Heaven’s Gate

11 Stall Six

ALL THE FAMILY was gathered together on Saturday for our Christmas Eve celebration. The burning of the Yule log, reciting of blessings, clan and tribe announcements, and lighting of the tree had become such an important part of our celebration that we crammed into the studio. The celebration was as beautiful as it always was. Lionel and Lamar continued the tradition of carrying the Yule log through the room, even though Lionel had to fly out early Christmas morning for the Hornets’ five o’clock matchup in Miami. We no longer needed a poem to start the remembrance of blessings as people called out what they wanted remembered. And the lighting of our tree. It was truly the most wonderful time of the year.

Except for one thing.

Since her period started again a couple weeks ago, Liz had been avoiding me. I could see she was disappointed and even a little angry. She showed resentment when I spent time with my other lovers, thinking that any load of semen wasted on someone else could have been the one that could make her pregnant. And then, when it was obvious that we’d failed again, she became withdrawn.

I felt bad for her, but I felt a little angry as well. We used to make love for fun, but now the only time we made love was for procreation. Frankly, I preferred having fun.


We’d all been having fun Christmas morning. People would scatter in the late afternoon to go to families all over, but we would have a loving casa dinner before that. Mom, Dad, Anna, and Addison had stopped by early to wish us Merry Christmas before they headed for the airport. Jennifer and Courtney would be heading for Indy and Kokomo later in the day for a little time with each set of parents. Others were going to parents in the village or up in Mishawaka. I knew I’d be making another round of visits this afternoon and evening.

I set down the silverware on the table and looked at the table. I saw Rose look at me curiously. I went to the kitchen and noisily opened and closed random cupboards. Hannah, Samantha, and Elaine moved out of my way as I came through. I caught Dani’s eye and winked. She grinned at me. I stood at the table with my hands on my hips; then my eyes snapped up.

Everyone was looking at me.

“Liz, I need you,” I snapped. “I put a bunch of stuff I want for the table in the laundry at the studio.”

“Sure, I’ll get it, Brian,” she said standing and heading for the door. I noticed she’d chosen to wear a white gi today instead of red. “What do you need?”

“It will take both of us. Come on,” I grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door and toward the studio. She was too shocked to say anything until we got to the laundry room.

“What is it that’s so important?” she asked.

“It’s in that dryer,” I said. She went to it and bent over to open the door. I grabbed the pants of her gi and pulled them down to her ankles.

“I said I need you. I need you now, Liz.” I put one hand on her butt and ran the other up the inside of her gi to cup her little breasts.

“You don’t need to do this, Brian,” she whimpered. “It’s not working. I’m not going to get pregnant.”

“Who gives a fuck?” I growled. “I didn’t say anything about needing to get you pregnant. I said I need you. I want you. I want my cock buried in your wet pussy so far it chokes you.”

“You just want to…”

“You told me… gave me permission… once we were at the ranch, any time, any place.” My hand slipped around her hip and touched the curls of her pussy. She gasped a little as I began to play with them and her gi fell open. “Did you think the only reason I made love to you was to get you pregnant? Could you possibly imagine that I didn’t just want to fuck you? From the day we were first together, playing twenty-seven minutes in heaven, you asked me to help you not get out of control. But you never realized that wasn’t what it was about. When I fingered you on a hay bale, when I pulled you on top of me on Silk’s back, when I sat and stared at your pussy, when I took you as my cónyuge… it was never about helping you control your sex drive. It was never about getting you pregnant. It was always about me taking advantage of you. Me, because I wanted to touch you. I wanted to hear you scream. I wanted to fuck you.”

“You just want me?” she gasped, as I touched her clit for the first time.

“I want you. I need you. I love you. Three out of three. I want to feel my cock sliding in and out of your little red pussy and feel you grasping me in your velvet glove while I pump everything I have into you. When we came to the ranch you gave me permission to take you—anywhere and any way I wanted at any time. Unless you are revoking that permission, Red, I’m going to fuck you over the top of this dryer.”

“Fuck me. Fuck me!” she screamed. I pulled her back to me and she bent at the waist. I found the position and jabbed into her, burying myself to the hilt as she squalled out her pleasure. I started rough and hard, pistoning in and out of her hot pussy. God! It felt good.

“It’s always been about how happy you make me. It’s been about how good I feel when I’m with you. It’s been about the look of love I’ve seen in your eyes. It’s been about the love I have for you in my heart.” I pounded into Liz as I flipped her clit with my fingers and she wailed her orgasm. I quickly withdrew and turned her around. She leaned back against the dryer and spread her legs further. I slid back inside her and pulled her to me to kiss. While our lips locked, I reached behind her and twisted the dial on the dryer, starting it up so she could feel the vibrations against her butt as I moved in and out of her wet box.

“I love you, Brian. I’ve always loved you. Take me. Use me. Love me. I love you.”

“I will always love you, Red. I will always want to be joined with you. Do you know why I agreed to make you pregnant in the first place? It was just so I could take the glove off my prick and feel your pussy with my bare cock. I never want latex between us when we make love again, Liz. I want to feel this incredible, hot, loving woman wrapped around my cock as I fill her with my sperm.” That was it. Liz was crying out in orgasm again and her pussy was spasming around my cock. I bent my head to catch one of her nipples in my mouth and proceeded to fill her with come.

“I love you, Liz. No matter what, I will always love you.”


“Is there even anything here we can take back to the house with us?” Liz laughed as we got dressed. We’d managed one more position with me sitting on the dryer and her perched on top of me. I loved every freckled inch of this woman.

“There must be some napkins here or something,” I said.

“I’m going to be so embarrassed,” she said. “Everyone is going to know we fucked.”

“And they will be so jealous,” I added.

We made it back to the dining room in the big house carrying one napkin between us. We set it on the table and began arranging the silverware. There was a snort from the kitchen. Jen slapped her hand over her mouth. Everyone started laughing.

“We got a call…” she started and snorted again.

“… from April as she was getting ready to leave…” Hannah continued.

“She wanted to know if everything was okay or if she should go rescue you,” Samantha laughed.

“We found out four years ago that if you don’t want Liz to be heard, you have to go farther than Stall Six,” Rose concluded, bursting out in laughter.

That did it for all of us. Merry Fucking Christmas.




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