Heaven’s Gate

52 Advanced Degrees

The next weekend, was graduation. Our youngest clan members were getting their BAs. Dani completed her MA. And much to everyone’s surprise, both Courtney and Brenda were receiving their PhDs! We had some damn smart women in this clan.

“What does a woman actually do with a PhD in math?” I asked Brenda.

“Well, I’m going to follow through on my analysis of interesting ways to learn math,” Brenda said. “Specifically, I want to compute the probability that I can employ the same study techniques to master a different subject.”

“Study techniques?”

“Sometimes you are so dense, Brian. What math concepts did you learn just before you came in my ass before finals four years ago?”

“Oh! That was calculus derivatives. What does that have to do…?” I cut myself off as what she was saying sank in. “What would you like to study next?” I asked.

“Hmm. Let’s get our little heads together and discuss that.”

“Yeah. Our little heads.”


“You did it! I’m so proud of you,” I said to Courtney.

“Amazing, huh? I thought I just was tinkering around with computers. Now I am one,” she laughed.

“I had no idea robotics had gone so far. A walking-talking sex doll. With a PhD.”

“Yeah. I guess I’m ready to retire now.”


“That company out in California just offered me a deal I can’t refuse. Don says that I can still develop the professional version of the software if I want to, but I license the core tech to this company and they get to sell it to consumers. They have to develop the user interface and all that. I didn’t even know consumers were interested in video editing. The world is changing so fast!” she sighed. “When am I ever going to be able to stop and raise a family?”

“Honey, you are only twenty-six…”

“Twenty-seven next month.”

“Only twenty-seven. We have lots of time. We don’t have to rush into getting you pregnant,” I said.

“What do you think I’d look like with a big tummy and big tits like Rhiannon has?” Courtney asked.

“My courtesan, you would still be beautiful if you gained two hundred pounds and wore a pup tent.”

“But wouldn’t you prefer if I was still 115 and wore nothing?”

“It’s the way I like you best.”

“Then undress me, Brian. I had to wear a bra today and my breasts need a massage,” she said.

“Yes, my courtesan. I live to service you.”


“Pam told me you don’t do goodbye fucks. How about a graduation fuck?”

“Laurie! That’s not the way it works. I only make love to women I’ve built a relationship with.”

“Could we build a good relationship this afternoon? Like as soon as my parents leave?”

“You are sounding very horny. I thought you had a boyfriend,” I said.

“Mmm. Not exactly. He’s a boy. And a friend. But we’re not compañera, you know. He’s improving, but he has a lot of work to keep up with all three of us,” she said.

“Three of you?”

“Reese and Pam and me. Can you believe he actually complained that his dick was going to fall off?”

“But Reese… I thought Brett…” I stumbled. Laurie looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. Oh my! Pam and her little brother? Oh fuck!

“Talk to Theresa. I’ll bet she has a nice cream you could use to soothe it. Non-irritating, too.” I smiled at her. Laurie leaned up and whispered in my ear.

“Next time you’re with Pam, you might find me in the same bed.”


“It only took five years!” Dani said as I hugged her to me.

“And look at everything else you’ve accomplished in that time. You three are opening your second café. That’s astounding.”

“Well, we had to have something to do to keep Dolly and Debbie near George. It just means that I’ll be working more hours in the café here. I’ve hired some good people, though,” she said.

“I could spend more time at the café in the mornings if you’d like.”

“Oh, Brian, my love. If you came to open the restaurant with me in the morning, Matthew, Xan, and C-Rae would all have to come, too. Can’t you just see the three of them padding through the streets in their jammies so they could sit at the counter and listen to Papa talk?” Dani laughed.

“It’s worse,” I said. “I turned around Thursday morning and Eleanor and Leslie were sitting there with them. I had to call Theresa and let her know where her children were.”

“There’ll be more,” Dani said as she relaxed into my arms and kissed me, her fingers fluttering over my face and chest.

I petted her long, lean torso, marveling in the smoothness of her skin and how peaceful she made me feel. It had always been this way. Even when we were making love, we fit so well together that we were often connected before we realized we were making love. There was no doubt about it this time, though. She turned in the chair to face me with her legs straddling mine and sank down on my shaft. We both sighed our satisfaction.

The kids were all in bed. Josh, Cassie, and Mary were in the master suite with our two new babies. Hannah and Sam had gone to Sam’s parents’ house. Nikki was at the writer’s cottage with Elaine to work on a new idea she swore would make Elaine even more famous than she already was. Jennifer had taken Courtney to Kokomo to spend the rest of the weekend at the Price’s. Liz and Doreen were in the ‘mothers’ room’ with their four children and Xan asleep in the overcrowded nursery. Only Rose was still up, puttering around in the kitchen.

Dani lifted herself and sank back down on me. Again. Her nipples were just at lip height in this position and I softly nibbled and licked them. Doreen and Rhiannon had lost a lot of feeling in their nipples after their children’s exuberant nursing. Liz never really nursed and was as small and tight and sensitive as before she gave birth. Dani’s nipples, only able to provide half the nourishment that Xan needed, ended up more sensitive than they had been before. Or perhaps it was because we were more aware of them as an erogenous zone than when she’d begun her stay at the ranch.

“I have cookies and cocoa,” Rose said as she came into the room with a tray and stopped short. “Oh. Perhaps you’d rather not be disturbed.”

“I don’t think cookies and cocoa would disturb anything. Do you, Brian?” Dani asked as she stroked up and down again.

“Join us, Rose,” I said. “We love you an awful lot. We’d like to share.”

“Oh, you two!” She set the tray down on one side of the chair and came around to the other to crawl up on the arm next to us. We wiggled around a bit to make sure she could get comfortable and began including her in our soft petting while Dani continued to raise and lower on my cock. I reached for a cup of cocoa.

“Maybe we should share them one at a time instead of all trying to hold one,” I suggested. I offered a sip to Dani and one to Rose, then took a sip myself. I leaned to my left and captured one of Rose’s nipples between my lips. She gasped and I saw Dani’s fingers lightly pinching the other nipple.

“We’re quite the family, aren’t we?” Rose said. “Who would think two people could be making love and a third could bring cookies and cocoa without interrupting anything but becoming a part of it.”

“Mmm. Who baked the cookies?” I asked as I took a chewy bite of a molasses sugar cookie. “Good.” I offered a bite to Rose and to Dani, then got the cocoa cup again. I watched as Dani dipped her head to lick a crumb from Rose’s breast.

“Mmm. Elaine baked before she and Nikki took off. These are yummy.”

“Soft and chewy,” Dani said.

Rose leaned toward us to accept the cocoa mug and I slid my left hand under her butt to find her soft, chewy center. She moaned and joined me in a chocolaty kiss around one of Dani’s nipples. I felt Dani’s hand move to Rose’s sex from the opposite side of mine. I let my fingers sink into Rose’s chamber of secrets as Dani played with her clit.

Dani was first. Her soulful moan as she came did not interrupt her ministrations to Rose’s clit. In a moment, Rose latched onto one of Dani’s nipples and stiffened as she used the modest breast to muffle her cries. In all this, I’d had one hand in Rose and one holding a cup of cocoa. I set the cup down and wrapped my arms around my two cónyuge.

“My darlings, how I love you,” I whispered as my cock began to pulse and fill Dani. We kissed. We held each other. We cleaned up our mess and our dishes and went to the big room that seemed so empty tonight.

And there, we made love some more.



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