Over Exposure

En Route


IT WAS EARLY in the morning when I rolled up next to Adrienne’s backside that I realized what we’d done. It was the first time I’d ever come in her pussy without a condom.

“Adrienne, my love, we made a big mistake last night. I came in you without a condom,” I said.

“I know. It was so wonderful. You said whatever I would like. Are you upset with me, Master?”

“I’m concerned. None of us are ready to have children. We have Toni and if I got you pregnant, I would want you to be nearby. I could not stand the thought of you raising a child without me beside you,” I said. I’d seen how crippling that had been for Patricia, even with her parents and Tony’s parents nearby to help. Adrienne had no family nearby.

“Master, your Fifi cannot have children. What is it they say about pets? I have been spayed. I had ovarian cancer soon after I came to America and they were removed.”

“I’ve never noticed a surgery scar!” I began to examine her abdomen where I assumed I would see a scar from that kind of surgery.

“I had a laparoscopic oophorectomy. My sponsor searched the world for the very best practitioner and they had to make only two incisions. The largest was through my navel and the other, only half a centimeter, was a little below. It is one of many things for which I am thankful to him.”

“I am thankful as well,” I said. “So, there is no danger of pregnancy?”

“Nor of disease. You have been my only male lover since my sponsor separated himself from me. Do you wish to punish me for not asking you to come in me?”

“Not at all. In fact, I’m thrilled. You know, I would like to come in you again.”

We whispered together and Adrienne’s devious mind came up with a brilliant scenario.


Our New Year’s Day adventure ranked right up there with the strangest happenings of my life. I started off by calling home to wish everyone Happy New Year. I was a little sad that I wasn’t home with my family to start the New Year right. When I got home on Saturday, I’d have just two nights with them before I had to head out for the thirty-eight-hour series of flights that would get me to Melbourne. Nothing like flying to Australia to make you realize how big the world is.

After our conversation and making love with Adrienne again, we dressed and headed out for our day at the beach. I thoroughly approved of Adrienne’s bikini when I saw her dressing. It was amazing. She had a warm wrap and a beach bag she said included a change of clothes, towels to lie on, and tanning lotion. When we got to the limo, I discovered she’d ordered the picnic lunch as well as a bottle of champagne and some orange juice to welcome in the New Year in the back of the limo.

We picked up Fran, who was a bouncing ball of sexual energy.

“I’m so excited. Alice and I left the party about the same time you did and she’s incredibly jealous that I get to spend the day with you,” Fran said.

“We could have invited her along,” I said.

“She’d have wet her panties,” Fran laughed. “She said the kiss she stole from you after midnight was the best she’d ever had.”

“Oh, the poor girl!” I said.

“She isn’t completely inexperienced, but she doesn’t adventure much. When she came out here, she intended to become an actress, but she took a secretarial type job and she’s likely to be in it for the next twenty years or more,” Fran said. “And she’ll be happy at it. I think she breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t going to have to do the whole Hollywood actress thing, you know?”

“I know very well,” Adrienne said. “My sponsor offered to make me into a movie star, but my proclivities are not suited for the industry in that capacity. Working behind the scenes and helping him with his projects was far more my style. I didn’t want people investigating me and putting my picture in a bunch of grocery store tabloids.”

“I’m so glad you chose the path you did,” I said, kissing her.

That started a round of kisses that got us in every combination. And not all the kisses were on the mouth. When our driver pulled to a stop in the little parking area, I quickly pulled Fran’s bikini top back into place to cover her nips and pulled her wrap around her.

The girls each had a beach bag to carry, so I got the picnic basket. It wasn’t too heavy, though, so I could make the trail without too much problem. Adrienne had warned us to wear sturdy shoes. It was almost a fifteen-minute walk to get down to the beach. And the beach was narrow with a rocky shore. Once we actually got to the white sand, though, it was beautiful.

“Point Dume is a popular place for movies,” Adrienne said. “But they are filmed on the other side of the point. It’s where Tony Nelson washed ashore in his space capsule and found Barbara Eden in I Dream of Jeannie. It was the location for Charlton Heston’s dramatic discovery at the end of Planet of the Apes. But this side is a little harder to get to and not many people come here. Those that do, don’t really care what people wear. Including nothing at all.”

The beach wasn’t very big, and there were half a dozen couples who had staked out places. They were all nude. As soon as we found a spot where we could spread our blanket, Adrienne dropped her wrap and then stripped out of her bikini. If she looked great in the bikini, she looked even better out of it.

Fran watched wide-eyed, and then hurried to remove her own clothes so that both women were standing naked in the sun. Now that was a sight to just stop and appreciate. It looked like a few people down the beach were doing just that.

“Come on, Nate,” Fran said. “Strip and join the show. I want to go in the water.”

“Are you crazy, Fran?” I asked, pulling off my clothes. “It’s sunny, but the temperature out is barely sixty.”

“And if you want to put your toes in the water, just wade a little at the shore,” Adrienne said. “With all the rocks around the shore, currents can be unpredictable. And you never know what sea creatures are hanging out here.”

The three of us held hands and walked down to where the waves were lapping up on the sand. We waded right in and then right back out.

“Oh, shit! That’s cold!” Fran said. “I thought it was always sunny and warm in California.”

“Well, it’s sunny,” Adrienne laughed. We went back to our blanket and started arranging ourselves and the picnic. After the initial attention, interest in us seemed to wane quickly as couples had more to keep themselves occupied with each other than with us.

“Um… So, what do you do at a nude beach?” Fran asked hesitantly.

“Pretty much anything you do at a clothed beach,” Adrienne said. “I see someone setting up a volleyball net down that way. I’ll bet most of the people on the beach go to at least check it out.”

“Volleyball with my boobs flopping around?” Fran asked.

“Honey, have you forgotten? Your boobs don’t flop,” I said, reaching over to squeeze and play with her tits. With the implants she’d had, her boobs didn’t really move around much. I much preferred playing with Adrienne’s, but I wasn’t going to let Fran be neglected.

“Oh yeah. These babies don’t go anywhere. They’ll still be upstanding when I’m eighty and everything else on my body is sagging.”

“I know a little game we could play,” Adrienne said. “Lie down here on your back, Fran.”

“I like the sound of this game already,” I said as I helped get Fran arranged on the blanket. She had one hand on Adrienne’s leg and the other on my cock.

Adrienne began pulling food out of the basket. She started by putting a deviled egg on Fran’s navel, then continued with eggs down to her slit. She made Fran put her legs together so she could put an egg right up against her pussy, resting on her thighs. She then put little open-face finger sandwiches in a row from Fran’s navel, up between her breasts to her neck.

“You’re turning me into a picnic table,” Fran giggled.

Adrienne came up with sliced cucumber next. She put a slice on each of Fran’s nipples, causing Fran to gasp with the cold. I thought the cucumber might tumble right off when her nipples came upright and erect.

“Close your eyes, baby,” Adrienne said. “Cucumber is good for them.” Fran closed her eyes and Adrienne put a slice of cucumber on each eyelid.

Adrienne built a little tower on each of Fran’s breasts, starting with the cucumber, then a slice of salami, a bit of cheese, and half an olive. Finally, she told Fran to close her mouth and built a little tower on her lips as well.

“Now Nate and I can have a picnic and eat all the food off your body,” Adrienne said. “We’ll even feed you some of it. The only thing is that we are not allowed to use our hands. Like, I built this little tower of goodies on your breast out of some of my favorite things.” She bent forward and pulled the food off Fran’s breast with her lips, then stayed there to suck on her nipple while she chewed the food. Fran whimpered.

I got the idea and ate a deviled egg off Fran’s navel. Adrienne scooped a little open-face sandwich off Fran’s throat and Fran moaned, gripping my cock a little tighter. I decided the sandwich on her lips was going to go tumbling if I didn’t get to it, so I managed to use my tongue and lips to lift it and then push it into her mouth. The giggling almost caused the right breast tower to fall, so I quickly sucked it off her tit and then stayed there to suck on her tit for a while, as Adrienne ate a cucumber slice off Fran’s eyelid.

How we managed to eat an entire meal off the actress’s body, I’m not sure, but as the last bit disappeared, Adrienne made sure that body was licked clean. For my part, the last bit of food was the deviled egg resting at the juncture of Fran’s legs. I took my time nibbling on it and eventually pushed her legs apart so I could nibble on her clit for a while. With Adrienne stroking her breasts and kissing her, Fran rose to climax that had us all panting.

“That was just a yummy dessert,” I said. “You are so tasty, Fran. Would you like some dessert?”

“Oh, yeah. A huge helping of your come would be terrific,” Fran giggled.

“We can arrange that.”

Fran was ready to open her mouth and swallow my dick, but was surprised when I crawled between Adrienne’s legs.

“Last night, I left a nice helping of come in Adrienne’s pussy,” I said as I lined myself up and Adrienne welcomed me into her vagina. “It feels so good! You’d like to help Adrienne like she just helped you, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course!” Fran said. She immediately fell to kissing and touching my mistress. Between the two of us, we got Adrienne over the edge, and knowing it was my bare cock in her vagina, I spurted an intense helping into her.

“Now lie down, our little limo slut,” Adrienne said. “It’s time for yours.”

Fran quickly lay on her back and pulled her legs back to give me easy access. I think she expected me to just start fucking her, but I wasn’t quite ready yet and this one definitely needed a condom. I paid attention to her pussy with my mouth and Fran was truly surprised when Adrienne straddled her face and settled down on her mouth with a pussy dripping with my come. She let out a little squeak, but definitely got right at cleaning that dripping pussy.

I got the condom on and satisfied her other end as I began to plow into her vigorously as Adrienne and I kissed each other and fondled Fran.

After our little playtime, we stretched out for a bit of a nap in the sun. I could see that nearly everyone else on the beach was down where they were playing volleyball. Even in the cooling temperatures, we were aware that we could get sunburned if we stayed out too long, so we got ourselves dressed, and packed our bags. Once we had our sturdy shoes on, we climbed out of the secluded area—a trip that took longer than the fifteen minutes down.

In the limo, Fran set out to prove that she was our limo slut as she stripped and gave both Adrienne and me another dose of her oral talents.


When Adrienne and I got home, we spent a quiet evening. Marie had prepared a meal for us that Adrienne only had to put in the oven for a while. In the morning, we made love again and she accompanied me to the airport. I kissed her goodbye and assured her that I could come out over spring break, but a girlfriend might want to join me. Her face lit up like I’d just offered her a rare treat.

“Miss Anna?” she asked breathlessly.

“Our schedules are the easiest to coordinate. Would you like to have Miss Anna join me?”

Adrienne shivered all over.

“Yes, if it pleases you, Master. I would be very happy to see her.”

“I’ll see if she has any desire to come with me,” I said as I kissed her goodbye.

Just then we saw Missy approaching in her uniform, which I thought had a shorter skirt than I’d noticed before.

“May I escort you to your seat, Mr. Hart?” she asked politely.

“That would be very kind of you, Missy.”

I had one more quick kiss with Adrienne and then followed Missy with my camera case to the airplane.


I did spend some time in the first class galley with Missy on the way to Chicago, but we didn’t quite fuck. There were too many people on the flight, many of whom were still partying for the New Year.

“Things will be quieter on Monday when we fly the other direction,” she gasped as I fingered her to an orgasm. “I’ll try to give you a proper send-off on your trip to Australia.”

“Just seeing you will be a good send-off,” I said. “You know I love to get together with you, but it isn’t always necessary to fuck.”

“Yeah. I just hate to miss an opportunity,” she giggled as she pulled her panties back into place. “Are you sure you don’t want me to suck you off?”

“Of course I do, but I have three horny girlfriends waiting for me in Chicago who expect me to give them enough this weekend to last for three weeks while I’m gone to Australia. After having been drained by Adrienne this morning, I need to keep something in reserve for my three,” I laughed.

We touched down in Chicago and I was greeted at the gate by my three girlfriends and a 30-month-old toddler who was still high on Christmas cookies.


The rest of Saturday and all day Sunday was spent getting me ready for international travel. I had my tickets with all the associated rigamarole. There were twelve leaves in the ticket bundle because I would be on five different flights each direction. I’m sure the plane would have landed more frequently if there were more places available to land. It’s, like, an ocean between here and Australia. With the layovers at each airport, it was going to take a total of thirty-eight hours to get there. But with time changes and the International Dateline, I’d take off at 10:00 Monday morning and arrive in Melbourne at 7:00 Wednesday evening. I’d lose an entire day. I think I calculated that right.

“You need your summer clothes, not winter clothes,” Ronda said. “Remember, it’s on the other side of the equator.”

“I feel like I’m backward already,” I said. “They said possible rain, too, but I just can’t imagine packing an umbrella. I’ll need to take my chances on some of the weather. I need to pack my camera equipment and film.”

“You’re checking your suitcase and your tripods and carrying on your cameras and portfolio, right?” Anna asked. “I picked up a book for you to read. It looked like it would be interesting.”

“Lady Chatterley’s Lover?” I said. “It looks like a used book.”

“Oh, yes. I asked Miss Ludwig for a recommendation. She helped me get the book and since I had it, I read it. And so did Ronda and Patricia. We think you’ll enjoy it.”

“Oh. Okay. At least it will give us something new to talk about when I get back besides my time spent in a class,” I said.

“Or your time spent in other women,” Patricia laughed. “I know you plan to see your artist friend, Dale. I’d love to see more pictures of her.”

“She was a lot of fun,” Ronda said. “I’m sure she wants to show you some of the sights of Melbourne. Or at least one of them.”

“Swimming trunks?” I asked as I continued to put things in my suitcase. “Do you really think I’ll have a chance to go swimming? Is there even a pool?”

“There’s an entire ocean,” Ronda laughed. “Supposedly some incredible beaches.”

I thought about having put my feet in the ocean in Los Angeles. If I understood the globe correctly, it was the same ocean.


There were only six people in first class on my Monday morning flight. By some oddity, I was the only person seated in the first row.

“A lot of people don’t like the bulkhead seats,” Missy said when I asked her about it. It was fine with me. I settled in with my bloody Mary and my book. It was like I was the only person on the plane for all I could see.

And Missy settled into the seat beside me for takeoff. She ramped up about as fast as the plane did on the runway. Once the airplane was leveling off, though, she had to button her shirt up and get to work, serving another round of drinks and getting our lunch ready.

I started reading my book, glancing up occasionally to see Missy working in the galley. My seat had a pretty good sightline to her and she knew it, pulling her skirt up and bending over more than was strictly necessary. Between Missy and the book, I was hard as a rock by the time I’d finished lunch.

The book had a note in it from Anna, giving a little history. Lady Chatterley’s Lover was written in the 1920s by a guy named DH Lawrence. It was ‘published privately’ a couple of times, but every time it was published for release, it had been banned for obscenity and promoting adultery. It wasn’t until the mid-sixties that the courts in the US threw out the charges against the publisher and the author as a violation of the First Amendment and the book was released, but I gathered that distribution was still pretty limited. I doubt Anna could have gotten it at a bookstore and was glad Miss Ludwig had consented to order it.

Some of the descriptions of Connie, Lady Chatterley, made me wish I could take a camera into the book. What a model she’d be!

After Missy had cleaned and cleared and served more drinks, she pulled me into the galley and closed the curtains. I was so primed by reading and watching Missy that I might have rushed things just a little. We didn’t bother with taking any clothes off. She was wearing hose and a garter with no panties, which she’d made obvious every time I saw her bend over. She unbuttoned her jacket and I saw she was wearing nothing under it. I unzipped, got a condom on, and pushed into her, grabbing a double handful of tits to hang onto as the plane hit a little rough weather over the Rockies.

Missy was as primed from teasing as I was from watching and reading. She pressed her tongue into my mouth to quiet her climax as I pinched her nipples and pumped into the condom. I was surprised I had enough to fill the tip after my girlfriends had done their best to drain me the previous night and morning. I didn’t stay erect. I caught the condom as I slipped out of Missy and she ditched it in the waste bin.

We were jolted once again and the loudspeaker chimed with the captain saying to please fasten our seatbelts, as there would be some turbulence. I quickly zipped myself up as Missy straightened her skirt and buttoned her jacket. I got buckled in and Missy checked the cabin to be sure everyone was obeying the instructions and to pick up glasses. Then she sat next to me until she had to prepare for landing.

When we got to LA, I had two hours before my next flight. Missy was on a turn-around heading back to Chicago in an hour, but she escorted me to my gate for Hawaii and introduced me to Mila, a lovely Hawaiian girl who was a stewardess on my next flight.

“Mila, this is Nate. He’s my favorite passenger. I hope you’ll treat him right on the way to Honolulu.”

“Oh, hello, Nate. We’ll be boarding in forty-five minutes. Let me take you to our club room where you can wait until I come to get you to board.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mila. Thanks for the escort, Missy. I hope I’ll see you on the way back,” I said. Missy responded with a kiss that let Mila know in no uncertain terms what she meant by a favorite passenger.

I followed Mila to the club room and she got me a cup of coffee. Then she said she’d be back to get me for my flight. I liked the personal service, but I almost felt like I was being treated like a child needing to fly with a responsible adult. I wondered who Mila would hand me off to.

She was a bit shorter than Missy and rather slight in build. I could just imagine seeing her do the hula in a grass skirt and coconut shells.

The flight was a little fuller to Hawaii than it had been to LA. I guess this was a popular time for people to vacation on the islands. The attention on this flight wasn’t quite as personal as the attention I got from Missy, but Mila made it as pleasant as possible. The flight included dinner and it was the first time I had a swordfish steak. I’m not a great fan of fish in general, but this was something else. It tasted like a steak, but was cooked with pineapple and soy sauce. Really good. So was the Mai Tai. I had to remind myself not to drink too much. It would have been easy to polish off three or four of these, like the guy across the aisle from me did. He was snoring pretty loudly before we were halfway to Honolulu.

Mila escorted me to the club room in Honolulu, but said I could catch a Wiki Wiki Shuttle into town if I wanted to, since I had five hours on this layover. It sounded like fun and if I’d been traveling in company or if Mila had been volunteering to show me the city, I’d have done that. But it was seven o’clock and the sun had already set. It wouldn’t take much for me to be wandering around lost for half the night. That was eleven p.m. in Chicago. It was too late for me to even call home. I decided to just camp out in the club room until my next flight at midnight.

I settled in a corner and started reading some more. I fell asleep and was having deliciously erotic dreams about Missy.

A very nice stewardess came to wake me up and fix me a cup of coffee at eleven. Then she escorted me to my gate and straight onto the plane. This one’s name was Lana. She had some distinctly Hawaiian features, but she was blonde, which seemed a little incongruous. She was nice and it seemed like I was the only one on the plane in first class. I guess there was a couple in the third row.

“I got a note from a fellow stewardess that you are a photographer and traveling to Australia to take pictures,” Lana said, sitting beside me. “That sounds so exciting.”

She had served the three of us in first class a ‘nightcap’—which in this instance was a Kahlúa and Cream. It was a very pleasant coffee flavored liqueur with heavy cream floating on it. Once again, it would have been easy to down these one after another.

“I’m studying photography,” I said. “There’s a school in Melbourne, Australia that has a special session this month to study with a top professional photographer. It’s really an honor.”

“Oh, yes, but you have a studio and take glamorous photos,” she said.

“That must have been a pretty extensive note you got,” I laughed. “Yes, I do have a studio and I have a style we call Attic Allure. I try to capture the essence of my model’s character by using different props to bring it out.”

“While she is nude?”

“Uh, yes. Usually.”

“I flew a domestic route on New Year’s Eve because we were so short-handed. I got to know Missy Caulfield. I guess you could say I received more than a note from her.”

“I see. Missy told you she posed nude?”

“She showed me the picture. Stunning. What must I do to get a picture like that?”

“You’d like to pose for me?”

“If you’ll send me the photo.”

“Well, to do that, I’d need to have you sign a release so I can use your image, and it would need to include your full name and address so I can send the print to you. Then we’d have to find a place where we were together long enough for me to pose you and take the pictures. Unfortunately, I don’t have a place until I get back to Chicago at the end of the month.”

“We could do it here,” she said.

“Oh. Well, I suppose so. I did take pictures of Missy on the plane. I still wouldn’t be able to get them developed and printed until the end of the month, but if you want, we can set something up here,” I said.

“This is a redeye flight with people onboard who will sleep all the way to Fiji so they can be bright and awake when they land. In about an hour, I’ll have nothing to do for about three hours. Will that be enough time?”

“We can do a lot in three hours.”

“Oh, good.”


Lana was right. Within an hour after takeoff, the cabin lights were off and most of the people on the flight were asleep.

“Will we disturb anyone if we use just the reading lights in the front row and take pictures there?” I asked.

“The other passengers in this cabin are asleep. The curtain is drawn between first class and coach. I could probably run up and down the aisle naked and no one would know.”

“That sounds delightful, too,” I chuckled. “Let’s start with you sitting in the window seat as if we are just having a nice inflight conversation. I’m going to use my Hasselblad camera with high speed black and white film. My Nikon is loaded with color transparencies and there simply isn’t enough light in the cabin to use it.”

The armrest between the seats folded up, so she could curl up on the seat facing me. I was in the aisle with my camera. The window shade was pulled and I was able to point both reading lights toward the window seat. I’d be using some pretty long exposures in the low light, but I thought it would work pretty well. I steadied myself against the bulkhead as I held the camera for what would ordinarily be a tripod situation.

I started off with a couple of poses that were just conversational, but we started moving toward poses that were more risqué, as I unbuttoned her blouse and pushed her skirt up around her waist. I didn’t rush things. She said we had about three hours, after all.

“How about using a blanket like you are settling down for sleep?” I asked.

She jumped up with her top open and her skirt around her waist to grab a blanket and a big pillow. Then she settled back into her seat and stretched out across the two seats with the blanket over her. She looked at me questioningly.

“Well, now that you have a blanket, you really don’t need to keep this blouse and bra on, do you?” I said as I reached under the blanket and helped her out of the blouse and unfastened her bra. As I removed it, I gently massaged her breasts.

“I don’t know why I need to take off my clothes if I’m covered by a blanket,” she sighed.

“Oh, my dear. We’re not going to leave you covered. In fact, we’d better remove that bunched up skirt, hadn’t we. It just creates a lump under the blanket. Why don’t we lose all but your garter and stockings,” I suggested as I tugged her panties down with her skirt. She caught her breath as I brushed across her mound and stroked down her legs.

“I do feel very naughty dressed only in my stockings,” she said. “Are you going to photograph me entirely nude?”

“Let’s start here and work our way that direction,” I said. “We might stop at the stockings.”

I arranged the blanket so it was below her shoulders and smoothed it out over her breasts.

“That’s very nice,” I said as I began taking pictures.

I gave the blanket a little tug and her left breast emerged. She instinctively covered it with her hand and I took that picture, then I adjusted the position of her hand so it looked like she was just reaching to cover it, but she was fully exposed. After I took that shot, I leaned over her and kissed her, brushing my tongue across her lips.

“Moist lips,” I said. “They are shinier.” As I withdrew to take the next picture, I pulled the blanket down farther so both her breasts were exposed. “Is this exciting to you, Lana?”

“Yes. Very exciting. I feel that at any moment you might make love to me.”

“That is an interesting thought. But an excited girl should have tight erect nipples,” I said.

I captured one and then the other between my lips and sucked them to stiffness. The blanket caught on my arm as I leaned back to take the next picture and it fell below her navel. In the limited direct light of the reading lamps, the shadows made her look twice as daring as she was. I spent some time rearranging the blanket so that she was holding it to her shoulder and a corner fell across her lower hair. The shadow of the blanket fell across her breasts and her nipples would only be faintly visible in the low light.

“Would you like to make love, Lana? If so, you need to hold your arms out to me to welcome me beneath your blanket.”

She immediately opened her arms and held the blanket away from her body so that her breasts were fully visible and just the top bit of her bush. I took the photo and set the camera down in front of the seat as I crawled under her blanket. She immediately busied herself with opening my trousers. I sought out her pussy with my hand and began spreading her lubrication around a bit as I slicked up her clit and kissed her deeply.

“I’ve never actually done it in the cabin,” she whispered. “It’s always been a standing fuck in the galley. Or bent over in the lavatory. I like your style.”

“I hope you always enjoy it.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I like the excitement.”

I circled her clit with my fingers as she stroked my cock. She gasped as I pressed a finger into her and then circled her clit again.

“You don’t have to do that,” she whispered breathlessly. “I don’t expect anything special.”

“Special? Lana, having you come is what makes the experience worthwhile.”

“Really? You mean, you actually want me to come?”

“Enjoy this as much as I am, Lana, and my pleasure will be tripled. I would never think of merely using you for my own pleasure without you enjoying it, too.”

“I don’t know if I can do that,” she whispered through our kiss. “I have to keep an ear out for the cabin chime. What if someone…”

“They’re asleep,” I said. “You’re naked in the first class cabin and I am about to fuck you here. Isn’t that exciting?”

“Yes. It’s dangerous. I’ve kept my skirt and blouse close so I could slip into them quickly. I didn’t think of being naked in first class. Will you really fuck me here?”

“On this very seat,” I said as I plunged two fingers into her channel and curled them up inside her. I captured her moan in my mouth.

“In me. In me. In me,” she chanted softly. I pulled a condom from my pocket and tore the package open. She expertly rolled it onto my cock.

“Why don’t you get on top and put this where you most want it,” I said, maneuvering her on top of me so I was lying back against her pillow.

She positioned my cock and pressed down on it. I sank into another hot and delightful stewardess. Lana was treating this like a new experience. She’d talked as if she often fucked on a flight—or at least enough to have something that was usual. I imagined it must be a lot like Missy and I had on the flight to LA. Lift her skirt and stick my cock in.

That was okay for a one-time thing, with a lover who I knew. Getting to know a woman, though… Even my first fuck in the galley with Missy had been pretty involved. I had no intention of just sticking it in Lana and coming without getting her off before me. Kelly taught me right. Women always come first!

The blanket slipped off completely and I had both her petite breasts in my hands as she pounded down on me. Just then I saw the couple from the third row in the aisle. They looked at Lana’s bouncing butt with their eyes wide open. Then they quickly pushed their way into the lavatory without Lana having noticed them.

I reached around Lana with one hand and found my way into her crack to stroke her asshole to see if that helped her along. Her eyes went wide and she caught her breath in a deep gasp. I pinched her nipple and she skyrocketed. She slammed her mouth against mine and sucked in so much air, I thought I’d pass out. The scream she issued as I started spurting into the condom was muted and she passed out on top of me. I quickly grabbed the blanket and spread it over the top of us as I heard a moan from the lavatory.

A few minutes later, the lav door opened and the couple emerged. Neither one was wearing a shirt and his pants were still open. They looked at us and I just held a finger to my lips. They nodded and rushed to their seat where I detected they were duplicating our position.


About four o’clock in the morning local time, Lana stirred and quickly got herself dressed. I think that was the longest a lover had ever been out. I pulled myself together and sat up in my seat. Fifteen minutes later, the lights in the cabin came on and I could smell coffee brewing. She rushed back to me after she’d taken coffee to the last row.

“They’re naked!” she hissed.

“I hope you were gentle waking them up,” I said.

“Yes. Whatever gave them the idea they could just strip naked in the plane? I’ll never understand some people.”

She gave me my coffee and went back to the galley to make our breakfast. I considered what she’d just said. Had she forgotten that half an hour earlier she was naked with my cock still touching her pussy?


I kissed Lana goodbye as we were on descent, so when we landed, I was the first one off the plane. I was directed down a corridor where I picked up my bags and presented my passport for the first time in my life. I was in Nadi, Fiji. They were very interested in my camera equipment and considered whether they needed to charge a tariff for importing such valuable equipment, but when I showed them my ticket and that I was traveling on to Australia on the next flight, they shrugged it off.

I was told to go to the check-in counter for an Australian airline, which gladly took my bags and suggested I relax on the veranda until flight time. The veranda was a nice area where I could get coffee and look out over the runway and out to the ocean.

I had four hours between flights. It had taken an hour to get through customs and then to recheck my bag. An hour before flight time, I went to my gate and waited as the plane came in and a couple dozen passengers disembarked. I thought it must not be a very busy flight, since there were only about the same number in the gate area waiting to board. About fifteen minutes after the last passenger got off, we were invited to board for the flight to Sydney.

This was completely different. The plane was smaller than the one I’d been on. But it was far more luxurious. And almost full. It seems they boarded only as many as got off because that was all there was room for. I entered through the door at the front of the plane and was shown a seat in the first class lounge. Everyone else boarded through a door in the back of the plane.

The first class section wasn’t arranged in rows. There were little seating groupings around tables where people were playing cards, drinking, and in one instance, working a picture puzzle that was almost completed.

I secured my camera bag in the luggage compartment at the back of the cabin where there was a closed door—a considerably more substantial barrier between first class and coach.

My seatmate was a woman I guessed to be about my own age. She smiled when I said hello and went back to reading her magazine. I set my camera on the table and pulled out my book. That got her interest and she set her magazine down.

“That’s a good camera for a tourist to be carrying around. Are you taking black and white or color transparencies,” she asked in a definite British accent. Based on Dale’s Australian accent, this was British.

“At the moment, I’m loaded with Kodachrome. It all depends on what I’m expecting. My preference is black and white, but lately I’ve been learning a lot about making Cibachrome prints,” I said.

“So, you’re a professional.”

“Well, yes. But I’m a student as well. There’s a special study course for the next two weeks in Melbourne I’m attending.”

“RMIT? With Mr. Logan?”

“Yes! You know Josh?”

“You call him Josh? You Americans are so familiar. I’m attending the same class.”

“He told me to call him Josh when we had our phone confirmation.”

“He said that to me, too, but I would never call a professor or a professional by his first name. I met him when he did our family portraits at Plympford last year.”

“I’m Nate Hart,” I said, extending a hand. “It’s great to meet a fellow student. Please, don’t call me Mr. Hart. I’m just Nate.”

She looked at my hand for a moment and then took it with the tips of her fingers.

“I’m pleased to meet you, Nate. I am Lady Jane Monroe of Plympford. You may call me…” She paused and gritted her teeth then said through them, “… Jane.” I got that this was not typical.

“My lady, please do not grant me a familiarity that makes you uncomfortable. I am a crude American where there are no titles, save Mr., Miss, Mrs., and Dr. But I would not intentionally affront a person who is used to a different form of address.”

She stared at me, her fingertips still in my hand. She heaved a sigh.

“It shouldn’t bother me. It’s unlikely I’ll ever be more than Lady Jane. My father, the Earl of Plympford, has no sons and as his only daughter, I cannot inherit his title unless I marry someone of suitable rank who will become the earl and I’ll become his countess. The world is changing too rapidly for me to count on any of that.”

“Lady Jane, you can count on my support, though I can’t imagine it would amount to a hill of beans.”

“Well, tell me about your experience as a photographer and I’ll tell you about mine. It’s good to know the competition.”

“I wasn’t aware we were competing for anything. I hope to simply gain some additional knowledge in what I’m doing wrong.”

“Ah! You admit that you do things wrong! Are you sure that’s wise?”

“If you told me you never did anything wrong, I’d call you a liar,” I laughed. “I think it is better you think I’m a bungling incompetent than a liar.”

“Nate Hart, this could be a pleasant experience. More so than I anticipated. I will be the only woman in this group, aside from the models who are brought in for us to photograph. I really don’t want to be mistaken for one.”

“I admit, I already considered how I would like to take your picture. But I do that with nearly everyone I meet.”

“It’s a common trait of all photographers, I think. I won’t say absolutely not. Two weeks is a long time to work together and we might find out any number of things. Do you have a portfolio with you? I would like to see it.”

“You show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” I laughed.

We went back to the luggage rack and found our portfolios, then sat with a drink and went through each.


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