Hearthstone Entertainment

Part III: Down to Business

32 Home Sweet Home

“OFFICIALLY, I’m a junior in college when classes start today, sweetie.” I was just a little spaced out as I mixed up bread to rise at four-thirty. It had been a night of wild abandon for those still at the ranch. But I’d awakened with the sense of excitement that the first day of a new school year brings. “Half the credits I need to graduate are behind me. I’m not really sure why I’m so hell-bent on finishing in three years, but I need to get further in life faster. I’ll be twenty in October. I’m going to become a father in December. Can you believe that? Just holding little Eleanor brings tears to my eyes and in three and a half months, I’m going to hold my own baby.” I rolled the dough out and sprinkled cinnamon and sugar on it before rolling it up and cutting the rolls. Everybody loves cinnamon rolls and this was special for our first day of classes.

“I feel bad for Dawn, Addison, and George. All of a sudden, they are alone in those big dormitories. It will be worse when our house is finished and we move over there. They’ll be alone in the barn. Of course, with Addison coming in to play with us last night, I don’t think George stayed in the guys’ dorm. He and Dawn really hit it off this summer. I wonder if it will last. And I think Adam and Warren are going to move a big bed into the guys’ dorm and put up some kind of partition when they move out of the lower duplex so Larry and Theresa can move in next weekend. Too bad our house has been delayed again. But with as complicated as it is, I guess it’s no wonder. Rhiannon said they had to build a new jig for the framing. Are you really going up there this week during the first week of classes? I hope Rhiannon doesn’t get behind in order to keep filming the construction and doing the commentary. She’s turning into quite the little television host, herself. You’ve really done well for us, my love.”

Arms wrapped around me. I turned and embraced Hannah for a long, slow kiss in the kitchen. We didn’t progress beyond that. We just held each other and kissed, sort of dancing as we moved against each other. I was lost in the kiss. I was lost in the feeling of holding her naked body next to mine. Both of us softly petted the other and we sighed our pleasure together. It wasn’t the pleasure of sex, but the pleasure of an intimacy that we shared so deeply it connected our souls.

“Outside for forms,” Whitney said as she passed us with most of our casa following. “It will be fun. Don’t be babies.”

I found out what she meant as we stepped out onto the cold, dewy grass and into the fog that blanketed everything this morning. Maybe we’d start getting a break from the heat. It was always cool at night now. Surely it would start cooling off during the day.


“I’m a college student,” Hannah said. “How did this happen?”

“Are you a student or a teacher?” I asked as we drove in for our first class together.

“I have a lot to learn, Brian. Lonnie says talent will get me a long way, but knowledge will get me further. I don’t have much knowledge,” she laughed. “Sometimes, I’m not even sure about the talent.”

“Don’t fish for compliments. You know very well that you have talent. You sure proved it the way you handled the production camp. So, are you majoring in media? Is that what it’s called?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I’m not really taking classes for a degree, I guess. I’m only taking media and telecommunications courses. Lonnie helped me arrange it. It’s not costing too much,” she said.

“Speaking of which, do you need anything? Tuition? Lunch money?” I asked. “I seem to have this bank account that keeps growing and I don’t know what to do with it.”

“Do you think I don’t pay myself?” she laughed. “Everyone in Casa del Fuego is getting a nice deposit this week. Everyone in the clan is getting their first payday. I bet the seniors go crazy when they find out.”

“I’m meeting with Maggie after my humanities class this afternoon. When are you going home?”

“I get out at 3:20 today. Wait for me?”

“Sure. You’ve really been chipper this week. Happy that the camp is over and excited for school?” I asked.

“You know what? I haven’t had a brownie since the night we got stoned with Heaven. I haven’t even thought about it. I know that doesn’t mean I’m cured, but it’s been a good summer. I love you, Brian.”

I kissed my pixie girlfriend and she headed toward the Media building. Then the rest of the early morning people got out of the car and I kissed my girlfriends before they all headed different directions.

I looked at my schedule. Chem-361: Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter.

Here goes another year.


“So there was no further problem with your registration?” I asked Courtney when we met up at eleven for lunch.

“No. They bombed us back to the dark ages, though. A new directive from the registrar’s office says that all instructors and professors must maintain a paper record of each student’s progress in a fireproof file cabinet for a minimum of five years or until the student is out of school, whichever is later,” she said. “And as a result, professors are requiring students to submit all work on paper. We’d just gotten a start on submitting things electronically! We’re back in the paper age. Even in our programming class, we are required to print out all our code. It’s not enough to see that it works on the computer. We might as well buy a paper mill.”

“Wow!” Courtney was passionate about her major. I understood how to turn on the computer, use my recipe and chemistry databases, and now I was learning how to fill out a spreadsheet with numbers that were bigger than my imagination.

“We were given an opportunity, though. There is going to be a challenge to break the new security code the school is implementing. It won’t go online until the first of October and then only in a sandbox. But it will look exactly like what the school will implement. The programmers have put an Easter egg in the code. When it goes live in the sandbox, any student is allowed to hack the security system. Whoever launches the Easter egg will receive five credit hours of independent study credit. Five hours! But we only have the weekend to do it. Oh, Brian! I’m sorry! I won’t be able to celebrate your birthday with you. I promise I’ll make it up. But my little bottom isn’t going to be one of them lined up waiting for you to… I’ll give you a private showing.”

“Courtney, nearly everything you just told me sounded like a bunch of kids going to a park to play. Sandbox? Easter egg? Hack? What are you talking about?” I laughed.

“Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” she said, pinching my cheek. “I’m going to win those credits. I just wish there was someone else in our clan interested in computer science. There is so much happening!”

“Maybe you could interest Brenda in it. Computers are just math, aren’t they? She’s a math major. And I don’t know what she’s going to do with it,” I said.

“She sure kept that scary smart side of her hidden in high school, didn’t she? She’s so glad you are taking the calc course with her this semester. She said she was looking forward to lots of study time with you and expected part of it to be spent with her helping you find the slope of her curves, each of her extrema, and her instantaneous rate of climax. Or something like that. I think she plans on having you fuck her.” We both got a good laugh out of that one.

“I have a feeling that I’ll be dealing with her limits and derivatives.”

“Mmm. Speaking of limits, she’s forgotten.” It took me a second. A few weeks ago, Jennifer had role-played being a naughty fourteen-year-old Girl Scout. As a result, she gave me permission to deliver one hard smack on her bare bottom. I’d asked Courtney to tell me when she thought Jennifer had forgotten. “When you didn’t spank her on her birthday, she decided you’d forgotten and just gave up.”

“Let me know tonight if it looks like she’s got too much going on to handle it. Otherwise, tonight’s the night.”

“Later, could you maybe… um…”

“What is it, my courtesan?” I took her hand.

“Could you, maybe, play with my bottom a little bit? You know, maybe spank it a little the way I like. And that thing where you kiss and nibble all over my butt and get me all wet before you…” Courtney was panting.

“Are your panties getting wet, my courtesan?” I asked. She shook her head.

“I didn’t wear any. Is there a place where we could fuck?” This time it was my turn to shake my head.

“It’s my first Intro to Media Production class in ten minutes. But I’ll be thinking about all the things I’m going to do with your bottom tonight, courtesan. I love you!”


“This is our first go at commercial television, Maggie,” I said. “This summer proved that we will be a professional production company. We’re all a little exhausted, but we need to get back in gear. How are your classes shaping up?”

“My class schedule is good, Brian. Like you, I’m a junior, so the things are more focused on what I want to study instead of on what I have to have before I can study. I can’t believe you are in the Intro to Media Production Class. You must know as much about production as the professor!” she said.

“As Lonnie told Hannah, talent can’t take you as far as knowledge. I’ve never had any formal training and I’m about to plunge into the deep end with this Redress project. None of us have tried to produce and market a pilot to a commercial market. We can always go back to marketing to the syndicate, but it would be great to have the show picked up by a network,” I said.

“I hate to bring this up, but I don’t think we can do it as a college production. I’ll devote as much time to it as I need to, even more than full time. I’ve already dropped a class that I didn’t really need this term. I’m only at 13 hours, so that’s as low as I can go and still stay a full-time student. But I don’t think I can use college talent for videography and editing. We really need pros,” she said.

“I agree. As I said, we have a budget. And I have a suggestion for a cameraman that I think the world of. His name is Jess Randolph. He’s in South Bend, but this is right for his career trajectory. He’s independent, so we can hire him by the episode. I can contact him if you want me to, but he’d be reporting to you.”

“I’ll do it. Do you have any samples of his work?” she asked. I handed her a video tape that we’d made. It included one of my Young Cooking episodes from WBBT, one of the episodes we did at the fair, and his incredible footage of Jennifer’s accident in the horse arena. I wondered what Maggie would think of that.

“His contact information is all on the slip inside. He knows we are in production, so don’t be afraid to use Hearthstone Entertainment or my name in trying to hook him. He’s a good guy. Now, what about video editing? And will we try to use more than one camera?” I asked.

We had a good meeting and I was amazed when Hannah stuck her head in the door at 3:25. Now that some of the garbage had been cleared from the air, Maggie and I were going to work well together.


Of course, we were all naked. It was Casa del Fuego plus the dormitory residents—Adam, Warren, George, Tim, Dawn, Addison, and April. I was about finished with my reading for tomorrow when April came and settled into my lap. She was squirming and trying successfully to get a rise out of me.

“You know, I’d love to spend some quality time with you tonight, April. But I have a prior commitment.”

“Aw. I understand. You’ve got so many girls to service!” she giggled.

“This particular one doesn’t know she is about to get what she’s been dreaming of,” I whispered.

“Are you going to make love to Angela?”

“No. There are different kinds of dreams. Tell me, from a woman’s perspective, how fast can she go from hello to an orgasm?” I asked. It was going to be fun to have April help me with this. Even if she didn’t know she was.

“Um… unless she’s already been playing with herself, I suppose a couple could get there in twenty minutes. They’d have to really be on the same wavelength, though.”

“I tell you what, if it takes me longer than three minutes, I’ll be your tongue slave for the rest of the night.”

“Deal!” she almost shouted but I got a finger to her lips.

“Ready?” She nodded. “Jennifer, honey, could you come here a second? We’re talking about media promotion.”

“Sure, Brian,” Jen said as she wandered over. “What kind?”

“This, as an example,” I said, reaching out to pet her bottom. Jennifer shuddered.


“April, I have had to compare Jennifer’s butt to her breast and decide which I prefer. Is that fair? She was fourteen years old and crawled naked into my sleeping bag. What a naughty little Girl Scout.” April’s eyes were round as I continued petting Jennifer’s bottom. Her nipples had popped out and I could already see a glistening on her pussy lips. “I’m usually very easygoing, but when a Girl Scout is that naughty, and has this perfect a bottom, I just have to take matters in hand, so to speak.”

“B-Brian? N-n-now?” Jennifer quaked.

“Time of my choosing, correct, Jennifer?”

“Y-yesss.” Jen was already fighting for control and all I’d done was pet her bottom. She was zero to sixty in thirty seconds. I was going to rev her engines a little higher.

“I need something, Jennifer.” Her legs were shaking.

“Brian… I give you… my explicit permission… to give me one… hard… smack… on my bare bottom. While I lie across your lap. With your hard cock against me. And you make me come,” she squeaked. I slid my hand between her legs from behind and ran my fingers through her wetness right up to her clit. Her eyes went closed and her head went back. She let it overtake her. “Ahhh!” Jennifer crumpled to her knees beside the chair as she gasped.

“Holy shit. I don’t believe it,” April said. “You aren’t really going to spank her, are you?” Jennifer turned her eyes toward me, silently pleading.

“Oh, yes. Yes, I am.” I ran my hand over her breasts. “Such a shame to leave a bright red handprint on that perfect bottom. But it has to be done. Naughty Girl Scout,” I said. I tweaked her nipple hard and Jennifer came again. “Excuse me, April. I need to take my naughty Girl Scout upstairs now. Jennifer. Go to the stairs. I want to follow your cute round butt up to bed.”

“Yes, B-… yes, Brian.” I lifted April off my lap and gave her a kiss.

“Does this mean I’m your tongue slave for the rest of the night?” she asked.

“Not tonight.” I winked at her and followed Jennifer up the stairs. Her butt cheeks kept clenching and unclenching as she walked up the stairs, waiting for the coming smack. A glistening streak of lubrication ran from her pussy lips down the inside of her thighs. I was close enough to smell her arousal.


“I thought you forgot, and…” Jennifer was sobbing. The red mark on her butt and my cock pulsing in her quivering cunt were a testament to the fact that I did not forget. “I love you, Brian. I know it’s a silly game and I don’t like being spanked, but waiting for you to do it to me sends me off into the stratosphere. Knowing that one day you will just say, ‘Now,’ and I’ll have to bend over and let you smack me and it will sting and I’ll hate the smack but I can’t get over the anticipation. It just makes me… come.”

“Jennifer, if it didn’t do that for you, I would never play the game. I don’t particularly like spanking you and I would never do it if it didn’t get you turned on so much.”

“What… what did you tell April? She was right there on your lap and I practically squirted on her when I came.”

“April was of the faulty opinion that it took a minimum of twenty minutes for a couple well in tune with each other to go from a standing start to an orgasm. I bet her that you’d come in less than three minutes.”

“You beast! You knew as soon as you said those words and made me give you my explicit permission that I’d come. And then you touched my clit and I was so ready I couldn’t stop myself. And then you pinched my nipple and I came again. And what you said. Talking about it.” Jen was panting again and I was hardening in her. “What did you bet her?”

“That if you didn’t come within three minutes, I would be her tongue slave for the night.”

“Oh, no!” Jennifer wailed. “I cost her a tongue slave for the night? I have to go make it up to her. All night.” It didn’t take long for us to both reach a peak again and for Jennifer to run to the dormitory. I hoped April was ready to be devoured. I needed to tend to Courtney.



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