
The Rush to Build


“Ruth” by Belovodchenko Anton, ID772818790 licensed from Shutterstock.com


ANNA AND I spent Saturday night at the Holiday Inn in Windsor and enjoyed a little loving in the jacuzzi tub in our bathroom. I love all my girlfriends and enjoy loving on all of them in the bed at once. But there is also something wonderful about having one-on-one time. Ronda and I had quite a lot of that in the fall when it was only the two of us in the apartment. It seemed that the personal time was more limited once Elizabeth was back and living with us and Patricia, Toni, and Anna were coming up every weekend. I’d been making use of the second bedroom for private time with a girlfriend on occasion.

This week, though, was all Anna and me. And I enjoyed her as completely as I possibly could. In the big tub, I washed her and shampooed her hair. I held her as the jets pounded against our travel-weary bodies. I fed her in the restaurant, literally giving her bites of my food. I massaged her when we got back to the room.

And I kissed her. At every opportunity, I kissed Anna on her lips, her face, her hands, her nipples, her pussy, her feet, her back. Whatever was closest to me, I kissed. By the time I got her clothes off of her in the bedroom, she was charged. Anna loved kisses and kisses made her want to do other stuff.

The stuff we did included me entering her as she lay beneath me, then rolling to our sides, to my back, and reversing to her back. It included her sitting up on top of me and bouncing on my cock. It included me pushing her knees back to her breasts as I pounded into her pussy from above. Before our night had ended, it included me behind her, entering while we lay on our sides and then rolling so she could push up on her hands and knees as I humped over her butt and reached beneath her to fondle her hanging breasts.

The stuff included me going down on her until she squealed out a huge orgasm, and it included her milking my cock until I filled her mouth with come.

I’d intended to get a quick start Sunday morning to Stratford, and instead we stayed another night at the Holiday Inn so we could just make love some more.

And talk. Of course, we didn’t spend all our time fucking, but sometimes, even talking led to kissing and kissing led to other stuff, as she called it.

Sunday night we slept more soundly and after making love in the morning, we headed for Stratford.


“Does it strike you that we have sex a lot when we’re alone?” Anna asked as we drove toward our summer home.

“I’m a guy, Anna. You’ll have to define ‘a lot.’ I love sex with you. Is it too much?”

“No! That’s what amazes me. I’ve had your penis in my vagina so much in the last thirty-six hours I feel like it grows there. That’s where it should be whenever we can arrange it!”

“You’re not sore, are you?” I said.

“No. I’m so wet between what I make and what you leave behind that I think you could just slide in right now.”

I glanced over at her and she made a silly face. I pulled off the highway into a rest area and drove to the end to park. It was ten in the morning and it didn’t look like anyone was around, so we grabbed a blanket out of the back and headed to a treed area at the end of the rest area.

“Let me suck you to get you ready,” she said. “Sucking your dick is almost like kissing. I want it all!”

I was hard in a few seconds, it seemed. Anna pulled her pants down and got on her knees. I got up behind her and slid right in. This wasn’t a gentle making love time. This was frantic animalistic pounding that brought us both to a noisy climax in a couple of minutes.

“Yes!” she yelled. “Oh God, yes! I love you!”

“I love you, but we’re actually kind of exposed out here. I didn’t realize we could be seen from the far end of the park back here.”

“Oh, wow! And here’s my butt, shining in the sunlight.” We jumped up and tucked ourselves in, looking back at a car that had just pulled in at the other end of the parking area. “Oh, boy! We didn’t pay much attention to where we were. It’s freezing cold out here and the blanket is soaking wet from the ground.”

“We’ll have to wash and dry it when we get to town. Nothing like starting our week in Stratford with clean clothes.”

We ran to the bus and tossed the wet blanket in back. Anna slid over to the middle of the seat and parted her legs on either side of the gear handle. And we stayed in that position all the rest of the way to Stratford.


“Where’s the baby?” Harold asked when he saw us at the shop. He was our real estate consultant and had really done a lot to help us find a place and get settled.

“Only two of us could make the trip this week,” I said. “Patricia and Little Toni are staying with Ronda so she doesn’t get lonely.”

“I guess there are some advantages for everyone in your kind of family,” he chuckled. “Tom Forsythe will be here in a few minutes. He’s a good contractor and can work all week with his helper. It didn’t look to me like the project should take any longer than that.”

“If we can start today, so much the better. Anna and I will be helpers, too. I helped build my first darkroom with my dad’s help. I know pretty much how it is supposed to go.”

“Here’s Tom now. I have the permit for doing the construction you want. We wouldn’t have needed one except for your specification on water and power. Tom, this is Nate Hart and Anna Marx. They own the place.”

“Hi, Nate. I took the liberty of picking up the electrical and plumbing materials so we could get started right away,” Tom said.

“That’s great. Let’s take a look at the space and make sure we’re all on the same page about where things go.”

At ten o’clock, Anna and I had been fucking in a roadside rest area. At eleven-thirty, we were measuring and preparing the space for our new darkroom. I liked Tom and got along well with him. He had a good customer ethic and listened when I told him what I wanted, then made good suggestions to make it happen.

At three o’clock, Anna went with Tom’s helper—a guy who was about our age named Dennis—to the lumber yard and put in the order for the building materials we needed. Anna wrote a check on our Stratford business account and they said the materials would be delivered in the morning.

We knocked off at six o’clock. Anna and I went upstairs to our apartment to get cleaned up so we could go out to dinner.


“What the…? Oh, my God! Look at all this stuff!” I said.

“I wondered where it was. Melinda said she’d stored it all. I didn’t realize she’d stored it all in our bedroom.”

“There are a lot more boxes here than there were when we unpacked the darkroom in Tenbrook. What did we order?” I asked.

“Levi and I went through catalogues and ordered everything we could think of that we’d need here in the studio, not just the darkroom. So, the enlarger, developer tanks, spooler, trays, drying sheets, different lenses and filters, tongs, and anything else we could think of. He also equipped you with the other chemicals—he said they were bleaches—so you could do Cibachrome processing. There are lights, a control board, standard backgrounds, a few nice special backgrounds, and tripods. We didn’t buy any cameras for up here. We decided you should cart those back and forth. Then there are the other supplies over here,” she said, opening the refrigerator.

It was full.

“Levi asked if we had a refrigerator, so we ordered film, paper, and chemicals that Melinda stored in here. I knew about this because she had to take all the shelves out of the refrigerator and just stack the boxes in here as tightly as she could.”

“Are we paying her enough to do all this?” I asked.

“Probably not, but she was happy to come in and putter around this winter. She cleaned out and organized the whole studio space downstairs.”

“Let’s make sure we treat her right,” I said.

“You’re so good about that. I’ll make sure she stays happy.”

“Well, we’d better clean up so we can get some food and then come back and clear the bed.”

“We could make love again in the shower before we go out,” Anna suggested, giving me a kiss. “And you could have told me I was working all day with a huge wet spot in the crotch of my pants. It looked like I peed them!”

I got the offending article of clothing off her and we stepped into the shower to make love again before we went out for dinner.


Work went well and quickly. Melinda came over and helped Anna paint the studio area. Then they cleaned the restroom and improved the lighting in it so models could refresh their makeup. Melinda was a great worker and we took her out to dinner on Wednesday.

Also, in the middle of the day on Wednesday, I called Elizabeth at Rose’s house in Las Vegas to tell her to break a leg for her opening night. I had flowers sent to her dressing room—or what I assumed was her dressing room. I guess she actually just had a space at the long table of mirrors where all the dancers did their makeup. She wasn’t a headliner, after all.

And Anna and I continued to make love every night and again in the morning before we got out of bed for anything more than brushing our teeth and using the toilet. By Thursday, Anna and Melinda were able to start painting the darkroom black as I went up to start unpacking the equipment.


Thursday afternoon, someone started pounding on the front door, which we’d kept locked while we were working. I finally went out to see what was going on.

“Excuse me! Excuse me! Can you take my picture? It’s urgent.”

“I’m just getting set up. I could take it tomorrow before we close up and go back to the States. We’re not really open for business yet.”

“Please!” she pled. “I’m auditioning tomorrow and my luggage was lost. I don’t have a head shot to put with my resume. For that matter, I don’t have a resume. It was all in my luggage. It got caught up in customs because I have so much luggage.”

“I see,” I said. “Come in. It’s cold out there. Where are you from?”

“London,” she said. “I interviewed with the director over the phone and he said to come and he’d find a place for me. But I have to abide by the rules. I need a headshot and resume. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Okay,” I said. “Let’s see if we can help you. We’ve just been building the darkroom and studio this week. I guess we’ll figure it out as we go. So, you need a standard actor’s headshot? We should be able to do that. Maybe we can help with the other things, too.”

I led her back to the studio, through all the antiques that occupied the front of our space. Or junk. I wasn’t sure how much of it was verifiable antiques and how much was just second hand junk. It looked an awful lot like the attic in Chicago.

“Oh, I’m Nate Hart. This is my studio, or will be during the summer months. I guess the season is just getting ramped up here. We won’t arrive until June for the summer.”

“Oh, yes! I’m Kathleen Thomas, actress. I’ve just arrived from London. Flew in to Toronto and took a bus to get to Stratford. I’m told my luggage will arrive sometime ‘later.’ I’m such a wreck.”

“Anna? Can you help Kathleen here get ready for a portrait? She’s in a pickle and I think we can help.”

“Sure. Oh, Kathleen, you’re pretty. I’m Anna. Do you have makeup in your bag? Let’s see what we can do to freshen you up. Stay away from the black room. Some of the paint is still wet.” Anna led a compliant Kathleen to the bathroom. I was glad Anna and Melinda had scrubbed it.

“Melinda, I hate to impose on you further, but could you give me a hand setting up some lights and a backdrop? I guess we are in business sooner than expected.”

“My life was so boring before you and Anna showed up,” Melinda said. “This week has been great fun. You certainly get things done when you’re around, eh?”

We had to carry the backdrops down from upstairs and set up the stand for them. I pulled a standard background down. They’d included a nice mottled cream-colored one and I thought that would make an excellent backdrop.

I’d been taking pictures mostly with the Nikon of our work and progress so we could show Patricia and Ronda when we got home. Of course, the Nikon was now loaded with color slide film, so we wouldn’t see slides for a week after we got back to Chicago. It would be different than the 4x5s Leslie and I had taken.

Melinda helped me run extension cords for the lights and get things plugged in, so when Anna led Kathleen out of the bathroom/dressing room, we had a reasonable looking setup. Melinda was free to go now, but she wanted to stick around to watch Anna and me work.

“Oh, Melinda, do we have a typewriter and some good paper in the store?”

“Yes, Nate. It’s an old typewriter, but it works well. I sometimes type up a certificate of authentication for certain items. If someone comes in to sell us an antique gold watch, for example, I might not be able to verify the information, but I can require the seller to do so and sign a certificate. It’s the way Mrs. Wells had me do it.”

“That’s good. We’re going to help Kathleen put together a resume once I’ve taken the pictures.”

“You’ll help me do that?” Kathleen cried. She jumped up to give me a hug and say thank you.

“Nate can’t resist a damsel in distress,” Anna laughed. “We’ll have you all fixed by morning. Which reminds me, do you have any other clothes?”

“No! This is all I have.”

“We’ll go shopping as soon as Nate finishes this shot.”

“You guys are so nice!”

“Now,” I said, “you know everything is going to be okay, so let’s lose the worried expression and show me what a smile you have. Brilliant! Now, let’s turn toward Anna. Here we go.”

I guess when I have a model and start snapping the shutter, I have a different personality that appears. I moved Kathleen from position to position, cajoling her into the right expression. She had no problem with me moving her shoulders or lifting her chin. In fact, she was a very good model.

“If you are going to get to a clothing store, we’d better stop taking pictures and get you out the door. I’ll finish setting up the developer and enlarger, then start processing this roll of film. I wish you were one of my models. I’d love to do a whole set of photos of you,” I said.

Anna and Melinda took off with Kathleen to shop and I finished getting the darkroom ready for my first batch of photos in Canada.


Anna returned long enough to drag me out of the studio for dinner. Melinda and Kathleen were already seated at a pub just up the street from us. We all had a beer with our dinner of very typical pub food. I had a really good steak and onion pie. I noticed Kathleen stuck with basic fish and chips and said they were just like ‘back home.’ Anna had a big bowl of French onion soup in a crockery bowl with cheese browned and melted all over the top and down the sides. Melinda laughed at all of us trying to fit into life in Stratford. Then she ordered bangers and mash in order to keep with the theme. I had a feeling she’d have normally ordered a burger.

After dinner, we returned to the studio. I started by showing Kathleen the proofs and indicating my selection from them. She was fully in agreement. So, I handed her off to Anna to work on her resume. Melinda said she had a cat at home and needed to leave for the day and feed it. I could hear Kathleen and Anna getting ready to type up the resume until I closed the door on the darkroom.

I printed half a dozen prints of her headshot so she’d have spares. It was a very good shot. I also printed a couple copies of a slightly wider angle shot that showed her upper torso. It was just enough to show that she had a nice set of boobs beneath her collar, so if a director was interested in that, or she wanted to promote it, she could.

It was eight o’clock before I walked out of the darkroom and with the construction, painting, setting up equipment, etc., I was pretty beat. I didn’t see Kathleen and Anna in the store, so I figured I’d just go upstairs. Anna was probably up there, and I was sure Kathleen would be back for her photos in the morning. I checked the front and back doors to make sure we were secure inside and walked up the stairs.

“Did you bring the photos up?” Anna asked. “We’re just having a cup of tea to pass the time while waiting for you.”

“Oh, I’ll run back down and get them. I didn’t see you and wasn’t sure where you’d gone.”

I ran back to the darkroom and brought the photos upstairs. Kathleen took one look at the photo and started crying.

“Is there a problem?” I asked. I sure wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction.

“I’m sorry. They’re wonderful. You two have been so nice to me. I can’t believe you came to the aid of a stranger and helped me with pictures, shopping, and getting my resume ready. And while we were drinking tea, I told Anna about having seen your shop from the bus window and running straight here from the bus station and I haven’t even been to a hotel to find a place to stay and Anna said I could stay here for the night. You’re so nice!”

Oh! She was spending the night? Well, we did have four bedrooms and Patricia and I had gotten a couple set up. I guess there was no problem with her staying here. Why not?


We stayed up just drinking tea and talking until way late. Anna got Kathleen settled in the spare bedroom and we all went to bed. The late hour didn’t stop Anna from wanting to make love, albeit a little quieter than we’d been earlier in the week.

In the morning, we had breakfast and Kathleen got ready to go to her audition. We had her sign a model release with the promise she’d return for a session when we got back in June. In the meantime, I’d be hanging a couple copies of her portrait in the new studio as our first photos in Stratford.

We still had a lot to do in the new space to make it look more professional. I went to a used appliance store and dragged home a refrigerator we could use downstairs for photographic materials. There was no sense in keeping that in the apartment upstairs. Anna and I did a careful inspection and inventory of all the equipment and she checked everything against our bill of lading. She was going to have a bunch of work to get accounts all in balance.

First, she’d need to complete my income tax. Her father had done our corporate tax. He worked with an accountant in Stratford to complete the Canadian taxes, which were almost non-existent based on having done no business in Canada by the end of the year, but all the investment and equipment purchases needed to be accounted for so we’d have accurate books by the end of 1970.

By the end of the day on Friday, we had things put in the best condition we could. Melinda had all the instructions for getting us open in two months. Anna and I made love again Friday night in our apartment and Saturday morning, we headed back to Chicago.


“So,” Patricia started Sunday afternoon, as if she’d been talking for an hour instead of just introducing a subject, “Toni and I are going to stay in Chicago. Anna, you should take either my car or Nate’s car to Rockford so you can get back here Thursday nights or first thing Friday if necessary. It’s time for us to start coming together in this apartment as a family and living here together.”

Ronda clapped her hands and I figured the two had talked this over during the week. It was one thing in my mind to have three students living together in the apartment. We really all three led separate lives with Ronda at University of Chicago, Beth at DePaul, and me at Columbia. We kind of met together as we were able. Having Patricia and Toni living here would mean someone was always around. There would never be an empty apartment to come home to.

The more I thought about that, the more it pleased me.

“I’m all for that,” Anna said. “I’m only a little more than an hour out of town. I’d like to consider commuting to school next fall. This is a good place to start.”

“Will you be okay having to take care of Toni alone most days?” I asked. “In Tenbrook, you have your mom and Tony’s mom to help out. We’ll need to do as much as we can when we’re not in school.”

“We talked a lot about that this week,” Ronda said. “I agree that we’ll need to be aware of our extra responsibility at home at night, but I think Patricia is going to do pretty well. She’s already gotten a job.”

“Really? What?”

“I’m a checker at the Corner Store a few blocks over,” Patricia said proudly. “My experience running the Center Marketplace made me a shoo-in for the job. And it’s right on the edge of campus. There’s a church across the street that has a day-care center for children of students. They said they thought I qualified, even if I wasn’t in school. They counted Ronda and you being in school as close enough.”

“That’s cool. Will Toni like it?” I asked.

“I could hardly drag her out when we visited. I don’t think there will be a problem at all. And I’ll be able to pick up groceries before I come home,” Patricia said.

“I’m all for it,” I said. “Anna, anytime you can get home, do so. You can drive my car since it is big on economy.”

“My class schedule is a little different than yours, since I don’t have any classes on Friday. But I’ve really managed to compress my classes into a solid block, so I’m in class from ten till three every day. I’m going to try to come into town at least one night a week in addition to Thursday night. So, maybe Tuesday. I’d only be gone Monday and Wednesday nights!” Anna said.

“Just in case I don’t tell you all enough, I love you to the moon and back,” I said. “I want to live with you all the time. I want to be with you and learn all about how we interconnect and work together.”

“Well, I think you should interconnect with Ronda or Patricia tonight,” Anna laughed. “It’s only an estimate based on a statistical sample, but when you count the number of times this dick has thrust in and out of my pussy the last week, I figure I’ve had somewhere between a mile and a mile-and-a-half of cock in me this week. I only have about eight inches of vagina, so it’s a little tired.”

“I’ll take that offer,” Patricia said. “Maybe Ronda would soothe your pussy with her tongue. She’s sure soothed mine a lot this week.”


Classes started again Monday morning. I got up to find Patricia, Toni, and Anna already moving. Ronda was right behind me. Patricia was trying to put pancakes on the table and was behind the curve. Toni had syrup in her hair. Anna finally grabbed a cup of coffee, kissed each of us and headed for the car to drive to Rockford. She was worried about getting to her first class on time.

I didn’t blame her. I had to run for the train with a pancake folded in my hand and a syrupy kiss from Toni on my cheek. Ronda was out the door right behind me and waved as we turned opposite directions. Poor Patricia. I knew she needed to be to work in an hour and just hoped she could get Toni cleaned up and ready for daycare. Having four people in the kitchen all trying to get out the door for classes and work was chaos. We’d need to work on that.

Anna didn’t come back until Thursday night. By that time, Ronda and I had figured out how to ease a little of the morning chaos for Patricia.

“I wanted to be a perfect wife and send my family off to school with a nice hot breakfast,” she’d sobbed Monday night when I got home.

“You don’t have to be a perfect wife to us, honey,” I said as I held her. “We want you and Toni to be with us because we love you, not because you make breakfast and dinner for us.”

“Dinner! My gosh, I left the sauce on the stove!”

It wasn’t a disaster and after Toni was in bed for the night and Ronda and I knew where we were with our studies, we spent some time loving on Patricia until we all fell asleep.


Tuesday in my study session, Leslie handed me the name of another girl from her group and I checked to be sure we had a timeslot and an assistant for Saturday. I expected this to be a pretty low-key week as we worked out who was where on what days.

Thursday night, Anna apologized for being on fire to get out of the apartment Monday, when she got to class an hour early. We all started to relax with the schedule and not feel so rushed about things. Anna said that for a while she’d be going in Monday morning and coming back Thursday night because it just seemed to make sense not to drive back and forth more times than that when she had a perfectly good room in Rockford. But that still meant she’d only be gone three nights a week. We started getting it together as a family and figuring out who was where, who needed a little space in the second bedroom, or a private time with one of her housemates. I figured it would all work out if we didn’t start taking each other for granted.

So, Saturday afternoon, I was pretty relaxed when I met Theresa at the studio for our one o’clock appointment.

Ruth Mitchell was a pretty girl who was nicely stacked in that ‘fresh-grown-boobs’ way that teens often have. It’s like the flesh is still trying to stretch enough for the tissue growing under it. In fact, it looked like she hadn’t quite learned to accommodate everything in her clothing, which fit snugly around her top and her butt.

She looked around the studio and I thought she might cry.

“Ruth, I ask a question of all the models who come here. Are you here of your own free will without being coerced by anyone?”

“No!” she cried out. “I’m a virgin. I don’t want to lose my virginity in a junky attic to a stranger with a camera!”

That blew me away.

“Whoa! Who said anything about losing your virginity?” I asked.

“They said you’d take care of it.”

“Who said?”

“Cheryl. And… and… Betty.”

“Did those girls tell you they lost their virginity here in the studio?” I asked. “Or that I even had sex with them?”

“No. Not exactly. All the girls in the Whore Corps know I’m a virgin. I didn’t want to join, but they said it was just a name for girls who had teachers for parents. Cheryl and Betty said you’d know exactly how to take care of my little problem. What else could they mean?” Ruth cried.

“Oh, Ruth. People are so cruel some times.” I put an arm around the girl and she cried against my shoulder. “I’m a photographer. I take pictures of pretty girls and make them look all sexy. What Cheryl and Betty didn’t tell you was that I have a hard and fast rule against intercourse in the studio and I don’t date models. I’m not going to take your virginity, or even try to convince you to give it to me.”

“Really? You won’t, like, make me get naked and have your way with me?”

“Ruthie, whether or not you get naked will be up to you. I guarantee I can take sexy photos of you fully clothed. You’re really pretty and…”

“And I’ve got boobs!” she blurted out. “I know. They just grew there all of a sudden last year and everybody stares at them.”

“Well, it’s true that you have them. It’s hard not to notice. Do you have any clothes that are not so tight? That might keep people from staring so much.”

“I’ve always worn this size. Are you saying I’m getting fat?”

Holy shit! This girl was a fruitcake. How was I going to explain this without just offending her?

“Here’s the thing, Ruthie. You aren’t fat. In fact, I’d bet you’ve been dieting, trying to fit in your clothes and are probably thinner now than you were in high school. But bodies change. You’ve grown boobs. They’re a permanent fixture. You need to accommodate them in your clothes. Your waist is really thin but your butt is bigger. That’s part of being a grown up woman. A very nice part, I might add. Your figure is superb.”

“Really? I thought… I don’t know what I thought. I’m so confused.”

“Let’s show what you really look like and how to get comfortable with it. First, let’s go pick out a nice blouse for you. We have a pretty good selection and I’ll bet I can find something that will make you look superb.”

“We’re going shopping?”

“In a way. We have a costume wardrobe that the girls… That’s Theresa over there setting up the backdrop and lights. She’s my assistant today. So, the girls get all these clothes from estate sales and rummage sales. When we’re done with them, we usually donate them to Goodwill. Some of this stuff is really high class, though. Like take a look at this blouse. It would look good on you.”

“Too many frills. I don’t like all that stuff on it.”

“Okay, good. We want something you like the look of and are comfortable in. How about this?”

“I don’t think I look good in peach. It’s the wrong color for my complexion.”

“Ah, yes. You know we are going to take black and white photos, but let’s keep looking. How about this?”

I pulled a royal blue satin blouse off the rack and held it up to her. It looked good and the scoop neckline would just touch her cleavage. She took it from me and held it up to herself, immediately spotting our mirror and getting in front of it.

“Do you think it will fit?”

“Let’s go find out.”

I led her back behind the privacy screen and she hesitantly unbuttoned her blouse. She looked at me to see either if I was leaving, or was paying attention. Then she went ahead and took it off. I was ready to just slip the new blouse on her when I saw her bra. Well, that was a problem.

“Oh, honey. You need a bigger bra. How can you even breathe in this?”

“Really? I just took a measurement and ordered bras from the catalog. I was kind of guessing.”

“You have to get out of that. Your breasts aren’t supposed to be creased by the bra. It’s just supposed to support them. And from what I can see, you don’t need the support for the photos.”

“You… um… aren’t just trying to see my bare boobs, are you?”

“No. Now, listen. I haven’t lied to you about anything this afternoon. In fact, I’m going to call my girlfriend and ask her to come into town and take you shopping for new bras and clothes. But I am a twenty-year-old male and I would love to see your bare boobs. I’m hoping that later we’ll get some good photos of you with no clothes on at all. But that’s all up to you. If you don’t want my help, I’ll leave you here and go make my calls.”

“Um… no. That’s okay. I just… They said… You know…”

“I know. Isn’t that the way with everything these days. Everybody wants you to be more mature, more advanced, more sexy, more of everything than what you are.”

I simply reached around her and released the catch on her bra. She actually breathed a sigh of relief when it came loose. Her boobs were really lovely, but…

“Oh, my God! Look at this crease across your pretty breasts! Ruth, you have to stop wearing clothes that are too small for you. Here, I have some hydrating lotion on the table. Models often want it after they’ve removed their makeup.”

I squirted some lotion into my hands and rubbed it thoroughly into her boobs. She closed her eyes and I heard a tiny moan escape from her lips.

“We’ll let that work its magic while we get the first round of pictures out of the way. Let’s freshen your makeup. You got some streaks while you were crying.”

I seated her and worked on her face and hair. Through my tutelage with Leanne, I’d been getting better at makeup, but I was actually taking the course next fall. I don’t think Ruth noticed that I didn’t put a blouse on her when I started working on her hair. I definitely wanted pictures of these breasts. When I’d finished the makeup and hair, I slipped the blue top over her head and smoothed it out. She looked in the mirror.


“Yes. That’s really you and now I’m going to get some pictures that show the real you for the world to see.”

We started working in earnest and she was already comfortable with my touch, so I was able to move her around easily. I had Theresa take a break to call my girlfriends and see if Ronda could come up to help this girl with some shopping.

Of course, Ruth was naked long before Ronda showed up. I moved the bed into the frame and had her pose several ways on it with different bits of fabric lying around. The best might have been one where she was just waiting for me to change film and was engaged in adjusting her hair a little. I caught the picture while she wasn’t looking.

I massaged her shoulders and relaxed her back among the pillows. I got pictures of her boobs and her butt and her shapely legs. And when I’d finished, I picked her up and carried her behind the privacy screen. I laid her down on the fainting couch and perched beside her while I stroked down her body and appreciated every curve and moist fold.

“You were such a good model today. I think we got excellent photographs that you’ll be proud of. You’re so pretty. You just need to buy some clothes that fit. Or quit wearing the bra at all. Or both. Ronda will help you with that.”

“I guess it would be okay, you know?” she said. “I think I’d like it.”

“What’s that?”

“If you took my virginity. You’ve touched my vagina. You could put your… penis in it. It would be okay.”

“Oh, you remember the rules. There’s no intercourse in the studio. And I don’t date models.” I tweaked her clit just a little and she stiffened with a gasp.

“I could be your girlfriend,” she whispered.

“I have four girlfriends,” I sighed. “I’m sure you’d be a nice addition, but four is really all one guy can handle. I’m sure you’ll find a nice guy who will give you everything you want in life.”

“Oh. I forgot you have girlfriends. One is going shopping with me, right?”

“Yes. I hear Ronda talking to Theresa now. Why don’t you go ahead and get dressed. You can wear the blue blouse for now if you want to. I’ll see you when you’re ready to go.”


She sounded kind of dreamy and I hoped she didn’t just fall asleep back there. It happens sometimes.


When I saw Leslie after class Monday, she asked how the photo session with Ruth went.

“It was okay, but somehow Cheryl and Betty had convinced her that I would take her virginity. The poor girl was a wreck when she got to the studio.”

“Did you?”

“No! You know I don’t do that kind of thing. Except with you. You haven’t told anyone about that, have you?”

“No. As far as I know you, me, and our three study friends are the only ones who know about that. Um… and I suppose your girlfriends. Your studio assistants?”

I shrugged. I didn’t keep things particularly secret from my assistants.

“Geez! If we tell two more people, I think we get a discount from Allied Advertising on billboards,” Leslie laughed.

“Sorry, girl. I guess no one is all that good at keeping things quiet. I’ve not told anyone outside our inner circle and don’t intend to. Ronda took Ruth shopping for some clothes that fit after our session. You wouldn’t believe the size bra she was wearing. It took an hour for the creases to fade from her boobs.”


“Her clothes. She said her boobs just grew. Her clothes were too tight. Her bra wasn’t even the right size around. She said she took a measurement and then ordered her bras from a catalog.”

“You must be kidding me!” Leslie laughed. “That bitch!”

“Hey, don’t be hard on the poor girl.”

“You don’t understand,” Leslie giggled. “Ruth is one of the most fashionable girls in the Whore Corps. The idea that she’d wear something that doesn’t fit is ridiculous. Oh, God! You were had! I’m glad you didn’t screw her, but I hope you felt her up good. I’ll bet she put that scheme together with Cheryl. Those two are thick as thieves.”

“Oh, crap.”

“No. You didn’t really think you seduced an inexperienced virgin out of her clothes, do you? I’ll bet she didn’t object at all to you taking off her blouse and bra. Probably let you rub her boobs as soon as they came into sight.”

“At least I didn’t fuck her. Or accept her as a girlfriend. I did get some good photos, though.”

“Well, I’m glad of that,” Leslie laughed. “We should do another large format photo session sometime soon. I really liked the way our Cibas turned out from the last session. Hyatt sure liked them. I could almost feel him squeezing my tits as he looked at the photo.”

“Hmm. I’d kind of like to do a daylight scene. Want to take a field trip?”

“It better be a warm day if you plan to get me naked outside.”

“Let’s say Saturday after next. It’s almost May.”

“Okay, boy. You better be ready to get naked in the sun.”

“I think I know a good place north of the city. We’ll have it to ourselves because it isn’t in season yet.”


When I told Ronda about how we’d been had on Saturday, she laughed hysterically.

“She couldn’t keep that a secret from me!” Ronda said. “She had too good an eye for color and style. She told me it had been a bet with one of the other girls that she could get further with you. You disappointed her with your ethics after having gotten her all turned on during the shoot. I told her that if she licked my pussy, I’d try to get her some private time with you. She wasn’t that interested.”

“Well, Leslie and I are going to shoot some color pictures outdoors in two weeks. Just so you know. I’m not likely to be as ‘ethical’ with her. By the way, she wants to come visit us this summer for a little. If it’s okay.”

“Hmm. Leslie, Leanne, Adrienne. I bet Judy will want to come up for a while. Anna isn’t going to get a mile and a half of dick all summer at this rate,” Patricia joined in.

“Maybe we should get some in tonight,” Ronda said. Patricia agreed and we headed for a pretty yummy three-way in bed.


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