Guardian Angel

14 Rushing to the Rescue

AT TWO-FIFTEEN, I got Jingo saddled and headed for the arena. I tied him in the end stall and went to help Tim and Hal wrangle the girls’ horses in. The girls, of course, were all sitting in the little row of bleachers on the side. I couldn’t help myself. When I walked past them I turned toward them and sniffed. “Ah smell horses,” I said.

“Boo. Hiss,” they jeered, but they were all laughing. We lined the fourteen horses up in the center of the ring and left them ground-tied, their reins just hanging down in front of them. The ranch really has finely trained horses for their trails. I suppose the liability would be unbelievable if they didn’t. They all walked calmly to their horses and led them to the mounting box. I stood there to hold their reins as they mounted.

“I knew you just wanted to get your hands on our legs this morning,” Jennifer hissed at me. She was about the cutest of all the girls, but man, she had an attitude.

“Naw. If I’d wanted that, I’d have shoved you into the saddle by your butt.”

“You!” She blushed. I handed her the reins and she took Jubal over in the line-up. None of the girls were all that happy that they’d had to leave their cute cowgirl hats in the bleachers and put on helmets, but Hal insisted. Then we started the instruction. Tim and I just walked around the inside of the ring watching for any problems with the horses as Hal gave instructions. It was cool. He finally got to the point where they were going to canter and he separated them out evenly around the ring so they wouldn’t be too close together. Then he gave the signal to start at a walk, then trot, and finally to canter. It was pretty ragged the first time, but we got them lined up again and he gave the instructions.

They’d gotten almost all the way around the ring when disaster struck. One of the girls hadn’t fastened the chinstrap on her helmet and just as the horses got up to speed, it came flying off. I could see what was happening and started toward Jubal even though I knew I was too far away to help. He saw the helmet and shied toward the wall, launching Jennifer into the air. Somehow, I managed to get under her before she hit the ground. I went down and got the wind knocked out of me, but she didn’t get hurt. I looked up at her and realized that I’d held out my hands to catch her, and she was sitting on my left hand. I gave a little squeeze.

“See?” I said. “Your butt’s much more fun to touch than your knee.” I expected her to jump up off me, but she just looked at me with her mouth open and clenched her cheeks a little. I squeezed again.

“You caught me!” she said. “Thank you.”

“It was more like you fell on me,” I said, “but you’re welcome.”

“Better squeeze one more time before I get up,” she whispered as the troop leaders headed toward us. “Never know when you’ll have another opportunity.” I did and she smiled as she got up and offered me a hand. Everybody was talking at once. Tim had lifted Becc off her horse as soon as Hal whistled and she got to us at the same time Hal did.

“Are you all right, Jennifer? What happened? Did he scare your horse?”

“No, Becc. He kept me from hurting myself.”

“This is what scared the horse,” Hal said holding up the helmet. He looked around the arena and saw the only girl with no helmet on. I think somebody called her Jeannie. Hal walked over and handed her the helmet. “We use helmets for everyone’s safety, but you have to keep them fastened,” he said. That was all, but Jeannie was crying when he turned away. Jennifer hadn’t let go of my hand after helping me up. I tugged it a little and she released me.

“Did you see how Brian caught me?” Jennifer asked, amazed. “Last I remembered seeing him he was over there. Then that helmet was flying at me and suddenly I was on top of him. Did you see it?”

Of course, no one really had. They were all too busy concentrating on their cantering horses. I was just glad that Debbie kept her horse under control and had stopped before she ran over us. She was the only one nodding.

“Okay, mount up! One more time around the ring. Fasten your helmets.” Hal called.

“Really?” Jennifer and Becc both asked.

“Anytime you fall off a horse, get right back on,” he said. Becc went back to Penny and Tim gave her a boost into the saddle. I offered my cupped hands to Jennifer and she grinned at me.

“Why don’t you just shove me into the saddle by my butt?” she whispered. She put her knee in my hands and I boosted her the normal way. The rest of the lesson went fine and the girls and their leaders all ended up in a long line in the middle of the ring facing the stands. Hal and Tim handed out six ribbons, including a special one to Jennifer that was marked “Courage.” She was grinning from ear to ear. Everyone dismounted and Tim ponied all the horses toward the gate and the outside corral.

“How would you all like a real riding demonstration now?” Hal called to all the girls. “Sit in the bleachers and let’s ride some barrels.” Theresa and Tim started rolling barrels out into the ring and I ran to get the last one. The 55-gallon drums are almost as big as I am and weigh about the same, too. Theresa came back to help me with it and told me to go get my horse.


“I timed you at nineteen seconds this morning. Go show these girls what you can do.”

I had figured Theresa was going to do the demo. She raced professionally until a year ago and I knew she could turn them in sixteen seconds. I’d seen her do it. I headed to the pen to pick up Jingo and checked to see that my cinch was tight. Jingo is over sixteen hands and for a guy who isn’t yet five feet tall, a stretch to get both hands on the saddle. That put his shoulders about six inches higher than my head. I was showing off, but I led him to the middle of the ring, grabbed the saddle and jumped to get my foot in the stirrup and swing my leg over. No mounting block for me. Of course, my jeans weren’t as tight as the girls’, either. We trotted around the ring and then did an easy canter once around while Hal explained what was going to happen.

“Ready?” he called when I got to the end of the ring and faced the wall. I raised my hat in the air. “When you will!” I planted my hat on my head, turned Jingo and gave him his head as I jabbed my heels into his flank. We were off. It was a good ride and I was lying flat against the horn when we pulled up at the finish. “And that, ladies, is known as the most fun a man can have in twenty seconds or less!” All the girls were clapping and a couple whistled. I started blushing and rode back toward the pen.

Theresa came riding in on her paint. “Now at the junior level, both boys and girls compete in barrel racing, but in the pros, this is a woman’s sport. I want you all to meet two-time state champion barrel racer, Theresa Adams riding Snooker. Are you ready?” Hal yelled. Theresa raised her hat. “Let ’er rip!” She jammed her hat on her head and Snooker took off like a bat outa hell. I swear, there was a mark around the second barrel where her stirrup dragged against it. Everybody was cheering that ride. Hal called me back to the middle with Jingo. Theresa rode up beside me and we both took our hats off.

“You want to do a rescue run?” Theresa asked me. Hell yes. Theresa wasn’t much taller than me for all she was maybe ten years older. She’d taught me barrel rescue the last time I was here and I liked the feel of my arms wrapped around her waist.

“Okay!” Hal called. “We need a volunteer to be rescued.” Huh? I thought Theresa just asked me. “We’ve already seen Brian make one rescue today. How about it Jennifer? You want him to rescue you again?” Jennifer looked like a deer in the headlights, but Debbie and Courtney were pushing her out of her seat.

“Do I have to fall off a horse again?” she asked hesitantly.

Theresa dismounted and led Jennifer to the end barrel. Tim rolled the side barrels out of the way as Hal told some long story that he’d used many times about an Indian princess who was being chased by wolves and a handsome young cowboy who rode in to rescue her off the rocks at the very last instant. When I was getting rescued it was a hapless cowboy who was rescued by the Indian princess. Theresa helped Jennifer up on the barrel and told her what would happen. I rode slowly around the barrel and held out my hand. Theresa showed Jennifer how to grab it and jump behind me when I pulled, then wrap her arms around me tight. We practiced at a walk a couple times while Theresa guided Jennifer and then stepped away as I did it at a gentle trot.

“You ready?” Theresa asked.

“Yeah. This isn’t as bad as I thought,” Jennifer said. I trotted to the end of the arena and faced the wall.

“Ready?” I raised my hat. “Rescue!” I turned Jingo and we rode the ninety feet to the barrel in four seconds flat. I could see Jennifer go from ready to terror in half the distance, but I held out my hand and she grabbed it as we swung around the barrel. She clamped her arms around my waist so tight it took the air out of my lungs, but by that time we were already across the finish line and I was waving my hat with a whoop. Jennifer didn’t loosen her grip and I had the sudden pleasant awareness of her boobs pressed into my back. Her face was pressed as tight as she could get it to my shoulder. I trotted back to the barrel where I’d picked her up.

“Again?” she squeaked. “Really?”

“Yeah. We’re going to do it for real this time,” I laughed.

“For real? What was that?”

“I just ran straight down and picked you up,” I said. I pointed at Theresa and Tim rolling the other two barrels back into their positions. “This time I’m picking you up on the third turn. Last time, we didn’t want to give you time to think about it so you’d just react. Now you know you can do it, so we’re running the barrels and rescuing you.” Hal was expanding on his tale.

“Oh, dear Jesus,” Jennifer whispered. “Don’t drop me, okay?”

“You’re safe with me, little lady,” I said in my best John Wayne imitation. She crawled up onto the barrel and squeezed her eyes shut. “You’ll need to have them open when I come riding with my hand out,” I said. I trotted down to the end of the ring and got ready. Jingo and I were having fun and really went all out on that last turn. You never turn quite as tight on the outside edge on the third barrel as the first two which means you only really brush by on the inside. You have to be close on that side or your rescuee can’t reach your hand. There’s a split second to make the grab and Jennifer was flying into her seat as Jingo lit out for the finish. We both whooped that time.

“Tim, did you get the same time I did? My stopwatch shows eighteen point three six seconds.” Tim nodded. “I do believe we have a new arena record by three hundredths of a second!” Hal yelled. “Let’s hear it for Jingo. Oh, and for Brian and Jennifer, too!” We rode past the applauding scouts with our hats raised in our hand. I stopped in front of the girls and gave Jennifer a hand down. She looked up at me from the ground and smiled as she thanked me.


By the time we were finished with the horses and I managed to get back to the bunkhouse and get a shower, I was almost late for dinner. It seemed that every time I was ready to leave the barn, Hal or Tim had some other little job for me or wanted to tell me another funny story. It was 6:30 on the nose when I walked into the chow hall.


I was gob-smacked. There was a big banner made out of some of the tablecloth paper and magic markers that said “Happy 14 Our Hero!” The staff was standing there and Cookie had a birthday cake in her hand with the candles lit. The girls and their troop leaders were standing in a semi-circle. Crap! I didn’t even know these girls before last night and I didn’t think they liked me all that much.

“I thought you didn’t believe it was my birthday,” I said as I stepped forward. My face was so hot I knew I had to be red as an apple.

“It’s on your registration form for the weekend,” Becc said. “Cookie checked and we all decided to surprise you.”

“That’s really… so nice.”

“I can’t believe you came to a Dude Ranch on your birthday with no one to celebrate,” Debbie said. “Don’t you have friends and family to celebrate with?” Then she thought about what she’d said and gasped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean… Oh my God!”

“Take it easy, Debbie! I’ve got friends and family. I just won this trip like I said and thought it would be cool to just be, you know, out on my own on my fourteenth birthday. You know. Feeling what it was like to be independent. I never expected any of this.”

“Is it okay?” Jennifer asked.


“You’d better blow these candles out before they burn the frosting,” Cookie laughed. I stepped up to the cake and blew. Got them all. Thought about my wish and kind of whispered something to Hannah in my head.


Dinner, cake and ice cream, and a fire in the fireplace were all cool. There was an official ceremony as the girls were each awarded their horsemanship badge. The leaders called them by name and asked if I would hand out the badges. A boy in an official Girl Scout ceremony. Where were the cookies? I listened to them sing and joined softly when I knew one of the songs. We didn’t really sing much at science camp and besides, I still didn’t know what note I was going to sing when I opened my mouth. Eventually, the long day caught up with me again and I excused myself to go to bed. I figured the girls might be up half the night singing and stuff.

I brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. I wasn’t too sleepy though to go through the list of the girls one by one and think about what they looked like while I stroked my dick. I used my underwear to clean up and threw it on the floor beside the bed. I hardly ever wore anything to bed anymore and no one else was in this cabin, so why bother?


I felt a chilly draft and rolled over on my side to get away from it. It got warmer. In fact, it got a lot warmer as I felt skin against my skin and two boobs pressed into my back. I let out a startled “Aack!” as I rolled toward the invader. She snorted as she tried not to laugh out loud.


“As if that wasn’t a dead give-away. I hate my laugh.”

“When you let go and laugh your laugh is great. It’s only when you try to stifle it that you snort. What are you doing?”

“Really? You like my laugh? Really?”

“Yes. Now answer my question. What are you doing?”

“Um… isn’t it obvious? I’m naked in bed with you. I came to have sex with my hero. You rescued me three times today.”

“Jennifer, I didn’t do it so you’d have sex with me. Honest! I can’t just have sex with you. I’ve never done it before.”

“I’ll show you everything you need to do.” She pulled at my hand and put it right on a really nice squishy big boob. There was a hard little nub right in the middle of my palm. “Which is better? My boob or my butt?” she asked, dragging my hand down her side and moving it to her butt. Crap! She didn’t have panties on either! She pushed her crotch up against my leg and put one leg over the top.

“Jennifer, stop!” I demanded. “I cannot have sex with you. I have a girlfriend.”

“You do?”

“Yes, and I’m not going to have sex with someone else. No matter how beautiful and nice and willing she is. Please, Jennifer, I just can’t do this.” She let go of my hand on her butt so I could move it. It took me a couple seconds to get the message from my brain to my hand. Her leg was touching my cock and she rubbed it a little as she rolled away from me. Oh God have mercy! I have a really pretty girl, who has been flirting all day, naked in my sleeping bag, wanting to have sex with me!

“You must really love her,” Jennifer said. She was no longer touching my cock, but she wasn’t really moving to get out of my sleeping bag either. She put her head on my shoulder and I could smell her shampoo. I could still feel her boobs pressed against my side, too. But in spite of all that, I realized that maybe what she said was true.

“I don’t know for sure,” I said. Somehow, I had my right arm around her shoulders and she was just cuddling against me. Just cuddling naked against me. I wasn’t getting any softer, but I was really thinking about Hannah now. “I’m not sure I know what love is. Hannah has become about the best friend I’ve ever had. We do everything together. She even delivered my papers for me this morning. She’s fun and funny and I just never want to hurt her.”

“I think that’s love. Do you make love to her?”

“Uh… no. We don’t hardly even hold hands or anything. We’re not ready for it and it doesn’t matter.”

“I know from what I felt down there that it matters, but it’s cool that you aren’t pushing her. Not like I pushed you. I just thought it was what all boys want.”

“Believe me; it’s not that I don’t want it. It’s really something more important than that.” Jennifer wiggled up to get out of the sleeping bag and she kind of made sure that just about every part of her naked body touched me on the way out. Crap. Maybe I was doing the touching. She stood beside my bunk absolutely naked with just the bathroom night light letting me see her. She turned around and bent over to pick up her pajamas and robe. Slowly. It was all I could do not to beg her to come back.

She put her pajama pants on and I was sad to see her pussy disappear from view. Then the top went on and then her robe. It took a long time for her to get dressed and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She put her feet in her slippers and approached me again. She picked up my t-shirt from off the floor and handed it to me.

“You can still masturbate tonight while you think of me,” she whispered. “I’ll be doing it while I’m thinking of you.” She leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek and then headed toward the door. Before she opened it, she turned and looked at me again. “Brian? Just so you know. I lied to you. I’ve never done it before either. Thank you for rescuing me. Again.” With that she opened the door and left. I sure hoped she didn’t get in trouble for sneaking out. If she did, it was about certain that I would. Still, the image of her standing naked beside my bed and bending over and the feel of her boobs on my side and her leg sliding up my cock… I quickly shoved my t-shirt into the bed to catch my come. Crap. I didn’t even touch myself.



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