Heaven’s Gate

77 Last Words

“So how’s this sound? I wish I’d had three dicks so I could do them all at once. You could engrave that on a plaque someplace,” Doug laughed. It was twelfth night and I was with Casa del Agua. Doug had been bundled up and sitting in a wheelchair at the Christmas Eve celebration. He hadn’t stayed to the end. Rhiannon, and Doreen took him home while Sandy stayed with the children at the fire. Mostly he didn’t feel too bad, but Doug just didn’t have the energy keep going for long at a time.

His good humor was intact, though. After the kids were in bed, he’d decided that tonight he’d practice last words. We’d all tossed some in.

“How about ‘Got cancer. Died of a cold’,” Rhiannon suggested as she fussed around him in his chair. “I can’t believe you went out there this morning and walked barefoot in the River. It snowed Tuesday and never got above freezing yesterday. Brian, how could you let him?”

“Don’t come down on Brian,” Doug said. “Do you think I’d let him stop me?”

“He could have,” Rhiannon sniffed.

“Besides, being cold and catching a cold have no relationship. It’s a scientific fact,” Doug said. Rhiannon sighed. Doug hadn’t gotten sick—yet. Rhiannon was simply too stressed out to be rational about things like that.

“How about using that?” Sandy offered. “‘It’s a scientific fact.’ People would wonder for the next hundred years what you had discovered.”

“How about, ‘The obvious seldom is’? I like the ring of that,” Doug offered.

“No. That’s from The Book of Wesley. I had to read that in Radical Thinking just like you did,” I said. “Your last words can’t be a quote from someone else. They need to be original.”

“How about, ‘At least I was funnier than Brian.’ Everyone would understand that,” Doug laughed and absently scratched at his arm. Rhiannon immediately grabbed some cortisone and applied it to him. He smiled and thanked her with a big kiss. Doreen cuddled in my lap and kissed my cheek as I caressed her baby bump. Like our other children, this would be mine as well as Doug’s. In just a few weeks.

“Try, ‘Laid ’em down and knocked ’em up’,” Doreen suggested.

“I have one to go,” Doug said. “Sandy, bring your pretty naked ass over here and get on my lap.”

“But Doug, it won’t get me pregnant if you do it there again,” Sandy said. Nonetheless, she did move her pretty naked ass over to sit on Doug. I didn’t really think he was up, but she ground her pelvis against him anyway.

“Is that what we’ve been doing wrong, love?” Doug asked. “But it feels so good!”

“God, Doug! You’re hard!” Sandy exclaimed. She lifted herself slightly and slid onto his cock. “Yes! I thought I’d never feel this again.”

“Hey,” Doug said softly as he kissed her. “It’s supposed to be my last words, not yours.”


Samantha’s birthday was Friday, February fourth, and she was my guest on Date Night In on the fifth. We did a lot of laughing, a little cooking, and enjoyed a pretty good movie. Jess had become so good at managing the camera, breaks, and blend to either the computer screen or the movie that we seldom even noticed he was there.

“Don’t you ever go out with the same girl twice?” asked one comment on our show.

“There are six other nights of the week,” I responded.

After the show, I picked Sam up in my arms and carried her to the house. There was a fine dusting of snow and I told her I didn’t want her to get her feet cold. She was fine with that and once we got home we headed straight for the master suite.

Hannah was there waiting for us.

I wasn’t exactly certain how to respond to that. Hannah, Samantha, and I were cónyuge together. But the common agreement in the household was that Saturday night I would focus on just the lover I had on television, unless, as in the case of Dani’s sisters, my date for the night wasn’t a lover. But I had promised Sam some special loving tonight and wasn’t sure how Hannah would handle being asked to leave.

“I asked Hannah to meet us,” Samantha said, putting an end to the discussion I was having in my head. “We have something very important to talk about with you. But first, let’s all get naked and take a shower. You promised to wash my hair.”

I had, indeed, and if Sam wanted our cónyuge to be with us on her special night, that was fine by me. Hannah got right in the swing of things and helped me bathe and shampoo our lover. Over the past few years, Sam had gradually switched over from using her hair removal cream to having laser hair removal. The only hair we had to shampoo was on her head. From her armpits down, she was still as smooth as a baby.

Hannah and I washed said pits, which to Sam was as loving and kind a gesture as anything we could do. Her titanium shoulder joint worked according to spec. It was smooth and usually painless. But, just as her doctors had warned, she had only about seventy-five percent of her original strength and mobility. If her left hand was above her head, it was because someone else was lifting it.

When we were clean, dry, and back in bed, we did a lot of kissing until the girls pulled away and sat cross-legged facing me. Oh my! What an incredible view. Two of the most beloved pussies on the planet. One bare and smooth, the other framed by a neatly trimmed thatch of dark brown fur. Both were open and glistening with juices.

“We want to talk to you, Brian,” Hannah said. “I… We… well…”

“We’re twenty-seven,” Sam blurted out. “I guess as of yesterday, I’m twenty-eight. We’re ready.”

“We mean…”

“If you aren’t…”

“We want…”

“A baby.”

I sat there with my mouth open. Both their pussies had begun drooling more as they talked. I was certainly hard as the proverbial rock. Which I hoped wasn’t actually what I felt like when I was making love to my cónyuge. I’d always assumed that most of my cónyuge would want children one day. I had children by Danielle, Liz, Doreen, and Rhiannon. Probably by Cassie and maybe Mary, too. I knew Jennifer was happy having Courtney be the breeder. Nikki had gone so far as to have her tubes tied after a long consultation with her psychologist and physician.

I had no idea if Whitney would one day come home from the Marines and be ready to be a mother or if she was going to keep progressing up the military ladder. Getting from Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant to Captain was a pretty predictable pattern for a good officer, but in peacetime, further promotions came through vicious competition as well as good performance. At that level, if you weren’t on track to be promoted, you weren’t encouraged to stay in. As a director of training, Whitney might be valuable longer, but promotions were tied to higher level responsibility.

I just assumed Rose, Elaine, and Samantha were going to wait until their careers were more set. Hannah’s reproductive system had been destroyed years ago. I guess for Samantha, her career was set and her clock had begun to tick loudly.

“Um… of course,” I said. I was never going to turn down one of my cónyuge who was ready to start our children. Especially now that I had a handle on my net worth and knew that I could provide for our children. I looked at Hannah. I’d seldom seen such copious amounts of fluid running from her. She was definitely turned on over this. “Honey, is Samantha your surrogate?” I asked gently. I wanted to get Sam pregnant. Absolutely. But I wanted all the cards on the table. The girls looked at each other, a little puzzled.

“No,” Hannah said. “I get what you are saying. Yes, she has the equipment that works. We went to the doctor and she confirmed that everything seemed to be in perfect order. And I know my equipment doesn’t work. But, when your cónyuge bears your child, do you feel like a surrogate?” she asked.

That was interesting. I planted the seed. I was the father. Better to ask Doug if I was a surrogate for our first two children. But I sort of understood what she meant.

“We’ve been in love since high school,” Samantha said. “Hannah is as much my mate as you are, and if you don’t put your face down there and lick up her juices pretty soon, I’m going to. But even though she is La Madrina to all the kids in the clan, this one will be different. It’s ours. The three of us. Hannah and I will both be mommies. The fact that you get to put the seed in and I get to push the baby out, won’t make Hannah less the mommy than me.”

I got it. It made sense. I bent to lick some of those juices from Hannah’s slit as she and Sam kissed. I had never seen Hannah come as quickly as in the few minutes after I started licking her. Then we got down to the serious business of planting the seed in Samantha’s pristine, hairless pussy.


Douglas Darnell Swift Jr. was born on Valentine’s day. It was a time of celebration for all of us. Doug was still mobile, though slow. He asked me to help him catch our baby because he didn’t have the strength to do it on his own. Then he got in bed with Doreen and she held father and son while they went to sleep.

After the measurements were taken and introductions made to the family—and we had all verified to our satisfaction that he didn’t have two heads or something—we left the trio to rest together. I took Rhiannon and Sandy out to the living room where all the kids had gathered after they were sent from the birth room. It was significant that this time, the birth had been in the Swift home. My children had all been born in the master suite in the big house. Doug’s, except James, had all been born in their home. James was a special case because he and Céleste were born at the same exact moment.

We all sat and talked about having a new brother in the house. The kids already had plans for how they were going to take care of Dougie. I thought they had some pretty good ideas. Raven toddled up and patted Rhiannon’s breast. Rhiannon uncovered it and our little girl latched on. She was eighteen months old, but James had kept sucking until he was two, so it didn’t strike me as odd. She didn’t suckle long when Raven patted the other breast.

“Milky Papa,” she said.

Rhiannon glanced at me and then uncovered her other breast.

“Come join your daughter for a little snack, Brian,” Rhiannon laughed. “She insists, and I could use a little emptying.” I drifted down next to our daughter.

“Can I share?” I asked her. She patted Rhiannon’s breast again.

“Papa,” she said.

I didn’t often nurse on my children’s mothers. Not that it didn’t appeal to me, but neither Liz nor Dani had enough for their babies, let alone having me sucking on their tits. Of course, I’d sampled it and found each mom had a slightly different flavor. All good. I latched onto Rhiannon and was surprised at the volume of milk she let down. It flooded my mouth and was rich and sweet. It made me hard. Rhiannon reached over and put a hand on my cock.

“I think I’ll want a little of this later,” she said. “Suck on Mommy, children.” Sandy had taken the rest of the kids outside. Funny that Theresa called to invite the kids all over to play when Dawn came home after the birth. And yes, Dawn was definitely pregnant again.

“I’m surprised you still have so much milk, Rhiannon,” I said around a mouthful. Raven was still lazily sucking and drifting toward a nap.

“I… uh… I’m feeding Doug,” she whispered. “It’s been hard for him to keep food down and he doesn’t eat much. I just… I’ve fed five kids from these tits. I’ll feed my husband until the day he dies.”

We took Raven to her crib and I led Rhiannon to Jim and Jill’s master suite. They would be headed home this week after we called them. In the meantime, Rhiannon needed a lot of TLC. I held her. I kissed her. I suckled milk from her breasts. And we made love. Deep and tender. I loved her until she, too, fell asleep.


A month later, on Elaine’s birthday—which other people call St. Patrick’s Day—Jenny Lynn Frost made her appearance from between Courtney’s beautiful legs. I held my lover while Jennifer caught our daughter, her namesake. I thought for a few minutes that Jennifer wouldn’t part with the little girl, but she brought her to her mother’s breast and the baby latched on. Courtney had a little colostrum leaking. It would be enough for our daughter until my courtesan’s milk came in.

She was weighed and measured, pronounced healthy and Moms and Dads came into the room. They’d left Mishawaka and Kokomo as soon as we called to say Courtney was in labor and got there well before the birth. Bill and Crystal left the restaurant in the hands of his assistant and were waiting outside the room when our daughter demonstrated the power of her lungs.

“Oh my,” Jennifer said. “A screamer like her mother.”

“You should talk,” Courtney shot back.

“My cónyuge, let us simply rejoice in the fact that we’ll always be able to find her,” I laughed. “I love the lungs of both of you.”

Jenny Lynn was bathed and swaddled. Once we’d managed to settle things down, Courtney actually came downstairs and the four of us cuddled in the big chair as the rest of the family came to kiss the baby and her mom. We had birthday cake for Elaine and, of course, everyone wanted to know when she was going to take the big step. She just smiled and said she’d heard older parents were a great benefit to children, so she was going to wait until she was older. Well, it was only her thirty-first birthday. We had plenty of time.

“Who’s next?” Mom asked. All eyes turned to Samantha. She shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know for sure yet. Maybe. Little Bean might be growing. If not, we’ll just keep trying,” she said.

“We’ve been trying almost every night!” Hannah laughed. “I don’t think I’ve had as many orgasms in my whole life as I’ve had the past six weeks!”

“We’ve heard most of them,” Rose laughed. “You two are the sweetest girls in the world.” I saw some movement over where the kids were playing and watched as Xan signed to the other children.

“Momma Sam is going to have a little brother for us. He’s growing inside her tummy.”

Boy, wouldn’t that shake Sam up.


Forty-five days after his son was born, Doug sat up in bed in the morning and pushed the sheet down. “April Fools!” he shouted.

Those were his last words.



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