Guardian Angel

21 Doctor, Doctor!

“DOCTOR FROST,” Jessica panted. Huh? “Doctor, you never finished my exam.” Years ago, we’d played doctor but been interrupted just when it was getting really good. I chuckled.

“It looks like that swelling never did go down,” I said, gently pressing her soft flesh with my fingers. “Did you ice?”

“Oh, God! That was so cruel!” She laughed. “You never finished examining me, though. Down there.” Oh! Oh, crap! Did she…?

“Um… have you been having any… uh… symptoms I should look for?” I rasped out trying to regain the old doctor persona from our childhood.

“Yes. Sometimes it feels all funny and it gets wet and slippery. What’s wrong with me, Doctor?”

“Um. Well, I’m not sure. Maybe we’d better have a look.”

“Should I take off my panties?” Jessica was trying to sound like she did when we played doctor before. I think both of us knew, though, that we weren’t little children anymore.

“I think that would be a good idea, young lady.” For one thing, my voice had finally settled into a lower register. I was never going to have a deep voice like Lionel, but I sounded like a man. “I’d like to have a good… close… look at these… symptoms.” Jessica wiggled out of her panties. After the first glance I had to close my eyes and squeeze them hard to will my hard-on not to just erupt on the spot. Even with my eyes closed, though, I caught my first whiff of an excited woman. The smell of Jessica alone was almost enough to bring me off.

When I got myself under control, I opened my eyes and saw that Jessica had her panties off and had lifted her knees a little. I moved around so I could see better. I’d studied the book and could identify what I was looking at, but this was completely different. There wasn’t a single scientific thought in my mind when I looked at Jessica. I just stared. And I think I was holding my breath.

I don’t think I have ever seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful in my life as that first look at Jessica’s pussy. In the low light, her sparse blonde hairs cast few shadows over the pink lips and deeper red of her vagina. And it glowed with her juices. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but figured I’d better maintain the game. I didn’t want anything I did to cause Jessica to close her legs and shut out this simply awe-inspiring view.

“Well, young lady,” I said cautiously, “it appears that there is quite a lot of moisture gathered here. As a doctor, I have to ask if you have been touching yourself down here.”

“Doctor!” Jessica blurted out and started to close her legs. Then she let them fall open again. “I’m a good girl. I would never do something like that!”

“My dear, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a completely natural part of growing up for both boys and girls.” That was almost a direct quote from the book Mom gave me two years ago.

“I… uh… wouldn’t know how,” she squeaked. I wasn’t sure if Jessica was still playing or if she really didn’t know how to give herself pleasure. “What should I do?” That was the lead-in that I really wanted. “These are your female reproductive organs,” I said. “This,” I reached out and scarcely stroked across her lips, “is called your labia.” I’d memorized that picture in the book. Jessica quivered a little and I had to stop. I’d just touched the Gates of Heaven. They were slick and warm and I just wanted to bury myself there.

“Yes?” Jessica prompted. I kept stroking lightly. Almost lost in what I was doing.

“Um… this opening… uh… right here,” I said, “is your vagina.” I was sure Jessica knew all of this a lot better than I did, but she was playing like she didn’t know anything. We were both breathing pretty heavily. “Now this is your clitoris,” I said as I touched her little button. Jessica actually jumped and gasped. “Sometimes, girls call it their pleasure button,” I continued. That’s what Angela at science camp had said.

“Oh, Doctor. How do you know these things?”

“I’m a scientist. I need to know about things.”

“That feels really, really good. If you keep touching that, just like that…” Now I knew she was experienced and playing a game. She reached down and guided my fingers so I was touching her the way she wanted. “… just keep touching like that I think I’ll… Oh, Brian!” Jessica snapped her legs together and went stiff for a second, but she’d trapped my hand right where I didn’t want to let go. I kept it there as I lay back down beside her and kissed her softly. “It’s so… sensitive now. Don’t stop touching me, Brian.” Her legs loosened and I let my fingers slip up and down her wet folds. I felt the opening of her vagina as I slipped up and down. Jessica looked at me and I fell into her eyes. “Put your finger in me, Brian. Nothing’s ever been up there. Put your finger in.”

“Oh, Jessica,” I said. “I might sound like a doctor, but I’ve never done any of this.”

“Me either, Mr. Scientist. Not with… someone. But you need to know. And so do I. Please, sweetheart. Put it in me.”

I felt for the opening and pressed my finger against it. I didn’t really get anywhere so I slid around a little to make sure I was in the right place and pushed more firmly. There was a little snap and my finger went in.

“Ow!” Jessica gasped. I jerked away.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” I looked down and saw blood on my finger. “Oh my God, Jessica! You’re bleeding. We need a real doctor. I’ve got to go get Mom.” I started to get up and Jessica pulled me back down forcibly beside her.

“No! It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me.” Awareness suddenly dawned on me.

“Oh! Did you start your period?” I knew a little about that. I grew up with a sister and mother. I knew about those napkin things in the wastebasket.

“No. Put your finger back, please? The pain is gone. I just didn’t expect it to be so sharp. But I really want to feel you in me now. Please?” I wasn’t objecting to touching her some more. I put my hand back, gently rubbing her and then letting my finger slip inside. It was easier this time and Jessica started panting again as I felt around inside her and slipped in and out. “Mmm. Mmm. Kiss me again?” I didn’t need any encouragement for that and she rolled toward me to hold me against her bare breasts as I continued to push my finger in her and occasionally touch her pleasure button. She grabbed my head and held her mouth against mine as she screamed. Awareness dawned on me. Jessica had just had a really big orgasm and I’d helped her get it.

This time it really was too sensitive and she slowly pulled my hand away. It was pretty messy. I reached for a tissue. Just because I didn’t usually masturbate in the hayloft, didn’t mean I wasn’t prepared. I wiped my fingers and Jessica took a couple to clean herself up.

“Okay?” I asked.

“Yes, thank you, Doctor. What is your diagnosis?”

“I think you may need continued treatments.” We laughed.

“If I was going to be here this summer, I’d let you treat me every day,” she whispered, hugging me. We held each other for quite a while. In fact, I was almost ready to drift off to sleep holding her naked body against me. “Brian? Can I… Can I see you? And touch you like you did me?”

“You really want to?” I asked. “Jessica, I don’t want to get you pregnant. That would be bad for both of us.”

“You can’t put it inside me,” she said. “I just want to touch you like you touched me.”

“You know it gets messy?”

“Like it did in your shorts Sunday?” she giggled. “You’ve got more tissues, don’t you?” I nodded and felt her slipping my pajama bottoms down my legs. My cock had been hard as a rock for more than an hour. I’d been so intent on what I was doing with Jessica, though, that I hadn’t paid any attention to it. Now it demanded attention. Jessica looked at it as carefully as I’d looked at her. She reached out and pulled on it a little and it sprang back upright. She was startled. “It’s wet!” She touched the tip and smeared slippery fluid all over the head of my cock. I’d noticed it once before, but usually I reached orgasm before I had a chance to pay attention. It wasn’t going to take long now as her hand slipped down my shaft.

“Oh, Jessica. That feels so good. It’s gonna… I’m gonna…” I did. It squirted so hard that I got some on my face and Jessica had it all over her hand and splashed onto her chin. I saw stars. I’d never felt anything like that in my life.

“Wow! That was intense. You’re the only boy I’ve touched or seen,” she said. I had an untold sense of pleasure that my Jessica, my Heaven, was still innocent and had never touched another boy. That quickly turned to a knot in my stomach. “Thank you. Now when I actually have sex with a boy I’ll know what to expect.”

With a boy? Not with me? I was starting to get angry and couldn’t tell why. I grabbed some tissues and started cleaning myself up. Jessica wiped her chin and her hand and looked at me strangely. She pulled on her panties. I said a silent goodbye.

“Brian. Please don’t be mad at me. Can we talk? Please.” There were tears in her eyes and I guess there were in mine, too. I reached for my pants but she put her hand on mine.


“I put my panties on. We don’t have to both wear pants. It’s just to protect against having an accident in the middle of the night while we’re asleep.”

“An accident?”

“Yeah. Like accidentally having your penis slip into my vagina. I want that so much I’m afraid I’d do it.”

“Jessica, you have to know I want you. That I…” I stopped myself. She’d said not to say it.

“I know. Brian, but day after tomorrow I’m leaving. I’ve got real potential. I have auditions with some big agencies in Paris. That means I might not be back. I wanted something to have with just you. But I don’t want to do something we’ll regret.”

“Will we regret doing it or not doing it?” I whispered. She sighed.

“Both. But you were right. I could get pregnant. And what about if you find someone you really like this summer, too? If we made promises to each other, we’d just hurt each other. And Brian, no matter what anyone ever tells you, sex is a promise.”

“I promise, Jessica…”

“Shh. Don’t. Hold me close. Let me feel your warm skin against mine all night. Touch me. Kiss me. Lick my breasts. Even put your hand in my panties and make me have another orgasm. Let me feel your hard penis against me as we sleep. But don’t make a promise, Brian. Please. Just let it be tonight.”

She kissed me. I held her naked breasts against my chest and couldn’t imagine that I’d never hold another girl like this. I had everything I wanted in life in my arms. I was never going to kiss another girl. I was never going to touch another girl or make love. Jessica was mine. She was Heaven.

We finally went to sleep spooned together and my hard cock was nestled up against her bottom all night. She was right. If it hadn’t been for her panties, it would have been my cock in her vagina that gave her the next orgasm instead of my fingers. I woke up at four-thirty and nudged her awake.

“Everybody will be up soon. It’s already dawn.” Jessica held my hand against her breast and moved her butt against my cock. “Heaven, if you keep that up I’m going to do it again.”

“We can clean up one more time,” she said. I sawed my cock against her bare butt with her panties tucked up into her crack. My fingers slipped inside her panties and found her slippery clit. In seconds, it seemed, we had a mess stuck against my stomach and her back, and she was gasping for breath. We giggled a little and cleaned each other up, making sure we gathered all the tissues to put in the garbage pail in the tack room. Before we opened the barn door to run to our houses Jessica kissed me again. “Just so you know, Brian. I do love you,” she whispered and ran to her house.


I really didn’t get it. In fact, I figured I must be abnormal in some way. I cried Sunday night out in the hayloft after I’d watched and waved as Jessica left for the airport. In fact, I cried most of the night. In the morning I took Jessica’s blanket into the house with me and moved back to the attic. Monday morning, Hannah showed up for breakfast at 6:30 after delivering her papers and I realized how much I loved that crazy girl. But there was nothing sexual about it. The ache I’d felt about wanting to touch and kiss Hannah was just a normal response of a boy with a girl. She sat in front of me in the saddle on Silk when we went riding that morning and I got hard. But it wasn’t because she was my girlfriend or because I loved her. I know she felt it, but it didn’t bother her either. I was her friend.

How could I love Hannah and be so head-over-heels in love with Jessica and still get a hard-on every time I saw a girl in a bathing suit?


Speaking of boners, the girls in 4-H foods were in full summer mode—short-shorts and tank-tops or halters. But it was working next to Miss Sullivan and realizing she was showing some skin I hadn’t seen in English class that gave me a rise. Worse yet, she noticed.

“Is that going to be a problem for us working together?” she asked. There was a teasing tone to her voice.

“No, Miss Sullivan. Sorry if it embarrasses you as much as it does me, but it’s no problem.”

“I think in 4-H you can call me Anne. Mind you, that doesn’t apply to when we get back to school in the fall. Fair enough?”

“Sure, Anne. Thanks.” And things relaxed after that. Everything. Oh, she was still as pretty as ever and she didn’t suddenly start dressing in a less revealing way, but it was just okay. I sometimes got hard, but we both just ignored it. She had me do the next demonstration in Foods. We were going to make fudge and I practiced all week to make sure I could tell when the sugar and cocoa and milk were hot enough to pour and solidify, but not so hot that it got hard. The demo was great until…

“How did you know that it was ready? You didn’t use the candy thermometer,” one of the girls asked. I don’t know what her name was. She had brown hair and dimples. That’s all I latched onto.

“It’s all just chemistry, Dimples,” I said.

“Eww. Chemistry. Yuck!”

“Hey, it’s not that bad. You just have to know what kind of a compound you are dealing with. You see we talk about melting the sugar, but really sugar doesn’t melt.”

“What do you mean? We saw it melt in the pan and the directions in the recipe say to melt it.” Damn, the redhead with the big tits. I couldn’t call her “Boobs.”

“Okay, Red. Here’s the thing. I didn’t use a thermometer to tell when to pour the fudge out. I dropped little balls in cold water to see how they’d react. Sugar is an organic substance made out of plant sap. When we heat it, it’s more like it decomposes.”

“Like a dead body?”

“Yeah, Checkers.” She always wore plaid. “Only we control the rate, so it doesn’t stink like rotting garbage. The hotter the burner, the higher the temperature before it fully decomposes. If we use a lower burner, the sugar actually decomposes at a lower temperature. That’s why the candy thermometer wasn’t consistent for each group. Some of you got impatient and turned up the burner. As a result, the sugar wasn’t completely decomposed when it reached 250 degrees and you poured it out; it was still runny. Red’s group was really cautious and had the flame turned as low as it would go so they wouldn’t burn it. It hardly turned out of the pan when they tried to pour it at 250 degrees. That’s why I used the “firm ball” test by dropping some in a pan of cold water and testing it.”

“Miss Sullivan, are we going to have to learn chemistry in order to cook?” Shorty asked. Miss Sullivan was just looking at me.

“I’ve never actually heard it explained that way, but the essence of what Brian said is correct. It’s always better to test your candy in water than it is to just go by a candy thermometer. But I’ve always heard it was just part of being a good cook, not that you had to be a chemist, so I’d say no. You don’t have to learn chemistry to cook. But sample this fudge Brian has cooling. I’d say chemistry didn’t hurt it any!”



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