Over Exposure

Final Project


“Adrienne” by Egor Mayer, ID1415359589 licensed from Shutterstock.com.


I WORKED MOSTLY in the studio for the rest of Monday. It is amazing how much dust accumulates in seven months. After we graduated, I was going to have to talk with Anna about the economic realities of owning a property in Canada that we only occupied three months of the year. Maybe I’d be able to stretch it to four months this year since I wouldn’t need to go back to college.

I was most concerned about the darkroom equipment. I wanted to install some kind of air filtration system. Having dust in the air would mean spots on a print. The enlarger with a condenser lamp housing showed every particle of dust in the air when it was between the lamp and the paper. I vacuumed and then went over every surface with a damp cloth. I came up here mostly to have peace and quiet while I worked on the fine details of my senior exhibition, but I needed the place clean in order to do that.

I took a few minutes to carefully examine a few of the last prints I did last summer. Damn it. I should have been monitoring this more closely instead of patting myself on the back for such artistic work. It was artistic, but there were entirely too many dust marks on the last few prints I did. Perhaps someone would look at the color print of Rachel as a satyr and assume the tiny white specks were part of the scene or the makeup. I couldn’t let it go at that.

When I’d thoroughly cleaned the darkroom and equipment, I started over and cleaned it again. I should have been doing this every week if not daily. I was so used to perfect conditions at school. Now I was wondering about my work at the studio in Chicago. I at least had the advantage there in having assistants who cleaned everything and took pride in how sparkling everything was.

Once I’d completely cleaned the room a second time, I decided to test it. The test was simple. I put a sheet of RC paper on the easel and turned on the enlarger. No negative. Just straight exposure on the paper. I ran the paper through the developer, rinse, fix, and then rinsed the solid black image. I examined the result with my loupe. I probably sat at the table under strong light examining that paper for longer than was needed.

“Nate? Is there a secret message that you’re looking for from outer space or something?” Patricia asked as she leaned over my shoulder.

I looked up from examining the solid black photo and laughed. I must look ridiculous.

“Look,” I said, pointing at the photos of Irene, Olivia, and Julie that I’d pulled down from the wall. “Do you see the little white specks on these photos? It’s dust that’s between the enlarger lamp house and the paper. I should have been doing a more thorough cleaning of the darkroom. I’ve cleaned it twice today and am examining a black photo to see if there are any white specks on it. I think my eyes are getting tired. I see something and then look again and it’s gone.”

“Let me look,” she said. “Um… Don’t look over my shoulder. Go see Melinda and Adrienne. Melinda got a couple of panels that she thought might be useful to you, but she didn’t bring them into the studio.”

“Okay.” I went out into the shop and, in fact, Melinda had acquired a couple of wall panels from an expensive house that was being re-done.

“When I saw what they were going to do, I managed to talk them into cutting these two panels out of the wall. They were just going to smash them out, can you believe it? I couldn’t save the entire room, but I was sure you could use a couple of panels, eh?” Melinda said.

“How did you even happen to be there?” I asked. “These are beautiful.”

“I often get calls from people who see something unusual. I went over to get a few old gaslight fixtures and some door hardware. A lot of people want to install old hardware in their homes. In fact, I sold all the hardware two weeks after I scavenged it.”

“That’s brilliant, Mel. I definitely want to use these in the studio. Maybe by the end of summer, we’ll find a buyer for them and can recycle them out.”

“I’ll keep an ear out for anyone looking for something like this. It’s expensive to find anyone who will do fancy plaster work like this.”

“It’s heavy, too. How did you manage to get them over here?”

“I flirted with one of the contractors and he moved them for me.”

“You’re a valuable employee, Melinda.”

I moved the heavy panels into the studio and leaned them against a wall. I wasn’t sure how to use them, but I thought I might want to try something with them when I photographed Adrienne on Tuesday.

“All I see is black, honey,” Patricia said. “Can I arrange to clean the darkroom every week for you? It’s too bad we don’t have Debbie, Janice, and Pris up here. They’d be fighting over the opportunity to clean your darkroom and everything in it. Including you.”

“They did seem to have an uncommon passion for cleaning,” I laughed. “Thank you, sweetheart. We’ll get cleaning the darkroom on a regular schedule this summer.”

“Oops!” Patricia said rushing out of the room and closing the door behind her. I assumed Toni must need attention in the store. Then I saw Adrienne. She was mopping and cleaning the studio, and was completely naked while doing it.

“Hey, did someone say you had to be naked to clean down here?” I asked as I lifted her up to kiss and caress.

“Oh, Miss Patricia has been telling stories about how the girls in the studio always took off their clothes to clean. I think if it weren’t for the windows in front, even Melinda would be naked after hearing those stories.”

“Well, I’ve always enjoyed my naked models when they bent to a task,” I said, stroking her bottom. I kissed her deeply. “You’d better get dressed so we can go get some dinner. I need to stop by Pro Photo Source to pick up my slides.”

It took several minutes to get Adrienne dressed again. I just had to help. I probably got in the way more than I helped, but that was the point.


I put the transparencies on the light table as soon as I got them and just loved them. Now I’d have to decide if I wanted to display the color version of my boogie woogie pianist or the black and white version. There was a certain charm to each.

We ate at the pub and Toni was pleased as punch to have her own plate of mac and cheese. I wondered how long a bath it was going to require tonight to get the cheese out of her hair.

I didn’t find out directly. I begged off the cleanup routine when we got home and went down to print a Cibachrome of the slide of my wild girl on the piano. Yeah, it was good.

When I got back upstairs, I barely had time to read a story and dance my girl around the room before she was sound asleep.

When we had precious asleep and were ready for bed ourselves, Fifi and I made it our mission to treat Patricia to the same punishment of unlimited orgasms that Patricia and I had given her the night before. It was highly unusual these days for Patricia to come so hard she passed out, but we managed. Then Adrienne and I made love and went to sleep.


“Okay, Fifi, open your suitcase. I want to see what we’ve been lugging around,” I said. It was Tuesday and I intended to take photos of our mistress. I was sure she had brought things to wear exactly for that purpose.

“You want to see all of it, master?” she asked sheepishly.

“Was I not clear?”

“Yes, Master.” Fifi had been in bed with Patricia and me each night, but she’d put her things in the guest room. I guessed that was understandable since she didn’t have dedicated space in our bedroom like Ronda, Anna, and Patricia had. We went into the guest room and she placed her suitcase on the bed to open. She hesitated and looked around.

“Are you having difficulty, pet? I can open it for you,” I said.

“Oh no, Master. I just wanted to be sure Miss Toni was not near where she might see things that she shouldn’t see.”

I pushed the door closed and nodded toward her suitcase. She unbuckled and opened the big bag.

Adrienne had taught me how to optimize the space in my suitcase, how to fold my clothes, and how to keep them from becoming too wrinkled. Her own suitcase fell far short of those goals. It looked like things were just shoved into the bag as she grabbed them out of drawers and off hangers.

“Fifi! Your suitcase is a disaster! Is this how you pack when you come to see your family and your master? What is this? You packed an iron rather than fold your clothes neatly?”

I began pulling things out of her suitcase and laying them on the bed as she hung her head next to me. I made comments about what I was finding, asking if there were matching panties to a sexy bra, or if she really thought six-inch spike heels were necessary. That gave me pause. I handed her the heels.

“Put these on. I want to see the shape of your legs and your bottom while you are wearing them. No, you needn’t put any other clothes on.”

She obeyed and I walked around her stroking up her legs and butt to feel how her muscles tensed into the shape as the heels forced them. Damn! She was so good-looking.

“Ah! You knew what a messy suitcase would lead to. At least you packed my favorite paddle.”

“Yes, master.”

She immediately bent over with her hands on the bed next to the suitcase as if I had given her a command. I didn’t hit her with the paddle. Not yet. I spent a few minutes just petting that spectacular ass and running my hands up between her legs.

“Did any of your mistresses see this messy suitcase?” I asked.

“No, master. I left it in my separate room. They did not visit me there, but brought me to their rooms when I was needed.”

“I see. And did you bring this to their rooms?” I asked, holding a large two-headed dildo. I might want to see this in action.

“Um… Only to Mistress Ronda,” she said. “She enjoyed it.”

“I’ll bet she did,” I muttered.

I smacked Fifi’s left butt cheek with the paddle and she yelped in surprise.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Do your nipples hang out of this bra when you wear it?” I asked, reaching beneath her to tickle her right nipple with the paddle.

“No, sir. Um… Not unless you want them to.”

“I see. Yes, this has some possibilities,” I said as I laid the bra, panties, and garter aside. “Did you intend to wear this dress to court if I was summoned?” I held up a very nice, sleek gown.

“No, Master. I just thought you might like it.”

I smacked her other butt cheek with the paddle. She gasped and thanked me. I ran my fingers up between her legs and confirmed she was moistening.

“Stand up straight so I can put this on you,” I said.

She stood and I dropped the sleek dress over her head and smoothed it over her body. I liked what I saw and wanted to get a photograph of her, but it was all wrinkled.

“Well, that won’t do. Get out your iron and press this. I want you in it for your photos.”

Adrienne quickly slipped out of the dress and ran to the closet to get the ironing board. So, she already knew where we kept things. She plugged in the iron and turned the dress inside out to iron it. As soon as she had it ready, I surprised her with another pop on the butt. Her cheeks were quivering as she began ironing, not knowing when I would strike again. I wasn’t going to do that, though, while she had a hot iron in her hand. As soon as she set it down and bent to unplug the iron, I smacked her bottom again.

“Now, let’s put your dress on and go down to the studio. And bring this set with you as well. It’s time to get some photos.”

“Is that the end of my punishment, Master?”

“Oh, no. I’ll tell you when it’s over. But I plan to take some color photos today and don’t want your bottom to be bright red.”

I left and went downstairs. She paused long enough to put the lingerie I’d chosen on a hanger and followed me. I had a feeling she’d intentionally packed this way so I would have an excuse to punish her. I was willing to bet that if Ronda, Anna, or Patricia had seen her suitcase, it would have been immaculate.

“Now, let’s go into the dressing room so I can do your makeup.”

“Oh! Master! You’d do my makeup?”

“Yes, Fifi. I will do your makeup and your hair. I might even decide to change the color of your nails. I will inspect your arms and legs and pussy to be sure you are smoothly prepared and shave you if I need to. I will pet and play with you all day today. Now hang your pretty dress so I can get to you.”

She stripped again as I watched. I was having her get in and out of that second skin just so I could watch her. I loved her shape and lithe movements. And when she sat on the towel-covered chair, I petted her all over before I started on her makeup.

I spent a good hour doing Fifi’s makeup and hair. It wouldn’t have taken that long, but I was enjoying myself and she seemed to be happy about it as well. In fact, when it was finally time to get her dress back on—after I’d touched her body everywhere, just to make sure she was smooth—she fairly pranced around the studio and wanted to show her dress and makeup to Patricia and Toni.

I posed her and photographed her, undressed her, and dressed her. After lunch, I took her to the dressing room. This time, when I took her dress off, I spent time worshiping her breasts and even taking a few licks up her slit. And I kissed her. I hadn’t kissed her at all today, just waiting and planning for when I was going to move to that level. I kissed her and teased her lips and tongue. Then I began dressing her in the lingerie I had chosen from her suitcase.

The bra provided some cover for her nipples unless I wanted to push the top of it up a little or just lift it to suckle a little. The top of the bra and the underside were split in the middle, so that when it was on correctly, the nipples were covered, but the whole underboob was exposed.

There were lacy matching panties and a garter belt. I decided I didn’t want her to wear hose, but I liked the garters just dangling, or even fastened together under her butt.

I moved one of the fancy plaster panels onto the backdrop and propped it up as straight as I could make it, then began posing my pet in front of the fake wall. I wanted to experiment with the lighting, so it looked like she was in the light of a window. I thought it turned out pretty well.

When we finished the shoot, it was already after three and we were pretty tired. I led Adrienne to the dressing room and gently removed her lingerie, then caressed all the creases as I sucked on her nipples and plunged a finger into her pussy. I turned her toward the couch in the dressing room and had her bend forward, not letting her get out of the high heels. In this position, I attacked her pussy with my tongue until she was nearly ready to come.

Then I grabbed the paddle and smacked her again. It was a surprise and she gasped, but I saw the immediate result of lubrication running from her inner lips. I swatted again.

“I’m through taking photos today, so I really don’t mind your bottom being shiny and red. Do you?” I asked.

“No, Master. Fifi is yours to punish as you see fit.”

During our times together, I had learned a great deal about what really turned Adrienne on. She could be a wonderfully gentle and caring lover, but the painful sensation of a good spanking really got her juices flowing. I think part of it was being vulnerable, but knowing that in the long run, she was safe. She’d told Kathleen that to be in her type of relationship, she had to have absolute trust in her master.

That was trust that I wouldn’t go too far, and trust that I would go far enough to bring her the utmost pleasure. I licked her slit again, rimming her asshole. Then I smacked her again. I wasn’t going to keep this up indefinitely. In fact, I was pushing my own clothes off as she gasped in front of me. I landed the next to last blow on her cheek. Of course, she didn’t know I was only going to give her one more. That was part of the suspense that kept her right on edge.

I was hard as a rock as I aimed the last swat. This one always made me cringe, but I managed to land it squarely across her clit. She began the convulsions of her orgasm as I tossed the paddle aside and plunged my cock into her waiting pussy. The fluttering of her vagina and the wail she was emitting were almost enough to draw my own come, but I withdrew immediately. I realigned myself and pressed straight into her bottom hole. I went to my full depth in one long stroke as she hyperventilated and cried out her orgasm.

While I’d been in her room commenting on the various toys she had in her suitcase, I’d slipped a regular dildo out and brought it down to the studio with me. I bent over Fifi’s back, my cock lodged fully in her ass, and pushed the dildo into her pussy.

She was beyond words, spouting gibberish as she orgasmed repeatedly and I sawed either my cock or the dildo in and out. Of course, I didn’t last long with that much stimulation, either. I began filling her bowels with my seed as she continued to moan and spasm.


Part of the ritual, of course, was taking care of my lover after our passion had peaked. I petted her and kissed her, soothed her pussy and ass with a cool washcloth, and generally loved on her as gently and yet passionately as I could.

“My master. My loving master. How lucky Fifi is to have found you. You give me such pleasure and pain. I scarcely knew how good my own life choices could be,” she said, as I held and kissed her on the couch. “And I know it is because you care for me. I have… known men… who take delight in beating women. They need no pretense of an excuse to inflict pain that is not pleasurable in any way. But I know… you really don’t like to hurt me. You do it only because I find it pleasurable. You do it because you love your pet, and she loves you.”

“I do love you, Adrienne. Our whole family loves you.”

She held a finger to my lips to silence me.

“Please do not ask me to join you in the family. I know my place and I love it. But that place would soon deteriorate if I lived with you for long. Even tonight, I believe I should join my luggage in the guest room so you have time to focus just on your true love. I should not be a regular visitor to your family bed. The mistresses should also know that I know my place.”

“There is still so much that I don’t understand about how your mind works,” I said. “But I will honor your wishes. You are my beloved pet. It’s after four. I need to get the color slide film off to Dave so we can see what we have in the morning. Would you like to walk with me?”

“May I put on appropriate clothing before we leave?”

“Yes. I think I need to as well.”


Wednesday morning, I was in the darkroom when Damien and Kathleen arrived with props for my afternoon studio appointment with Anita Scott. It was nothing too elaborate. They’d brought me a brass bedstead with mattress and bedding, a night table, and a lamp.

“Kathleen said she’d be back to help us move the bed around while you are attending to Anita,” Patricia said. “Otherwise, Adrienne and I will set props and lights for you.”

“Well, this certainly sets the tempo for what’s expected, doesn’t it?” I asked. “Anita in bed. I’m going to use some other things before we get her that far. We’ll start with a standard portrait setup and begin working from there. Perhaps by the time we’re finished, we’ll have her tied to the bed.”

“Oh, that sounds exciting,” Adrienne laughed.

That gave me an idea. Anita might not be the one who got tied to the bed. I’d have to save that for later, though.

We got set up. Anita and Kathleen arrived, laughing and talking to each other. It looked like they had become close friends.

“Welcome to Attic Allure, Anita. Kathleen, you are always welcome. Thank you for joining Patricia and Adrienne as my assistants today. Don’t worry about Little Toni. She can be quite a help around the studio, as well.”

“It’s nice to meet you again, Nate. I guess having a little one around will keep the photos tame,” she laughed.

“Oh, I’ll take her upstairs for her nap before things get wild,” Patricia said. Anita opened her mouth but didn’t say anything.

“Anita, I’d like you to come into the dressing room so I can take a look at your makeup and hair to make sure we’re set for your portrait.”

“Kathleen said you’d probably adjust my makeup. I tried to go light on it this morning.”

“Good. Sometimes theatre people assume photography makeup is the same as stage makeup and it gets overdone.” I closed the door behind us and turned to Anita. “Now, I ask this of every model who comes to me for an Attic Allure photo. Are you here of your own free will without being coerced?”

“Oh! Well… Yes. There isn’t really much choice, is there? You’re the only game in town for art photography. I’ve seen your photos of Kathleen, Olivia Dunn, and three women together that are hanging in Damien’s hall. I think they are spectacular. I would like to have a photo worthy of display in his gallery,” she said.

I used a tissue to blot a stray bit of mascara and then highlighted her lips a little.

“Damien has become a fan of my photography. If I recall, you were recruited in the other Stratford. I was visiting about that time in January.”

“Yes. As soon as my show closed, I flew here. I’m wishing I’d waited until May. There’s so much snow here.”

“That there is. Never thought I’d consider England in January to be warm, but by comparison… I’m glad you’re getting along so well with Damien and Kathleen. I’ve certainly enjoyed working with them the past two years.”

“Damien is a dog, but a talented and handsome dog,” Anita laughed. “He is always sniffing around.”

“I hope that doesn’t cause friction.”

“Oh, it’s likely to be slippery enough. He just thinks he’s so clever. Why are men like that? If Kathleen’s back is turned, his hand is on my ass. If she’s walking between us, he’s holding my hand behind her back. He thinks he’s getting away with something.”

“I hate to see you and Kathleen in conflict.”

“We aren’t. We’ve talked about it. He’s not nearly as clever as he thinks he is. So far, I’ve just participated enough to tease him, but Kath and I will set a trap for him and he’ll have to take me in front of her. Then we’ll see how serious he is. He’s talked about you and your menage. I see it is true with your Patricia and Adrienne.” Anita was quite a talker and I got her hair right so we could go out for the portrait.

“Patricia is one of my girlfriends. I have three. Adrienne is our mistress. She doesn’t live with us.”

“I might need to hang out with you to see how it all works. Kath said that if I needed time alone with Damien, she’d try to see what you and your girlfriends were up to.”

We went out to the studio and I seated her on the stool in front of the blue backdrop.

“That’s happened before,” I said. “I’m sure you realize Damien will not be any more satisfied with two women than with one.”

I started the portrait shots and teased a number of different expressions from her. Then I pulled her luxurious hair up and tied it in a knot on top of her head for another series. All the time, I kept approaching her and turning her. Shifting her head. Holding her shoulders. She accepted my touches as a natural part of the process.

“I’d like the castle backdrop next,” I said. “We’re going for a more period portrait piece.”

I led Anita back to the dressing room and simply began undressing her. She accepted it as a matter of course and unfastened her bra to hand it to me.

“We won’t be showing these lovelies right away,” I said, caressing the mark left by her bra under her firm breasts. “But getting rid of the bra now will give some time for these marks to fade.”

“Mmm. You can continue to massage them for a minute,” she said. “I’ve been rather looking forward to it.”

“Lean back against me and let me do a good job of it, then,” I suggested.

She did and I spent a little while massaging her breasts and up and down her torso. I kissed her neck and she squeezed me between her face and shoulder a little.

“Now, let’s get your princess dress on,” I said.

I slipped the blue dress with a rhinestone bodice over her head and made sure her boobs were securely tucked into it. We headed back to the studio where I handed her a candelabra and lit the three candles in it.

“First one is just you, lighting your way as you move from one place in the castle to another. Good. Patricia, bring the lights down a little so she’s in a pool of light with nothing on the backdrop. Good. Anita, you just heard something behind you. Just the head turn. Keep the candles in front of you. Good. Now fright. Something’s coming after you. I like that. Good. Change of mood. Clandestine. You’re slipping through the castle to meet a lover. Right.”

I moved up to her and loosened her bodice to expose her boobs a little more. Not fully, just enough to suggest the dress was put on in haste. I let my hand slip inside to caress her again.

“Are you rushing from your lover’s room only partially dressed now?” I asked. “Good. Let’s see the flush of excitement. You liked him playing with you. Just like you like me playing with you. Ready?”

I moved back behind the camera. Now she held her dress together with one hand as she held the candles with the other hand. As we worked through a number of scenes, one side of the dress worked loose from her fingers and fell away from her breast. Good picture. She tried to recapture the falling piece and the other side slipped loose. I took the picture and called a stop before she could lose the whole dress.

I took the candelabra, blowing out the candles, then picked her up to take to the dressing room.

“Now we’re ready for the bedroom scene,” I said. Adrienne and Kathleen went to work moving the bed as Patricia took Toni upstairs for nap time.

With Anita in my arms, it was a simple matter to dip my head a bit and kiss the tips of her nipples. She pulled my head tighter and I suckled for a few seconds while she moaned.

“That last scene was hot,” I said as I set her down on the couch in the dressing room.

“It went so fast. You were everywhere and calling directions and moving me around. I’m breathless. Partly from you playing with my breasts.”

“Well, my dear, it’s time to let the girls out to play. Are you ready?”

“Take me. Anything you want, Nate.”

I got her out of her dress and then pulled her panties off so she was totally naked. She pushed me down on the couch and straddled me.

“I’m ready,” she said.

“No fucking in the studio,” I responded. But I still ran my fingers up into her twat and found her clit to play with for a moment. I withdrew before she reached a climax. “Now, I’m going to take you to bed. Think of being utterly ravished by your lover. We’ll use this little négligée to keep from too much exposure when you are lying in bed.”

I picked her up and carried her to the bed that Adrienne and Kathleen had moved into place. They’d gotten the table lamp plugged in and lit so there was a nice glow on that side of the bed. We were just using a plain backdrop behind the brass bed. I adjusted the lights slightly to get the effect I was looking for and then went to Anita.

She was surprised and screeched when I started tickling her. She squirmed all over the bed, laughing. I stopped. Her hair had come down in tangles and the bedding was all messed up and wrinkled. I jumped back.

“That’s what I’m talking about when I say being ravished,” I said.

Anita was panting and smiling. The négligée had slipped off her shoulders and was only barely suspended from one breast. I took the picture and then moved the camera to a different angle. I continued to approach her, sometimes tickling, and sometimes caressing. She responded to both, continuing to writhe around on the bed until the nighty was wadded up around her waist and just barely shielded her open pussy from the camera.

Once when I moved in, she spun and I jumped back, knocking the lamp almost over. I caught it and then looked at it. I laid it over on its side with the shade askew and moved her in closer to it. Lovely. I switched to Ektachrome in the 4x5 and got two excellent pictures of my ravished model.

Then I picked up Anita to head back to the dressing room.

“That’s a wrap,” I called as I closed the door.

Anita was all over me, kissing and touching, pulling my hands to her breasts and between her legs.

“You can’t leave me in this state,” she husked. “I’m ready to explode!”

“I intend for you to explode,” I said, laying her out on the couch. Then I moved my face between her legs and began lapping up the abundant juices dripping from her cunt.

“Yes! Oh God, yes!” she gasped.

There are times I curse myself for having set the no sex in the studio rule, for mentioning it, or for obeying it. But I invaded her with my fingers, and before her third orgasm, she’d managed to drain my cock with her mouth.

We spent some time kissing, petting, and coming down from our sex highs.

“If Damien proves to be a bust, I think I’ll leave Kathleen with him and try to see what you and your girls are up to.”

“I hope it all goes well for you.”

It took a lot longer to get Anita dressed than it had taken to get her naked. I kept getting distracted by her breasts, her pussy, and her butt. And her lips, her toes, her legs, her neck…


I got photos developed and proofs printed after dinner. Then, after we got Toni to bed, I went down to continue printing my school project. I’d only get one done, but I was deliberately taking my time and making sure I got exactly the results I wanted.

When I stepped out of the darkroom about ten, I saw the only light in the studio was coming from the tipped over lamp next to the bed. In the bed, however, was a vision I was always delighted to see. Adrienne was curled up against a pillow reading. Of course, she was naked. There was an addition.

I saw several lengths of silk rope hanging from the bedposts.

I went to Adrienne and began petting and kissing her. I knew from experience that if I didn’t move to secure her, she’d make an attempt to tie me. I saw her reach for a rope and rolled on top of her as I pulled it from her hand. I looped the restraint around her wrist and secured it as she tried to roll out from under me. I grabbed the second length and got it looped around her other wrist, then jumped off the bed to secure her feet.

“Did you think your master would let you tie him up?” I asked as she continued to squirm. “No, my sweet pet. Ropes are to hold my Fifi in place. I restrained myself when dealing with Anita this afternoon. I have no plan to be restrained in dealing with you.”

She pouted and then smiled at me. I’d left plenty of slack in the ropes so she could move around on the bed a little.

“Are you going to fuck me now, master?” she asked coyly.

“Mmm. No. I don’t think so. I think I’ll be sleeping with Patricia tonight. It’s good to know our pet is in a place where she can’t get into trouble.” I reached over to turn out the lamp and got off the bed.

“No! No, please! Please don’t leave me tied up with no light, Nate. I beg you!”

I came immediately alert. It wasn’t just the tone of her voice, but that she used my name instead of calling me Master. I snapped on the light and saw tears running down her cheeks.

“Please don’t leave me like this.”

“Oh, my sweet pet. I wouldn’t leave you. I didn’t know turning out the light would scare you so much. I have so many other things I want to do to you tonight.”

She breathed more easily and her eyes closed.

“That’s it, my Fifi. Do you know how difficult it was not to grab some rope and tie up that squirming Anita this afternoon? You knew that planting the idea in my head this afternoon would make me see her like that all day. And then, I tickled her. I never asked, Fifi. Are you ticklish?”

I stepped over to our props array and grabbed a plume before she could answer. I began to stroke her body with the feather and she started to squirm.

“Master, I might wet myself if you tickle me.”

“Perhaps I should take you outside and let you tinkle in the snow first?” She squirmed some more and I got an idea. “Snow. Oh, you like the idea of snow, don’t you? It’s why you wanted to come to Stratford with us. You don’t get snow in LA. Just wait a moment, my Fifi. I’ll be right back.”

I went to the back entrance and opened the door to scoop up a big handful of snow. Then I relocked the door and approached the bed. The snow had already begun to melt and drip from my hand and I held it over Adrienne as the melt began to fall on her body. I sprinkled snow up and down her torso and then used a bit to rub on her lips, then on her nipples as she whimpered. I cupped the last bit in my hand and started kissing Adrienne. She was responding passionately and before my snow was gone, I slapped the last of it up against her wide open vulva.

She gasped and came.

I decided I needed to lick up the remains and made sure I’d slipped some into her vagina as I licked her clit. She came again. Then I crawled up her body, with her still sprawled out, fastened to the bedposts. I was hard and went directly to her pussy with the tip of my cock. I pressed and parted the folds of her sex and I penetrated deeply within her. She tried to wrap her arms around me but they were still secured. She tried to spread her legs farther, but they, too were restrained.

I completely sated myself by pounding into her while she could do nothing to stop me.

Not that I believed she would attempt to stop me regardless, but there was something about having her tied spread-eagle on the bed that encouraged me to fuck with more vigor than usual. And Adrienne responded in equal measure.

When I finally came in her and she had come again, I untied her and tossed the ropes a safe distance away. Then I kissed her and carried her upstairs to tuck into her bed in the guest room. I went to sleep with Patricia.


The next two days were intense. My personal reason for wanting a week in Stratford had nothing to do with taking pictures of two luscious models or with having sex with my girlfriend, mistress, or model. When the space was cleaned and spotless, my intent was to print my collection of works for my final college exhibition. The musicians theme gave me just enough consistency that I could consider all the photos a set. I was excited to print them and get them mounted. By the end of Thursday, I had five of the ten exhibition pieces printed at full 16x20 size. Patricia and Toni took care of taking them to our contact at the frame shop to have them matted.

“Nate,” Patricia called when she got back, “look who I found at the frame shop.”

I entered the studio from the darkroom, leaving Adrienne gasping behind me. Patricia and Toni were standing with Doreen Masters. A year and a half ago, Leanne and I had painted Doreen as a muse with music drawn across her chest and a sheet in her hand. She had been a very excited model who happened in on us as we were painting Min and wanted to experience it all for herself.

However, she’d paid for everything, including our signatures on an exclusive print. I had no rights to display her image.

“Doreen, how nice to see you. Are you here so I can talk you into another sitting, I hope?”

“Oh no. I’m still very happy with the one that I have. In fact, I’d like to order another print. I realize this one won’t be signed, but I’m hoping you can get me one of those huge art prints you are making.”

“Sure. I have the slide here on file. I can get one done. Um… Anna set the price on 16x20 prints at $300 Canadian.”

“That will be perfect if you include shipping.”


“Yes. I am giving you an exclusive permission to exhibit my muse photo with your musicians display. That is, if you’d like it,” she said.

“Like it? I’d love it! That is such a perfect addition to my theme. You, my dear, are perfect.”

“I thought about inviting you over to prove it, but I know when I am outclassed by your girlfriend and mistress. Maybe this summer, though, I’ll make an appointment for a new photo. Perhaps without all the extra paint,” Doreen said.

“You know I’ll be delighted,” I said.

“Do you have a release?”

“Yes, let me get it out.”

Having the picture of Doreen painted with the music across her chest, a mask, a fur stole, and a sheet of music in her hand was an absolutely perfect addition to my exhibition pieces. That would make eleven if I was counting correctly.

After we’d had dinner at the pub, Adrienne and Patricia took Toni upstairs to put her to bed and I returned to my darkroom to print the new color artwork of Doreen.

I also made the decision to print the picture of Robyn, the flautist, and Paulette, the cellist, in both color and in black and white. I’d done transfer negatives from the positive color slide and the images turned out well. The others, I was printing only in black and white and Doreen’s would be only in color.

That left just one photo I still needed to take for my final project. The damned self-portrait. Not that I hadn’t experimented with half a dozen of them, but none had yet rung the bell as the real me. It seemed so much easier to find and expose the real person for my models than it was for myself.


On Friday, either Patricia or Adrienne ran photos down to the frame shop to have them matted as soon as I brought them out of the darkroom and made sure they were dry and flawless. We kept up the work all day and when I finished the last one, I took it to the frame shop myself.

“I just want to thank you for all the work you’ve done on my exhibition pieces,” I said. “I’ve been pretty tense about getting them all finished and ready for exhibit by the fifteenth. We came up here specifically so I’d have an uninterrupted week to get them processed.”

“You know we are thrilled to work with your studio. You’ll be working this summer, won’t you?”

“Yes. We’ll be back up the last week of May to do production shots for the festival. I hope we’ll have another good summer,” I said.

“I’ve always been amazed at how you get such glamorous photos of these women. You must have a magic touch,” she said as she admired the last photo I had. “Maybe I’ll work up the courage to have mine done this summer. Not that I’m a work of art, but I’d love to see me through your lens.”

“Believe me, I’ll be more than happy to have you as a client.”

“This will be ready by nine in the morning. I understand you are heading back to the States tomorrow.”

“Yes. This will be the last stop we make before we pull out of town. I’ll see you then.”


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