
Mile High


“Missy” by Hank Shiffman, ID231864649 from Shutterstock.com


AFTER A QUIET NIGHT, just holding Adrienne as we slept, I was out at the airport by nine. Adrienne accompanied me to the gate and gave me a deep kiss before I was ushered down the jetway onto the plane.

“Oh, my! Welcome aboard, Mr. Hart,” Missy said when I entered. “I had no idea you’d be on my flight today.”

“The pleasure is mine, Missy.” I had no idea how stewardesses rotated on their flights and hadn’t checked the card she’d given me. I thought maybe Missy was always the first class stewardess between LA and Chicago.

The seats in first class were all facing the same direction on this flight and Missy showed me to my seat, 2B. She looked at a chart and told me no one was booked into 2A so I was welcome to move if I wanted. That was good. Too bad I wouldn’t have a cute girl sitting across from me. This time, however, I took my camera out of the case before Missy put it in the bin and took my hat. She was back a minute later with a champagne glass, but it was filled with orange juice.

“Our morning mimosa, sir. You’ll enjoy this.”

It was bubbly. She told me it was orange juice and champagne. Wow! Drinking at ten in the morning. Hollywood had corrupted me.

Once we were airborne and everyone had another round of drinks, Missy perched on the arm of the aisle seat to talk to me.

“Did you take any good pictures while you were in LA?” she asked, attempting to conceal a smirk.

“Oh, yes. Did you know they can develop and print photos overnight in LA? I’m used to doing my own black and white processing, but getting that kind of turnaround on color was great,” I said.

“Did you take pictures of anyone other than Fran Carter?” she asked.

“Yes. But you know, I did pass Fran’s resume on to the director of our show and he screen tested and cast her.”

“Really? I mean, not that I doubted that you’d try to help her, but I didn’t think it would come to anything. Can you get me a part in a movie if I screw you in the lavatory?”

“Missy! We didn’t screw in the lavatory!” I declared in a hushed voice. Then I added, “We screwed in the limo last night, though.”

“You didn’t do it up here?” she said. “Um… that means you aren’t a member of the Mile High Club.”

“What’s that?”

“That’s people who have had sex in an airplane. Maybe I’ll have to help you out.”

“Um… Maybe I could just take your picture.”

“I saw the kind of pictures you took of Fran. We might as well screw while we’re at it. The question is, Are your pictures any good?”

“Most people seem to think so. The envelope you stowed for me with my camera case has two of my most recent in it.”

“Can I see?”


She jumped up and opened the bin, carefully removing the envelope. She handed it to me. I opened it and pulled the 12x18 print of Adrienne out. Behind it was the print of Fran in the airplane. Missy sat down in the seat next to me and looked at each of the pictures.

“She’s stunning,” she said, pointing to Adrienne.

“Yes. She made the trip to LA a real pleasure. She’s my personal assistant. Went to every meeting with me and really helped a lot on the script,” I said.

“Nate, the truth is that I doubted you were a professional photographer or actually involved with a movie. When you didn’t call me, I figured you were hiding out and didn’t want the truth to be known. But you were with her, weren’t you?”

I just nodded.

“And you still had time to do Fran in the limo?”

“With Adrienne,” I sighed, remembering the excitement of fucking in the back of a limo.

“Okay. After lunch.”


“I only have four people up here in first on this trip. The real season starts in two weeks. All of a sudden Memorial Day comes and everyone wants to go on vacation. We’ll have full flights every day until Labor Day. So, after I serve lunch to my four passengers, I’ll pose for you to photograph. And stuff.”

She handed me the photos and got up to check on her other three passengers. There was an older woman in 1D and two business men sitting together in row three, hashing out plans for some huge financial deal, from the scraps of conversation I heard when one raised his voice. I spent a few minutes looking at the two photos I was taking home. The picture of Fran, looking ravished with her blouse open and a cigarette in hand as she looked out the window, was a great picture. It was definitely an Attic Allure photo, only in color. I guessed I’d need to open the Attic Allure tag for color images, too. Especially when I turned to the picture of Adrienne.

What a beautiful woman. I loved her in her own way. But I was glad she wasn’t a girlfriend living with us. Paying an adequate amount of attention to her could be exhausting. Knowing she was looking out for my interests in LA, though, was really a relief. She was a quiet and submissive slave when we were alone, but she could be a real bulldog with others. The respect actors paid her at the premiere spoke volumes.

I put the pictures back in their envelope and Missy put it with my camera case. I enjoyed the lunch of Chicken Provençal and roasted vegetables she served. She gave me a glass of white wine she called Pinot Gris. I think I liked the red wine better. I had coffee and was relaxing after the meal as Missy cleared everyone’s trays and served another round of drinks. I choked back a laugh when I heard the lady in the front row start to snore.

Missy looked over at the other passengers from the aisle and then motioned to me.

“Bring your camera,” she mouthed. I got up and followed her forward into the galley. She pulled curtains across behind us. “This is as private as it gets,” she whispered. “Do you think you can get a good picture of me here where I work?”

“I’m sure of it. You’re really quite beautiful and the uniform looks great on you.”

She had taken her jacket off to serve us and wore an apron. The last time she came through, though, she was back in the full uniform with the jacket and the little pillbox hat.

In the galley area, I was able to back up across the aisle to the door of the aircraft and take a full-length photo of her in the galley. She picked up different things to hold in her hand, but the best was a tray of drinks. I assumed these would be for when we finished the photos.

“This is really beautiful,” I said. “I loved the look without the jacket, too. Can we start by unbuttoning a few buttons?”

“Whatever you want, Nate,” she said as she licked her lips. She didn’t move to unbutton the jacket, so I stepped up to her and started undoing them. She just stood there and lifted her face to mine with her eyes closed. I kissed her. Just a little, but long enough that I got all the buttons undone. Then I stepped back.

The jacket was open down the middle and I could see the inside curve of her breasts. I knew she’d been wearing a blouse and a bra when she was serving us.

“You definitely made some improvements on the uniform,” I said as I raised the camera and fired off another shot. She shifted positions and the jacket opened almost all the way to her nipples. I took another shot.

Missy was about five-five, but wore a kind of platform heel that raised her up a good two inches. I would guess that really high heels or spikes would be hard to negotiate for three or four hours in a flight. She had short dark hair and deep brown eyes. She’d refreshed her makeup and lipstick, so the next time I kissed her, I tried not to smear it. I slid a hand under the lapel of her jacket until I’d moved it off her shoulder, then I dragged my hand down to cup a really nice boob. A little more than a handful, as they say. Any more is wasted.

“Coffee, tea, or me?” she whispered as our lips parted.

“I think I’ve had enough to drink,” I said. “Perhaps I could nibble a little.”

“Please do.”

I dipped my head to suck on a rosy nipple as the jacket fell off her other arm. I caught it and looked behind me for a place to put it. She pointed at a hook where I saw her blouse and bra hanging. I turned back with the camera raised and saw her lift the drink tray. Beautiful service with a smile. She rearranged the tray a little and then held it so her right boob was sitting on it.

“I repeat the offer,” she said.

“Yes. Definitely, you,” I said. She set the tray down and I put the camera beside it. The next kiss was unbridled lust. I fondled her breasts as we kissed and she had a hand on my cock as she worked on my zipper. The zipper on my new gray suit was really getting a workout. I reached behind Missy to caress her butt and in the process, found the zipper of her skirt. It fell to the floor and my hands found her bare butt.

“I got rid of the panty hose when I took off the bra and blouse,” she said.

Good! I lifted her by her butt cheeks and set her on the counter, then pushed her knees out and got my head right into her dark thatch. It didn’t take long to find her creamy center. I could reach up and play with her nips as I ate her out. She started to squeal and was suddenly muffled. I glanced up and saw she’d stuffed a dish towel in her mouth and was holding it there as she came on my tongue.

I let up after I’d thoroughly explored her insides with my fingers and she returned to kissing me. I backed away and she slid off the counter to focus on fishing my cock out of my pants. She had a condom at hand, right there on the counter. It was on my cock in a second. She turned toward the counter and bent forward.

We didn’t really need any verbal instructions at this point. I lined up with the pussy beneath that beautiful ass and shoved my cock in. She was tight and wet and hot. I started to saw in and out as I reached around her. One hand found her clit and the other hand found her boob. I started working on both of them as I bounced off her soft butt. She stuffed the dish towel back in her mouth, just in time. When her pussy started vibrating and clamping on my cock, I unleashed.

As we came down, I withdrew and she turned to kiss me some more. A bell rang and a light lit on the galley wall.

“I need to get back to work,” she said, grabbing her skirt and pulling it up. “Now you’re officially a member of the Mile High Club. I’m laying over in Chicago for the weekend. Can we get together again?”

“Why don’t you come to my studio tomorrow afternoon and I’ll take more pictures of you. You’ve shown me your galley. I’ll show you my darkroom,” I said.

“I’ll bring something for you to snack on again,” she whispered as she put her arms in the sleeves of her jacket. She opened a cubby and shoved her blouse, bra, and pantyhose in it, then started buttoning her jacket. She kissed me again. “You need to go back to your seat now. I’ll give you my Chicago number and you can tell me when and where to be tomorrow.”

I went back to my seat and put my camera away. Missy came through the cabin and helped everyone put away the things they had out during the flight. She smiled at me and got me my hat. She got the hats of the two businessmen and a light jacket for the woman. She gave instructions for landing and in fifteen minutes we were on the runway.

I wasn’t in a rush to get off the plane. The two businessmen crowded in front of the woman in 1D to be the first ones off the plane. She looked at me to see if I was going to shove past her, too, but I just stayed seated and she sniffed and left the airplane. By that time, the entire back of the plane was in the aisle and I just stayed there waiting until they’d all filed past. Then I stood to get my camera case and photo envelope.

Missy came to me and I pulled her into a deep kiss. Then I handed her my card with 1:00 Saturday written on it. She smiled.

“I’ll be there with bells on. And nothing else.”

I patted her butt and left the plane.


“Wow! Who is the sharp clothes horse?” Anna asked at the gate when I came in from the jetway.

“This is nice!” Ronda agreed, feeling the flannel of my suit.

“Unca Nate!” Toni said. I caught the little girl in my arms as I bent to kiss her mother. Anna and Ronda got kisses, too.

“Adrienne said my suit looked like it came from Goodwill. Which it did. And she said I’d need a tux for the premiere, so I got one of those, too. And went to the premiere of the Beatles’ Let It Be. Lots of adventures.”

“By the smell of your face, I’d guess there were some recent adventures,” Ronda said as she licked my lips.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw the flight crew leaving and Missy look my direction.


I got home and had a nice evening with my girlfriends and my little girl. It included a lot of dancing, and not just with Toni. Dancing had become a form of celebration in our house and we all did it. So far, none of our neighbors had complained, so I guess we were being reasonably quiet.

“You should have pointed her out to us in the airport!” Ronda said when I’d told about my encounter with Missy and membership in the Mile High Club.

“I was busy kissing you and cuddling Toni,” I laughed. “She definitely saw us, though. I wonder if she’ll still dare to come to the studio tomorrow.”

“Maybe I should join you as your assistant,” Ronda suggested.

“I’m sure she’d turn around and run,” I said. “If that’s what you want, though, we could have some fun with it.”

“We’re not mean,” Patricia said. “We don’t want to scare her away. We want to see the pictures.”

“I’ll definitely shoot one roll of black and white so I can process a print right away. I’ll need to take some color photos, too, though. I can’t believe I could just hand a roll of film to the doorman late at night and he handed me back a box of slides the next morning. And the print was ready in a few hours. Now I have all kinds of questions for my professors and there’s no school.”

I laid the photos of Adrienne and Fran on the table and my girlfriends looked at them carefully, pointing out different features, not of the photos, but of the girls.

“You really hadn’t just drilled her senseless before this photo?” Anna asked, pointing at Fran. “She looks like she’s just recovering from a monster orgasm and possibly a butt fuck.”

“No. She’s just a very good actress. I think seeing this photo, and having seen Fran in the seat on the way out, was what inspired Missy to such wild behavior on the plane to Chicago. She saw us just after we’d taken that picture and suggested we use the lavatory to pull ourselves together. I wasn’t expecting Fran to pull me in with her.”

“But if you did Fran in the lav, then you were already a member of the Mile High Club.”

“Apparently, it only counts if you have intercourse. Blowjobs don’t count. And I’m sorry to say that Fran didn’t get off during that encounter. She just said I could owe her one.”

“Which you paid back in the limo,” Ronda said. “I wish it had been me you and Adrienne were paying attention to.”

“She’ll come to Stratford for a while this summer,” I said. “It’s always possible that I’ll need to go back to LA once they start filming. If so, I’ll take you with me.”

“Hmm. I’d go,” Anna suggested, “but I think I’d scare Adrienne too much for you to have fun.”

“You do scare her,” I said, “but I think she is more in love with you than any of the rest of us.”

“Well, it’s time for you to take these three horny girls to bed,” Patricia said. “We need to make sure your performance is up to par before we send you to satisfy the lustful needs of your stewardess.”

At that, we headed for bed and I did my best to satisfy my girlfriends’ lustful needs. If satisfying Missy proved impossible, I wasn’t sorry about it.


Missy arrived promptly at one o’clock. She entered the studio cautiously and looked around.

“You have a studio in a storeroom?” she asked.

“We call it our props closet. Come over and look at the gallery and I’ll point out how we use them.”

She approached the gallery wall and gradually moved closer as I pointed out how we’d found this or that prop in the props closet and which costumes came from our costume rack. She started to breathe easier and inched closer to me. Finally, she turned to me and kissed me.

“I don’t know what I’m so worried about,” she said. “I came here hoping to have sex with you… again. Your props closet shouldn’t have spooked me.”

“It’s understandable. A very common first reaction to seeing all the junk we have back here. My assistants actually stay on top of what’s here and collect more stuff. They recycle things that have already been used enough. It happens that they set up a new scene on the stage area that I really like. I’ll have to ask them where they got things when I come in on Tuesday.”

“Um… At the airport… I knew you were involved because I saw you kiss your entourage when I took you to the plane on Monday. But… You have a baby?”

“My goddaughter, but every bit as important to me as if she were my own. Her father was my best friend,” I said.


“Killed in Vietnam. Since then, well, his wife and I got together and my other girlfriends just took her in. She was one of my first models when I started Attic Allure.”

“Other girlfriends… The others at the airport?”

“And one who is currently working in Las Vegas. She’s a comedienne doing an entr’acte in a show down there.”

“And they know and don’t mind that you’re fooling around with me?”

“They wanted to come and play, too, but we decided that might overwhelm you. So, you’re stuck with just me.”

“I hope to get stuck by you. You probably don’t believe this, but I don’t do this all the time—I mean initiate guys into the Mile High Club or meet them on my weekend. I know I come off as being really loose and like I must sleep with guys indiscriminately. I don’t. But… Maybe more than ground girls.”

“Missy, I don’t condemn anyone for their lifestyle if it isn’t hurting others. My mother always says, she was called to minister, not to judge. My job’s a little different than hers, but I still wasn’t appointed judge over others. God knows, I can’t hold up my lifestyle as an example of holy living.”

“It’s always different for men,” she sighed. “Men can do whatever they want and they’re studs. If women do that, they’re sluts. I’ve been in the air for four years and sometimes, I just want to have a connection with a nice guy I can let loose with.”

“I hope I’m nice enough for you,” I said.

I led her to the set. The girls had located a living room backdrop and a big overstuffed loveseat.

“Let’s get a couple of pictures with you just sitting and relaxing. We’ll invent a scene as we go. First come over here behind the privacy screen for a minute. I’d like to adjust your makeup a little.”

“You just change a girl’s makeup for her?”

“When you look in a mirror, you can see how beautiful your face is and highlight features you want people to notice, or hide features you want them to ignore. But the mirror isn’t a camera lens. The camera sees you differently. I can adjust your makeup so the camera highlights those features you want noticed and hides the features you want ignored.”

“Uh… Okay. Somehow that seems more intimate than if we just laid down on the couch and screwed.”

“Missy, my dear, I am going to be far more intimate with you than any man before. But I’ll be no more intimate than you want me to be.”

I got her makeup adjusted just a little and then we started making photos. I shot with both the Hasselblad in black and white, and with the Nikon in color.

Before long, Missy got some of the things she was really looking forward to. We’d stopped taking pictures on the airplane before she was completely naked. We didn’t stop there this time. I got her fully naked, amidst many caresses and kisses. I positioned her on and around the loveseat, then got her positioned where I thought I’d get a great photo. I had to position differently for the Hasselblad and the Nikon, but I had her sprawled on her back with her butt on the back of the seat and her head on the arm. In this position, gravity did wonderful things for the slight sag in her boobs. They rounded nicely and she looked wanton.

“You know, in this position, you could just walk up to my face and stick your cock right down my throat,” she giggled. I took a picture and moved around behind the loveseat.

“That’s true,” I said. “But I’m too weak to do that. I haven’t had my snack yet.”

With that, I got my face between her legs and started licking her upturned pussy. She squealed and nearly rose off the sofa.

“Oh, God! I don’t have anything to put in my mouth. I’ll make too much noise!” she said.

“You like to make noise when you get excited, don’t you?” I asked as I continued to lick. I inserted a finger to probe for the top of her vagina.

“Yes! Yes! It excites me so much. But I always try to muffle myself because it’s embarrassing.”

“I’m not embarrassed by it,” I said, pressing my thumb against her asshole as I continued to lick. “Why should you be?”

“Oh! I’m… going… Ohh!”

Her cry echoed in the props closet and might actually have been heard downstairs in the store. Oh well. I pulled her up to sit on the back of the sofa facing me. She’d been lying with her head down for quite a while as I photographed and then finger-fucked her. The change in orientation caused her to black out a moment while I held her. Then she came back and began kissing me frantically.

“Now?” she asked. “Are we going to have sex now?”

“I never fuck in the studio,” I said. “But I need to get this roll of film in the darkroom to process. There are all kinds of possibilities there.”

“Then let’s go to the darkroom. I want to be filled by your cock again.”

We did. As it happened, I managed to get a pretty good print from one of the Hasselblad negatives. I’d need to wait to see how the slide turned out. And I made sure there was no part of Missy’s body that went untouched. When we’d had sex in the darkroom where Missy’s screeches of orgasm wouldn’t be heard, we moved to the privacy screen where the fainting couch was. I held her in my arms as we napped.

Then she sucked my cock until I was hard and rolled another condom on to mount me.

“In this position, you’ll just have to seal my mouth to yours to keep me from being too loud,” she said. She went to work on milking another come—granted a weak one—out of my cock as she moaned out her orgasm in my mouth in response to me pinching her nipples.

“Is it always like this?” she asked as she continued kissing me.

“It’s never the same,” I said. “We meet each other where we are at this moment and then we move to a new place. It’s always different.”

“If we’re ever on the same plane again, I’ll try to find a way to serve you best. Coffee, tea, or me. And I’ll hope you ask for me.”

“One never knows where we’ll be next.”

I packaged up the photo for her as she got herself dressed. Then I kissed her again and she left.

I hung the picture of Fran and the new one of Missy in the gallery. The girls had insisted that we keep the new picture of Adrienne in our apartment. I was happy with that.


It seemed strange to have no schedule for the next two weeks. Ronda had sporadic classes at UChicago as they had not uniformly cancelled everything. Anna had finals at Rockford as the school and students had done nothing more than fly the flag at half-mast for a week to honor the students of Kent State. That was about the minimum a school did in our area.

Patricia was still going to work each day, and Toni went to her ‘school.’ I had a few clients who came in, but downtown Chicago was pretty quiet. And, of course, Beth still had a month of performances in Las Vegas.

We packed up the family and went to Tenbrook for Memorial Day, which was on Saturday this year. Unlike other visits, we stayed together on this one. We went down to visit my family and have a nice lunch on Friday, then we went to Ronda’s home for dinner. Her parents were getting ready to pull out for their annual camping trip the next morning. Dr. May said they were headed to the Ozarks this year. Danny, now a big football star at Tenbrook High, rolled his eyes over the whole idea of going camping and having to leave his girlfriend—surprisingly, not Julie Evans.

I didn’t get to the bottom of that story. When we were at my parents’ house in Sage, Kat had been rather quiet about her friends. We’d seen a lot of artwork, and she was talking about possibly attending an art summer camp. She’d finished her freshman year in high school and made a comment about at least having her own model. None of the pictures she showed us were of Brian, but there were several of Julie. Hmm.

We stayed the night at the hotel and were out on the street Saturday morning to march to the cemetery. Patricia and Toni followed Billy and went to kneel at Tony’s grave as Patricia told her daughter about her father and what a wonderful man he was.

“Like Uncle Nate?” she asked. Her diction at nearly two years old was improving steadily.

“Yes, honey.”

“Better than Uncle Nate,” I put in. “Your daddy was my best friend and I see him in you every day.”

Toni hugged us—as in all four of us—and we walked back to town. We headed to Patricia’s house for the rest of the afternoon, where Tony’s parents joined us for a backyard cookout. Of course, both sets of grandparents were ecstatic to have Toni with them and complained that we were too far away in Chicago. Patricia agreed that she and Toni would stay for the week, but she’d be joining the rest of our family on our trip to Canada as soon as Ronda was out of school. Toni stayed with Tor and Ellie that night and the four of us had a very loving night together in the hotel.

Anna decided there was no reason she couldn’t stay in town for the week, too, so after dinner with her parents on Sunday, it was only Ronda and me who headed back to Chicago. The apartment was so big and empty without our lovers and little girl in it.


My study group got together again on Tuesday, just to wish everyone a great summer. Cassie, Leanne, and Theresa had been in the studio for the past week, straightening and organizing, and we were about ready to close up shop for the summer. Theresa told me she’d try to drop in when she was in town next fall, but she’d been accepted at the University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana and wouldn’t be in town. I figured that meant I would need another assistant in the fall and Cassie promised to keep an eye out.

The big discussion during our get together, though, was who was coming to Stratford.

“I wish I could come up to visit,” Carrie said, “but I’ve accepted an internship with Leva Harmon. She’s thinking about another run for council this fall and we’re gearing up for it.”

“That’s great!” Devon said. I was never sure to address him/her as Devon or Dora anymore. She was wearing women’s clothes and makeup most of the time now, and even if it wasn’t the full costume makeup she wore onstage, she looked great. It was hard for me not to try to catch glimpses of her boobs when she shifted around. The hormones were working wonders for her.

“How about you?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m doing a tour of my own,” Devon said. “I’ll be performing in Minneapolis, Seattle, and San Francisco this summer. Who knows from there? So, you’ll just have to look at my tits today and kiss them goodbye for the summer.”

She opened her blouse to show the beautiful little breasts and their hard nipples. Leanne moved first.

“I’ll take that offer. These are just yummy,” she said as she bent to kiss and lick her nipple.

“Oh, hell, yes,” Leslie said as she scooted over to pay attention to Dora’s nips.

“Why not?” Carrie said, moving in to take her turn.

“Why not, indeed,” I asked. I lifted one of her breasts to my lips and kissed it. Dora clamped my head to her breast for a moment while I gave it a little suck.

“That will make it hard to stay tucked in my cup,” she said. “Oh God, Nate. You do know they’re the same nipples I had when we were rooming together, don’t you?”

“Yeah. But as long as I don’t have to think about what’s down lower, your boobs are a turn-on,” I laughed. “Years ago, Patricia told me that even though I like all people, I have a decided preference for those with boobs.”

She waved them around again and then closed her blouse.

“I have to figure out housing when I come up to visit,” Leanne said. “I’m not earning huge amounts right now, so it needs to be cheap.”

“Not to worry,” I said. “As long as we can schedule people, we have room. We have a four-bedroom apartment over the studio and store. Toni will be two years old, and we’re fixing one room up for her to have her own space. We’re cramming two full beds into the main bedroom and shoving them together. I hope no one falls through between the mattresses, but we’ve decided we need more room for four or five of us than just the one bed. That means bedroom number three is reserved as a guest room and we haven’t decided what to do with number four.”

“That’s great. Min and I can share a room. I don’t mind,” Leanne said.

“Min’s coming, too?” I asked.

“Yeah. If that that’s okay. I really want us to do a couple of makeup pieces and I don’t know if we’d find a model up there. I have the costume pieces almost finished that go with the makeup and you will die when you see this. You’ll be able to shoot color up there, won’t you?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem. I haven’t found a local lab for it, but as soon as I figure out where to get the slides processed, I’ll have the ability to do Cibachrome prints in my darkroom,” I said. “And it will be nice to have Min with us for a bit.”

“She is really looking forward to having you help paint and pose her,” Leanne said. “So, if you need more room in the master bedroom, no one will complain if you need to sleep in the guest room with us. You know?”

That is a real temptation,” I said.

“The offer goes for when I’m visiting, too,” Leslie said. “I almost wish I could be there at the same time as Leanne and Min so I could take some pictures of them. I mean, of Min.”

“When can we come?” Leanne asked.

“Well, we’re heading up in a week. Ronda is still in finals this week and we need to go to Tenbrook to pick up Patricia, Toni, and Anna. Give us at least a week to get settled,” I said.

Leanne and Leslie were looking at my appointment calendar, and figuring out the dates.

“So, if we came up the weekend of the twentieth, would that work?” Leanne asked. I pulled the calendar over to me and wrote in the dates. I was taking this calendar with me tonight.

“Should I pencil you in yet, Leslie?”

“Oh, write my name in ink in capital letters. I’ll be there the next weekend. If I get there before Leanne and Min leave, I don’t mind sleeping with them.”

“I should be jealous,” Leanne said, “but somehow, I’m kind of excited about that.”

“I don’t know how excited to be, but I’ve already decided that if someone else slips into bed with me while I’m visiting, I won’t complain if they’re male or female,” Leslie said. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since Nate threatened me with it during our last photo session.”

“I didn’t mean to make it sound threatening,” I laughed.

“Don’t worry about that. The more I think about it, the more it sounds less threatening and more promising.”

“Who else are you entertaining this summer?” Carrie asked.

“It seems we’re going to be quite the summer destination,” I said. “I know my costumer friend Judy wants to come up for a while. Of course, Beth will be finished in Las Vegas at the end of the month, but she’ll be in the master bedroom. I hope. We need to readjust to each other. Then Adrienne will be up for a couple of weeks. I don’t know how we’ll arrange with her. She likes to have a separate space so she isn’t actually living with us. That isn’t proper in her book.”

“Adrienne? That incredibly gorgeous model who was in for an all-nighter last fall?” Leanne asked. “You still see her?”

“She was in for a few days over New Year’s, too,” I said. “The whole family got a chance to meet and approve her. I was with her a few weeks ago in Los Angeles when I was called out to consult on the movie. I’m hoping to go out again before the summer is over.”

“Have we seen a picture of her?” Carrie asked.

“Her pictures have a limited release on them. I have them all displayed at home. I have some slides, though, that I took on the trip to LA. I can show you those.” I went to the file cabinet and got out the slides to view on the light table.

“Holy shit!” Leslie breathed. “She’s gorgeous! Who’s the other babe with the cigarette?”

“Just a girl I met on the airplane on the way out,” I said. “The Cibachrome is in the gallery over there.”

“Wait!” Dora said. “You met a girl on the airplane and she undressed for you so you could take her picture, right there on the plane? You’re a dog!”

“Don’t be upset dear. Her boobs are fake and yours feel much better,” I laughed.

“Wait!” Carrie said as she sorted through the next batch. “This is… That new picture you have in the color section. It looks like your stewardess!”

“Yeah. She liked what she saw when I took Fran’s picture, so she did some poses for me on the plane…”

“Naked?!” Carrie said as she sorted through the slides.

“There was a curtain closed between us and the rest of the plane. The slides were taken in the galley. She came in here the next day and we spent a few hours getting that photo.”

“Have you ever stopped to wonder what makes girls all just want to take their clothes off for you?” Leslie asked. “Including me. And Leanne and Carrie and Dora.”

“I wonder all the time,” I said. “I’m just enjoying it while I can and trying not to abuse anyone.”


I had one more photo session that week. Thursday morning about eleven Sandra arrived at the studio. I greeted her with a hug and held her out at arm’s length to look her over.

“Wow! I think there is just something that happens to a girl when she becomes a senior,” I said. “That whole aura of maturity that comes over her. You look great!”

“Thank you, Nate.” She hugged me and lifted her lips to me to kiss, which I gladly did. “I want you to capture that difference on film, you know. Think it will show?” She spun around and then went to my gallery. “You have color pictures!” she said. “It’s too bad we didn’t have color for everything we’ve done.”

“It’s still experimental, and not appropriate for your pictures. There are new Polaroids that do pretty good color pictures, but with Kodachrome and Ektachrome, I have to send it out to be processed and then I make the print from the slide. That picture was printed by professionals in Los Angeles. This one was done here in Chicago, also by professionals, but I think I can see the difference in the quality. This summer, I’ll be working on refining how to print the images myself and hope I can master the process before I go broke trying.”

“Oh. Well, we’d better stick with black and white then. Were you part of the anti-war protests a few weeks ago?”

“Yes. It was a real disaster. It hurts when people who are trying to bring peace are victims of violence or create violence themselves,” I said. “Our classes were cancelled for the last two weeks because both the students and administration walked out. We all got passes for our classes with no grade point.”

“When we heard the news that Monday night, you know, about Kent State, we started calling people. Over half the students in the high school wore black armbands to class on Tuesday. At noon, we walked out and lowered the flag to half-mast. You know Mr. Reichman. He came out to give us a stern talking to and tried to tell us we had to take off our armbands. Jeff Roberts, probably our class valedictorian, informed our principal that the Supreme Court had ruled over a year ago that students’ right to expression did not end when they came on school grounds and specifically reversed the ruling that students could be suspended for wearing a black armband.”

“I trust he backed off. I found Mr. Reichman to be surprisingly sympathetic when the facts were known.”

“Oh yeah. Wednesday the flag was flown at half-mast as soon as it was raised and almost all the students in school wore armbands. So did most of the teachers and administration, including Mr. Reichman.”

“That’s encouraging,” I said.

“You can start undressing me now, Nate,” Sandra said.

Right. The last few times we’d met, she’d specifically asked me to undress her, because she liked the way it felt. I liked the way she felt, too.

“Let’s go behind the privacy screen,” I said. I took her hand and led her behind the screen, where I carefully removed each item of her clothing and hung it on the rack. I’d already moved the fainting couch out on the stage and draped it. We’d move it into position as soon we were ready for it.

“You know, when you undress me and pose me, you can touch me any way you want,” she whispered, kissing my cheek. “You’re the only boy I let do that. I kind of look forward to it when we do pictures.”

Our last picture session had been in Tenbrook, just before Anna and I de-sanctified the studio. I’d had to just process the negatives and give them to her without printing them because I didn’t have an enlarger in Tenbrook any longer. She’d made the same invitation then and I kissed her thoroughly as I petted her breasts and pussy.

I did the same this time. I ran my hands over her as if I would be able to tell any changes in her by feel. Her breasts weren’t as big as her sister’s, but they were definitely bigger than the fourteen-year-old who’d first invited me to touch them. We finally got to the stage, where I had the white backdrop pulled and the Hasselblad set up. She looked over the setup and took her position exactly as she always did. I adjusted the light a little and took the pictures. There were three poses, and I took two shots of each. Then we moved the couch into the center and she lay down on it. I adjusted the lights to show her pussy and moved the camera so I could get about two feet from her opening without casting a shadow.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“I’m so ready,” she breathed. “Please open me, Nate. You know that’s what I really want. I want to feel your fingers parting the folds of my labia so you can see every detail of my vulva. I shaved fresh this morning so I’d be nice and smooth for you.”

“You are beautifully smooth,” I agreed. “So soft and a little slippery.”

“You know by the time you’re done I’ll be a lot slipperier. Wouldn’t you like to slip right up in there? With more than your finger?”

She held her lower lips apart and I took the pictures. I moved the camera out of the way and sat beside her. She let her legs relax and held out her arms for me to hold her.

“I keep telling myself that the next time, I’ll just do it all myself and I won’t beg you to make love to me. And then I see you and I just melt. All I want is to feel your hands on me. Your lips. I want to come in your arms and make love to you. When I’m eighteen? Will you then?” she asked.

“I would feel like I betrayed your trust,” I said. “You came to me believing I was safe and wouldn’t harm you. I do my best to keep that promise.”

“Would you like any other photos of me? I’ll pose any way you want me to. Then we can go into the darkroom and make pictures.”

“Yes. Let’s do a couple of cute poses since we have frames left on the roll.”

I set up a couple of sweet poses and took her picture. Then we went into the darkroom and processed the film.

“Show me how to do each step,” she said. “It will keep me from trying to undress you.”

I didn’t think it would keep my hands off her. We looked at the negatives and set up the four that we’d print on one sheet for her album. I showed her how to make a contact proof of the other four on the roll. Then we printed the frames of her four prints on a single sheet.

As soon as the print was off the enlarger and in the developer, Sandra was in my arms. She pulled my shirt off so we could mash our bare chests together. We kissed passionately and I petted her. When the print went into the stop bath, she sat on the chair and I knelt on the floor between her knees to lick her to orgasm. With my fingers in her vagina and rubbing her sensitive spot, she came a second time before I moved the print to the fixer.

Then our positions were switched and she was between my legs with my cock in her hands and in her mouth. It didn’t take me as long to come as it took the photo in the fixative. I held her in my arms with my cock trapped between us as I kissed her and petted her.

I rinsed the photo and put it on the drying plate, then turned on the lights and we left the darkroom. Sandra went behind the privacy screen to dress as I used the blow dryer on the prints. We both used the time to catch our breath. When she rejoined me, she was fully dressed and had applied makeup, something she didn’t wear during her photo session.

“You look even more beautiful,” I said.

“Well, I’m going to meet my friends and go shopping now,” she said. “I couldn’t come into Chicago all by myself, you know. None of them know where I’ve been. I just told them I’d meet them at Carson Pirie Scott at 2:00 for lunch in the tearoom. I told them I had a doctor’s appointment. I don’t know what kind of a doctor they think I’m seeing that will take three hours.”

“Well, here are your prints and negatives. Put them someplace safe if you are meeting friends.”

“I guard these with my life.”


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