Over Exposure

Coming Out


“Rebecca” by Photopictures, ID656469706 licensed from Shutterstock.com


KATHLEEN HAD KINDLY brought dinner with her. Dinner for two. We weren’t going up to the apartment. We sat in the dressing room and talked while we were eating the carry out Chinese food from a hole-in-the-wall restaurant on the other side of town.

“This is really good,” I said as I shoveled in some noodle dish that had a lot of spice in it.

“The place will surprise you,” she answered. “Of course, if we were in London, England, I’d have brought Indian food. Curry is very popular there.”

“I’m glad to know it isn’t all fish and chips,” I laughed. “I think I’ll be going over there in January.”

“Really? How wonderful. I’ll be your guide!”

“As much as I’d like that, it’s a school program to study abroad for three weeks. If it’s like the one I did in Australia last winter, about every minute will be planned. They can be pretty demanding,” I said.

“Well, I’ll want to see you anyway.”

“You’re planning to be in London this winter?”

“Yes. Damien is directing a show on the West End and promised to make me a star in England. We’ll see. He’s really quite wonderful, you know.”

“I’m glad things are working out for you.”

“Yes, I guess.”

“What’s up, Kathleen?”

“I’m here tonight because I promised to be absent for Damien tonight so he could play.”

“You mean with someone else?” I asked. I didn’t understand exactly how the relationship between Kathleen and Damien worked. They lived together, but seemed pretty casual about who the other saw.

“Yes. He’s finally getting his little fantasy fulfilled,” Kathleen laughed. “The Weird Sisters are spending the night with him.”

“My God! There might be nothing left of him in the morning.”

“That’s true enough. He’s actually considering mounting a production of The Bacchae with the three of them leading the Chorus,” Kathleen said.


“No. I think his ‘vision’ is too advanced for Stratford. He’s even contacting some pop musicians to see if they’ll write music and turn it into a rock musical. Who wouldn’t rush to see a rock musical about twelve naked nymphs tearing the king of Thebes apart limb from limb? I think his vision for that show is what will keep the Weird Sisters from totally destroying him tonight. Though he might not be able to walk in the morning.”

“How do you handle it, Kathleen? I should know about this stuff. Heaven knows my three girlfriends are often enough waiting while I play with another girl. But I don’t understand what it is that keeps us from falling into insane jealousy. Even Min…”

“…Min is being entertained by Patricia and Anna tonight,” Kathleen interrupted. “This isn’t an entirely spontaneous event. Ronda is planning to join you and me later on.”

“Join us?”

“It’s a good thing you have two guest rooms.”

“Oh.” What else could I say. Kathleen and I had certainly fooled around before, but never slept together. I had to say, however, her blowjob skills were superb.

“First, though, I want a new set of pictures. Work some Attic Allure magic on me, Nate.”


I’m not sure I would have called it magic, but we certainly had some fun. I grabbed random props from the selection we had and then thought up ridiculous scenes to put Kathleen in. It wasn’t too long before she was running around helping me put up a new backdrop while she was completely naked. I took full advantage of the opportunities to touch and caress her as I put her in poses.

“This nipple needs to be just a bit harder.” “Can we moisten these lips a little with my tongue?” “Let me check to be sure the vulva isn’t exposed when you are bending over.” That’s the idea.

About eight o’clock, Ronda tiptoed into the studio and before I even saw her, she’d taken all her clothes off.

“I hope you haven’t gotten too far along without me,” she said. “I had to get Toni to sleep and wait for Patricia, Anna, and Min to get home from their dinner before I could escape.”

“You’re just in time,” I said. “I was just trying to figure out what to have Kathleen do with this odd-shaped ball on a handle. I have no idea what it is, but it’s very pretty.”

“I’ve never seen one like that,” Ronda said. “It’s far more ornate than most. Oh, look! The handle screws off and you can store needles in it.”

“Needles? What for?” Kathleen asked.

“This is a darning ball,” Ronda explained. “Mrs. Hardesty actually made us learn to darn a hole in silk stockings in our Home Economics class in high school.”

“Hmm. I was thinking I could use it for something else on a cold lonely night,” Kathleen said, placing the darning ball between her legs.

“Wait!” I said. “That could make a sexy picture, but between your legs is too explicit. How about lying back and doing a little stroking of your cheeks and breasts with it. Just think about putting it between your legs.”

I got behind the camera and took the first picture, then moved to Kathleen and repositioned the ball right at her nipple. I bent to her and kissed the other nipple. She caught her breath.

“There we go. Got that nipple excited, didn’t we?”

“No kidding. Don’t we have enough photos now? Shouldn’t we move to the next step?” she asked.

“I suppose I should get this film in the tank and get it processed,” I sighed.

Kathleen and Ronda looked at each other, then each took one of my arms.

“Leave it until tomorrow, lover,” Ronda said. “Kathleen is our overnight guest tonight. I don’t want to start without you.”

I was led up the stairs and through the apartment to the second guest room. There I was divested of my clothes and two luscious girls started feasting on my body as I enjoyed theirs. Kathleen and I had played around before and brought each other to orgasms, but sinking into her wet pussy with my cock was a real treat. I rolled to my back, so Kathleen was posting on top of me, and Ronda planted her pussy on my mouth as she and Kathleen petted and kissed each other. It was definitely a three-way orgasm when it hit.

While I was recovering from a massive come, Ronda and Kathleen managed a sixty-nine that was pretty enticing. I kissed and petted the girls, finding both assholes with my hands as they licked each other. I knew what that did to Ronda but wasn’t sure how it would affect Kathleen. She sat bolt upright on Ronda’s face, sinking my finger in to the second knuckle and started coming hard. She rolled off Ronda, passed out. That gave me the opportunity to get between Ronda’s legs and make love to my girlfriend.


It was a little mysterious for Toni in the morning. She came bounding into our bedroom to wake me up. She kissed Ronda as my lover came awake and then looked at Kathleen.

“Not Aunt Addy,” she said, looking at me.

“No, honey. You know Kathleen. She just spent the night with us.”

Toni stood on our bed with her hands on her hips, looking at Kathleen.

“You have to go home now,” she said, much to my surprise. “Aunt Addy coming.”

“Yes, honey,” I said, giving my little girl a cuddle. “But Aunt Addy won’t be here until this afternoon. Why don’t we all get dressed and go out for breakfast?”


“Yes, honey. That Scottish Café.”

“Okay. I get Mommy and Mommy and Min Min dressed.” She turned to Kathleen and nodded. “You can stay, but we got to get dressed for breakfast.”

“Okay,” Kathleen squeaked.

Toni ran out of our bedroom yelling, “Mommy! Mommy! Min Min! We get dressed for breakfast.”

I glanced at the clock. No one particularly wanted to be up and dressing at seven o’clock, but some days, our little girl made the rules.


“Aunt Addy, did you lose something?” Toni asked when we opened the door to Adrienne’s hotel room. Adrienne, of course, was naked and kneeling on the floor ten feet inside the door. She looked panic-stricken. Toni rushed to her to hug her. “I help look,” she exclaimed.

“Oh, Miss Toni! I just found it. I was looking for you!” Adrienne said, recovering. Patricia and I started laughing.

“Did you think I was lost? I’m not little! I’m…” Toni focused on getting the right fingers on her hand held up. “…three many.”

Patricia and I finally got to Adrienne and pulled her to her feet for hugs and kisses. By the time we were finished, Toni was out of her clothes.

“Clothes, Mommy and Daddy.”

“Oh, dear. Did I…?”

“Don’t worry, honey. We’re nude in our apartment most of the time, so Toni just assumes we will be nude here as well. Which is probably true most of the time, but we’re planning dinner out tonight and a show, so all our little girls need to get dressed,” I said. Patricia was on the floor explaining to Toni that we were going out for dinner and needed to get dressed. I led Adrienne into the bedroom of the hotel suite and, amidst more kisses and caresses, managed to get her dressed so we could go out. It probably took longer than if I’d just let her get ready by herself.


“Toni has been so excited about you coming to visit her that she hasn’t been able to sit still for a minute today. She came in and woke us all up for breakfast at seven this morning because her Aunt Addy was coming,” I explained as we walked over to the Windsor House Restaurant. “While we set rules and do a pretty good job of teaching our little imp, there are times when it is better to just go with the flow and do what she wants to do. We usually have more fun that way.”

“I am at your command, Master. If you tell me my visit this week is to all be entertaining Miss Toni, I will do my best,” Adrienne said.

“Shh, now. If Patricia hears you say that, it might give her ideas,” I laughed. “Ah, here are Anna and Ronda. We thought all meeting you at the hotel might be a little overwhelming.”

“It only took one little girl to overwhelm me,” Adrienne laughed. She dipped her head to greet Ronda and Anna. Of course, they hugged her and kissed her, right out on the street. People laughed as they passed us.

We got into the restaurant for our early dinner and then headed over to the Festival Theatre to see Volpone. It was always fresh and by the end of the first act, Toni was fast asleep. Patricia and Anna left and took her home. That left Ronda and me to walk Adrienne back to the hotel and spend the night with her.

The Adrienne we knew and loved came out to play. Having Kathleen to play with the night before was new and novel, but Adrienne knew the games Ronda and I liked to play. Fifi was soon on top of Ronda with her face in my girlfriend’s pussy, and her pussy settled on Ronda’s face. That gave me the perfect target to bury my cock in our mistress’s butt. I think watching that will always send Ronda over the hill in ecstasy. Or it could have been Fifi’s finger in Ronda’s butt that did it.


Ronda and I had a relaxing day with Adrienne on Saturday that included breakfast at That Scottish Café. Damien and Kathleen joined us there. They both wanted a full description of the movie—something they considered they couldn’t get from me.

Adrienne turned to me.

“May I?” she asked.

“Of course, my dear. I’m interested in the news myself. I haven’t heard a thing about the film since we released it in May,” I said.

Adrienne immediately changed persona from my obedient slave to that of studio executive, speaking on behalf of our sponsor.

Over Exposure had a budget of $700,000,” she began. “To date, it has earned over $800,000 in box office receipts. It has entered residual payments and is expected to gross well over $1 million. Our sponsor is pleased and has given the green light to exploration of a sequel. Pending approval of a concept, the movie will begin filming next summer. They’re bringing in another writer to work with Bert on expanding his original concept. It is not yet clear who will direct, but Fran Carter and Lyle Patterson have been contracted to play the leads.”

“The way they were spending money, I thought it must have a much bigger budget than that,” I laughed. “Shoot! I made… a bundle.”

“Yes, but you will not be receiving residuals. Our four major actors, director, and producer will be receiving checks for many years. I would guess, however, that your association with Hollywood is not yet over,” Adrienne said.

“I guess that’s good,” I said. “I need continued excuses to travel to LA so I can see my mistress.”

“I will always be waiting for you, master.”

“You are so cute!” Kathleen exclaimed. “Adrienne, we hardly had time for a cup of tea and a chat last summer. Please, may we have some time while you are here? I would like to talk to you about our concept for the next performance piece Nate and his crew will be putting up.”

“I can hardly say that we put it up,” I laughed. “You put together the entire concept and storyline for the last one. And Damien for the one before.”

“And our producer—sitting on my left—has approved me as director of the next one, with your consent,” Kathleen said. Damien smirked. “Of course, he’s insisted that he get some say in our script.”

“We’re doing a female satyr for the next show,” I explained to Adrienne. “You should see Judy and Leanne’s concept sketches. We have an actress coming in from Seattle for the performance.”

“It sounds exciting,” Adrienne said. “Master, may I have time to meet with Kathleen?”

“Absolutely, Fifi. I learned to be thankful for all your consulting on the film. I’ll be thankful for this as well. I think, however, that Toni has reserved her ‘day off’ Sunday to spend with you. She wants to show you some of her favorite things in Stratford. I hope you like horses.”


Anna had been making appointments for me I was unaware of. I was finally finished with all the production photography except our final performance art. It had already been a profitable summer, just from the work for the Festival. But it seemed there was a backlog of actors who wanted custom photoshoots and I was starting with them first thing on Monday.

I was surprised to find John at the studio at nine in the morning with scenery for my first shot.

“What is all this?” I asked.

“Rebecca Parsons is coming for a shoot today,” John said. “She hand-selected a few items for her scene and asked me to put it together for her. I did get it cleared with Anna.”

“Anna’s the boss. I haven’t been paying attention to the schedule lately. My bad. So, what do we have to work with?”

“I have a floor, first,” John said. “One of those nice painted pieces that come in 4x8 sheets. Give me a hand?”

“You bet.”

It wasn’t a huge amount. Four 4x8 sheets of plywood that fit together to make an 8x16 wooden floor. It was perfectly matched, so I couldn’t really tell where the sheets were separated. Then we brought in a background of a paneled wall, with a large window that went floor to ceiling on one side. The window was frosted so we couldn’t see through it, but I could light behind it to create different moods. Then there was the wardrobe. That was the heaviest piece. It was about eight feet tall with legs and an ornate top. The doors were a wire mesh and actually didn’t have either a glass or plastic panel behind them. Of course, John had a frosted plexiglass panel that would fit in each door, depending on how I decided to use it.

Finally, we brought in a dressing table and chair. The table had a mirror and there was a box of props, like a perfume bottle, hand mirror, powder box, brushes, and such. It was makeup with a decidedly antique appearance to it.

“That’s everything. Anna said I can pick this up and change it out to Wednesday’s setting tomorrow. Good luck.”

“Thanks, John. I can hardly wait until I see what is coming in for the picture.”

“Well, not as beautiful as Min, by any means,” he sighed. “Time was too short with Min here. I think I’d like to have dated her for a few weeks and then invited her to move in with me. I’m daydreaming, of course. She was way out of my league.”

“You should keep in touch,” I said. “She had a lot of fun going out with you. Who knows what might develop.”

“Thanks. I’ll talk to her. She did give me her phone number.”

John left and by the looks of it he was a whipped puppy. When I saw Min this fall, I’d ask her more detailed questions.


Rebecca was rather plain and slight. Her setting looked far more elaborate than she was and I was immediately worried that it would overshadow her. She had a little suitcase with her, so I showed her to the dressing room and sat to talk with her.

“You had a rather elaborate setting brought in,” I said. “It’s lovely. Tell me about what you would like.”

“I’m a mouse,” she began. “I’ve always been a mouse. I have a mousy little body, mousy hair, and a squeaky mousy little voice. I thought I was happy being a mouse.”

“I don’t think you need to be a mouse,” I said cautiously. “I find that is more often an attitude than an actual appearance.”

“That’s what she said.”

“She said? Who?”

“I work in the costume department. I’m not a designer or anything. I just sew. That’s where I met Judy. She kept telling me impossible stories about how you change girls who come to you for portraits. Then I saw the picture of the Weird Sisters. So, I went to talk to Judy some more. She’s really sweet, you know? I… well, I told her I was tired of being a mouse and she asked if I wanted her to help me. I might yet. She’s really sweet, you know? I guess I said that. She said to come to you and let you show me like I really am. She helped me go to John and pick set pieces. This isn’t just a photo; it’s my coming out photo. That’s what the wardrobe is for. I’m coming out as not just a mouse. And the window—that’s because I want the world to see. Can you make me not be a mouse, Nate?”

I looked at her critically and didn’t see anything really mousy about her face. Her hair was a little stringy, but was cut short. It was almost black, parted near the middle, and longer in front than in back. Her eyes were deep set. She had cupid’s bow lips and for a moment I imagined kissing them. There was definitely a beauty hiding out in this mouse.

“Do you have anything against makeup? I’d like to do some adjustments if I may.”

“No. I’m not very good at makeup, but Judy said you’d do my makeup for me.”

Judy said. Again.

“Um… she said that to get the best photo, I should put myself in your hands. I think she meant literally.”

“Let me ask, do you want artistic nude photos?” I asked.

“Yes. That’s how I want to come out of the closet… or wardrobe. Um… Judy said you’d touch me. She said you’d bring out the beauty in me. If you can do that, you can touch me anywhere you want,” she said. Her breath was coming faster and I could see she was both nervous and excited about the possibilities.

“Did Judy also tell you that I have a rule against having sex in the studio or with a model?” I asked.

“Oh. Yeah, but…”

I thought for a moment she was going to hyperventilate and pass out. I touched her cheek and her eyes closed.

“She said almost every girl who came to your studio in Illinois had an orgasm,” Rebecca panted. “I can’t believe that. I’ve never had one. At least I don’t think I have. It wasn’t very memorable anyway. But I’m not just here for an orgasm. I don’t think they really exist. I want photos that will show how… um… sexy I can be.”

It finally dawned on me. I wish Judy had briefed me as thoroughly as she’d briefed Rebecca. Rebecca was like my classmate Libby. She was ready to blossom into an incredible beauty with the right touch. Yes, there was a passion seething just below the surface in Rebecca. That intensity in her eyes. It excited me.

“Let’s look at what you brought to wear and then I’ll do your makeup to highlight it,” I said.

“Oh,” she said. “When I made the appointment, your assistant Anna gave me the release to sign.” She handed me the release and I noticed it was marked as a model session with immediate release.

“Are you sure you want to let me release your photos to the public?” I asked.

“It’s my coming out party,” she nodded.

“Then let’s get started.”


I probably spent more time on her makeup than I usually do. I brushed her hair and then I ruffled it again. It looked better a little unkempt. And I didn’t try to cajole any big smiles out of her. I felt the slight look of wonder and innocence on her face was perfect for her.

As to the costumes she brought, they were nothing particularly special and she let me undress and dress her. When I got her out of her clothes, I was stunned. I thought back to Ruth Mitchell having pulled one over on me when she posed pretending to not know how to dress when she was indeed a fashion maven. I turned Rebecca toward the mirror and stood behind her.

“Rebecca, are you truly unaware of how beautiful you are?” I asked as I held her shoulders and slid my hands down her arms.

“I’m not beautiful like Olivia or Kathleen or the Weird Sisters,” she said shaking her head.

“No, you aren’t. You are in a whole different class of beauty. When they see your photos, they will be jealous.”

“Oh no!” she said. “I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

“Is that why you have always stayed covered up and mousy?” I asked. She nodded. “Rebecca, I see a lot of beautiful women. I spent the past two weeks with Min Chen, making her up for her performance last weekend.”

“I saw it. She is so beautiful!”

“She is. I took photos of Kathleen last week. My mistress, Adrienne, is in town and she is exquisite. And my three girlfriends are all incredibly beautiful. You’d think I would become used to beautiful women nude with me. But there isn’t one of them who is more beautiful than what I see in front of me. Your skin is flawless. Your breasts are perfect.” I turned her as I held her breast and looked at her profile. “The curve of your back and bottom are incredibly sensual. Even the shape of your legs is perfection. How could you ever doubt your beauty?”

My hands were roaming her body freely, just touching the shape and texture of this beautiful mouse.

“I’m just me. I’m nothing special,” she insisted. “I’m going to act all sophisticated and beautiful and then people will forget I’m really a mouse.”

I turned her in my arms and kissed her, starting slowly but not easing up. Before long we were engaged in a passionate kiss as I stroked her breasts and even strayed across her pussy. She was panting when I broke the kiss and seated her in front of me.

“You will never have to act,” I said. “There is no mouse here. You are sophisticated and beautiful. A million men and nearly as many women would die for your kiss. To touch you like I am would be like journeying to Mecca. It would be a pilgrimage every man would want to make before he dies. Just once to have you look at him with the slightest acceptance in your eyes.” I kissed her again. “I’m sorry. I ruined your lipstick and I need to refresh it. Then we need to get you ready for your first photo before I forget why you are here.”

“You might need to touch up my mascara, too. I could just cry!”

“There now. None of that. Later, if you need to cry because you are so beautiful, there will be time for that. Now, it is time for the beauty to come out of the closet.”

I dressed her in a nice sweater and short skirt. I wanted a couple of portrait shots of her and decided not to pull a neutral background down for them. The backlit window made a perfect backdrop for her. And then I simply removed all her clothes and shot the next two hours with her completely nude. I shot black and white in the Hasselblad and color slides in the Nikon. But for those few perfect nude portraits, I shot color transparencies in the 4x5.

I made sure she was always stroked and praised after every pose. Soon she was completely relaxed and inviting my touches more than tolerating them. The coming out poses in the wardrobe were magnificent, but the poses lounging in the windowsill were also fantastic. No one would ever imagine this model believed she was mousy. I’d want a full set of them for my gallery.

When I finished with that last pose, I swept in and picked her up to carry to the dressing room. I sat on the fainting couch with her on my lap and kissed and petted her. When I parted her legs with my fingers, I found her wet and ready. She was panting as I bent to suck on her delightful little nipples and stimulate her clit. I let a finger drift into her opening and found no obstruction, so I inserted fully and worked on stimulating the upper side of her vagina as I used my thumb to excite her clitoris.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried. She did not sound at all mousy! She sucked in a huge breath and I saw her eyes roll up in her head. She went limp in my arms and I slowly removed my fingers from her pussy. I was sorely tempted to break my own rules, but I kept my pants zipped.

I was kissing her face and gently stroking her skin as she came awake.

“Beautiful, beautiful girl,” I said. “Never doubt how beautiful you are.”

“You made me feel beautiful.”

“When you see these photographs, you will never be able to doubt it again.”


I rushed the film down to Dave’s and we got it on a motorcycle to London for overnight processing. I couldn’t wait to see the pictures. As soon as I got back to the studio, I went straight to the darkroom and processed the black and white film. I printed proofs and then chose frames for enlargement. I didn’t bother starting at 8x10. I went straight to a 16x20 enlargement for my two favorites.

When I finally emerged from the darkroom, it was dark outside. Ronda was sitting in a comfortable chair next to the door of the darkroom.

“There you are, lover. I was afraid I’d fallen asleep and you’d slipped out past me,” she said.

I set the photos on the table and caught my sweetheart in my arms.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Nearly ten,” she said. “You’ve really been wrapped up in this project.”

“Oh, honey, she was so spectacular I don’t even care if I was played. These photos are excellent and tomorrow I’ll have works of art in color.”

“Let me see. Oh my! Oh, she’s beautiful. This is what you’ve spent all day on? Anna said you’d be amazed. She’s such a good judge of these things. Did you make love to her?” Ronda asked.

“No, honey. You know that.”

“But she had an orgasm, didn’t she?”

“She may have had several during the course of the afternoon, but the first one she truly recognized was after we finished.”

“Good. She’ll never doubt them again. These photos are just beautiful.”

“Anna will be upset with me. I was so anxious to get them printed that I wasted a dozen sheets of paper. I didn’t print a test strip. I was so excited to get the perfect picture, I just kept printing it until I got it right.”

“Oh, I think she’ll be okay with a few wasted sheets when she sees this. Come upstairs. Patricia’s all alone up there now that Toni is in bed.”

“Wow! Where is Anna?”

“Where do you think? Her pet has her for the night.”

“Her pet,” I chuckled.

“Oh, Adrienne loves us all. She had a great time with Patricia and Toni yesterday. They were out at the stable for most of the afternoon. She’s quite the horsewoman. But she doesn’t love any of us more than she loves Anna. If Anna told her to walk on water, she would die trying.”

“More likely, at Anna’s command, she would walk on water and never doubt that she could.”

“Well, tomorrow is your day with your Fifi. Be sure to treat her in a way that lets her know how much you love her.”

I knew what that meant. I’d need to do a little spanking in order to convince her that she was truly loved. What a weird way to be wired.

Patricia was waiting for us and insisted on running downstairs to see the new prints. She was just as enthused as Ronda had been. I ate a sandwich and then took my lovers to bed. In their typical way, they pumped me for details about what I’d done with my model and re-enacted certain key moments before completing the process and fucking me senseless.

What goes around comes around.


The first thing I did on Tuesday was run down to Pro Photo Source and pick up the slides. I indulged Dave with a slide show before I took them home to print. By the time I got out of the darkroom with a new poster-size print and the set of photos for Rebecca, Anna was home and Adrienne was waiting in the studio with her.

“Let us see,” Anna said, looking at the artwork. She immediately sent the large prints to the frame shop for matting. “Now, you have a pet to play with,” she said. “Go. We’ll have everything set for you for tomorrow afternoon’s sitting.”

I had my marching orders and the absolute delight of having Fifi on my arm. I didn’t even stay in town. I loaded my girl in the microbus and we headed to Windsor and the hotel I liked there. Once there, I bathed her and massaged her and pumped her for details about her night with Anna. My girlfriend had become quite the mistress, but left certain things to me.

“I am instructed to tell you of certain things I did in the company of Miss Anna that merit punishment, Master.” The girl was positively quivering with excitement. I looked at her and decided I’d get this started right away.

“Bring me your paddle, Fifi.”

She hurried to her suitcase and before she returned to me, she dropped her hotel robe so she was completely naked. She knelt and handed me the paddle with both of her hands.

“Now come here and let me examine that smooth round bottom I am going to spank,” I said. “Come and lie across my lap. You know how I love this bottom. Before I turn it red, I simply want to pet it and feel how perfect it is.”

Adrienne lay across my lap with that glorious ass in the air and my erection already trapped between us. She had a way of lying there so that one leg was up on the arm of the chair I was using and the other foot was on the floor, spreading herself open for me to touch and punish. First, I had to fully explore her bottom and dip into her crevice to find that she was already lubricating in anticipation of her punishment.

“Now my lovely pet, what were these terrible things that Miss Anna directed you be punished for?”

“Master, I used a bad word where Miss Toni might have heard me.”

Hmm. I was pretty sure that at one point or another Toni had already heard all the bad words we knew, but that was definitely something we all corrected each other for—though not with spanking. I brought the paddle down hard on her right butt cheek. It started turning red immediately and I wondered if I’d been too severe as she gasped.

“Thank you for disciplining your pet, Master,” she said.

“Now what was your next infraction?”

They were really ridiculously silly things and I could see that Anna and Adrienne had probably had a good time making them up. She’d been rude to the waitress at the restaurant. She’d walked through a doorway in front of Anna instead of behind her. She’d left her underwear drying in the bathroom. I personally hated that one and was constantly dodging panties and bras in our bathroom at home.

And so the list went until I’d given her the ninth swat.

“Is there any more?” I asked. “My arm is getting tired.”

“Just one, Master.” She was panting and I could feel her pussy juices leaking on my leg. She shifted her foot so she was spread wider and I knew my next target. “I had lunch with Kathleen yesterday and we had drinks. I was late meeting Miss Anna and smelled of alcohol.”

“Was that one or three?” I asked.

“As you wish, Master.”

I gave her a light swat on her thigh and could feel her relax in disappointment. Then I aimed carefully and placed a stinging blow across her pussy lips. She gasped and I could feel the shaking that heralded the onset of her orgasm. I dropped the paddle and quickly slid two fingers into her pussy and pressed my thumb into her asshole. Adrienne skyrocketed out of control, gasping, and crying out her orgasm.

I withdrew my fingers as she began to come down from her climax and petted her reddened bottom and thighs. She slid off my lap and sucked my cock into her mouth. She licked and looked up at me.

“Oh, Master, thank you for disciplining your Fifi. I know you don’t like to do it and it makes me even sorrier that I’ve displeased you and Mistress Anna. Master, you make me feel so loved. I love you. I love you, my master. Please, come in me or on me wherever you want. I am yours to do with as you please. Let me give you pleasure where you have suffered the pain of spanking me.”

It didn’t take long before Fifi was mounted on my cock right where I sat. Her legs were on either side of mine as she bounced on me and I kissed her and sucked on her nipples. And she came again twice more before I got my first.

It was the start of a very good night.


The photoshoot with Irene Kent on Wednesday afternoon was considerably more laid back than the shoot with Rebecca had been. Irene literally wanted a boudoir photo, so when John removed all Rebecca’s scenery, he installed a lovely bedroom with a luxurious bed. To help with sightline and visibility, he put it all on a sloping stage. As a result, I’d be shooting down on the scene most of the time. There was a tall arched window and drapes that fell from the window across the bed.

“You have a reputation for such beautiful work,” Irene said when I met her. She looked over the gallery and saw the pictures of Rebecca on the table. “My God! Is that…? It can’t be. That looks almost like Rebecca from the costume department. But she’s such a mousy little girl. Is it? Is it really her?”

“It is. And she is anything but a mousy little girl. She’s been told that so often and for so long that she believed it. I don’t think you’ll see her as mousy again,” I said.

“I’m almost reluctant to take my clothes off for a photo now that I’ve seen her. I don’t think anyone can measure up.”

“Don’t worry about that. I intend to bring out the very essence of the beauty of Irene Kent.”

“What can you do with minimal makeup?” she asked. “All my life, I’ve depended on makeup to be my presentation. When I awake in the morning, I immediately shower and put on my face. I never appear outside my bedroom without makeup. If I sleep with a man—or a woman, for that matter—I only remove my makeup to wash my face and then reapply it before my bedmate sees me. I want to strip away the façade and find out what lies beneath.”

“Well, shall we begin by removing your makeup, then?” I asked.

“You silly boy! I’ve told you this whole story to explain why I am sitting here with no makeup on! What? You can’t mean to say you thought I was wearing makeup! Looking like this?” she said.

“Irene, your face is beautiful. I simply assumed that you made it up to look so pretty.”

“I am particularly vain,” she said. “Continue the flattery like that and you are likely to end up in that bed with me.”

“I’m sure you’ve been informed that there is no sex in the studio, and I don’t date models,” I laughed. “On the other hand, with the way John has raked the platform for the angles, I might end up nearly on top of you to get the photos.”

“Wherever you need to be, Nate. How shall we begin?”


I wasn’t just flattering Irene. She was mature and I guessed her age at early thirties. She told me she was forty-one. Her complexion was clear. She had dirty blonde hair that hung just below her shoulders. Brown eyes looked out behind light brown eyelashes beneath sandy brows.

She wasn’t the stunning beauty I’d uncovered in Rebecca, though I could imagine that if she applied makeup religiously, she probably knew how to make the best of her features and step the look up a level or two. Still, there was beauty in this face that I didn’t think she could hide behind makeup.

She changed into a nightdress and robe and sat on the bed. I put her in several poses and then rummaged through the props for a white coffee cup for her to hold. I tossed a newspaper on the covers with her. As we worked, the poses became more alluring and seductive. The robe was dropped. The straps on the nightdress slipped off her shoulders. Eventually, I had her naked, but partially covered by the bedclothes and curtains.

“Now, the camera is your lover,” I said as I positioned myself above her. I had to take the 4x5 off the tripod and hold it for this shot. I hoped I was steady enough with the heavy camera. “Welcome the camera to your bed with you. Greet it as a lover.”

The smile she gave me as she reached out a hand was one of the most sexual and sensual expressions I’d ever seen. I could well believe she was welcoming a lover to her bed. The position of her arm made it look almost like she held the camera out away from her body to take the picture, or like she already had a hand on her lover’s neck as she welcomed him.

When I put aside the camera, she continued the gesture and I entered her embrace to kiss her.

“Hmm. I think I need to find a nice young photographer to take as a lover,” she whispered in my ear.

“Not this one, I’m afraid,” I sighed. “I know it would be a delight, but with three girlfriends and a mistress, my plate is overflowing with lovers. Let me take you to the dressing room now, so you can dress and get ready for your evening.”

I lifted her out of the bed and carried her to the dressing room while she continued to kiss me.

“I will still cherish the fantasy,” she said. “Now you have seen me as the natural lover you’ve taken to bed. It is time for me to put on the public Irene. Caress me once more so I can take this memory with me.”

I did caress her and kiss her more. Then I left her in the dressing room and prepared the film to take to Dave’s. I could have gotten there and back before Irene emerged from the dressing room. She was a different woman. Beautiful, yes, but with her full makeup on, she was more severe and I thought she looked a bit older in her makeup than without it. She left with a smile and a wave.


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