Heaven’s Gate

14 Little Worries

I SPENT THE WEEK scrambling to get ready for my premiere of XX/XY. That included spending almost as much time on campus as I had when I was a student. Dani, Cassie, Samantha, and April joined me as we went to each of the sorority houses that we would be taping at and discussed the necessary lighting, the camera angles, and how we would set up. Each of the houses had a room large enough to hold a meeting of all their members. We emphasized that each person in the audience would have to sign a release. We discovered this might not be necessary, but Don, our IP attorney, was still investigating the rules. Apparently, there was an implied release if you bought a ticket to a television show or showed up at a filmed event.

Our first stop would be Gamma House. We had a long history with this group. Most of it was good. Dawn and Cathy had come from Gamma House. Amber, Addison, and TK were members there. Of course, the sad part was this was also where we lost Lexi. Samantha and Dani were welcomed into the house like sisters and TK hosted us on our visit. As a junior, she had been elected to the position of Panhellenic Representative. She was basically in charge of coordinating sorority events with those of other sororities. It was quite an honor and I was really proud of her.

We went from Gamma House to Theta House. The triplets had been members of Theta House and Dani was treated like a goddess. She brought Xan with us that day and her sisters cooed over our daughter. April was concerned about lighting, and did several ‘temperature tests’ with the cove lighting in the house. It was obvious that we were going to need some amount of lighting and all I could do was leave that up to April.

Of course, we visited Kappa House, Omicron House, and finally Delta House. We were welcomed warmly in each instance. All the houses had participated at least once in a Young Cooking episode. This time, though, they could have all the members of their sorority present. The girls in each of the houses were spiffing up their domicile for a ‘quick tour’ segment that we would have during the show. That was a nice addition. In a way, their appearance on XX/XY would act as a sort of recruiting video. The ladies planned to look their best.

Five sororities with nearly four hundred beautiful young women as members, all looking their best. I might need a blowjob before each show!


Thursday night, Cassie surprised me. It was her twenty-third birthday, and instead of spending it with Josh, Mary, and me, she chose to ask Mary to spend the night with me while she spent the night with Josh.

“Brian,” she whispered when she told me her plans, “I’m going to be traveling with you at least every other week from now until who knows as your personal assistant. When I’m not with you, Dani will be acting as your assistant onsite while I coordinate things here. I don’t want Josh to feel like I’m deserting him, because I’m not. You know how hard this is going to be on everyone. I hope you understand why I want to spend this special time just with him.”

“I do understand, darling,” I said giving her a kiss. “Josh, Carl, Doug. They’re my best friends. I’d be closer to Geoff if he hadn’t spent four years out in Washington. And Lionel if he wasn’t off in the pros. But of all my friends, I share something very special with Josh. You and Mary. I truly don’t want anything to ever stress that relationship. We’ve come a long way. We’ve got even further to go.”

“I knew you’d understand, lover,” Cassie said. She kissed me thoroughly enough to let me know that she meant it.

It’s not like spending the night with Mary was a consolation prize. We seldom got a chance to be alone with each other and made the most of it.


Saturday, I did double workouts. If I was even going to pretend to walk off the cover of GQ, I needed to stay as fit as possible. But working out had always been a comfort to me. I’d added running back into my schedule once I was no longer showing up for call at eight o’clock. I figured that even if there was no place I could do forms when I was on the road, I’d still be able to run. After a recent phone call with Whitney, I’d begun working out with a gun staff. That’s not a firearm, but a staff about nose high. Master Xi laughed and said that on me it wasn’t much longer than a bang. He’d helped me select one and taught me several forms to work on. I found that working the forms were an easy adaptation from the tai chi forms that I already knew and most of my time in the silo was now spent with a staff in hand.

The summary of my workouts on Saturday is that I badly needed some physical challenge in my life. I’d missed Whitney’s constant challenge. Amy was off with Jessica. Adam was modeling somewhere in the Caribbean. I met with Master Xi at least once a week and Judy and I worked out together, though that did not mean sparring. I went to bed in the master suite Saturday night, totally exhausted.

I was surprised to find Liz waiting in the bed for me. If anything, she looked a little shy. In fact, I’d swear that when I approached the bed, she blushed.

“Are you embarrassed, Red?” I asked. “Am I different than the last time we made love?” She shook her head. As soon as I’d brushed my teeth, she held the covers back so I could slip into bed with her.

“I… didn’t come to make love,” she whispered. “If you want me, of course, I’m yours. But that isn’t the reason I’m here. I just need to be held by you.”

“Come here, my sweet, adorable cónyuge. I love you and I will hold you until the earth no longer supports life.” She cuddled into the crook of my arm and I held her.

“I’m scared, Brian,” she said.

“What is it love? How can I help you?”

“I’m afraid I won’t be a good mother. I’m afraid that I’ll let you down. I’m afraid that I’ll lose the love I just found again. Afraid that none of it is true. Oh, Brian, help me.” Wait a fucking minute!

“Liz? Are you telling me something?” She nodded her head against my chest.

“I’m three weeks late. Brian, I might be pregnant. If I don’t have a period next week, I’ll get a test kit. I’m so afraid it isn’t real!”

“My precious redheaded lover. Can you just imagine what a fireball we will have for a child?” I laughed. “Don’t be afraid my love. I will be here with you every step of the way. I love you.”

I kissed Liz for hours. Not just her lips and her mouth, but all of her. I kissed my blessings on the child I hoped was in her womb. I kissed the folds of her sex that brought us both so much pleasure. I did my best to kiss every freckle on her body.

We made love in the quietest and gentlest way we had ever been together.



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