The Rock

Appendix 2: Definitions

Describing the relationships between characters is complicated, especially as they move into more permanent relationships. Therefore, they developed the following terms to describe the group. Although many of the terms are Spanish in origin, the group generally doesn’t speak Spanish, so their usage is often unique. Since the terms are used commonly, they are not italicized like foreign words would be.

Clan—the group of all those who have signed the clan charter or extended agreement. They have named themselves The Clan of the Heart.

Cousin—any member of the clan.

Casa—household. This refers to people, not the houses they live in. The cast below is listed by casa.

Hearthmates—members of a given casa.

Cónyuge—spouse or mate; those hearthmates or cousins considered in a long-term, intimate relationship.

Novia—fiancé or fiancée (not distinguished by gender); those intending to enter into a long-term intimate relationship with each other but who aren’t quite there yet or who want a handfasting ceremony first. Note: The term fiancé or fiancée is used when there is an actual marriage anticipated instead of or in addition to a clan handfasting.

Compañera—a girlfriend or boyfriend (not gender specific); within the casa, often synonymous with hearthmate.

Amiga—man or woman of a different casa that is intimate with another but not in a long-term committed relationship.

Patrón—the leader of the clan or clan chief. It is not an elected position. The clan simply recognizes Brian’s leadership.

Matrón—the female leader of the clan or clan queen. Like Patrón, it is not an elected position. The clan recognizes Rose’s leadership and her function as the clan shaman or fire guide.



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