Over Exposure

Two for One


“Nadia and Adele” by Hank Shiffman, ID241988329 licensed from Shutterstock.com


SATURDAY MORNING, I got up and dressed. I had an appointment at the studio. We’d all talked about it when Cassie called to ask me if I’d take the appointment. We agreed that it would be insulting if I didn’t. Elizabeth was back in town and had made the appointment for her birthday photo formally as “Marsh.” I wasn’t sure if I’d be taking photos of Beth or Starr, but one thing was sure: I wasn’t going to have sex with her. That was a recipe for disaster.

It was Saturday and all the stores were open downtown. I guess in some countries, the day after Christmas is as big a holiday as the day before, at least for shopping and socializing. The Warehouse was open, though not many staff were working. Levi said he expected a few customers during the day, but not to be overwhelmed.

I went upstairs and cleaned up the studio, which I hadn’t used since Anna’s birthday pictures. I definitely wanted the bed out of the way. I wouldn’t be needing that. I almost wished I’d asked Rita or Leanne to work with me, but they were both out of town visiting home.

At eleven o’clock, my client came up the stairs and I just gaped without saying a word. It wasn’t Elizabeth.

“Nadia? Adele? I wasn’t expecting you. Um… Welcome and Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas to you,” Nadia said, coming straight to me to give me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I was shocked when Adele copied her. I never touched Adele. “We thought you’d be more likely to accept the appointment if you thought it was Elizabeth. I didn’t mean to deceive you, but Jordan gave us this sitting as our Christmas present.”

“Oh! I’m pleased to see you; just surprised is all. How was your holiday? Did Beth and Valerie make it home for Christmas?”

“Beth said she’d see us for a couple of days before New Year’s. She’s driving her car up here from Las Vegas starting Monday, but had to work all weekend. Then she’s flying to Miami to open with this comedian she’s joined up with—Jack Mabee. Valerie is spending the holiday with her fiancé’s family and getting to know them a little better. I never thought I’d see the day when she settled down. The photo she presented Jordan for his birthday made me wonder if she had.”

“She had some pretty specific ideas about what she wanted,” I said. I wasn’t going to go into what any of those ideas actually were. “So, what kind of photo are we doing for you today?”

I’d been talking with Nadia, but as soon as I got to the purpose for the day, Adele took over.

“I want to strip my girl bare and have photos of her worshiping me,” Adele said. “Of course, there are trade-offs. The master of the house has allowed this on condition that I am every bit as exposed as his little wifey. Nate, I want to see the result of the first picture you did for me.”

“I see,” I said. “Adele, I’m going to take Nadia behind the privacy screen to talk to her for a minute. Stay.” I pointed at the couch and Adele scowled, but sat down. I led Nadia to our secluded area. “Nadia, I’m not singling you out. I ask this of every new client. Are you here of your own free will without being coerced by anyone?”

Her reaction was not what I expected. She pulled me into a kiss that was somewhat less than chaste.

“Nate, my mistress and I asked for this gift from Jordan. I want it as much as Adele does.”

“You understand what she’s asking? That you’ll be… um… nude… in front of your daughter’s former boyfriend?”

“You’ll have seen all the women in the family then, won’t you?”

Okay then. I led her back to the couch and led Adele behind the privacy screen.

“What’s this about, Nate?”

“When I asked you if you were being coerced the first time you visited me, you asked if I thought anyone could make you come to me against your will. Well, now I believe someone could. So, are you here of your own free will without being coerced by anyone?”

I started to think they’d rehearsed this. Adele closed the space between us and kissed me with at least as much passion as Nadia had.

“I want this photo for myself as well as a way to give a part of myself to the master of the house, Nate. The only thing that Jordan insisted on is that I be willing to do anything I ask of Nadia. It’s a small price to pay for what I want. So, unlike the last time, expect you to see me, put me into position, touch me, caress my breasts, and dip at least your fingers into my sex. Whooo! That should tell you how much I want this,” she breathed.

She punctuated this by taking my hands and placing them on her breasts. She held them there, encouraging me to squeeze a little.

“Whatever we do, please be gentle with me. I’m not used to having a man handle me.”

That set the rules and the mood for our session.

I was used to seeing two or even three girls together. Adele and Nadia were a little older than I was used to, but they were both beautiful women. Adele was in her late twenties and Nadia at least forty-five. They were both dressed attractively, but Adele considerably more casually. Once their coats were off, I saw that Adele was wearing a tube top with a colorful blouse over the top, tied below her breasts. She showed a bare belly and bell bottoms that were skin tight from her waist to her knees and flared out from there. She wore high heels with painted toenails to match her fingernails and reminded me a little of Cher.

Nadia was dressed a little more upscale. She wore a knee-length skirt, high heels, a blouse with a plunging neckline that made it obvious she wore no bra with it, and a jacket that was hip-length. Older and perhaps just a touch heavier, Nadia was still a striking woman and her hair and manicure were immaculate.

I started with poses of the two of them together, not trying to show the dominance of one or the other, but their connection. I had them holding hands and posing with arms around each other.

After a few black and white photos on the Hasselblad, I approached them and took Nadia’s jacket. She shifted a little, sliding around inside her blouse. I tested the waters by smoothing it out over her breasts. She smiled. Then I turned to Adele and untied her blouse, slipping it off her shoulders. She was obviously more nervous than Nadia about this. I didn’t go for her breasts, but rather stroked up and down her bare arms moving her to straighten up. I knew that Adele had impeccable posture from our first session together. After a little gentle stroking of her arms, her shoulders came back into their commanding position.

I took Nadia’s shoes but kept Adele in hers so she was a shade taller, then moved her around behind Nadia with her head over Nadia’s right shoulder, her right hand on Nadia’s stomach, and her left hand under Nadia’s left arm and placed just above her breast. I put Nadia’s right hand reaching back to touch Adele’s hair and put her left hand on Adele’s left wrist.

“Dreamy look, Nadia,” I said as I returned to the camera. “Adele, a little kiss for your girl? Just on her hair. She’s such a good girl.”

The two melted into each other and I thought they really must like each other a lot. I wondered if they loved each other like my girlfriends loved each other.

Next, I took Nadia’s blouse and Adele’s bell bottoms. This involved a fair amount of petting each of them as I got them into the next position. With Adele still in her heels and Nadia bare breasted, it also began to show a little of the dominance Adele held over the older woman.

Nadia’s breasts were a bit heavier than Adele’s. I knew Adele’s breasts were high and firm. Nadia sagged a little and had larger areolae, like I’d noticed older women seemed to have. I thought perhaps it came from pregnancy, since Patricia’s nipples had also gotten larger after Toni. I still thought they were beautiful.

I continued to take pictures and take clothes. Adele lost her tube top and Nadia lost her skirt. They had matching panties on. How cute. They wore nothing more than a black g-string and a little white lace panty over the top. I made sure to hold their butts as I got them into position. I favored having Adele slightly behind Nadia because I thought that showed more dominance. Especially when I turned them profile and put Adele’s hand in the waistband of Nadia’s panty and had her push it down slightly. That definitely showed Adele in charge.

While I positioned her, though, I reached around her and gently placed my hand over her breast. She caught her breath and then leaned back against me slightly. I air kissed her cheek and went to take more pictures.

Eventually, I got both women completely naked. It was time to get a serious connection going between the two of them.

“I want you to kiss,” I said. “Let me see your natural position.” They moved into each other’s arms and I shifted things slightly. “These nipples,” I whispered as I reached between them and lightly grasped a nipple of each. “I want them touching. Right here together where they rub each other and tell you something wonderful is about to happen.”

I pushed my head between them and licked the two nipples, then brought them together to rub against each other again. Both women moaned a little.

“That’s right. Now move together to enjoy that kiss. Stop! Right there.” I put my index finger between them and held their lips that far from each other. “Eyes drifting shut. Lips moist and parted. Hold it right there.”

I snapped a couple of pictures on the Hasselblad and then pulled the 4x5 up close to them. I’d had it standing by waiting for this shot all the time we worked together. I did something I’m not accustomed to doing in that I really moved in close enough that they filled the entire frame and the focus was on their lips about to touch.

“You may complete that kiss,” I said as if I’d just married them.

They kissed and let their passion flood into the moment. I moved in close and simply held them together by their butts. They pulled back enough to turn to me and then one after the other closed on me to include me in their kiss.

“I want you lying down now,” I said. I had them help me move the couch into the center of my stage, then had them get the white lingerie I saw they had brought. “Now, Nadia, on your back. Look how luscious she is, Adele. Don’t you just want to make love to her?”

“Yesss,” Adele hissed.

“Come here now. Lie on top of her. No, not face to face. There must be something down a little lower you’d like to kiss.”

Adele scooted down until her face was at Nadia’s breasts. I helped her pull Nadia’s straps down and the negligee off her breasts. Adele got the idea right away and had already kissed Nadia’s nipple.

“Now both of you look toward the camera as if Jordan had just interrupted you. I’ll bet it’s happened, hasn’t it? That’s it. Right there.”

We took a few more pictures and I felt up both women a little more, getting them out of the lingerie completely, then I felt we had what we wanted. I sat with them on the couch and kissed both.

“I’m taking off for LA tomorrow and Australia the day after I get back. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get these to you until I get back,” I said.

“The last time I was here, you went directly to the darkroom and I stayed until you’d printed my picture,” Adele said. She was breathing heavily and holding onto me more tightly than I would have expected. “Can we stay with you while you develop and print the picture for the master of the house?”

“Um… Sure, I guess. I’m not in a hurry.”

“Same terms as last time,” she whispered to me.

I glanced at Nadia and she smiled. Since we’d started actually taking pictures, Nadia hadn’t said a word. The last time Adele was in the studio with me, I’d felt particularly mean and insisted that if she wanted to watch me develop the photos, she had to stay naked in the darkroom. She’d countered by insisting that I had to be naked, too. We started out just working, but kept getting closer and brushing together more and more. We ended up with her hand holding my cock and my fingers in her pussy. Then I broke it off and left the darkroom to dry the print.

So, Adele wanted to play the same game with her slave. I closed my eyes and silently spoke to Jordan. “You said to just go with it. That’s what I’m doing.” I nodded and pulled off my shirt so Nadia would understand what was happening. Adele nodded to her and the next thing I knew, Nadia was unfastening my belt and zipper to pull my slacks off while Adele moved in for another kiss and I played with her breasts.

I took the film to the darkroom and the ladies entered after me. I knew exactly what I was doing with the film and where everything was, so I just flipped the switch to red light and started processing that last roll with the picture of them lying down. I knew this was the picture Jordan would love. He had a couple of wild girls here.

While I processed the film, they were in a clinch that was definitely more than just a kiss. When I turned to rinse the negative, I ran straight into them. They parted like water around me and then closed on either side to engulf me in warm boobs and kisses. I returned a kiss to each of them and took the negatives to the enlarger to make contact prints so I could decide which one to enlarge.

“What size are we making?” I asked as a hand wrapped around my cock.

“I’d say jumbo,” Adele said, giving me a stroke.

“Oh, not the poster size,” Nadia said. “Jordan wouldn’t want that.”

“You have an opinion, girl?” Adele said, smacking Nadia on the butt. “Very well, the medium size print.” She let go of my cock and there was another smack as Nadia immediately reached in to stroke it.

“It is rather large, isn’t it? I’m sorry, mistress. I should not have opened my mouth.”

“Now that you’ve opened it, put something in it,” Adele said.

I was turned toward the enlarger with Nadia behind me. I heard the slurp, though, as she sucked on Adele’s breast. She did not lose track of the work her right hand was doing.

Once the exposure was finished, I moved the 12x15 print to the developer tank and turned toward the women. They immediately dropped to the floor and began a joint attack on my cock with their mouths, basically keeping it between them as they French kissed over and around it.

My timer rang and I had to move the print to the stop bath. As soon as I turned back to them, my hands were guided into two sopping pussies, as the women worked out the mechanics of a three-way kiss. There was something deliciously sinful about finger fucking my former girlfriend’s mother, as her mistress rode my other hand. Nadia had a nice bush on her mons, but was shaved along her lips. I had a feeling that was to make it easy for her lover to find things with her tongue. Adele was shaved smooth except a strip above her slit. I’d felt up Adele’s pussy once before, but had cut things off before they got too serious. I wasn’t letting up this time. Adele was definitely a sexy woman. Knowing she preferred women—in fact was almost hateful of men—made finger fucking her as sinful as stroking Nadia.

I had to move the print to the fixer and when I turned back, Nadia had moved away and Adele was in my arms for a deep kiss as I petted her breasts and butt.

“My girl Nadia needs to be fucked,” she whispered in my ear. “Do it. She’s on your chair waiting.”

In the red light, I could see Nadia had taken a position kneeling on my chair so I would have easy access from behind. Technically, I could have turned on the regular lights now, but why spoil a good thing.

“You know what that would mean, Adele?” I whispered back to her. “It means that I would also fuck you. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to have my cock slide up here in your pussy where my finger is probing? To have me fuck you and come in you?”

Adele shuddered to the point I thought she might have a seizure. Her breath was coming so fast she was nearly hyperventilating.

“Yes! Yes, I’m ready.”

She led me to Nadia by the cock and knelt to lick her girl’s slit as I put a condom on. Maybe Nadia didn’t turn me on quite as much as Adele did, but she was definitely a good-looking woman and she had a beautiful ass. I pushed Adele gently out of the way and she took my cock to guide into Nadia’s pussy. Nadia let out a long low whine as I pushed into her remarkably tight vagina. Adele moved in front of Nadia and the older woman sucked on her mistress’s breasts as I began rhythmically plowing her furrow.

Nadia started coming as Adele reached beneath her and started strumming her clit. I was getting close myself, when the timer rang to rinse the photo. I slowly withdrew and turned to the sink. Once I’d thoroughly rinsed the print and had it on a drying plate and squeegeed off, I turned back to the women.

Nadia had turned to sit in the chair and Adele was between her legs licking her snatch and keeping Nadia in throes of ecstasy. It was a perfect position. I knelt behind Adele and licked up her slit all the way to her asshole. I heard her whimper as I touched her clit and her legs spread to give me better access. She kept her face buried in Nadia’s twat as I felt around to make sure she was truly ready for the invasion. If quantity of lube was an indication, she was definitely ready. Out of some perversity of my own, I dragged a copious amount of her fluid out of her pussy and rubbed it into her asshole. This time I was sure Adele was going to hyperventilate if I didn’t get on with it.

I leaned over Adele’s backside and reached forward for her breasts with my cock just pressing lightly at her pussy entrance.

“Are you sure, Adele?” I asked, giving her one last chance to back out.

“Yes. For my girl and for the Master of the House,” she gasped. I pressed forward and slowly slid into her vagina.

She was incredibly tight. I wasn’t sure I’d ever been in a woman so tight and wondered if she was having some kind of spasm. I just took it very slow and easy. And I played with her asshole a bit with my thumb. The tattoo on her tailbone just seemed like an invitation. When the tip of my thumb slipped into the tight ring, Adele went crazy. She started pounding back against me and, judging from Nadia’s reaction, started lashing her girl’s clit with her tongue.

I reached under her and found her clit with my fingers. I was not going to last long and I wanted to be sure Adele had a full orgasm when I fucked her. By the constant rippling contractions around my cock, I judged that she made it and I let go.

I didn’t hurry to pull out and Adele didn’t seem eager to have me leave. She wiggled her butt against my abdomen and laid her head on Nadia’s thigh as her lover petted her hair and tried to catch her own breath. Her pussy continued to pulse around me as I softened and eventually slid out.


“It was so different,” Adele said to Nadia as I ran the blow dryer to dry the print. Hmm. None of us had gotten dressed.

“What was different, Mistress?” Nadia asked.

“I had a boy in high school. It was twelve years ago. It hurt. He wouldn’t let up or quit. I was torn and bleeding.”

“You were raped?” I said, jumping in where I probably wasn’t wanted. I just had a thing about girls being raped. I immediately wanted to hunt the guy down and… my fantasies were in opposition to my commitment to non-violence. Maybe he could just be the next one drafted and sent to the front lines.

“Not technically,” Adele whimpered with the memory. “I agreed in principle. I didn’t actually say that, but I was in love and willing. I thought I was in love. He didn’t care. He was only in it to get it in me. And once he had, he wouldn’t stop, even though it hurt and I was crying. And when he was done, he was finished. With me. I hated him.”

“What an awful experience,” Nadia said. She hugged Adele and invited me into the embrace. Adele hadn’t excluded me from the conversation, so I felt okay with wrapping my arms around her.

“No wonder you hate men,” I said.

“That was the start. My reputation was trashed at school. Three months later I realized I was pregnant and found a woman who would end it. She was kind. She showed me what love should feel like and I realized if I never saw another man again, I’d be just fine. No matter what you hear about abortions, they are nasty, messy, painful, and take forever to heal. But I had a new lifestyle. Men were no longer welcome.”

“I don’t blame you,” I said. “I would hate them, too.”

“You were different,” Adele said. “I sort of figured that out when I had my first photo sitting. Nadia told me I would find it different, but I didn’t believe her. Then you welcomed my game and played along and I was daring. I insisted you come into the darkroom naked, too. I expected you to rape me. I’d invited it. We were both naked and I touched you. You touched me, but when I offered a blowjob, you said no. Playtime was over and I could get dressed now. I didn’t know what to think, but I knew that if I was a dominant, you were even more so.”

“I never really feel domineering,” I said. “I guess it only comes out with the right people.”

“We heard,” Nadia giggled. Adele scowled her back to silence. Nadia pouted.

“Oh, go ahead and tell him, little imp. You so love to gossip,” Adele laughed.

“We heard all about what happened to Sylvia Drummond. We even saw the pictures. She thought she could order you around because you were younger than her and inexperienced. I’m told the bruises you put on her butt and thighs didn’t disappear for two weeks. And then you walked out without fucking her and sent her bodyguard in to finish the process. Which, I’m told, he did rather gleefully.”

“My, you have detailed news,” I said.

“There is a certain strata of society in which news travels fast. It is not always dependable, but this was confirmed by Sylvia herself, just before she had to run because her Master was calling,” Nadia said.

“I learned a great deal about pleasure and denial from you, Nate,” Adele said. “I hope that with both Nadia and me at work, we might get more than a half-rise out of Jordan. He’s really not so old that he should be having these problems.”

“For what it’s worth, I hope you succeed,” I said.

“Now let that picture dry on its own for a while and come to hold and kiss and touch Nadia and me for a while.”

I didn’t mind that at all.


My girlfriends wanted minute details about my day with Adele and Nadia. We had all expected the shoot to be with Elizabeth and when it took so long for me to get back home, they thought I must have rekindled a romance. When they found out it was Nadia and Adele, they were fascinated with the story.

I’d spent a fair amount of time cuddling, kissing, and petting the two women after the photo was dry. We didn’t have sex again, but there was a lot of touching and might have been an orgasm or two. I did get to have a nice taste of each of them. When they left, I went back to the darkroom to develop the other rolls of film and print proofs. It was too bad that I didn’t have model releases for them.

Ronda wanted a specific demonstration as she knelt in front of Anna in the bedroom and put her face in our girlfriend’s vulva. I got behind her to engage in a very nice little replay of the day. Patricia took Toni to the park for a while, but was back pretty quickly because it was so cold out. Later in the evening, Anna was on the receiving end while she licked Patricia to an orgasm or two. And when we woke up in the morning, Patricia rode me to our mutual completion before we came out of the bedroom and I got ready to leave for LA.


I was on my ‘usual’ flight at two o’clock Sunday afternoon, thankful that I was flying first class. In fact, after considering my flight schedule to Melbourne the next week, I’d rebooked all my flights to first class and paid the extra $800 to upgrade the five legs of the trip.

I was pleased to see Missy when I boarded and she seemed pleased to see me. I was once again in a row by myself up front. Missy immediately brought me a glass of champagne and went about her work getting people seated and ready for takeoff. When the captain announced that flight attendants should be seated for takeoff, she plopped down in the seat next to me instead of the uncomfortable seat next to the door.

“The busy weekend will be next weekend. No one comes to LA over Christmas and only spends the weekend. They’ll wait to head back to Chicago until after the first,” Missy said as we relaxed into our seats.

“Great. That’s when I’ll be heading back,” I laughed.

“See? You just didn’t get here for Christmas. So, you’re staying for a week?”

“Yes. I’ve been called in to review the rough cut of the movie. It doesn’t have a lot of the stuff done, like post-recording, music, and transition effects, but I should be able to see it from start to finish and see if anything regarding photography is abhorrently wrong,” I said. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Nice to see you, too. Want to get together for some more pictures?” she asked. “Or to refresh your club membership?”

“Missy, you are really tempting. I was disappointed you weren’t on my flight when I came out in August.”

“You do still have my phone number, don’t you? I mean, I don’t expect you to just make a crash landing on me, though that might be fun, too. But when you’re flying, you need to let me know so I can arrange my schedule.”

“I never thought about you being able to do that.”

“We’re constantly swapping flights so we can be on the same ones as our favorite passengers.”

“Well, I’m flying to Chicago on Saturday, then turning around and flying back to LA on Monday, though I think it’s an earlier flight because I’m making a connection to Honolulu.”

“Oh! I could go there. Will you be alone?”

“Only for four or five hours. I’m flying on for a couple of weeks in Australia. It’s a special study program.”

“You do know that’s the hottest time of the year in Australia, don’t you? But it’s exciting, isn’t it? I became a flight attendant so I could see the world. So far, I’ve only seen a little bit, but I think I’ll get promoted to international flights by this summer.”

“I’ll have to investigate more international flying.”

“I have to go to work now, sugar. We have almost five hours, though, I’m sure we can connect during that time.”

She leaned toward me and kissed me on the cheek with her hand sliding up my leg. Just before she hit paydirt, she jumped up and went to the galley to get the next round of drinks and start cooking our meal.


Missy was very flirtatious throughout the flight, but we never quite got an opportunity to progress beyond some kissing and groping. Some guy two rows behind me kept ringing his call bell to get another drink or ask a question. I had a feeling, based on what I could hear, that he was just ringing for her to come and talk with him while he tried out various pickup lines on her. None of them worked and when she was not being summoned, she came to give me extra service. That included kisses, and I managing to get my hand inside her blouse as she stroked my cock through my pants. All to no avail as the call light came on again.

When the plane was on final approach to LAX, she sat with me again.

“Will you have any time available this week when we might get together?” she asked. The way she was rubbing her legs together made it obvious what she wanted to get together. She frankly looked horny.

“I can probably get some time free,” I said. “I don’t have your LA phone number. Will you be here?”

“I volunteered to work both holiday weekends. I’m off the next three days and then get the drunk and riotous flight on New Year’s Eve. Here’s my number.”

“How do you feel about sharing with another woman?” I asked.

Her mouth dropped open and I pulled her toward me to stick my tongue in it. A fraction of a second later, she was kissing me almost frantically.

“I’ve been asked if I’d mind being shared by two guys before, but no one ever wanted to share me with another woman,” she gasped. “Try me. I’ll do my best.”

I kissed her again as the plane touched down and then she had to get to work.

Adrienne greeted me at the gate and I got her to delay there until everyone was off and the crew came through.

“Adrienne, this is Missy. She’d like to join us for some play time this week. What do you think?” I asked by way of introduction.

“Hello, Missy. I think I’ve seen your picture. I thought then you’d make a wonderful playmate. I promise, we’ll have fun.”

“Oh, Adrienne. Just looking at you, I know we will.”

“I’ll call you as soon as I know my schedule,” I said.

We glanced around and saw the gate was empty, so I quickly gave her another kiss. She was surprised, but doubly so when Adrienne stopped her and pulled her in for a kiss. Missy just kind of floated off after the rest of her flight crew. We’d taken just long enough that my bags had arrived and we went out to catch our limo.


“Tell me what I’m doing here this week besides getting to spend time with my mistress,” I said when we got home. Adrienne had a nice meal ready to assemble and I joined her in the kitchen so we could be in touch with each other while she cooked.

“And a playmate from the airline,” she laughed. “We should schedule that for Tuesday evening. I’ll have food brought in and we can have her here.”

“Is that better than meeting her at a hotel or someplace neutral?”

“Oh, Master, this is your home and you can bring anyone in you would like to,” she said.

“My darling Fifi, I would never dream of infringing on your private quarters.”

“That is why I offer them to you freely.”

“Okay. I’ll call her and we can pick her up after work if it isn’t too far. What else do I need to do?”

“The preliminary cut is complete. There will be a meeting tomorrow morning at which they go through all the notes regarding what they think is missing or needs to be done. That includes photos they want you to take while you’re here of scenes you weren’t able to take last time. Marketing has a list. Then, in the afternoon, we’ll get to sit and watch the rough cut, keeping in mind that it has no effects, post-recording, music, titles, or any of the things you take for granted when you see a movie. Then there will be discussion of impressions and any show-stoppers that need to be fixed before the show goes to post-recording. We have a good sound tech who will direct the post-production work. Tuesday, you’ll spend the day on the sound stage where all the sets are still available. I understand that you have scenes in Joe’s home and we’ll get to see Fran again. Then there are a couple of shots to get in the restaurant where Sally Jane and her father argue. I’m not sure what else, but there might be more photos to be taken in the studio set to balance out the remainder of those scenes—like a family portrait of the Rossis.”

“Wow. You think we’ll be done in time to enjoy having Missy over? And that we won’t be too tired to enjoy her?”

“It will be a good day’s work, but I’ll try to keep you refreshed and rejuvenated, my sweet master.”

“Okay, so am I back in the studio on Wednesday?” I asked.

“Only if we haven’t finished or if they come up with a sudden inspiration for something else. Wednesday we’ll be back in the screening room for another look at the rough cut. This one is to pay more attention to little details that might not have been noticed in the first screening. That’s the only screening you and most of the crew have seen. Reg, Frank, Bert, Geraldine, and a few others will have seen it at least two more times before we see it on Wednesday. That viewing will be a stop and go as each scene is played and commented on. The film might be rewound and a scene played again if something is spotted or brings up any controversy. From that point on, we expect the film to go into post-production. Production work will be finished. The discussion will probably go well into dinner time.”

“So, we’re finished on Wednesday? Why am I staying until Saturday?” I didn’t mean it to sound like I didn’t want to be with Adrienne, but she looked a little sad. “Fifi, you know I’m happy to stay with you, but from the production perspective, I’m being paid for a full week. I assumed I’d be working through the holiday.”

“Master, I would not deceive you into staying for the full week if you were not requested by the production, though I admit Friday might be nothing more than drinks with one or two people, or possibly fucking Fran. She seemed very excited to have you coming out this week.”

“So, there is more?”

“Yes. On Thursday, we have the lab for printing images. These will all be production photos that you have taken and the studio wants you to choose and print the ones you consider best. All Cibachrome. These will be the photos that go to marketing along with the slides so they can do all the promotional materials for the movie. Thursday evening is the New Year’s Eve Party celebration at Frank’s house. It’s in the Hills and is quite the palace, I’m told.”

“Wow! I didn’t realize my work was actually going to be used for the marketing and promotion. I thought it was just for the production record.”

“Oh, my sweet master. You thought they were paying you a thousand dollars a day just to record what they were doing? They want your photos to be the image of the film that the public sees in print. You are, frankly, a cheap resource,” she said.


We finished our meal and I led Fifi to the living room where I settled on the couch with her in my lap.

“So, your loving master is just a cheap resource,” I said sternly. She came to attention immediately.

“Oh, Master! I did not mean to sound like I thought that of you!”

“Hmm. What do you think I should do about this slight to my reputation?” I asked. Adrienne was already wiggling with excitement.

“Master, may your devoted slave fetch a paddle so you can punish her?” she asked.

“Indeed. And while you are gone, lose your clothes. You have until I count to thirty.”

Adrienne was still wearing the clothes she’d worn to pick me up at the airport and I didn’t want to risk tearing something that was truly valuable. Besides, I wanted her naked. She was back before I reached twenty-five.

She knelt in front of me and offered me the paddle with both her hands. I took it from her.

“I find my clothes are too stiff for me to get a good swing,” I said, swinging the paddle back and forth as if I were testing it. “Undress me.”

I stood in front of her and Adrienne carefully removed each article of my clothing and folded it. When I was naked, I was definitely showing my arousal. I’d been teased all afternoon on the flight and had scarcely had a few kisses with Adrienne on the way home.

“Shall I take your clothes to put them away, Master?”

“Are you trying to delay your punishment?”

“No, Master. Please punish me.”

“Leave the clothes for now. You can put them away when we are finished. Now come here and lie across my lap so I can fully appreciate all I am about to warm with this paddle. I believe seven strokes is enough to compensate for my cheapened reputation.”

I sat and she lay across my lap. I noticed that she lay in such a way that one leg was on the sofa and the other foot was on the floor. This spread her enough that her beautiful pussy was glistening where I could see it.

“Count them,” I commanded. I swung and landed the first blow on her right buttock.

“One! Thank you, Master,” she gasped.

In my experiences, I’d learned that there were two common practices amongst sadists. The first was to land several blows in one spot to make a bright and long-lasting bruise. I’d used that method with Sylvia, not even bothering to count how many blows I gave her. I bruised her in several places. The second practice was to spread the blow out around the targeted area so the whole area was warmed and stinging, but was unlikely to really bruise. That was what I intended for Adrienne. One strike low on each buttock and one high on each buttock and one on each thigh, just below the buttock. If I’d thought this through, I’d have only said six, but seven sounded somehow mystical or significant. I finally landed the seventh stroke across her crack, hitting both cheeks.

“Six! Thank you, Master,” she panted.

What? I knew exactly where each blow had landed. Counting to seven is not that difficult to keep track of. Then I noticed she’d edged her foot on the floor out farther and her pussy was fully exposed where I could pop it. I understood.

I had to take careful aim and cant my arm just so in order to land the final blow straight across her pussy lips. The awkwardness of the angle meant the blow was just a little softer than the others, or else I subconsciously backed off just thinking about where I was going to strike.

“Seven! Thank you, Master,” she panted, shaking. “Master, please, may I come?”

So it was that stimulating! I had no idea.

“Yes, my sweet pet Fifi. Let me help you come.”

I pushed two fingers into her pussy and used my thumb on her clit as I curled the fingers forward. I reached across with my other hand and circled her asshole. Adrienne vibrated with her orgasm, whining out a long wail. My fingers were flooded with her juices. I softly petted her bruised backside as I withdrew my fingers and crooned comforting words to her.

She scrambled to her knees in front of me with her face against my prick.

“Oh, my dear sweet Master. Thank you for correcting your Fifi. And thank you for rewarding her at the end. Please, Master, let me relieve the stiffness in la queue.”

La queue? I assumed it must be French for dick, because mine was as stiff as a pool queue and Adrienne had just engulfed it in her mouth without waiting for my approval.

“Oh, God, Fifi. You can’t imagine how much I needed that!” I exclaimed as I started pouring my come down her throat.

I pulled her up into my lap and kissed her, petting her and snuggling against her.

It was not long after that we went to bed and made love.


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