Over Exposure



“Lady Jane” by Kiselev Andrey Valerevich, ID1487871542 licensed from Shutterstock.com


“JUST KEEP YOUR BATHERS and a T-shirt on,” Dale said. “We’ll start with a few poses like that. Warmups, you know.”

We’d stopped at a pub for lunch and I’d had a beer, so I was feeling no pain. Aussie—pronounced ‘Ozzie,’ I learned—beer is powerful stuff. I took a seat on Dale’s little posing platform. The women went to work. Dale could tear off a sketch in a couple of minutes. She called them warmups. Then Jane approached me.

“Are you ready to progress?” she whispered in my ear.

“I’ve really no choice, have I?” I chuckled. I was going to pull off my T-shirt but Jane’s hands beat me to the hem.

“You know, I really don’t have many opportunities to explore a man’s body without him expecting to jump into bed,” she said. “You don’t expect to just jump into bed because I’m undressing you, do you?”

“No, of course not,” I said.

“Yet,” she finished as she pulled my T-shirt up and off.

She spent a moment running her fingers over my back and then around to my chest. She definitely stopped to play with my nipples a bit.

“I’ve always wondered why males have nipples,” she said. “You don’t feed kittens from them.”


“I’ve a friend who got herself up the duff. Now she has a kid hanging off one teat all the time. The cats kept hanging round while she was feeding her infant and she got to squirting a bit of milk at them thinking it was funny. Now she can’t feed the baby without a cat trying to nudge him out of the way.”

“That’s a colorful expression,” I said. “I think the reason men have them is exactly what you are doing.” She pinched my nipples slightly and I felt the jolt in my cock.

“Good enough for me,” she said.

She stepped back and focused her camera. I glanced over and noticed Dale was nude. Jane saw it at the same time.

“Oh my! Well, you are a nudist and this is your own home,” Jane sighed.

“It’s so much more comfortable this way,” Dale said. “Don’t feel obligated.”

“I might not today, but this doesn’t need to be a one-time session. I’m rather getting into the idea of learning more intimate ways of posing my model. I don’t think I’d try this with a rando male in the studio,” Jane said. “Now give me that strong severe look you had a minute ago, Nate.”

I’m twenty-one years old, fairly strong, and healthy. But no one is going to take pictures of me to study the muscle structure of my stomach. I’m not a weight lifter. But when Jane got me out of my swim trunks, I don’t think she was all that interested in my abs.

“You see what I mean about always needing to work around seeing the knob when you have a naked man. I mean, there it is, just sticking straight up in the air. I’ll need to put something in front of it or position you with your back to me.”

“How’s this?” I asked. I shoved my prick down between my legs and clamped them shut on it. Hidden from view.

“Oh. Well, I personally liked it the other way, but this will make a better photo. Dale, what do you think?”

“I think he needs to hold that position for a little while so I can do a more polished sketch. Why don’t you work around him with your camera and get different angles of the same pose.”

“Capital idea.”

The women worked on their pictures. During the afternoon, Jane had dropped most of her clothes and was working in her bikini. That certainly wasn’t going to make my cock go down. After fifteen minutes with it trapped between my legs, though, it began to deflate on its own.

“I think I’m finished for today,” Jane said, putting her camera in her bag.

“Yes, I can get Nate to pose for me again so I can polish this,” Dale said. “You showed a great ability to get Nate into interesting poses.”

“Thank you very much, Lady Jane,” I said. “It was a fascinating experience.”

She stepped up close to me, her bikini covered tits just touching my bare chest. My cock started responding again.

“Although it implies a degree of intimacy we have not yet reached, I think when we are alone together or with Dale, you could drop the honorific and just call me Jane,” she said.

“That is an honor, Jane,” I responded. She stepped closer and trapped my growing cock between her thighs.

“I can hide it, too,” she said. “And since I am, you could give me a kiss before I go to my hosts’ house.”

It started rather gently, but with my cock between her legs and the feel of her breasts pressed against my chest, our kiss became quite passionate.

“You must think of where you want to photograph me, just as I will be thinking of the next time I photograph you,” she whispered. “And when we are sitting across from each other having a beer sometime this week, I want to know exactly what you did with Krista when you carried her behind the changing screen.”

Jane pushed away from me and bent to pull on her shorts and top—a view that I was so fixated on, I almost forgot to grab my own clothes. Even Dale was dressing as she planned to drive Jane home. That was quite an experience.


“This week, we are going to share more of our personal style with each other,” Josh said after we’d reviewed the prints that we all made over the weekend. He didn’t spend much time critiquing them, but said that seeing the print after the session was a reward that we were allowed to give ourselves. “Today, we’re going to board the bus and go to the William Ricketts Sanctuary where we’re going to have Ari introduce us to his type of portraiture involving both humans and nature. Joining us will be Amelia and Charlie, who will be our models. You will need both your fast action camera and your field camera. Pack everything up and head for the bus. We leave in fifteen minutes.”

We all scrambled to get our equipment together. I wondered about Jane’s 8x10, but it turned out she had more equipment with her than the rest of us combined. I wondered when I saw the size of the trunk she took through customs. She did have a smaller view camera in a 4x5 size and said she only used the 8x10 when she either was in a studio or had an assistant to help cart and set up her equipment.

We got everything loaded and boarded the bus for the hour drive out to the sanctuary. It was not at all what I expected. I thought it was going to be a place where I’d see kangaroos and such. Mostly, the wildlife was birds and small animals. The real attraction was all the sculpture throughout the sanctuary. A guide met us there and told us Mr. Ricketts still lived at the sanctuary, though it had been purchased by the government of Victoria to preserve it as a public sanctuary. Not many people came around during the week, so we had a nice run of the area.

As we spotted areas to take pictures, Amelia and Charlie worked with us to pose. Josh reminded us that it was a portrait photography course and the sanctuary was a setting, not the focal point. There was so much of interest there that it was hard not to focus on the sanctuary itself. I used a lot more film on the 35 than I expected to.

I finally found an interesting location for a portrait and went to talk to Amelia and Charlie about posing there. I had to wait my turn.

“Do you have any difficulty posing together in an… um… intimate setting?” I asked them.

“You mean nude?” Charlie asked.

“Yes. Sorry, I should have been explicit.”

“As long as the photo is not explicit. I’ll pose with Charlie, but I won’t bang him,” Amelia said.


After we’d paused for a lunch, it was my turn. I’d watched Ari spend all his time photographing Charlie. Dom had photographed Charlie and then Amelia. Jane had only photographed Amelia, not wanting to test herself with another male model yet. I led the two to a stone bridge on the path. It arched over a brook and I explained to the two what I wanted. I had my camera set up at one end of the bridge and asked them to take positions in the middle. Then I started working them toward the shot I wanted.

I coaxed them out of their clothes, spending equal time working with Charlie as with Amelia. When I had them fully nude, Charlie was facing me and Amelia was in front of him, leaning over the stone railing of the bridge tossing pebbles into the brook.

“Charlie, just gently touching Amelia’s shoulder if you would please. Now turn just a bit to your right so we hide your junk behind her hip. That’s good.”

I snapped another shot on the Nikon. I hadn’t yet taken a picture with the Linhof. I went up to the two models and began to adjust Amelia’s position.

“You are very beautiful, Amelia. It’s always a pleasure to work with beautiful people. Charlie, isn’t she lovely?”

“Objectively, yes,” Charlie said. “Personally, I find you more attractive.”

So, Charlie swung toward Ari and Dom. I’d learned pretty well from Devon not to be shocked by that.

“Thank you for the compliment,” I answered. “I think you are lovely, too, though personally, I find Amelia more to my taste. You are here for stage dressing. Here, take a nice big bite out of this apple if you would and hold it just about here. Now, Amelia, I’d like you to raise your hand a bit. We aren’t showing your vulva here, but I definitely want to see your breast. Yes, just here.”

I brushed my hand up her side and over the curve of her breast as I positioned her arm. I stepped back and checked the composition, then moved back and tilted her shoulders slightly.

“It’s rather nice to have the attention of someone who prefers women,” she giggled. “I was thinking all the boys here were queer. Even her ladyship didn’t seem particularly excited to be posing me as much as relieved she wasn’t posing Charlie. Oh. Do that again. If we’re going to show my breasts, the nips should be nice and pointy.”

I gave her breast a little squeeze and stepped back to the camera. Nearly perfect.

“Amelia, I need a slightly wicked look from you. Charlie has just bitten the apple. Savor that bite, Charlie.” I leaned in close to Amelia and whispered, “He doesn’t know he’s only the latest to have fallen to your temptation.”

The expression was perfect. I adjusted the tilt on my front standard and took the picture. Then I turned the film carrier and returned to the couple. I moved Charlie’s hand so he was ready to take another bite as I stroked down Amelia’s luscious backside.

“He’s only a moment away from the next bite. Do you think this would be a good place for him to sink his teeth?” I asked as I squeezed her buttock.

“Oh, yes. I rather like that,” she said, wiggling her butt in my hand slightly.

“Charlie, completely clueless as to what is in front of you. Focus everything on the apple.”

After another squeeze of her butt and a quick tweak of her nipple, I went back to the camera and took the picture.

“That’s it,” I said, going back to them. “Let me help you dress.”

“I promised Ari he could help me,” Charlie said. “I’m hoping to work with him again sometime.”

“You can definitely help me,” Amelia said, taking my hand and pulling me just off the path where we weren’t observed. I brought her clothes with me. “You don’t need to hurry the process though. My nipples are tingling. Maybe you could… um… kiss them and make them better.”

I did. But with everyone else waiting for us, I wasn’t able to give them or any other part of her body the attention she deserved.


On Tuesday, we went to a small village northeast of Melbourne where Jane guided us through her process of photographing a model. This time she used our male model of the day. I think she felt secure in that there would be no getting the man naked in the village. She did set up a good image just at the door of a local inn where he looked rather sinister as he slouched there.

We each got a turn with the models. Ari and Dom both tried shots with the two models looking like a couple—one with them eating in the restaurant and one at a filling station with a car he borrowed from a customer. Clever.

I liked what I saw in Jane’s rather sinister pose of the guy and took both models to the railroad station. I positioned the woman on a bench looking more or less toward me up the tracks. The man, I placed in the shadows a few feet behind her. I set up the 4x5 on its tripod and composed the scene on the ground glass. Then I went to adjust their positions. This would be tricky. I was using fairly fast film in the camera and opened the lens to the full f/1.8 opening of my fastest lens. I focused carefully on the guy and took the first shot. I wasn’t sure what was going to work best, so when I flipped the film, I focused on the woman and shot a long exposure with a smaller aperture.

Setting and shooting the entire scene only took about fifteen minutes and I was done. I hadn’t even snapped a reference photo with my Nikon. Just two pictures on the Linhof.

We went back to the studio and once again spent the rest of the afternoon in the darkrooms.


“I’m feeling the pressure,” I said late that night as Dale cuddled me to her. “I haven’t given a recommendation of where to do my shoot. I appreciate that you offered your studio, but Sunday, I noticed that Jane was having a hard time getting angles that didn’t scream it was an artist’s studio instead of a photography studio. We should take your picture in your studio, not a random model.”

“So, what is Attic Allure?” Dale asked.

“Intimate glamour photos offset with incongruous props that allow me to expose an inner character of the model. Adrienne told me that in France it was called boudoir photography.”

“Boudoir? As in bedroom?”

“That’s where most people feel intimate. You’d be amazed at the number of models I see who want a picture in a bed or a bedroom setting. Keeping that interesting has been a challenge. I don’t have a dozen different bedrooms in my studio, so we use a single bed against a blank backdrop and decorate the bed in all kinds of different ways.”

“So, what you really need is a place with at least four different bedrooms, one for each photographer. And you need models who are at home in each of those bedrooms.”

“That would be perfect. Just… uh… four women who share a house and each have a unique bedroom. And all four willing to model nude in, on, and around her bed. I’m dreaming,” I laughed.

“Get dressed,” Dale said, hopping out of bed and grabbing for her clothes. I jumped up and started dressing.

“Are we going out?”

“Yes. I know just the place.”

“A hotel really won’t work. All the rooms look the same. We need to make each one unique,” I protested.

“Fear not.”

I followed her out the door to her car.


Wednesday, Dom led our exercise. His specialty was architectural background and he’d located a pretty remarkable building that was under construction. Our models were both men and wore hardhats. The building itself, the Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees Union Building, had interesting modernistic lines, and the guys had props they could use, like wrenches, a blowtorch, and some architectural plans. And hardhats. The one thing they had to wear was their hardhat.

We did have a good time climbing around the area we were allowed access to, positioning the models, and dealing with the heat. It was close to ninety degrees that day and that gave me an idea. When it was my turn to work with them, I got them out of their shirts and poured some water over their chests. I suppose oil would have had a more stable glistening to it, but the water really looked like they were working hard and sweating. I found heavy hammers and gave them each one to hoist. I liked it and the guys definitely didn’t mind the cooling water out there in the sun.

“Want to go someplace and pour water over me?” Jane whispered as we were leaving the building.

“Oh, Jane, you know, I couldn’t just pour water over you. I’d want to dab it on with a sponge and then make sure it was spread evenly over your naked body with my hands.”

“Christ, Nate! You haven’t told me yet what you did with Krista behind the privacy screen. Or, for that matter, with Amelia in the bushes while you were supposed to be getting her dressed,” Jane said.

“Well, sometimes women get very turned on by the idea of modeling nude. I hate to leave a woman hanging, you know?”

“I know you don’t fuck them. Just give them a little hand?”

“And sometimes a tongue,” I added. She actually moaned.


“As you know, Nate has a style he calls Attic Allure. I’m told his mistress calls it Boudoir Photography. But it’s difficult to put four different boudoirs—which, if you don’t know, means bedrooms—in the studio. So, today we are going to The Silken Flute on Grey Street in St. Kilda. You should take either a 35 or a medium format camera and your field camera. We will have exactly one hour in each room with that model. That includes setup and teardown. We’ll bring two fill lights with umbrellas, but plan on shooting mostly with available light. Pack your equipment and let’s get to the bus. Nate’s model goes on the clock in thirty minutes,” Josh said.

I could tell by the way Ari looked at me that he knew where we were going, even if he’d never been there himself. When Dale took me into the brothel on Tuesday night, it was the first time I’d ever been in one. It happened that she knew the manager and several of the working girls had modeled for her in her studio. She said they appreciated a little extra income that wasn’t dependent on them spreading their legs and were comfortable being naked.

The brothel was usually closed from nine until three because no one came around on a weekday between those hours that any of the girls would service.

“Midday punters are all bargain hunters. They figure they can get a girl for half price just because there are no other customers standing in line. Unless the date is arranged in advance, we just don’t even open up in the middle of the day,” Lauren, the redheaded manager, said.

“Can you get four girls who are willing to model for an hour? Sequential hours, not all at the same time.”

“You know most of the girls would do anything for you, Dale. We all miss you terribly. And this young man you brought with you. Does he need something special? He must be a relative if you can’t do him yourself.”

“He’s a photographer,” Dale explained. “Believe me, he doesn’t need to come to The Silken Flute to get laid.”

Lauren looked hard at me and then smiled.

“I trust you know how lucky you are,” she said. “Four rooms, an hour in each. Fifteen minutes between start times. A different girl for each room. And you say the institute will pay for it? I look forward to seeing you Thursday.”


“Nate,” Jane whispered to me. “Are we in an actual brothel?”

“Yes, my lady. Today it is merely four different bedrooms with four different models. We are not dealing with prostitutes, so please don’t treat them that way. They are models.”

I made that clear to Dom and Ari as well. All four girls were prostitutes, but they weren’t working in the trade today.

Promptly at nine-thirty, we walked into bedroom number one and I looked around quickly to assess the conditions and what I had to work with. I directed Larry and Vince as to where to put the lights and how bright they should be as I set up my tripod and camera. I only brought a tripod for the Linhof. I’d be hand-holding the Hasselblad.

At nine-forty, my model walked into the room wearing a filmy black negligee. The temptation was to immediately rush her into a position and take pictures, but I slowed myself down and introduced myself first.

“I’m Nate and I want to thank you for posing today,” I said.

“I’m Tippi. It’s so nice to meet you, Nate.”

“Tippi, I’m going to try to get a very personal view of you and capture it in a photograph today. I’m afraid we’re on a short timeline, so I’ll have to move things along a bit in order to show the real you. Is there anything in this room that is yours or that speaks to you that you could hold?”

“Oh, this little rag doll is Tilly. I can talk to her anytime I want and she listens to everything I have to say.”

“Why don’t you sit up on the bed and have a conversation with Tilly,” I said. “Here, let me help remove your slippers so you don’t get them up on the spread. Now sitting up toward the head of the bed, but don’t lean back against the pillows. Lean forward just a little while you share a secret with Tilly.”

As she moved, I took a couple of pictures from different angles with the Hasselblad. Then I motioned Larry to move one fill light over so I got a little more backlight on her.

“Now Tippi, may I loosen your peignoir a bit so I can see you better?”

“You know you can undress me any way you want,” she answered.

“Thank you. I wouldn’t think of doing it without asking.” I spoke loudly enough that my classmates could hear me. I hoped they were picking up clues regarding maintaining good etiquette with the models. It would be so easy for them to simply think of them as whores on the clock.

I untied the little bow at her throat and loosened the gauzy jacket to push it off her shoulders. I let my hands linger on her bare shoulders as I tilted her just a bit. I could clearly see her nipples through the gown and her shaved slit through the panties. I considered not going any further in terms of undressing her. I simply smoothed the gown down her front so things were clear.

I stepped back and took the picture with the Hasselblad.

“Does this room give you happy thoughts or dark ones?” I asked as I had her lift the doll a little to her right.

“Mostly good if not precisely happy. I like what I do here. I’m not a prisoner or anything. Occasionally, a man will make me unhappy or hurt me. But most guys really appreciate me.”

“I’m so glad to hear that,” I said. “A person should be happy with their life. I am. Love taking photos of beautiful women and you are extraordinary.”

I checked my watch as I moved to the right and took another picture.

“I am having difficulty restraining myself, but I wonder if we might take off the top and then pull the peignoir back over your arms. Would that be okay?”

“Oh, yes. I was hoping you’d give me a shot that was artfully nude. Do you want me to do the clothes or will you please take them.”

“I’d be happy to help remove the pieces. I know that if I were with you more casually, I would want you nude all the time. You’re so lovely.”

I slipped the jacket off and then carefully lifted the negligee off and over her head. I kept myself mostly between the model and our audience as I gently pulled the peignoir up to her shoulders and then stroked down over her bare breasts to lightly massage her nipples.

“Oh, you know how to touch a woman,” she sighed.

“Are you satisfied with the level of undress, or would you like me to take your panties, too?”

“Nate, would you make sure to run your hands over my bum as you take my panties? That is one of my favorite feelings.”

“I’d be delighted.”

I got the panties off her, including spending a minute just petting her bottom. I could have spent a lot longer.

“Now we want to lie back, propped up on your elbow as you chat with Tilly. Your jacket will fall across your right breast, but fall off your left. From the angle of the camera, I will just see the beginning of the cleft of your vulva. I don’t want to see any more than that.”

“It wouldn’t be as artistic, would it?” she asked.

I checked the spread and the folds of her cover, moved her discarded clothing off the bed and took another picture with the Hasselblad. I saw what I wanted and stepped over to the Linhof. I adjusted the bellows and prepared to take the picture.

“Now tell Tilly something funny that happened when you were out on a date. You know how she loves to hear about your exploits.”

Tippi bit her lip as she looked intently at Tilly and smiled. Beautiful. I got the shot. Then I moved the tripod and camera closer, refocused and checked the composition and perspective to be sure I wasn’t foreshortening her.

“Now look at me and tell me that little story,” I said.

Tippi looked up at me and smiled brilliantly.

“I was telling her about you,” she said.

I took the picture and then swept in on Tippi. I picked up her slippers and her discarded clothing, then scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the bathroom. Once I had her inside, I set her gently on the floor. She held her hands around my neck and kissed me very tenderly.

“Come back soon and let me show you how I do my job,” she said. “I promise we’ll have fun.”

“Thank you so much for being such a wonderful model, Tippi.”

I slipped out of the bathroom and closed the door while she dressed. I grabbed my cameras and headed for the door as Larry and Vince followed with the lights. In the lobby, I paused to start disassembling my equipment to put in its case.

“How many total photos did you take?” Dom asked.

“Oh.” I looked at the Hasselblad. “Six on the medium format and two on the large format.”

“I’d have been clicking non-stop to make sure I didn’t miss the perfect picture,” Jane said.

“It was more important to establish the connection with the model and get her on my side with the story we were telling. She’s a lovely girl and I wanted her to know we were telling her story.”

“Well, I get to charge right in and see if I can do that,” Jane said.

She had her 4x5 mounted on the tripod and was ready to head into the second bedroom to set up. I was about to follow the crew into the room when Tippi emerged from the first bedroom and caught me in a hug. She lifted her lips and kissed me again. Then she handed me her card.

“This is my special two for one card,” she said. “Pay for thirty minutes and get sixty. Pay for sixty minutes and we can really take our time and enjoy each other fully for two hours. Please come and see me.”

“Thank you, Tippi,” I said. She let me go and shoved me toward the second bedroom before the door closed.


“Do me tonight,” Jane hissed when we reached the studio and Josh told us we’d do processing and printing on Friday.

“What?” I asked. Doing Jane was not an unpleasant thought.

“Take me to Dale’s studio or anyplace else and photograph me. I’m so… ready… I’m about to burst. That was an amazing experience. I only shot a dozen photos!”

“It looked like you and your model were having fun.”

“Mel was awesome. We connected so fast I almost forgot to take pictures. She invited me back at half price to spend a couple of hours with her. I’m afraid that if you don’t take me and make photos, I might go back to that brothel.”

“I’m sure that wouldn’t be so terrible,” I laughed. “I’d love to take your picture. Let me give Dale a call to see if the studio is available. I did have an idea for your photo.”


Dale picked us up fifteen minutes later and I put my equipment in her car. Lady Jane thanked her profusely and invited Dale to sketch while I photographed.

Of course, I started with the usual portraiture and then started loosening Jane’s clothes.

“I’d rather you didn’t take pictures of my bra and bloomers,” she said as I unbuttoned her blouse. I had thought she wanted me to get her down to that. I stopped unbuttoning. “They are strictly functional and aren’t pretty. I’d rather you take them off than show them.”

Oh! I opened her blouse and looked at a very sturdy bra that was overkill for the amount of breast she had to put in it. I palmed a breast and squeezed a bit through the stiff bra.

“That is quite a bit of armor,” I said. “I had a girlfriend who said the only reason girls wore heavy bras is to provide one more layer of defense against groping.”

I left her blouse hanging open and stepped behind her to work on her hair. Jane always wore her hair up, usually in a bun. I found the pins that released two thick braids that fell to the middle of her back. I quickly got a picture of that view.

“I had no idea your hair was so long. May I take the braids out?”

“Treat me like you do any model,” Jane giggled. “You’ve already handled my bosom. Why not my hair?”

I managed to undo the braids and her hair was even longer and very curly.

“Now,” I said. “Tilt your head back. Let’s see if your hair will touch your waist. Yes. That’s nice. I’m just going to take your blouse so I can get rid of the bra you so despise.”

“I know Dale is already nude while she’s sketching. You can lose your kit as well. I’ve already seen what you have, so it’s not like something new.”

I unfastened the five clips on the broad back band of her bra and she sighed as it let loose. I stroked down her front and over her boobs with my hands as I lifted the bra away from her. Dale set a small table with a basin of water and a cloth next to me. I smiled my thanks as she removed my shirt for me.

Jane was surprised when I began bathing her torso with the warm water. I lifted her arms and washed her pits, then stepped in front to wash her breasts and gently massage the creases left by her bra. When I’d washed her breasts, I blew across them to dry them, raising her nipples to stiffness on her breasts.

I pulled her hair around so it fell over her breasts and left them just peeking through as I took another picture.

“You do have a way of seducing your models, don’t you?” Jane asked.

I knew she was thin, but hadn’t realized how much so until I had her clothes mostly off. That just didn’t register when she was in her bikini.

“I try to make sure my models have the experience they truly want,” I said. “Tippi wanted an artfully nude portrait and was nearly naked when she came into the room.”

“And what is it I want?”

“The excitement of experiencing what you think my other models get.”

“I didn’t notice you bathing your other models,” Jane laughed.

“You’ve been in stiff clothes all day and the weather has been extremely warm. I thought a little sponge bath would cool you and make the experience more pleasant.”

“You said yesterday that you would spread the water in an even layer over my body with your hands,” she sighed.

I lifted her hair back and then stroked her front with my hands, all the way from her ears to her waist. Of course, I spent time massaging her breasts as we looked into each other’s eyes. I stepped back and took another picture.

“I think we should complete your outfit by removing your slacks,” I said.

“Yes,” she said. “And yours.”

She stroked my chest as I unfastened her slacks, and kept her hands there as I pushed her slacks and bloomers down together. I spent some moments with my hands on her buns and appreciated the great shape she was in—thin but not scrawny. As I got her feet out of the legs of her slacks, Dale unfastened and removed my slacks and briefs. I stood and took the washcloth from the basin to bathe her lower half. She gasped as I washed over her pussy and then reached back to bathe her butt crack.

“I’ve had nannies and nurses to bathe and dress me all my life,” Jane whispered. “None has made me feel like this.”

“It’s part of the excitement,” I said. “Have you ever given a man this much access and control of your body?”

“No. I wouldn’t dare.”

“And now, you dare,” I said.

I lifted her up and then knelt on the floor where I gently laid her down. She made a lovely contrast with the wide boards of Dale’s studio floor. I reached behind her head to lift her hair out and fan it around on the boards. I had spotted a few of Dale’s props in the studio and grabbed a black veil that I slipped under Jane’s butt and then pulled across her thighs, leaving most of her bikini cut bush exposed.

While I was arranging and positioning her, Jane had idly begun stroking my cock, making it stiff and ready for action.

“Now we need this hand on you instead of me. Look over toward the window. Nice. This hand to your chin. I’m ready for the picture that shows Lady Jane Morgan of Plympford as if she were Lady Constance Chatterley. The noble suitors bore you, but you can’t help dreaming of the gamekeeper out in the woods.”

I bent and sucked on her left nipple just enough to be sure it was tight and glistening. Then I stood to position the 4x5 and adjust the level and tilt of the lens board so I could shoot down on her.



No one rushed to get dressed after my photo session with Lady Jane. She seemed to settle down as far as her frenzy went. There was just something about having shot a scene in a brothel that stirred her. Now that she was naked, she had no inclination to cover up.

In fact, she became quite friendly.

“So, after a shoot, you always carry your model to privacy,” she whispered as I lifted her to a sitting position. “Then what happens?”

I put my hand under her legs and lifted her off the floor. Her arms reflexively went around my neck and I carried her behind the changing screen in Dale’s studio. She had a comfortable chair there where models could wait or take their breaks. I sat in the chair with Jane in my lap and she kissed me.

I petted her hair and her back, then ran my hand over her breasts and down to her butt.

“You were really a splendid model,” I said. “You followed my guidance and I believe we captured the real Jane—not the stiff noblewoman, but the passionate and slightly wanton young woman who wants to enjoy life.”

“You surprised me when you laid me on the floor. I expected something more… vertical.”

“I really didn’t want to capture Dale’s studio. I wanted you.”

“Do you still want me, Nate?”

“Well, not on the floor,” I said.

“Then take me to your bed.”

“Uh… Dale…”

“Invite her to join us. It’s a new day for me.”

I carried Jane out of the studio and into the house. Dale smiled at us and offered us tea.

“Not just now, Dale. We thought we’d… um… take a little nap together. Would you like to join us?”

“Oh, that would be lovely. Use my bed. It’s bigger.”

I laid Jane down in the bed and Dale got in on the other side. She cuddled right up to Jane and they kissed. Then Jane turned to me and kissed me. I reached across her to kiss Dale as well.

“That was such a lovely sitting,” Dale said. “I made several sketches of you. I think I would like to do a full painting.”

“I’d be pleased to sit for you, Dale. It was such a freeing and empowering experience.”

“What inspired you today?” I asked.

“My sitting with Mel. She did everything I asked and I believe I got a wonderful picture of her, but when I escorted her to the bathroom to dress, she pulled me in with her. She said she found the session to be one of the sexiest and most sensual she’d ever had and invited me back to have a session with her. All the time we were talking, we were playing with each other’s breasts and she conducted my hand to her vagina. She was very wet and I realized I probably was, too. I had to rush out to collect my equipment and get out of the room, but I kept thinking of her all through Ari and Dominique’s sessions.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t just rush back there instead of wanting to come home with me,” I suggested.

“But I wanted to experience what the model was feeling when I took her pictures. I’ve always been the one in control. I direct the model and she does what I say. I’d never let go of the control and put myself so fully in someone else’s hands. And I have certainly been in your hands today.”

I realized that I’d continued to pet her, playing with her nipples, and stroking down to ruffle the fur of her bikini cut pubic hair. I kissed her again and she turned to kiss Dale. Dale’s hand was massaging parts of Jane where my hand was not. And Jane’s hand was holding my hard cock.

“I should have asked if you have a condom,” Jane said. “I’d hate for this to come to a screeching halt.”

“I have plenty of condoms,” Dale said. “I just restocked.”

“I won’t need it for a bit, though,” I said as I pulled away from Jane and started moving down her body.

I paused to suckle a nipple and to kiss my way across her abdomen and navel. I pushed between her legs and began to kiss her vulva and part its lips with my tongue.

“Oh! That’s something I imagined Mel might do if I went back to see her. Oh, it’s wonderful.”

“I assure you she would,” Dale said. “But would you?”

“You mean, go down on her?”

“Yes,” Dale whispered. “Or me.”

“Show me how. Oh! Nate just… put his finger in me while he’s licking my clitty. Can you show me how, Dale?”

When I glanced up, I saw Dale kneeling with her knees on either side of Jane and her pussy about five inches above Jane’s mouth. She was giving instructions in a hushed voice and I saw Jane’s tongue dart out to taste Dale. I lost track then, and I think Jane may have, too. Her contractions on my fingers indicated the muffled climax she was enjoying.

I knew where Dale’s condoms were and grabbed one to put on my painfully hard cock. Then I made my way up between Jane’s legs and positioned myself to enter her. I kissed her nipples and worked my way up Dale’s back with kisses as I sank into Jane’s hot channel. She squealed again, and so did Dale.

Dale slid off Jane’s face to the side and I reached up to kiss Jane and lick Dale’s come off her face as I fucked deeply into her. Jane was a pneumatic lover. As soon as I started moving, her hips pounded against me, driving my cock farther in each time. I was as deep as I could get when orgasms hit both of us and I felt the come gushing out of my cock. The contractions in Jane’s pussy continued for several minutes as I eventually softened and slid out of her.


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