florida for college, they are afraid their big old house is going to be empty and they’ll have to sell it. I could promote the idea of filling the house back up for them and you’d have the required crazy parents to sponsor you.”

“That would be so cool!” Kat exclaimed. “Would your parents be okay with… um… Julie and me… you know.”

“Oh! I see. It might interest you to know that Minnesota is one of the hotspots in the country for the drive for gay rights. Seattle, of course, is another. I think my parents would be proud to host a lesbian couple. It would score big points among the intelligentsia. You could only please them more if you demonstrated against the war.”

“I do. You know Nate is a draft resister. He’s even suing the draft board in Huntertown.”

“Not me personally. I just pointed out some inequities on the board and the community started a class-action suit. There have been some demonstrations,” I clarified.

“We’ve all joined the demonstrations,” Kat said.

“My parents will love you!”


I spent a very gentle and loving night with Adrienne. The girls took Rachel home and got her settled in the second guest room.

“I’m so happy you’ve agreed to come to LA,” Adrienne said as we lay naked in bed, petting each other. “Over Exposure has recouped enough of the budget that our sponsor has given the green light to script development of a sequel. I believe Frank is bringing in a new writer. Part of our sponsor’s requirements for the sequel was that Joe had to be caught. Bert resisted.”

“I have to agree. It’s just too spooky to think there’s a murderer and child molester running around free as an upstanding member of the community. I hope they can do it without actually killing off Fran’s character.”

“Speak loudly in the meetings.”

“You know what’s best?” I asked. “I’ll have a whole week in the arms of my pet, Fifi. Once school starts, who knows when I’ll have that opportunity again.”

“I will do my best to make opportunities happen. I’ll miss Anna, Patricia, and Ronda. And, of course, little Toni. She’s growing so fast.”

“I see it every day. Do you want children, Adrienne?”

“Oh no, Master. I cannot get pregnant and would not be a good mother if I could. I do not want to raise a child who might end up like me.”

“Are you unhappy?”

“No. Sometimes I am ashamed. I know people look at my lifestyle and think I am a twisted person. I wouldn’t want a child to grow up with that sense of shame. Either of herself or of me.”

“I am not ashamed of you, my beloved pet. I am thankful for you every day of my life.”

We made love again that night and again in the morning before I helped carry her bags to the car and kissed her goodbye, as she headed toward Toronto to catch her plane.


“This is a fitting,” Judy said when we got started Saturday morning. “It’s our first opportunity to try on the costume pieces and makeup. We’ll undoubtedly make adjustments as we go.”

“In this piece, a lot of the costume is makeup,” Leanne picked up the thread. “Most of your body will be painted. Even where physical costume pieces go. In other words, you’ll be naked most of the time we’re working on you. People will see us transform you into a satyr, but they will start off by seeing what a luscious body you have to build on.”

“I’m learning the specifics of this design as we rehearse today. We won’t work on poses until tomorrow’s rehearsal in the theatre,” I said. “While we’re working today, though, Julie will be taking some reference photos for us and Kat will be sketching different phases of the process. Kathleen will be observing to make suggestions and mark up her script with music cues and narration.”

“I guess I’m ready. Do you want me to just strip?” Rachel asked.

“We’ll take care of you, honey,” I whispered as I reached up to fluff her hair. Judy deftly took it from my hands and tied it up so Leanne could step in and begin painting Rachel’s face.

I unbuttoned the oversize shirt, which I knew was all Rachel was wearing to start with. I’d given it to her before we came down to the studio. I’d found her in the apartment, as naked as my other girlfriends and Julie. Kat still submitted to wearing a T-shirt and panties when I was expected to be around. I knew she shunned them when I was going to be away—like last night.

I worked with the spray brush to put the even base coat all down her body. In the process, I held her breasts, rubbing the nipples to get them hard before I sprayed right over them, then down her stomach and legs. Judy took the spray brush from me and did Rachel’s back while I started the mottled pattern on Rachel’s shoulders and upper chest.

“I was going to ask if you wanted me to shave… you know… my pubic hair.”

“Oh no,” Leanne said. “If I’d thought it all through, I’d have had you stop shaving your underarms and legs, too. But with this costume, if you shaved your lower lips, we’d have to put a merkin on you.”

“What’s that?”

“A pubic wig,” Judy explained. “They were used in a variety of old performances to hide the more delicate parts of the female anatomy in nude shows.”

“When did that happen?” I laughed. I’d never heard the term.

“Oh, back in the 1600s or something,” Judy said. “Nude art has been around for a long time. Do you think we should glue hair to her underarms?”

“No. I think we can get along with that anachronism,” Leanne said. Rachel’s eyes were wide as they discussed her body hair.

“I’m going to add the tail now,” Judy said.

Rachel gasped and rose on her tiptoes for a moment as Judy ran her fingers up Rachel’s crack, passing her anus on the way to the tip of her tailbone.

“Like that?” Judy asked.

“It was… um… surprising,” Rachel said.

“It can be a real treat with your lover,” Judy said. “You should ask Nate to initiate you if you haven’t had it there before.”

“You mean with his cock? Would it even fit?”

“Needs a little lubrication, but yeah. It fits.”

I glanced over at my sister but she seemed unaffected by the conversation. I rubbed the rosier paint I had around Rachel’s nipples, areolae and out a good inch beyond onto her breast. It made it look like she had huge areolae. It was also fun to play with Rachel’s nipples and watch her respond. Leanne finished the rather complex stippling of Rachel’s face and applied the jewels to her forehead. The five little stones looked like a kind of headdress, but they were glued directly to Rachel’s skin.

“All yours,” Leanne said. She moved down to do the feet and ankles as Judy took over arranging Rachel’s hair, horns, and ears. I moved down to the stomach, leaving the tantalizing breasts. As I painted the stomach, I kept a hand pressed against Rachel’s mound and felt her subtly shift her pelvis to rub against it. With most of the painting done, Judy fastened the sheepskin legs around Rachel’s waist and below her knees. There was a fastener that connected the sides between her thighs, as well, and we had to touch up with a bit of the spray paint to even out the color there. Finally, I fastened the leather gauntlets around her wrists and Judy put her shoulder harness on. We stepped back to admire our work.

Kat moved in closer and started sketching rapidly on a large sheet of paper, then she turned the page and had Rachel turn around so she could sketch the back. The little goat tail at the base of her tailbone was cute. Julie took pictures all the way around.

“Hmm. That only took three hours,” Kathleen said. “We need to speed some of it up. What can we do?”

“The costume and most of the detail paint needs to be done on stage in order to have the transformation,” Leanne said. “But we could start with the foundation already in place. It took Nate and Judy a long time just to spray the base coat on.”

“I agree,” I said. “I’m surprised it only took us three hours. It seemed like it took forever.”

“Not to mention, I have to go pee,” Rachel said. “Does the whole thing look as good as the sketches?”

“Check it in the mirror on your way to the bathroom,” I suggested.

We heard her exclamation of delight before the bathroom door closed.

“We have the studio tomorrow morning. John will be there to watch and put together ideas for the scenery. Are there any props?” Kathleen asked.

“I thought about having an instrument of some kind,” Judy said. “Didn’t satyrs love music?”

“That would be good,” Kathleen said. “Let’s talk to props and see what they have. Also, I expected some greenery to appear, like she’d just gotten up from a nap in the woods.”

“That would be good. In fact, the ivy in her hair could connect to the instrument—maybe a horn of some kind.”

“She needs a manicure and pedicure,” Kat said. We turned toward my sister. “Her nails don’t look right. They’re just pretty little girl polish. The nails should be longer and maybe bright red or black.”

“That’s a great idea, Kat. We have a manicurist at the theatre. Maybe the nails should be pointed a little, too. We can do false nails,” Leanne said.

“Um… not to be in a hurry or anything, but how do I get all this off?” Rachel asked, returning to us. “I assume the idea is to do this over and over, not once and for all.”

“We’ll take off the costume pieces, jewels, horns and ears,” Judy said.

“The paint is all water soluble, so it should wash off in the shower,” Leanne said. “I’m sure if you want Nate to help you make sure it’s all clean, he will. Or, of course, you could come home with Judy and me and we’d make sure you were very clean.”

“Oh. Well. Thank you, I guess. Nate… um… would you mind washing my back. And stuff?”

“Sure, Rachel. Let’s go get your stuff squeaky clean and then go to the show tonight. Volpone is playing and we have tickets for everyone,” I said. “Thanks to Kathleen and Damien.”

“We’ll want you all to come out to the café after the show,” Kathleen said. “Everyone wants to wish Kat and Julie safe travels home tomorrow.”


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