Heaven’s Gate

83 Little Brother

Cassie, indeed, had a fallback plan. She fell back onto me over and over.

“I’m thinking I might need another baby,” she whispered in my ear. “And this time I want to be certain.”

“Aren’t you certain about Ruth?” I chuckled. “I can’t believe that woman who came to see the school in August looked at the three of us and asked who the mother was.”

“I’ve been taking it out on her daughter,” Cassie laughed. “Who is really very sweet. And her mom volunteers in the classroom once a week. Without the volunteers, Renee, Brett, and I would be swamped.”

“I love you, Cassandra Ruth Clinton Whitaker. If our cónyuge agree, I will be happy to plant as many seeds in you as you can contain.”

“Mary is discussing it with Josh, but we’ve all talked about it before. She’ll have Josh’s and I’ll have yours. But since I’m not fertile yet… would you… do you mind doing the Courtney bump for a bit? Not all the way in but just… oh! Yes! Right… there!” I bumped Cassie’s beautiful asshole while I diddled her clit and felt her muscles fluttering on the tip of my cock. That was all it took to set me off with a powerful spurt. My cock wasn’t exactly in her butt, but all my semen was.


“Bonjour, Xan. Ça va?”

“Très bien, Tante Ciel. Et vous?”

“Bien. Je voudrai du pain, s’il vous plaît?”

“Oui, Mademoiselle.”

I just stared at Jessica and Xan as they conducted the transaction for a loaf of bread. Jessica was keeping her bargain with Xan to teach her French in exchange for lessons in sign language. Hands were moving at the same time as their mouths. It was more than I’d heard Xan say aloud in a long time.

“Are you off?” I asked Jessica.

“Yes. I’m headed for Paris for two weeks and I have to stop in New York on the way back. Conrad is putting together a deal to purchase a local agency so we have something to start with here instead of trying to begin from nothing. Don’t worry, Amy is meeting me at the airport. She’s enjoyed her vacation with that sergeant Whitney introduced her to. I promised to bring bread for the flight. It would be hilarious if I weren’t stopping in New York. Taking bread to Paris?” Jessica laughed.

I moved around the counter so I could give her a light kiss. In our time together over the two weeks since my birthday, we hadn’t been intimate. It was like we were starting over again.

“Travel safely and hurry back to us,” I said. She turned at the door and waved.

“Au revoir, ma petit!”

“Au revoir, Tante,” Xan responded. Xan didn’t speak aloud for the rest of the day.


“Papa, Mama Sam said to tell you it’s starting,” Xan said breathlessly. It was unusual for Xan to be so out of breath. It was only five o’clock and she’d obviously run from the house to the bakery. Only Matthew got there before her.

“What’s starting?” he asked.

“Well, my children, I would guess that Samantha’s labor has begun. That means her baby’s going to come, probably today,” I said.

“Oh. I knew that. I thought it was something else. Mama Sam is going to be surprised,” Xan said as if everyone should have known.

“I think she knows she’s going to have a baby, honey,” I laughed. “Is Mommy on her way? I can’t leave the bakery yet.”

“Mommy said she’ll be here soon and Mama Cass is coming, too.”

“And nobody’s gettin’ fat except Mama Cass,” I sang. Xan didn’t get it.

What a night it had been last night. In fact, all weekend. Cassie and I hadn’t had so much one-on-one sex with each other since she quit traveling with XX/XY as my personal assistant. She was still glowing when I left her in bed this morning. I was pretty happy myself. I was betting the seed had been planted.


The rest of the kids all arrived at five-thirty with Dani and Cassie. The kids were all surprised when I danced with Cassie all around the café tables while Dani laughed at us. I twirled Cassie around and then planted a big kiss on Dani.

“Fatherhood looks so good on you!” Dani said. She winked at Cassie who primped herself.

“I suppose I should go greet my new daughter,” I said.

“There’s no need to rush. Dawn says it will be a few hours yet. Hannah is with Sam and has already called all the production team and actors to cancel shooting for today. Hannah is not about to leave the mother of her child,” Cassie said.

“You should be able to finish the day’s baking before she even starts having serious contractions,” Dani said. “And just in case, I brought you your cell phone. And Cassie. I brought you Cassie in case you have to leave with a bun still in the oven.”

“I can take the bread out,” Matthew said. “Ellie can handle the cash register. We just need Aunt Cassie to make breakfast.” We laughed as the double meaning went over my son’s head.

“Yes, you can,” I told my son. He’d gained a good bit of height this fall and was actually as tall as Ellie now. “But I want a responsible adult with you when you do. You know, to protect the little ones and make sure no one gets in your way.” Matthew swelled up with pride. I was going to let him wield the peel, but I intended to be right there beside him.

“In the meantime, I’ll start breakfast cooking. Danielle, do you want to join us?” Cassie asked.

“What? And not eat my own cooking at the Heartthrob Café? Why, yes. I do want to join you.” My darlings began putting things together for breakfast as I put the cinnamon rolls in the oven and prepared to take the first batch of bread out of the brick ovens. Matthew, Ellie, C-Rae, and Xan helped in the kitchen by pouring and serving the younger kids their milk and juice. Matthew was cutting out cookies on one side of the marble table as I formed peasant loaves on the other side to rise before they went in the oven.

“Papa talk!” my kids all chorused. I thought about Hannah sitting and holding Samantha, and just started rattling things off the top of my head.


“Very funny,” Samantha said as I knelt between her legs with the baby in my hands. Hannah was alternating breathing with her and kissing her as she held our cónyuge. “Give me my daughter.” As labor goes, it had been pretty easy. The baby was born at two in the afternoon. Two-fourteen according to Dawn’s official record. I brought the baby to her chest as we waited for the cord to stop pulsing. Sam petted and cooed and I moved her hand down to feel…

“What’s this!?” she shouted. Dawn suctioned the mucous out of our child’s nose and a powerful cry followed. “My daughter has a penis! How can this be?”

“Honey, we have a son,” I said. I was choking back the laughter. There had never been a doubt in Samantha’s mind that she was having a daughter. Her mother said she only had sisters. Her mother’s mother only had sisters. As far as she knew, there had never been a male born in her matrilineal history.

“But what do I know about raising a boy? I have all little frilly girl clothes. I have a pink blanket. How am I going to explain why he’s named Beth Ann?” That did it. Even Hannah and Dawn lost it. We all started laughing and even Samantha’s tummy and boobs started bouncing up and down. I think even our son was laughing as he tried to capture a nipple with his questing lips.

“We are not naming our son Beth Ann,” I said. “That is not negotiable.”

“Look how big and strong he is,” Hannah said. “I’m going to teach you to throw a ball and roller skate and ride a bicycle and race barrels and…”

“You can cut the cord now,” Dawn interrupted. There was a sploosh as Samantha expelled the afterbirth and Hannah crimped and cut the umbilical cord. After a quick cleanup and cover-up, the door opened and Sly and Lily rushed into the room.

“Where’s our little one?” Sly demanded. He rushed to one side of the bed and kissed his daughter and then kissed Hannah. Neither girl was completely covered, but no one cared. Lily rolled onto the bed from the other side.

“Where’s my granddaughter?”

“Um… Mom, Dad. There’s been a change in plans. Let me introduce you to your grandson, Brian Robert Frost Jr.,” Sam said. Both Lily and Sly made unintelligible noises that were echoed by me.

“What? What did you name our son?” I said.

“You did this to me. You gave me a son instead of a daughter. You get to live with the consequences. If I can’t have a Beth Ann, I’ll have a Brian,” Samantha declared.

Lily managed to extract the baby from Samantha, leaving her nipple waving in the air. Sly gently reached across and covered her then realized Hannah was topless, too. He pulled the covers up around both of them. While Lily held the baby, Dawn quickly did the measurements. He was a big boy. Twenty-one inches and eight-and-a-half pounds. Lily wrapped little Brian up in a soft blanket and handed him to Sly. I’ve never seen such a proud grandpa. He gently pulled the sheet down from his daughter’s breasts and laid her son back on them.

“At least you’re well-equipped to feed the little guy,” he chuckled.

“Daddy!” Hannah and Samantha said at the same time. We all laughed. My son managed to get the nipple in his mouth again and fell asleep.


I had a son.

Well, I had two for sure. Matthew and Brian Jr. There was a fifty-fifty chance that Robert was my son as well, but in spite of us never making a test, we all believed Josh had impregnated Mary the first time. And they were working as hard at it the second time as Cassie and I had been. I considered both Whitaker children mine, whether I fathered them or Josh did. That made ten children of which three were boys and seven girls. Just Samantha’s luck to get a boy instead of a girl.

Hannah was ecstatic. She had no idea what to do with a girl aside from licking Sam to orgasm whenever she could. But she knew boy stuff and was determined to be as good a father as I was. Maybe better. Every child in the clan called Hannah La Madrina, just like they all called me Papa, whether we were any way related or not. But Hannah was determined that she would be Daddy to Brian Jr. Well, we’d have to see how that worked out in the future.

At this age, it made no difference at all. We cuddled and loved that little boy like the most precious being on the planet. And when Hannah was holding him, she looked at me with the kind of adoration that said we did this together. He truly was our son as much as Samantha’s. And Sam was happy that she had two fathers for her son because she really didn’t have any idea what to do with a boy. The first time she changed his diaper, he let loose with a stream from his little penis that spouted straight up into her face. Now, I know for a fact that baby girls do the same thing and with no more control over the direction or power than a boy has. Sam just happened to get baptized the first time. Fortunately, I was right beside her, so she could run to the bathroom to wash while I finished changing the diaper. That’s something I was pretty proficient at. Even with multiple moms in the house, a guy gets plenty of diaper-changing experience when he has ten kids. I was finishing the change when I glanced down and saw Xan standing next to me. She grinned at me and signed, “Mama Sam got surprised.” I think she might have spoken the words if it wasn’t for the fact that the signs were so comical. We both laughed ourselves silly as we bundled up Junior and settled in the love seat.

Very seriously, Xan looked at me as she touched Junior. Then she signed, “I will always take care of my brother.” I glanced up and saw Samantha standing in the door of the bathroom watching us. There were tears in her eyes. She gave Xan a big hug before she took Junior from my arms.

“We all depend on you, Xan. Not just your baby brother. Just like we depend on your mommy. I love you and your little brother will love you, too.”



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