Heaven’s Gate

55 House of Daring

Friday night the seventh, I met Pam in the barn dormitory. It was her twenty-fourth birthday and after the family celebration, she’d taken me by the hand and led me to the deserted space. Reese, Laurie, Brett, and Pam had moved to the space in Bunkhouse B, vacated by Casa de la Tierra when they moved into their new home.

“This place looks so empty now,” I sighed. There was just a mattress on the floor in the big room. Even the dividers had been taken down. Everyone had moved out or moved on.

“I’m sure we’ll fill it up with a new generation eventually,” Pam laughed. “What I want tonight is to fill it with screams of passion.”

“And how exactly do you propose to do that, Miss International Model?”

“Nude model. Let’s not forget that my breasts are being featured in some of the top fashion magazines in Europe,” she giggled. “And you know what? I haven’t had a single problem with paparazzi following me around trying to get naked pictures of me.”

“I have to say, the photos have been beautiful. I have another file drawer filled with your pictures. That grainy black and white image for the perfume company was incredible,” I said. I wasn’t really all that sure how I felt about so many naked pictures of her showing up. Courtney had found several websites that featured her and she wasn’t getting paid by them, I didn’t think. But she’d surely never faced the attacks that Jessica had.

“Sometimes all I wear is my Desire,” she quoted from the ad. “Like tonight. All I plan to have on me is you.”

“On you and in you,” I agreed. “Pam, you are beautiful. Daring, dynamic, delightful.”

“It’s d’lovely!” she sang. “Yes, Brian. Kiss me there. Lick me. Open my sex with your tongue. Put your fingers in me. Yes! Press my asshole. Oh, God! I love making love to you!”

I was busy for a while, making sure the big empty room was filled with her cries of passion. As we progressed, I moved up her body and planted my cock deep inside her. She licked her copious fluids off my face.

“I love licking my juices off Laurie’s face after she makes me come.”

“Are all the younger kids your sex slaves?” I asked.

“No! Oh, I give Laurie as good as I get. And Reese. And…”

“You’re making love with your brother,” I filled in.

“Yeah. We almost did it that summer I turned twenty. After the shooting, you know. God knows, we did just about everything else. We just didn’t quite go all the way. God, he tasted good, though. Then when he got down here with the others the next year and they all moved into the dormitory and Reese joined us… We quit trying to be good little siblings,” she sighed. “I learned a lot watching you and Doreen and Doug. I decided I wasn’t going to be like they were and love without having him as my lover. When the time comes, I’ll still want you to put the baby in my tummy, but Brett effectively has three wives now.”

“Sometimes I don’t think I set a very good example,” I sighed.

“We’re going to petition to create a new Casa.”

“The four of you?”

“Plus Leonard, Bob, and Susan.”

“Really?” I thought they had created something separate. “It sounds a little wild for Susan.”

“Brian, do you think that just because she’s never been with you for more than a little feel-good that she didn’t have a wild side?”

“I actually thought that since she was living with Leonard, she was still a virgin,” I laughed. Some idiot I was.

“If you are talking about a boy putting his penis in her vagina, you’re right. Susan is a lesbian. That’s why she moved in with Leonard.”

“I am so dense,” I sighed.

“You are also long and thick and stopped moving in me.” I corrected that situation immediately, even with my head swirling about the possibilities of a casa that had three women with one man, a gay male couple with one of the guys definitely bi, and a lesbian woman. I shook it out of my head. I was making love to one of those first three women and she was arguably one of the most beautiful women on the ranch. My cock felt so good in the grip of her tight little pussy. Her lips and tongue worked my mouth over in incredible and intense ways. Everything was coming down to that pinpoint of sensation that told me I’d reached my peak. Pam was panting and gasping as she moved in sync with me. “We’ll call it…” she gasped. “Casa de Audacia.” She screamed and I pumped.

House of Daring.



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