Heaven’s Gate

97 Thirty

I was thirty years old. My children—all the children in the clan—convinced their teachers that it should be a holiday so they could celebrate Papa’s big birthday. We baked in the morning. We had breakfast. We practiced in the Sacred Space. We all showered outside, even though it was only sixty degrees out and had started to rain.

The kids didn’t let that deter them. They had a plan and they were sticking to it. Apparently, most of the village was in on the plan. Horses were saddled and ponchos issued to all of us as we went out for a mini-rodeo. We ran barrels, bent poles, and showed off roping skills with a fake cow Larry had stuffed with straw. I was sitting on Toby watching the roping when a scream split the air.

“Papa!” Let me tell you, every parent in the village turned and focused on the source of that scream. C-Rae was standing on the center barrel at the end of our makeshift arena. “Rescue me!” I turned Toby and gave the old boy a nudge. We rounded the first barrel and he did a smooth lead-change in the air as we approached the second barrel. We were flying as we skidded through the mud, turning the third barrel tightly. I held out my hand and my daughter caught it, swinging her lightly behind me onto the horse. We galloped to the end waving our hats in the air and screaming our lungs out.

“Twenty-two point two seconds!” Larry bellowed. “A new arena record!” We all laughed. Larry didn’t even have a stopwatch. Every one of the kids who was big enough to stand wanted me to ride a rescue with him or her. I had to change horses three times in order to ride rescues for all nineteen kids. We had such a good time. I was laughing and crying and shouting like I was fourteen again.

“Rescue me, Brian!” came another voice. I looked to the end barrel and Jessica was standing on it. The look of pleading on her face burned into my mind. I ignored the other barrels and trotted Tyler out to the center barrel. Instead of rounding it and offering her a hand to swing on behind me, Tyler stopped next to the barrel and I held out both hands. Jessica came to me and I lifted her to hold her in my arms in front of me. I used knee signals to turn Tyler and trot back to the head of the arena while Jessica clung to me and laughed.

“You’ve never taken me for a horseback ride before!” she laughed. What a wonderful sound.

As soon as the horses were unsaddled, cooled, and groomed, everyone on the ranch stripped and ran through the showers again. I was worried that there wouldn’t be any towels this time, but Reese and Mary appeared from inside the studio with their arms full. We didn’t bother to dress, but all trooped into the studio still drying ourselves. A fire was roaring in the fireplace and soup and sandwiches were on the counter. There were a lot of older generation adults with us—John and Bea, Mom and Anna, Bart and Sylvia, Sly and Lily, Dinita—so I wrapped my towel around my waist and saw everyone else who was naked copy my move. I noticed that most of the women, though, also only wrapped their towels around their waists. I kind of liked the look. Especially since every one of them managed to find me for a very warm birthday hug. Some of those tits I hadn’t felt in a long time, but I was encouraged to renew my acquaintance. Sarah’s had changed after two kids and were fuller. Sora’s were just beginning to enlarge with her tummy as she and Tim were expecting their first child. Angela…

Shit! When did Angela get here?

“I couldn’t miss your birthday,” she laughed. “Now do I need to remind you about any other anatomical features?” She laughed and went back to join Del. My whole family was with me for my birthday. All except Whitney.

At least she’d been able to call last night. She said it was already my birthday in Djibouti. Her unit was on alert and her advanced training was coming into play as supplies had begun arriving for a major force increase. She was not going to get home anytime soon. At least not until the President decided what our response was going to be and when. Everyone knew now that the threat originated in the Middle East and we were just waiting to find out what the response was going to be. They’d heard the people responsible were the same ones who orchestrated the attack on the embassies in which Whitney had lost a sergeant. Whitney expected her base to go from five hundred to five thousand in the next several months as they prepared for who knew what. Whitney was ready for war.


I was surrounded by my cónyuge in the big room and there was no secret that we were making love often and loudly. I was a little surprised that Jessica and Amy still came to the room with us. I was even more surprised when Jessica lay down on top of me.

“Brian, my rescuer, I love you,” she said loudly enough for everyone to hear. She got everyone’s attention. “I want to make love to you. I want to be everything we’ve always wanted. I want to be a part of your family. I’m still pretty messed up. And messy. We’ll have to wait for next weekend to make love if you will still have me in your bed and if your cónyuge will let me become a part of you. My period started today. I’m not pregnant. But I’d let you try to remedy that if you want to.”

There were a lot of cheers as relief swept through all of us. I pulled Jessica to me and kissed her. I looked around the casa and all my cónyuge were nodding their heads.

“Jessica, will you be my novia, preparing to be handfasted as my cónyuge and a member of Casa del Fuego?”

“Yes. With all my heart.”


I certainly won’t say that making love was a let-down after that. It just wasn’t a point of tension in our lives. Jessica got a complete physical the next week. Blood tests came back showing that Conrad hadn’t left any other diseases, either. The doctor said there was no reason she couldn’t resume a healthy sex life.

She appeared with me on Date Night In on Saturday and we cooked up a nice meal and watched a romantic comedy. We walked back to the big house afterward, stopping to kiss every few feet. As was usual, I led her to the master suite when we got home, but she tugged at my hand and led me up to the big bedroom. It was crowded but we got ready for bed and slipped in between Rose and Dani. I heard a little gasp from a few feet away and was happy to see Amy’s needs were being met as Jennifer had her head buried between Amy’s legs. Jessica and I chuckled.

“Doctor,” Jessica whispered. “I haven’t had an exam in a long time.” What? She just had a complete physical and got a clean bill of health! “The problem I was having with stuff leaking out down there has gotten worse. I can feel it getting my panties wet. And there’s a really sensitive bump at the top that sort of itches like I want to rub it all the time.”

OH! When did Jessica and I last play doctor? It had been a long time indeed.

“I think it’s time I gave you a thorough exam, young lady. Now open your mouth and let me look at your tongue.” She opened wide. Rose was practically shaking with giggles behind me. I examined her throat with my tongue.

“Doctor, don’t you have a big… fat… long tongue depressor you should put in my mouth?” Jessica rasped.

“Well, yes. As a matter of fact, I do have one. You’ll have to shift down here to get it in. We’ll test the temperature of your tongue and your gag reflexes. Just put as much of it in your mouth as you can and slide up and down on it.” Jessica and I had touched in our juvenile explorations and become so excited we both orgasmed. When we tried to finally get together, we had made love until we were both too raw to continue. But she had never taken me in her mouth before. It was exquisite. We’d been teasing each other all evening and I wouldn’t last long. She was no expert at giving blow jobs, but she was enthusiastic and experimented with different ways of stimulating me.

“Am I doing this right, Doctor?” she asked when she pulled off. “I’ve never done it before.”

“You are doing it perfectly,” I sighed, nudging her lips with the tip of my cock again. “There is another stage to the treatment if you’d like. Continue what you were doing and I will release a soothing fluid to coat your tonsils and throat with.”

“Oh, yes. I want my throat and tonsils to be coated with your soothing fluid,” she giggled. Then she went back to work on my cock and I quickly applied the medicine. She hummed as she sucked. When I was thoroughly spent, she popped off my cock again. “I hope it’s okay if some of the treatment went into my tummy,” she whispered. “I might need to have that treatment regularly.”

I wouldn’t object to that. It might seem strange that with a dozen cónyuge—well, fourteen when you count Doreen and Rhiannon—I really didn’t get many blow jobs. I did a lot of pussy-licking and sometimes that included being sucked, but most of the girls had plenty of partners for licking. What they only had one of—or two when Josh was involved—was cock. So usually, they wanted it where the sun doesn’t shine. The idea of having a regular treatment from Heaven was appealing.

“I should continue this exam and check that little problem you’re having,” I said.

“Oh, yes. It’s really bad right now.”

“How about this swelling on your chest?” I asked, licking one nipple and then the other. “Have you been icing?”

“Oh! Sometimes the swelling gets really intense, like right now, but I like the tongue treatment you’re giving them better than ice.”

“Well, then. Nurses, while I continue the examination, would you mind continuing this treatment of the swollen parts?” I asked. Dani and Rose were both giggling as they rolled toward Jessica.

“Yes, doctor,” they chorused.

“Oh!” Jessica gasped as the two latched on to her sensitive nipples.

“Now let’s see what’s down here,” I said.

I pushed Jessica’s knees apart as Dani and Rose continued to minister to her nipples. Her pleasant scent, freshly bathed and leaking her juices, met my nose. A light suddenly illuminated what I was sniffing at.

“Let me hold the light while you do your examination, Doctor,” Amy said from behind me. “You certainly don’t want to miss anything.”

“Oh, God! You’re actually looking up inside me!” Jessica moaned. “Tell me, Doctor. Tell me what you see. Am I all right?” Jessica liked to be talked to. I’d discovered that the first time we role-played this way. I felt Amy’s hand slip between my legs to stimulate my cock as I examined Jessica’s pussy. I began my rise back to an actionable state.

“Well now, young lady. You certainly are generating a lot of fluid. It is running out of your vagina and has coated the labia. Why it is even running between your cheeks to your anus. Before I continue this examination, I will need to clean up a bit of the fluid.” I bent toward her, pushed her knees back so her butt rolled upward and licked from her bottom hole all the way up to her clitoris. Jessica moaned and shook with a little orgasm. I washed her pussy thoroughly with my tongue and felt Amy rhythmically squeezing my cock as she held the light and moaned behind me. I had a feeling someone was giving her a hand, too.

“Am I clean, Doctor?” Jessica moaned as she shuddered again. Rose and Dani were spreading their attention to include not only Jessica’s nipples, but little kisses on her neck and ears.

“Yes, and I don’t think you need to worry about the amount of fluid that leaks out.”

“But it gets my panties so wet.”

“My prescription for that is to not wear panties. When you are here on the ranch and among your hearthmates, you will want to keep this open and accessible so we can help you.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Now this little swelling at the top of your opening concerns me,” I said, flicking her clit lightly with my tongue.

“Really?” she gasped.

“Yes. I’m so concerned I’m going to give it a special treatment.” With that I latched onto her clit with my lips and lashed it with my tongue. Jessica went ballistic. Her moans and sudden screech were echoed around the room as it seemed several of my family were getting off on our lovemaking.

“Oh! Oh, doctor. That feels so much better now,” Jessica panted.

“We may need to repeat that treatment regularly as well,” I laughed. “Now, nurse, hold the light just a little to the left. Do you see what I see here?”

“It’s so beautiful,” Amy sighed.

“It certainly is,” I agreed. “These folds, this little opening… This is called ‘Heaven’s Gate’. I’m going to need to use my probe now to examine inside.”

“Yes, Doctor, yes!” Jessica said. “Oh, Brian, probe me.” As I moved up her body, Dani and Rose gave way. Amy kept hold of my cock until it was seated right at Heaven’s Gate. I lowered my lips to Jessica’s as I pressed in. “I love you, Brian. I love all of you. Put some of your good medicine in me.”

The building of pressure and coming release captured all our attention. We kissed as I stroked in and out of her welcoming pussy. Dani rolled to one side, meeting Samantha’s lips as they kissed. Hannah was waiting for Rose’s breasts on the other and Rose moaned as her nipples were treated by our pixie lover. Nearby, Cassie moaned as she rode Josh’s cock. Liz sat on his face, Nikki hanging on as his fingers slid in and out of her.

An eighteen-person simultaneous orgasm is a near-impossible climax. Nonetheless, I don’t think any of us were more than five minutes apart in our bliss.

I was in Heaven.



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