Guardian Angel

22 Seven Minutes

THE SUMMER was going well. Hannah and I were getting together about every two or three days and doing all the things we’d had fun doing outdoors last fall. Brenda had a bunch of kids over on the Fourth of July and we played in the pool then hung around until dark and watched the fireworks at the downtown park. We all wished Hannah a happy birthday as the next day was her fourteenth. Liz came up to me after the fireworks.

“Hey, you having fun this summer?”

“Yeah. You?”

“Oh, mostly. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around to have fun with. Want to come over sometime this week and play games?”

“Sure. That sounds like fun. Any day but Wednesday. That’s when I have my 4-H group.”

“That’s cool. If the weather’s decent enough to bike, come over Thursday afternoon about two.”


Thursday morning Liz called me to make sure I was going to come. It was a beautiful, hot day, so I figured it would be fine to bike over there. Liz promised to have something cold to drink when I got there. It’s a good thing because I was kind of sweaty. So was Liz, but that wasn’t a problem. I mean it really wasn’t a problem. She was barefoot and wearing a pair of short-shorts and a halter top that looked smaller than her two-piece swimsuit. The top was damp from her sweat and clung to the exact shape of her small breasts and outlined her nipples like two targets on her chest. We played tetherball in her back yard for about half an hour and it just got too hot. We were dripping.

“Let’s go inside. We’ve got air conditioning and it’s cooler in there.” Crap, why’d she wait so long? She reached in the refrigerator to get us a couple of sodas while I fanned my shirt back and forth in the cold air to cool off. When she turned around, I had a sudden appreciation for the air conditioning and for having been outside. Her halter was soaking wet, like my t-shirt. But in the cold air, her nipples had come to full attention inside the nearly transparent top. She handed me my drink and then stood facing me as she rubbed hers over her neck and down into her… well, what passed for cleavage. Liz wasn’t stacked like Brenda or Rose but she sure had nice small round tits with hard little points on them. I took a drink before I realized I’d been staring. Like unblinkingly. Liz grinned at me.

“I know what we can play.” She turned and got something out of the kitchen drawer. “Follow me.” Hell yes! Her shorts were clinging to her butt and right up into her crack the same as her shirt was to her breasts. I could actually see the outline of her pussy as I followed her up the stairs and into her room.

“What are we going to play?” I asked as I looked around her room. I didn’t think of Liz as a girly-girl, though she was certainly cute. She had a bunch of stuffed animals. I heard a bunch of clicks and turned around to see her winding a kitchen timer.

“I was thinking we could play seven minutes in heaven. Since there’s nobody else around, we can just do it in my room and not have to get in a closet or anything.”

“Um… are you sure this is a good idea, Liz?” She scuffed at the carpet with her toes and I thought for a minute that she might cry. Then I’d be done for.

“Brian,” she said in a very small voice. “I want to kiss like we kissed at the Lake last fall. I keep thinking about it and I can’t help it. I get so horny I can hardly stand it.”

“It’s still kind of dangerous to start kissing alone in your room, Liz.”

“Yeah. That’s why I figure if we set the timer for seven minutes, we can’t really get any further. And if we want, we can set it again. As often as we want.” Oh, man! Do I want to kiss Liz? Hell yes! But just knowing what I did with Jessica a couple of weeks ago, this could get out of hand real fast.


“You will?”

“Yes, but we’ve got to set up some rules. First, we don’t try to rush. We don’t need to try everything in the first seven minutes.”


“Second, when the timer rings, we set it for seven more minutes and don’t touch each other or kiss until it rings and we set it for our seven minutes in heaven.”


“Because… we’ll call it a cooling-off period. We won’t just keep setting the timer for seven more minutes and keep going. Seven on and seven off.”

“I see. It makes sense, but it’s going to be hard.”

“No kidding.” She giggled.

“So how will we start?”

“We just take it slow and maybe kiss a little. That way we’ll see if we really want to go any further. We might discover that we aren’t that interested in each other after the first time and go out and play tether ball some more.”

“Yeah, right. I’ll set the timer. You ready?” I nodded. She wound the timer and showed me seven minutes then let it go. When it came to the moment of truth, all we did was stand and stare at each other for a minute. It’s really different when you are looking at someone waiting than, say, when you are in a dark closet together. Finally, I stepped up to Liz and just hugged her. She put her arms around me and relaxed. I figure she still thought I’d attack her when I had the green light.

“This is nice,” I said. “You know I always have liked you but I never figured out why you didn’t want one of my loops.”

“I sort of had a boyfriend at church. Well, not that I knew anything about having a boyfriend. We said we were, you know? You’ve gotten taller.”

“Yeah. I’m still growing. Mom says she thinks this is my real growth spurt and I’ll probably come out normal.”

“Will you still be our pet?”

“As long as you want,” I said. I lifted my lips and kissed her softly. We just stayed that way for a minute and moved our lips against each other. I could feel both of us opening a little and I ran my hand up her back. I let my tongue come out just a little and found hers approaching. We just touched our tongues and the damn timer rang!

“Already? There must be something wrong with this timer. That can’t have been seven minutes.” She squeezed me and started to kiss me again, but I pulled away.

“We’d better test the timer and make sure,” I said. I wound it and showed her seven minutes and then looked at my watch. “Okay. No touching now. Ready, go.” I set the timer down and Liz sat on her bed. She had a chair by her desk so I sat there. We stared at each other for a minute.

“Is it about done yet?” she asked.

“Um… there’s six minutes to go.”

“That can’t be. It was like almost over by now when we were, you know, kissing.”

“Einstein said that’s what the theory of relativity was.”

“Everybody knows E equals MC squared.”

“Yeah, but he explained it by saying a minute with your hand on a hot stove seems like an hour. An hour holding hands with a beautiful woman goes by in a minute. It’s all relative.”

“He didn’t really say that, did he?” Liz laughed.

“Something like that. I probably didn’t get it exact.”

“I was just getting warmed up. It was really sweet.”

“I liked it a lot.”

“Where’d you learn to kiss?”

“Um…” I was not going to tell her. “I, uh… guess it just comes naturally. I suppose everyone does it about the same.”

“No way. How much time is left?”

“Two minutes.”

“I’m getting impatient. Talking about kissing makes me want to do it. This is taking forever.”

“Next time we should think of something to do to make the time go faster.”

“You mean like holding hands?”

“Can’t do that. No touching.”

“Oh, hell.”

The timer rang and Liz rushed me.

“Wait, wait, wait!” I said. “Go sit back down. The timer and my watch were the same. Seven minutes. Now let me set it again and I’ll sit beside you.” She sat on the bed again and scooted back onto it to give me room to sit beside her. I set the timer and I slipped up beside her. She moved in for a kiss and I dodged her. Instead, I took her hand. “Did you know that it’s more intimate for a boy to hold a girl’s hand than to put his arm around her?” She just looked at me with her eyebrows raised. “When we hold each other’s hand we’re both participating and put skin on skin with all those nerve endings. If I put my arm around your shoulder, it’s just me pulling you. Besides, I like your hands,” I said. I lifted her fingers to my lips and began kissing them. I turned her hand over and kissed the center of her palm. She moaned a little. Finally, I looked into her eyes and moved in for a kiss. Our eyes drifted closed just before our lips touched.

It was still just as sweet, but it didn’t take as long for us to get into a much deeper kiss with a lot of tongue touching in and out of our mouths and both of us groaning. I kept hold of one hand and put my other arm around her. The timer rang.

“Already?” she panted. It took a minute for each of us to catch our breath and then she thought to set the timer. “We already spent a couple minutes catching our breath, so I’ll just make it for five.”

“Huh-uh. We were still holding hands. We have to have seven minutes without touching.” She sighed but set the timer for the full seven.

“So, what do we do now? I’ll go crazy if we just sit here.”

“Do you have any games?”

“How about Yahtzee?”

“That’s perfect. I wonder if we can get through a whole game in seven minutes.” We sat on the floor and she gave me a score sheet and pencil from the box and handed me the dice.

“Company goes first,” she said. I rolled. I’d just rolled my third throw when the timer rang. “Wow! That did make it go faster. Mark your score and I’ll set it again.”

“No. Take your turn so we’re even. Then we’ll set it.” She rolled her eyes before she rolled the dice.

It didn’t take long when the timer started before we were kissing this time. And we were getting ramped up pretty fast. I don’t know if I did it myself or if she turned her body a little, but I felt the softness of her boob in my hand before the timer rang this time. We jumped apart. I closed my eyes and concentrated on reciting the periodic table of elements. I knew my cock was tenting my shorts. I knew she could see it. There was no sense hiding it any more than she could hide the hard points of her nipples poking out the fabric of her halter. She set the timer for seven minutes and I rolled the dice.

“Knowing you can see my nipples so clearly makes me feel almost naked,” she said.

“Talking like that isn’t going to help me cool off,” I said. “But looking at your nipples isn’t helping either.” We giggled a little.

“Well, looking at your… thing poking at your pants isn’t helping me, either,” she said. She squirmed her legs together. “But it’s okay. I like thinking about it.” She rolled her turn. “Do you ever think about it?” she asked. “I mean think about sex?” I rolled the dice.

“Yes. Like all the time.” I got a small straight.

“I’ll tell you a secret,” she said, holding the dice in her hand. “I think about you when I touch myself at night. Every night.” My cock was definitely not going down. The timer rang. She started to get up.

“Wait. You still have to take your turn.”

“Meany.” She rolled a Yahtzee on her first throw. We set the timer and jumped on the bed. I looked her in the eye before I moved to kiss her. “Yes,” she said.

I put my hand beside her face to pull her lips to me. I felt her hand behind mine and started to drift down toward her breast. I found only skin. I pulled back and saw her halter had come untied and my hand was holding her bare breast. No. She’d untied it. That was the move behind her head. I let my lips follow my hand and lightly teased her nipple with my tongue.

“Ohh,” she sighed. “Do you like them? Really?” I looked at the lovely spray of freckles across her chest and how swollen and puffy her nipple was. I sucked it once more into my mouth and licked it then went back to kiss her while my fingers continued to play with her wet pebble.

“Yes. I like them a lot.” I kissed her and this time we started moaning and squirming against each other. My cock was rubbing against her leg and she had my leg trapped between hers as I squeezed and played with her breast and the timer rang.

“Fuck!” Liz yelled. “Keep going.” I jumped up and jumped back.

“Can’t. Rules. Gotta set the timer.” I sat down on the floor with the timer going. Liz sat down cross-legged in front of me with her halter around her waist. “You gotta… gotta cover up,” I croaked.

“Really? You don’t like them after all?”

“Liz, please.”

“I was so close,” she said. She pulled her straps up and threw them over her shoulders but didn’t tie them. Well, she was covered. I reached for the dice and froze. Her shorts were pulled up tight into her crotch and the whole center was dark with moisture. I left the dice where they lay.

“Liz, we gotta make sure we know what we’re doing. It’s getting harder and harder to stop. I’ve been touching and licking your nipples and rubbing against you while we kissed. If we keep going, I might touch you someplace you don’t want to be touched. I like what we’re doing, but I don’t want to do something that would make you upset or mad at me. I’ve learned my lesson about that. You’ve got to tell me what I can’t do before we start again.”

Liz blushed and all her freckles just popped with color. She looked down at the floor and saw the wet stain on the front of her shorts. She touched it.

“As long as the same rules apply to both of us,” she said in measured words, “then you can touch me anyplace outside my clothes…” she looked me in the eye, “…where I’m wearing them. And any bare skin. But it has to apply to both of us.” She was giving me permission to touch her pussy? Then I realized that she was also asking my permission to touch my cock. Outside our clothes. Right! The timer rang. We didn’t move.

“Um… I don’t know how much you know about boys, Liz, but that could get kind of messy.”

She looked at her crotch again and then at my tented shorts. I realized I had a wet spot at the tip of my cock, too.

“I think it’s already getting messy. We’ll just have to clean up after ourselves.” I nodded. Liz stood up and her halter fell off. She twisted the timer and set it on the table then crawled up on the bed. “Take your shirt off so I can feel your skin against mine. Please?” I whipped off my t-shirt and we clutched each other together and kissed with our nipples rubbing against each other. I held her bare back in my hands and as our kiss intensified, my right hand drifted down on her butt and I squeezed her softly. She moaned again and rubbed her boobs against my chest. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t her hand rubbing my cock.

“Oh,” I gasped. She rolled away slightly to look down at my pants as she stroked my cock.

“I wish I could see it,” she breathed. The slight roll toward her back allowed my hand to slip around from her butt to her front and I felt wetness of her pubic mound through her pants. “Ohh!” She threw me onto my back and I thought I’d gone too far, but she was up on top of me and grinding her pussy down on my cock. We both had our shorts on, but she was rubbing right up and down my cock. This wasn’t going to last long. I reached up and took both her breasts in my hands and just stroked and flicked at her nipples. “Mmm!” she squealed. She bent down to kiss me just as my cock erupted and her squeal doubled in volume. Hot come was escaping out my waistband. She rolled to the side and took my cock in her hand again.

“Touch me with your fingers again, Brian. Please?” I slid my hand over her pussy and rubbed as she continued to stroke me. I was a little raw from being rubbed in my shorts and I could see my cockhead peeking out. She wasn’t, touching it directly, but her hand felt so good I wasn’t softening at all. She spread her legs wider and the fabric of her little shorts was so wet it conformed to every little curve and indent. I could feel the soft depression of her vaginal opening and the hard nub of her pleasure button. Liz’s breathing increased and I could tell she was going to scream again. Oh hell! I was going to shoot again. The timer rang.

“If you stop I’ll kill you,” Liz declared, gripping my shaft a little tighter. I got the message and kept diddling her clit as I kissed her. She was thrusting her hips up at me but never slowed her rhythmic stroking of my cock. When she came, her scream almost broke my eardrums from the inside out. Or maybe that was my scream. My cock was pumping all over the two of us. I rolled away slightly, but my hand was still cupping her sopping pussy, just as her hand stayed on my throbbing cock.

“How’d we manage to do all that in seven minutes?” I asked.

“I didn’t look at how long I set it for. I just twisted the dial around about half way,” she admitted. I looked at the timer. A full turn was an hour. Thirty minutes in heaven? I’d softened a little, but neither of us stopped fondling the other. “Brian,” she whispered, “you could fuck me. It would be okay.” Holy shit!

“Okay with whom?” I squeaked. My voice hadn’t broken like that in a couple months.

“Okay with me. I get like this and I can’t control myself. I’m not going to make it through freshman year a virgin. I just know it. So you could be the one. Now.” Oh damn damn damn. I pulled my hand away and rolled onto my back.

“I can’t, Liz. You can’t. It’s not right.”

“You still love her, don’t you?”


“Hannah. Even though she broke up with you, you still love her and are saving yourself.”

“Liz. Yes, I still love Hannah. She loves me, too, but it’s just not like that. I don’t think Hannah will ever love me like that. But in a way, you are right. I’m saving myself and you should, too.”

“For who? Whom?”

“For someone you love. Someone you care about. Not just a fuck buddy. I’m not saying just fucking would be bad. I can’t even believe I’m saying no to a woman who is still stroking my cock and has made me come twice in half an hour. But we’re only fourteen, Liz. We’re not really ready. I don’t think if we do any more than we’ve done that it will make us love each other any more than we do. Do you, Liz? Would you love me more?”

She looked down at her hand as my cock retreated beneath my waistband. She stroked it one more time and then pulled her hand away.

“What am I going to do, Brian? Ever since I discovered playing with myself when I was eleven, I get so excited that I can’t control myself. I almost pulled my pants down so you could fuck me right now. Each time I kiss a guy, which isn’t often, I’ve thought maybe this one is the one who’ll fuck me. And then nothing happens and I go home and masturbate while I’m thinking of you and how I wanted to feel you spurting against me—in me—when we came. I’m going to be a slut because anytime a guy figures out how to turn me on, I’ll fuck him.”

Liz rolled over on me and buried her face in my come-covered chest and cried. I let her and just held her, thinking how stupid I was to not fuck Liz right now. It just didn’t feel right and I couldn’t do it. Hadn’t I just sworn to myself a few weeks ago that I’d never kiss another girl except Jessica? And here I was kissing Liz, licking her boobs, fingering her pussy, and coming all over her chest. Liz wasn’t the slut. I was.

“Would you help me, Brian?”


“Could we sometimes do this, even if we don’t go all the way? You don’t have to be my boyfriend or date me or tell anyone. Just sometimes when I think I’m going to do something stupid, kiss me and make me feel all the wonderful things I just felt so I can not become a slut? Maybe sometime it will be different and we could even make love. Maybe I don’t exactly love you… yet… but you’re the only boy I trust, Brian.”

“Liz, if we ever develop real feelings for each other, you’ll have to call AAA to tow me out of you.”

“If I was your girlfriend, I’d tear up your AAA Card.”

“Is that what you want, Liz? To be my girlfriend?”

“Yes. I don’t know. No. I don’t dare. I know we’d get in trouble if I was. I couldn’t stop if you were my boyfriend. Are you going to get back together with Hannah?”

“No. Hannah and I are friends. That’s all she wants, is friends. And she’s a good friend. She’s funny and fun to be with. You should call her and do something. She just makes everything seem more fun. She’d love it if you did.”

“I will. And don’t worry. I will never tell anyone what we did. Brenda gossips about what she and Carl have done, but I don’t. I won’t ever. You won’t tell will you, Brian?”

“Never. No matter what I do or with whom, I won’t be telling anyone else. Including you.”

“I might love you one day, too, you know?” she grinned at me. I kissed her again and we held each other for another minute before we finally pulled away.

Liz got up and refastened her halter while I grabbed my t-shirt. I watched as she went to her closet and put on a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans over the top of her shorts.

“Aren’t you going to be awfully hot dressed like that?”

“Yeah, but I need an extra layer.”


“Because I’m going to kiss you again and if I forget what we just promised, my clothes might start falling off again.”



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