
The Big Surprise


“Cheryl” by Holger Wulschlaeger, ID632418 from Shutterstock.com


WE’D BEEN TALKING for nearly a year about all getting passports so we could travel to Europe if we wanted to. Next year, I’d be eligible for one of the study tours during the January intersession. So, Saturday the seventh of March, Anna, Patricia, Toni, and I all stopped by Camera Warehouse to get passport photos taken. It was easier to have Loren take our pictures. They had a good quality Polaroid set up the way it needed to be for distance and size of the print. It was a quad lens affair that pumped out four passport-size photos at a time. Of course, Beth and Ronda already had passports.

Loren mostly worked in photo processing and printing for Camera Warehouse, but he was in charge of passport photos, too. It didn’t really take long to get the photos done. We’d fill out all the forms—which were also available at Camera Warehouse—and then go down to the Federal courthouse first thing Monday morning to apply for the documents.

“Why do you need a passport?” Loren asked. I think it was just idle curiosity.

“We’re thinking of traveling next year sometime and just want to be prepared. Besides, we go back and forth to Canada a lot.”

“No passport required for Canada. It’s the longest undefended border in the world,” Loren said.

“Really?” I mocked. “Longer than the border between the slave states and the free states?”

“Um… I don’t know, but that was back in the civil war.”

“Oh, believe me: the border still exists.”

We weren’t there to start political arguments, so I didn’t pursue it. Seemed like the division between North and South was as obvious today as it had been a hundred years ago. Look at the states that voted for George Wallace. Anna, Patricia, and Toni went home and I went upstairs to the studio for my afternoon appointment.


All I knew about this client, Cheryl Robinson, was that she was a member of Leslie’s Whore Corps. That didn’t bother me because the girls in the Whore Corps had proven to be very nice and most of them not promiscuous in any way. It was just a name they used to distinguish themselves from the God Squad, a group of guys who were all preachers’ kids. The Whore Corps was all daughters of school teachers.

Theresa and Cassie were helping me in the studio Saturday afternoon, so I anticipated an easy shoot. I needed that after last Saturday’s taxing session with my former patron, Sylvia Drummond.

“Hi. Welcome to Attic Allure. I’m Nate,” I said when she arrived.

“I’m Cheryl. Please stand over there so I can get your picture,” she said.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I want to get some good pictures of you to show my friends. One with you dressed like you are, then I want you to strip and let me get some good nudes.” She waved around an Instamatic camera.

“I’m sorry, but that is not how Attic Allure works. If you aren’t here to have your picture taken, then we don’t really have any business to do,” I said. Take pictures of me?

“Come on. It’s like quid pro quo. I’ll get nudes of you and you’ll get nudes of me.”

“No. I’m sorry you wasted a trip up here.”

“I want my nude picture taken,” she said. It was so reminiscent of Toni when she got mad that I expected her to stamp a foot. Fortunately, our baby didn’t get mad much. Regardless, I’d had it with Cheryl already.

“If you want nude pictures taken, take off your clothes and leave your camera with them. This studio is Attic Allure and I’m the one who takes pictures here.”

“But Leslie…”

“Leslie is a photography student and study partner who takes many of the same classes I do. She doesn’t run around with an Instamatic demanding people take their clothes off,” I said.

“You could at least take my clothes off me,” Cheryl complained.

“Do you care if they are torn? You’ve exhausted my patience already and that’s likely to result in torn clothing if I start removing it from your body.”

“That’s rude,” she said, pulling her clothes off. “Leslie said you were a nice guy.”

“You’ve caught me at a bad time. I had to tie a model up and beat her last week,” I said.

“You what? Seriously?”

“Seriously. So, if you don’t want me to tie your hands behind a pillar and stuff your panties in your mouth, just undress and let me put you where I want you.” I turned to my assistants. “Leanne, we’ll go with the black backdrop. Cassie, I need that length of Greek pillar we have. And something to prop it on so it’s lying at an angle. A real Greek ruins.”

I turned back to Cheryl to find her naked. She was watching things get moved around. I reached for her and led her to the backdrop, snagging the stool on my way.

“Sit here. I’m going to take your portrait.”


“I’ll only be photographing your head and shoulders.”

“Then why did I have to get naked already?”

“Because I like to look at tits. Yours are pretty nice, by the way.”

“Thank you. I mean, you made me get undressed just so you could look at my boobs?”

“No. We’re going to do some interesting art photos,” I said. “A real Attic Allure shoot. I think you’ll like it.”

“Okay, but…”

“Please stop arguing. If at any time you feel the shoot is not yielding the results you want, you can call it off and leave. Now, here. Lift your chin. That’s better. Lean to your left and reach your hand this way. Like this. Now I want to see that really beautiful smile you have hiding in there. That’s it!”

Each time I gave her an instruction, I touched her and guided her. After our rather rocky start she settled in pretty well. In a few minutes, she was leaning into my hands as I positioned her and had turned suddenly once, causing my hand to glide across her boob. Yes, she thought she could come in and order me around, but I think I was giving her exactly what she really wanted. If we’d been alone, I probably would have tied her up. I needed to get rid of that way of thinking. It was strictly a leftover from Sylvia and I didn’t need it to be a part of my life.

We quickly removed the stool and set up the pillar on the incline that I wanted. I led Cheryl to it and laid her back on it.

“Feather plume and a choker necklace,” I said to Cassie. “Theresa, isolate Cheryl with the light so we aren’t being distracted by any background noise.”

I walked around Cheryl and took a picture from near her feet. She was a little hairy, but that was all that was keeping me from looking right up inside her twat.

“You might want to bring your legs a little closer together,” I said. “Try putting this foot up onto the pillar with just the other down beside it instead of straddling it. That’s better.”

Cassie brought me the feather and the choker. I was able to straddle Cheryl, though just barely. My legs were rubbing against her sides as I leaned down to fasten the choker around her neck. Then I rubbed her nipples with my thumbs. It was the first time I’d lingered on her breasts or anywhere else and her eyes popped open, but she didn’t say anything.

“Is this what you were hoping for when you came in here this afternoon?” I asked.

“Yes,” she squeaked. “Leslie said I’d need to get things started the way I wanted them to go. I misjudged.”

“You did, but I’ll forgive you if you’re a good girl from now on.” I picked up the feather and started stroking it all along her chest and then down her stomach. “Now you take the plume and caress your pretty boobs with it. Show me how you like to be touched.”

She started sweeping the feather plume across her breasts and down her stomach, but then started smaller and smaller movement just on sensitive areas. I took pictures and then removed the plume.

“One hand behind your head and the other on your pussy,” I said. “I don’t really take crotch shots, so let’s cover it up a little. There we are. Lips together, satisfied… no, smug smile. Not too broad. The girl who is getting just what she wants.”

It was a good photo. Now that we were working together, I thought we might try some others.

“Are you ready to take some more pictures?” I asked. “We could do some more artsy poses.”

“Yes. May I get up from here for now?”

“Mmmhmm. We’re going to stand the column up now and have you pose in front of it and around it.”


The first thing Monday morning, Anna, Patricia, Toni, and I showed up at the courthouse. We saw a clerk who checked our identification, and asked Patricia a lot of questions about Toni and the relationship of Anna and me. Then he stamped the application and said we’d get our passports in four to six weeks. Easy. I got to my eleven o’clock sociology class and Patricia and Toni took Anna back to Rockford before going home to Tenbrook.

It was a lonely week around the apartment. Ronda was in final exams for the quarter. Beth was in dress rehearsals and would open on Thursday night. I was learning the ins and outs of making Cibachrome prints and debating whether I needed that tech in my darkroom.

It wasn’t really that much. I could get an adapter for my enlarger with some new filters. The big deal was that the paper, which wasn’t really paper, was kind of expensive and the chemicals were different, so I’d need a different batch of trays specifically for those prints. I also wanted to test it on bigger enlargements. So far in class, we’d done strictly 4x6 prints to get a feel for what the pictures would look like and how the process would work.

It seemed that one of the things that I’d been doing ever since I first entered the contest in Huntertown at the county fair was printing large and sometimes odd-sized prints. Those were art prints. A 4x6 print was a snapshot. My prejudiced opinion.

We were going to do some experiments with a large format camera and then make Cibachrome contact prints. That would be interesting. It would include a field trip to Pro-Color to watch the developing process for the large format film. The lab camera we were going to use was huge. It took full 8x10 sheets of film and it was all loaded and sealed up in the darkroom for transportation to the lab. It would be pretty cool to see an 8x10 Ektachrome transparency.

I was looking forward to having a good subject to photograph in that size.

The lab at Camera Warehouse could print Cibachrome and Levi invited me to have a session or two with Loren to learn it and possibly use the lab for printing some of my own photos. Loren scowled, but accepted that I’d be a thorn in his side. He did all the processing and printing for Camera Warehouse and was a bit of a recluse. He seldom came out of the darkroom when he was at work.

He did like Cassie, though, and the two were often seen eating their lunches together.


Leslie and I went up to the studio Thursday afternoon to set up photos of each other on the 4x5 using Ektachrome film. I had wanted to use Kodachrome transparency film in the 4x5 format, but learned it had not been made since the early ‘50s. Dang! I would have to refrigerate the developed transparency to preserve it. I needed to figure that out both for Chicago and for Stratford.

Leslie and I were taking our time and testing the poses with a Polaroid back for the Linhoff. We each had one film carrier loaded with two sheets of Ektachrome.

“I about died when Professor Jackson told us about Gordon Parks and his first use of a 4x5 view camera,” Leslie said as she checked her film. “At least we’ve been taught to take the carrier out and flip it between shots. Can you imagine doing an entire fashion show and double exposing every frame? And he still got the job!”

“If I hadn’t had Levi standing over me to show me how to work this camera in Las Vegas, I’d have done the same thing,” I laughed.

I was wearing a fedora hat and a tie with unzipped jeans and no shirt. I thought Leslie’s idea of ‘fashion’ was a bit off the wall, but she was standing behind the camera entirely naked, so who was I to complain? I was only going to pull a strip of gauze across her for our photo. We were, however, using a colorful backdrop. It was some fairy tale backdrop from the Arabian Nights or something. I think we’d used it once for a photoshoot, but I couldn’t remember who or when.

The thing that concerned me was how much the Ektachrome saturated the blues. We weren’t at the stage yet of using different filters. That would slow up the 100 ASA film even more! As it was, I had every light in the studio focused on the subject. I wondered if I could tone down the blues by using a red gel on the lights. I’d ask someone before I tried that. I only had two sheets of Ektachrome for my test shots. Damn stuff was expensive.

Leslie stepped out from behind the camera and repositioned me for her second shot. She used nearly all the same techniques I did, whispering instructions in my ear while she stroked my chest and rubbed her breasts across my back. I was a victim of my own machinations.

After she’d taken her second photo, she shuttered the carrier and pulled it from the camera. She set it on the table and then walked up to me as I was loading my carrier. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her boobs against my chest.

“How would you like me, Nate?” she husked as she reached up to kiss me.

“Mmm. This is a good start,” I said. “I thought you hooked up with Jim and weren’t interested in fooling around in the studio anymore.” I held both her ass cheeks in my hands and kissed her intently. I certainly had nothing against fooling around with Leslie.

“Jim’s a nice guy and I thought we might get something meaningful going. But unfortunately, he suffers from FME.”

“I hate to ask. What’s FME?”

“Fragile Male Ego. He thought having an artist as a girlfriend would be cool, but he couldn’t stand that I was as committed to my art as he is to his. When I started talking about how I’d like to photograph an haute couture fashion show in Paris, he started saying he was sure I could work part time at Marshall Field so I’d have time for a family. We were definitely not on the same wavelength.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I like Jim.”

“Oh, I like him, too. But I’m not making any commitments to a guy who thinks I’ll be happy staying home raising his babies after I’ve completed a degree in fashion photography. Now what position do you want me in?”

“Let’s start with you on this table with the gauze tossed over your middle.”

“You don’t want to see my pussy?”

“In fact, I’m thinking of getting a very close look at your pussy once I’ve taken this photo,” I laughed. She kissed me again and jumped up on the table. I positioned her and pulled some strips of fabric in piles around her. I had a lot of different colors going and wanted to see how they all performed. “The gauze only gives a suggestion that your pussy is covered,” I said, running a finger through her moist slit. “Now let’s see that smoky gaze at the camera.”

I stepped behind the camera and carefully composed the image on the ground glass back. Then I took the photo. Next, I had her stand behind the table with stacks of colorful fabric on it and the gauze wrapped like a shawl over her head. It did nothing to hide her boobs and her slit was just partially visible behind the stack of fabric. I switched orientation of the camera back so it was vertical instead of horizontal and moved in closer.

“I didn’t think of switching orientation,” Leslie said. “Darn!”

“We’ll get other opportunities,” I said. “It was something I thought of when I saw you standing there. I can get a little closer in the composition with this orientation. You know, you’re really beautiful.”

“In a quirky sort of way,” she said, giving me a come-hither look. “Thank you. I’m glad you like my looks.”

I went up to her and removed the gauze from her body. Then we kissed again as we stroked each other’s bare chest.

“I know we tease a lot while we’re taking pictures,” I said. “That doesn’t mean we have to do anything more if you don’t want to.”

“Does it mean we can do more if I do want to?”

“You’re pretty irresistible, Leslie.”

“You managed to resist Cheryl the other day,” Leslie laughed as she led me behind the privacy screen. I’d moved the fainting couch back there for the comfort of models while they were waiting for us to get scenery ready. Yeah.

“She caught me on a bad day with a bad attitude,” I said. “I think she ended up getting what she wanted.”

“Everything but her own pictures of you.”

“I believe you are the only person I’ve ever posed for. Aside from family pictures,” I said. “I’m happy to keep it that way.”

She pushed me back on the lounge and pulled my jeans and underwear off. Then she started sucking on my cock, playing with it, and licking. I managed to convince her to put her pussy over my face and we enjoyed sixty-nining for a while. Her pussy was juicy and I loved sticking my tongue in it.

“This is nice, but I could really use something more,” she said, popping off my cock.

“I’m with you,” I said.

“Just lay back and relax while I get a condom on you. I can hardly wait to feel you inside me.”

She rolled the rubber on me and then straddled my waist, slowly settling back and down as she held my cock upright with her fingers. I felt the utter pleasure of having that tight slice of heaven enveloping my cock. She had her head back and her eyes closed as she savored the feeling of my cock in her pussy and my hands on her breasts. She leaned forward and I supported her as she kissed me some more.

“What’s the chance I could join your crew in Las Vegas this summer?” she whispered. “I’d love to have a little of the action. I’ve met all your girlfriends and we get along fine. I get along well with Cassie, Leanne, and Theresa here in the studio. Do you think I’d be able to fit in someone’s suitcase?”

“I don’t think that would be a problem at all—if I was going to Las Vegas. They say they’re going to start filming in May, but I don’t know that I’ll be invited back. I’ve got a summer home and studio in Canada that we plan to spend the whole season at.”

“Really? Cool? You have a studio? Could I come and visit for a while?”

“I don’t see a problem with that at all,” I said kissing her again and thrusting up inside her a little more energetically.

“Do you see any problem with coming in me? Because I’m about to come all over you!”

Oh, yeah. Feeling my photographer friend beginning to pulse and vibrate on my cock was all it took to push me over the edge. One time in Leslie had not been enough and we changed positions to pound each other to another orgasm before we finished.


After Leslie and I dropped our film sheets off at Pro-Color, she went home and I went out for a light dinner.

But the next thing I needed to focus on was Beth’s opening night. I stopped to get flowers and signed the card “Just Your Favorite Kind Stranger, N.” I hoped she didn’t have any other favorite strangers. I sent the flowers to her dressing room and took my seat in the theatre.

The show was good. The four leading characters carried it well. There were a couple of weak spots in the supporting cast. There were eight supporting characters in minor roles and a couple of them… well, they were on stage; I had to say that for them. The play was really built for the four main characters, though. And there was no question that Beth, listed in the program as ‘Elizabeth Starr Marsh,’ was indeed the star. I’d seen her do a lot of comedy, but this stretch into live theatre was really good.

After the show, I met her backstage and she took me with her to the opening night party at the home of the director, up in a secure apartment building where I’d been once before. I thought I was getting a little high from just smelling the weed in the apartment. And Beth took a couple of hits and drank a glass of champagne, so I knew she was feeling no pain. She made me sit in a chair so she could sit on my lap to receive her well-wishers.

I was really just furniture, and when the time came, I was the driver, too. I bundled her into the VW and drove home. We stayed quiet when we got to the apartment. Toni was asleep in the sun room and Patricia, Ronda, and Anna were in the big bed. I took Beth to the second bedroom and she wanted soft sexy loving before she went to sleep.

Of course, I had to get up in the morning and go to class, as did Ronda. The two of us fed Toni and before we left for school deposited the little darling in bed with Patricia and Anna. Ronda had her last final of the term Friday morning and I was just in class all day.

When I got home that evening, I stayed with Toni while Patricia, Ronda, and Anna got all dolled up to go out to eat and to see Beth’s show. All four girls got in late. Anna and Patricia crawled into bed with me and Ronda went to bed with Beth. I wondered if that would result in anything interesting.


Ronda was on break the whole next week and went back to Tenbrook for a few days. Beth had finals, but she didn’t seem very stressed about them. She was very loving all week and was still floating on the success of her show. She’d gotten two excellent reviews. I thought one of them was kind of backhanded. The headline read, ‘Young cast of Williams’ most famous play does not disappoint.’

But both Beth and her castmates were pleased.

It seemed we’d had little time to really be together, so I didn’t dawdle around the studio. I met Elizabeth after her classes each day and we rode the El home together. Then I fixed her dinner while she reviewed her notes for the next day’s test and we spent the rest of the evening making love. I think I made love with Beth more that week than we had in the past six months.

That was about to come to an end.


I picked up Leslie from school and our slides from Pro-Color Friday and they were really good. Professor Hyatt watched over us carefully in the lab on Tuesday during what would have been our study group time. Leanne, Carrie, and Devon said they understood the need to work on a special project and waved us off.

We had 4x5 slides and printed an 8x10 of each of them. I had to say they were pretty damn fine. I decided that part of my problem with the oversaturation was that I was used to working with black and white. I think any color would have felt over saturated.

Professor Hyatt, however, praised our work and spent a long time looking from the pictures of Leslie up to my friend. It was like he was wishing she’d just undress for him right there. She didn’t.

“The capture of skin tones is really quite good,” he said. “Using all the colored fabrics and the bright background was also good. Leslie, your pictures of Nate are excellent and you should both consider modeling in your spare time.”

I shook my head and took the prints and slides home to show the family. Well, that amounted to Beth because Ronda had gone back to Tenbrook with Patricia for the week.


“You wouldn’t believe it!” Beth said when we got home Thursday. “It’s just too good to be true!”

She’d been fidgeting on the train all the way, but insisted she didn’t want to talk about it until we got home. We were barely in the door before she started tearing off her clothes and then waved a paper in her hand.

Watching Beth dancing naked in the kitchen was a rare treat and I wasn’t paying enough attention to the paper she was holding.

“Four months! I’m getting four months in Vegas!”

“What?” I said.

“My agent was waiting for me after class today. I have a contract to perform through June in Las Vegas!”

“What about school?” I asked stupidly. I was really thinking, What about us? It had been really hard to have her on the road for four months.

“Nate! School is a means to this end. When the end is within your grasp, you don’t have to be held back by the means. I’m flying down to Vegas on Sunday to begin rehearsals.”

“Sunday! That’s… I’m sorry, Beth. This is all so sudden, I’m not reacting with the celebration and joy you have in you. It’s wonderful that you’ve got this opportunity. You won’t be dancing in a strip club, will you?” I teased.

“You! No. I’m going to be the intra-act for the show Rose is in, right back at the stage where I started last summer.”

“We should go out and celebrate,” I said, still trying to get my head around the key detail that Beth was leaving for four months again.

“Not to worry! My agent brought me a bottle of champagne. Pop the cork and get naked!”

It took a while and both Beth and I were pretty tipsy by the time my cock exploded in her a second time. We hadn’t had any food and the champagne was pretty much gone. I finally managed to make sense of what she was doing.

It seemed the big revues in Vegas had a variety of acts in them, not just one. I guess you can’t just have naked showgirls doing the can-can on stage for two hours. It was more like watching the Ed Sullivan Show and seeing half a dozen acts, wrapped up by Topo Gigio.

Beth would be making nearly $1,500 a week to do a ten-minute comedy routine sometime in the middle of the show. Writers were working on a new script for her that would include her trademark tutu and eye makeup. And she’d get a housing allowance, but the first thing she’d done was call Rose and was going to be staying with our dancer friend.

Beth was leaving on Sunday to begin rehearsals on Monday. She would open on April Fool’s Day and be in the show until June 30 when the production began its summer run.

Ronda, Patricia, Toni, and Anna arrived Friday while we were at school, so seeing a suitcase out on the bed had them very anxious. They, too, were shocked at the news Beth would be leaving us. Of course, we were all very happy for her and went out to Pizzeria Uno to celebrate before spending the night at Beth’s house so she could say goodbye to her family before she took off on Sunday.


“Are you going to need company while your little girlfriend is out of town?” Adele whispered to me. “I could arrange to have her mother visit you.”

“Adele, don’t you keep her occupied enough? You know, my plate’s full with my other three girlfriends. You’ll have to handle your girlfriend yourself.”

Adele huffed as she always did when I rebuffed her. It had gotten to be expected, but she never gave up.

“One day, I’ll convince you,” she said.

“Adele, the day you open your legs to let my cock between them is the day I’ll consider doing something with Nadia. I’m pretty confident that means never.”

She started to make a bad face and then cocked her head before getting a really evil look in her eye.

“We’ll see,” she said.

That was unexpected, but I still believed it was nothing more than a tease. I was pretty sure if any man parted Adele’s legs, it would be Jordan. After all, he was the master of this house.

Speaking of whom, while the women were chatting in the lounge about Beth’s upcoming gig, Jordan motioned me into his study or library. Whatever he called it. He poured a couple of glasses of cognac and cut a cigar. I pulled my pipe out and packed it. We sat companionably in a couple of leather chairs.

I liked Jordan. He occasionally stopped by the studio, just to see what new work I’d done. He always had advice for me regarding life and living in the city.

“I wish I’d known before you took the gig with Sylvia Drummond,” he said. “That girl is a bit unbalanced.”

“Yeah. I should have been able to tell that before. I wasn’t sure how to handle the whole situation since she was a patron,” I said.


“I figured out while I was there that I didn’t need or want her as a patron. She was full of demands and expected me to be her lap dog. Not interested.”

“Well, I’m glad you reached that decision. I know some of your patrons and they’ve invited me to become a part of their support group. I’ve declined because of our personal relationship. I don’t want you feeling like part of your financial support will disappear if you lose Elizabeth.”

“Lose her, sir?”

“She’s becoming a bit unpredictable in my mind. I mean more than women usually are. I doubt her commitment to your family. Oh, if there was nothing else for her to be distracted by, she’d be fine, but she has a notion that her career as a comedienne is more important.”

“I guess I have to agree,” I said. “I never want to be the reason Beth turns down a job or fails to get an offer.”

“I know. And she will take full advantage of that. But did she even talk with you about her new contract before she’d signed it and started packing? I’m not disparaging my daughter. She’s talented and I think she’ll go far. But she doesn’t really think of anyone else. I suppose that’s my fault and the way Nadia and I raised her. She never had to be responsible to anyone. I just want you to know that as much as possible, I’m keeping your and my relationship as a friend and maybe sometimes a mentor, separate from your relationship with my daughter. One isn’t dependent on the other.”

“Thank you, I guess, Jordan.”

“Well, let’s both hope it just never becomes an issue. Now, this matter with Sylvia.”

“I think I ended it,” I said. “I did take all the pictures she wanted and then I sent her both the full set of prints, slides, and negatives. I washed my hands of her.”

“Yes. I’d say you did a pretty thorough job of it. A couple of those photos have circulated around, compliments of her housemate.”

“Housemate? You mean Gary, the bodyguard?”

“Yes. It seems he’s more in charge now.”

“Oh, shit!”

“Don’t be alarmed. I think that’s what Sylvia wanted all along. Ike kept a pretty firm hand on her, but Leon was too hot tempered. Well, he’s in prison now and is no longer an issue. But she needs that firm hand from someone who actually cares about her. It seems that Gary is that person. Someday, when we have had a few glasses of this cognac, I hope you’ll tell me exactly what transpired in that basement dungeon of hers.”

“Maybe one day,” I chuckled. “It might interest you, though, that earlier this week, I got a letter from her. She did not apologize or even recognize what happened. She just thanked me for all the ‘lovely photographs and slides’ and sent me a check for $2,000 to cover my expenses.”

“You’ve gotten bigger checks, but perhaps you didn’t need to work as hard for them. I trust you deposited it.”

“I told Cassie to get it in the bank before she changed her mind. I believe it’s cleared.”

“Well, we’d better rejoin our women. I promised Little Toni I’d smooch her goodnight before I went to bed.”


We all took Beth to the airport on Sunday morning. I thought she made a good effort to look sad that she was leaving while being absolutely jubilant that she was headed to Vegas to join a show. As I understood things, the show rotated new acts in and out of the intra-acts on about a three-month cycle. That way, the performer didn’t have to change his or her routine during the time she was there, but the show stayed fresh with new material being added. If you came back to the show the next year, the dances and the tits would be the same, but there would be a different comedienne, magician, animal act, bow and arrow sharpshooter, or what have you.

After we kissed her at the gate and she boarded her plane, we headed back home. Sundays were always a little sad because Anna, Patricia, and Toni always took off. I was in for a little surprise.

“Anna, why don’t you take my car and go back to Rockford,” Patricia said. “I think Toni and I will stay and keep Ronda and Nate company this week. Ronda’s in her first week of classes for the new term and Nate is in mid-terms before spring break. You’ll be back next weekend to go with Nate to Canada. I’ll stay here and be a nice little housewife for my two lovers. Toni and I will make dinner for them and clean house and see some of the sights here in Chicago.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Patricia!” Anna said. “This was supposed to be our family apartment, but you and I only ever occupy it on weekends. I hope you can stay through the week while Nate and I are gone so Ronda has some company.”

“If she doesn’t get tired of the flavor of my pussy, I think we’ll get along just fine,” Patricia said. All three girls slapped a hand over their mouths as if completely surprised. I think mine was the only mouth actually hanging open.

Anna led me to the bedroom and made sure I remembered her for the next week. It would be hard to forget those luscious kisses and that tight hot pussy. She kissed me soundly and left me to sleep while she packed up and left.

The next thing I knew, I had a nineteen-month-old bouncing on the bed around me wanting Unca Nate to dance.


It worked out pretty much the way Patricia suggested. She was always up early with Toni when Ronda and I were getting ready for classes. I wasn’t sure what the two girls did while we were gone in class all day, but they were always happy to see us when we got home in the afternoon. They had dinner waiting and it was really nice to see Patricia running around naked when I got home. Elizabeth sometimes stripped at least part way, but never got into running around naked all the time. I’d noticed that inhibited me a little and I didn’t always get naked. It was a lot easier now. Even Little Toni, who was mostly potty-trained, spent much of the day going bare. I was glad the apartment had good heat!


“Oh, Nate,” Patricia said sweetly one evening after Toni had gone to bed.

“Yes, my love?” I answered just as sweetly. I put my books and my pipe down to accept my naked girlfriend in my lap.

“Your girlfriend Ronda—you know that really cute one who never used to let any of us know she wears glasses when she reads—well, she is hungry for a little snack.”

Of course, I figured that meant Patricia wanted something and I was going to go on an errand.

“Is there something my girlfriend would like specifically that I can get for her?” I asked. Mmm. With Patricia sitting in my lap, I was thinking something other than heading outside in the cold and wet March weather.

“Mmmhmm. What she really wants is a nice dollop of your come.”

“Oh, really?” I glanced over at Ronda and she put down her book and smiled.

“Yes. But you know how fussy she is about how things are served. She has to have it just so.”

“And exactly how does she want my come served?”

“I believe she’d like it served attractively displayed running out of my vagina,” Patricia giggled.

Ah! The light dawned. I scooped Patricia up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom. I got her into bed and we started warming up Ronda’s snack. Ronda was right there helping us and when I shoved my cock into Patricia’s pussy, Ronda settled her pussy onto Patricia’s face. Sometimes I wished I could last longer when I was fucking one of my beautiful girlfriends. Fortunately, Patricia was right with me when I filled her.

I didn’t think Ronda quite made it over the edge while she was riding Patricia’s mouth, but she quickly rolled off and got her face between Patricia’s legs to feast on her freshly filled pussy. I knew what to do when I saw Ronda’s glistening wet pussy up in the air. I got behind her and slotted into my second pussy of the night. This time I could last a little longer since I’d just come in one tight wet pussy. The second tight wet pussy got a little more reaming and Ronda reached a peak soon after Patricia was fully cleaned. She brought me right along with her and I spent slightly less semen into her vagina.

The three of us cuddled together with little words and endearments as we kissed each other. Before long, though, I was holding and kissing Ronda as Patricia returned the cleanup favor for our girlfriend and licked her to another climax.

“It’s so wonderful when you do that for me and let me do it for you,” Ronda said, kissing Patricia tenderly. “I know girl-girl sex isn’t your thing.”

“Don’t kid yourself, girlfriend,” Patricia said. “I wouldn’t have thought of it if it weren’t for you, but I find that with you and Anna, I’m always willing and happy when we make love. Do you realize that, Ronda? When I’m kissing you, or licking you, or being licked by you, we’re making love. We’re making love every bit as much as when Nate makes love with us. I love you and I will always make love with you.”

“Oh, Patricia. You make me so happy. I love you, sweetheart. I love you so much,” Ronda cried.

It about made me weep, too. I didn’t know my girlfriends had developed such love among them. I wondered if that was why Beth was so willing to leave us—because Ronda, Patricia, and Anna loved each other.


I was glad when my last class was out on Friday afternoon. Only about half the class was even there. We were now officially on spring break. Sunday was Easter and for the first time ever, I was not going to be home with Mom and Dad and Kat.

Anna was at the apartment when I got home from class. She was fully packed and ready to go. Of course, we weren’t going to leave until Saturday morning, but we were ready. Patricia had made sure I had clean clothes and had even packed most everything I needed.

I had a tendency to just throw things in the microbus without even considering packing. In my suitcase, everything was neatly folded and stacked in even piles. I had my camera bags, but I was only carrying a couple of lights with me. They were in the bus already.

The five of us went out to a nice family diner not far from our apartment and enjoyed a meal that even Toni was happy with. When we got back, I sat with Toni and read stories until she was asleep in my arms. We put her in her crib and the four of us went to the bedroom to just hold and cuddle each other for the night. Anna and I would leave in the morning, but we wanted Ronda and Patricia to know how much we loved them.

Saturday morning by nine, Anna and I were on the way to Canada.


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