
The Plot


“Adrienne” by Egor Mayer, ID1080299147 from Shutterstock.com


ADRIENNE WAS A SIGHT to behold. And her apartment was as beautiful as she was. It was a penthouse, being on the third floor at the top of her building. It looked out over the street and was not nearly as grandiose a building as I expected. But the apartment, when I was able to look at it, was incredible.

It took a few minutes to focus on the apartment because when Adrienne opened the door, she swept me into her arms and into a kiss that drove all thoughts from my mind except the sexy girl in my arms. My bags scarcely got in through the door before it closed behind me. Adrienne seemed shorter than I remembered her, then I realized she was barefoot. She was wearing a simple negligee that I could see right through. And what I saw was simply delicious. She had shoes sitting by the door, so I quickly kicked mine off. She left my bags in the hall and led me further into the apartment.

“I hope you like it!” she said. “It’s really perfect for me. I’m well-provided for, and this is an expensive property, but it is as much as I could possibly need. I am active in the community and often hold small parties, never more than a dozen people. My dining room is small, but I can entertain a couple for dinner. If you would like to meet at dinner with one or two of your associates, I could have a meal on the table—or if I’m with you and cannot cook, there is a caterer just a few blocks from here that I can call on at a moment’s notice. Oh, please tell me you like it, Nate.”

“Adrienne, sweetheart! Your apartment is as lovely as you are! It is so much better than staying in a stuffy hotel. You know, I can bill the company for my lodging this week. They’ll pay you for putting up with me,” I laughed.

“As if anyone would need to pay me to put up with you. Oh, Nate, I am so glad you’ve come to visit me,” she said, kissing me again. “Oh! I started a bath running for you when Samuel called to say you were on your way up. I need to turn off the water before it overflows!”

She ran past the kitchen and down a narrow hall to what I assumed must be the bedroom and bath. In a moment, she was back and pulling me along with her down the hall.

“Come, my lover, my master dear. Let your Fifi take your clothes and get you into a nice relaxing bath after your long airplane ride.” She began removing my clothes, which I gladly let her do. “Was the trip exhausting? Did you have food? I have dinner cooking. It will be ready when you finish with your bath. Or I can turn it off and join you in the tub if that is your preference.”

“You overwhelm me, my Fifi. I am content to rest in your arms wherever you are happy. I do appreciate the bath as I feel a little sticky from the flight. I’ll tell you all about it over dinner. It was an experience I did not expect. Perhaps a quick bath is better than a long and involved one. I think that when I have you naked in my arms, I will want you to stay there the rest of the evening.”

“Is the water okay?”

I put a foot in and found it was perfect, and absolutely filled with bubbles. I should put bubble bath on a shopping list to share with my girlfriends.

“It’s perfect.”

“I’ll go prepare the appetizer while you bathe. I have such a wonderful dinner prepared for you!”

I breathed a deep sigh when I was submerged in the bubbles. It was really nice. This had been a stimulating day. I’d held each of my lovers through the night and most of the morning, then boarded a first class jet airplane across the country. I found a seatmate who was far more of a mate than I expected. I was eager to get the slides I’d taken of her developed, but I hadn’t even finished the roll of film yet. I’d gotten distracted feeling her up and getting a blowjob in the lavatory.

Then there was Missy, the flight attendant. She’d given me a note that included her phone number and flight schedule so I’d know when she was in town. And she’d made sure I knew her breasts were all natural.

Then the relaxing limousine ride with Chrystal from the airport. She’d outlined my schedule for the next three days, including meals with the producer and director. She wanted to be sure I expected my associate to attend meetings and meals with me, and I’d assured her that she would be an asset.

Then being basically swept off my feet by Adrienne, stripped, and deposited in a relaxing bath. I was nearly ready to fall asleep. It was close to ten o’clock in Chicago. I needed to call home and tell my family I’d arrived.

Adrienne interrupted my reverie just as I was about to fade off to sleep in the tub. She opened the drain and then had me stand so she could rinse the bubbles off me. She did a quick taste test on my cock to make sure it was well-rinsed, then wrapped me in a towel that was easily twice the size of any I owned. When I was dry, she handed me a nice satiny bathrobe that fit perfectly. I wondered how often Adrienne entertained men in her little apartment.

I quickly called home and my girlfriends all wanted to say hello to Adrienne. We shared the receiver between us so we could both hear and respond.

“Adrienne, it’s Anna,” my girlfriend said. I felt Adrienne come to attention next to me.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Nate has the appearance of being far more sophisticated and worldly than he is. He may be far advanced in his relationships with us and with you, but in many ways, he is naïve, especially in matters like the movie business. You are the only one we can depend on to help him and protect him from others who might become predators. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress. I will do my best to protect my master and keep him from the predators in the movie studio. I understand.”

“Good. Then we understand each other.”

I told my girlfriends I loved them and hung up. Adrienne shivered and I wrapped her in my arms.

“Are you okay, Fifi?” I asked gently.

“Yes, master. Um… Nate. I’m sorry to have been momentarily distracted. Mistress Anna… I think I might be in love with her. As a good slave for her mistress. But she scares me just a little.”

“She will never hurt you if you are acting in good faith,” I said. I knew Anna had threatened Adrienne with bodily harm if she hurt anyone in our family. I soothed my pet and kissed her head.

“Yes. I am sure of that,” Adrienne said. “Sit here, my lover. I have prepared an appetizer of broiled stuffed oysters.”

Oysters? I’d never eaten one. I’d heard they were pretty slimy, but when Adrienne popped one in my mouth it basically melted there. She called them ‘stuffed’ oysters, but as far as I could tell, they were stuffed with garlic butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs before being broiled. And they were delicious. Dad would love them! I’d put that on my list.

“You know, they say oysters are a kind of aphrodisiac for men. They make a man hard. Here, have another,” she said as she fed me.

My personal opinion was that the nearly naked beauty across from me was all I needed to be hard. Now that all the preliminaries were out of the way, I felt fully free to simply appreciate my pet and look at her. She smiled and fed me another oyster.

She cleared away the oyster shells and set a small plate with meatloaf on it in front of me.

“A terrine de foie gras is time-consuming to make and makes enough to feed an entire dinner party,” Adrienne explained. “But my butcher makes one or two up each month and I purchased enough to have with you, my love.”

I had no idea what foie gras was, but it wasn’t like any meatloaf I’d ever had. It was more like that sandwich spread Dad liked in his lunch called Braunschweiger. Wouldn’t call it my favorite thing, but it was an interesting experience.

“The entrée needs to be cooked just before it is served,” she explained. “It only takes a few minutes, so please let me pour you a glass of wine. This is a Napa Valley Pinot Noir and, I’m sad to say, rivals any of the wines produced in France.”

She poured my glass of wine and I silently checked my body to make sure I wasn’t over indulging. I’d had two glasses of champagne and a glass of wine on the airplane, but that was all several hours ago. I sipped from the glass of heaven and was glad they hadn’t offered such a fine selection on the airplane. I’d never have gotten off.

I could hear the pan sizzling on the stove and smell the delightful aroma of steak searing. In all it took about ten minutes before Adrienne brought two perfectly beautiful plates of meat to the table. They were accompanied by glazed whole carrots, and a baked casserole I thought contained potatoes. The meat had been sliced about a quarter-inch thick and had some kind of sauce striped over it. I couldn’t have asked for a better looking or smelling meal in the finest restaurant.

The carrots looked like they’d just been brought in from the garden. They still had a couple of inches of the green top on them. They sparkled with the glaze. The casserole had a crispy brown crust on top.

“Please, tell me about what I’m eating,” I said. “I’ve never seen anything quite like this.”

“First, we have the filet mignon, cooked medium rare, and striped with Bordelaise,” she said. I took a bite of the melt-in-your-mouth tender meat. “It is accompanied by pan glazed carrots and potato celeriac gratin. Celeriac is celery root, peeled, boiled, and sliced to be interspersed with layers of sliced potatoes. The layers are interspersed with tomato sauce and the whole is topped with grated cheese and placed under the broiler.”

“This is an incredible feast,” I said. “Every flavor is so intense. How did you ever learn to cook all this?”

Adrienne laughed a little and blushed.

“Your praise is making my panties wet,” she said. “Oops! I’m not wearing panties!”

“Your talk is making my cock hard. And I’m not wearing panties either. I’m not going to let all your hard work go to waste, though. This tastes far too good to set it aside.”

“I am a spoiled little rich girl,” she said. “My sponsor has made sure that I have all I could possibly want in life, though until I met you, a few of my more carnal needs were going unfulfilled. He told me that idle hands were a hazard to all and I should find something that I could do and become passionate about. I chose to learn to cook. I read, as you know. And I do some writing as well. Not that you would recognize. I’m not famous. But I read a description of a seduction dinner by Celeste Mogador Countess de Chabrillon. She was a prostitute turned author and theatre empresario whose novels of courtesans and memoirs created an incredible scandal in France. She came some later than the Marquis de Sade, publishing the memoirs in the 1850s.”

“This dinner description must have been an incredible inspiration to you. I think you have succeeded in your seduction, my Fifi.”

“We have still the crème brûlée, sir,” she responded.

She cleared the dishes from the table, insisting that I stay seated while she served me. I could see into the kitchen and thoroughly enjoyed watching her body moving beneath the thin negligee. She was lovely. She put a kind of double decker coffee pot on the stove. Then she lit a blowtorch! I watched as she seared the tops of two individual casseroles. She poured two demitasses of coffee from the interesting pot, then brought it all to the table. I tasted yet another slice of heaven.

When we’d finished, she took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

“What about the dishes?” I asked.

“Marie will take care of them tomorrow. The best part of cooking is that I never have to clean up the mess!”

“You’ve given me an incredible treat, Adrienne. I want to give you a treat as well.”

She pushed my robe off my shoulders and it fell to the floor. I slid my hands under her negligee so I could caress her bare breasts at last.

“How may I serve you, master?” she asked.

“That meal has left me with just one more appetite,” I said.

“Really?” She sounded alarmed. “I will fix you whatever you’d like, sir!”

“The only thing that could possibly top that meal would be to eat you,” I said, pushing her onto the bed.

I didn’t give her more than an opportunity to squeak before I fell on top of her. I kissed her deeply, savoring the combined coffee and brûlée on our tongues. Then I lifted her gown and began kissing my way down her body, worshiping her breasts, and loving her navel. I pushed her legs apart and dipped my head between them, kissing her labia and then licking them apart. She was as sweet as I remembered. I could indeed feast on this dessert all night long.

“What shall I do, master?” she panted. “You make me feel so wonderful. How can I please you?”

“My sweet Adrienne, you are pleasing me with your body at this very moment. I am feasting on heaven’s sweetest treat. It would please me most if you relaxed and enjoyed this gift that your master has seen fit to bestow on you.”

“Oh, my master. How your Fifi loves you!”

With that, I pushed her legs back so I could fully get to her from her anus to her clit and back again. I probed her vagina with my tongue and then with my fingers. I rimmed her asshole and then pressed a thumb against it as she began crying out her orgasms, one after another. I just kept her going as long as I could until she screeched and stiffened under me, then went limp.

I crawled up next to her and held her in my arms as she slowly regained consciousness.

“Oh, my master. My kind and gentle master. Fifi does not deserve such kindness.”

“You deserve what I say you deserve,” I said. I’d replayed a lot of my previous conversations in my head. My time with Sylvia and with Cheryl. I knew a little more about what to say and do.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Now, are you too tired to go on? I would love to make love to you.”

“Please! Use me to fulfill all your desires.”

“My desires are few after such a satisfying meal. Open to me and let me in.”

Of course, it wasn’t quite as simple as that. Fifi grabbed a condom from her nightstand and got it on me, then she lay back and opened herself fully. I tried to take it easy getting into her, but I just slid in deeply all at once. She sighed, and I guess I did, too. After all the teasing on the airplane and looking at Adrienne all through dinner and then eating her to orgasms, I was so ready to have my cock sucked in by her pussy.

I kissed her as I began sliding in and out, moving from her lips to her nose to her chin to her eyes and back to her mouth for deep kisses. She rose to meet me as I thrust into her and I could once again feel the churning in my balls that heralded a massive climax.

“My Fifi, my Fifi,” I whispered. “I might need to make regular trips to Los Angeles, just to feel this wonderful feeling of being in you.”

“Come to me at any time. Or call me and I will be on the next airplane to you. May your pet come to visit you this summer?”

“Oh yes. But you will have to come and visit me in Canada. We’re headed up there in four weeks. Did you know I own a home and business in Stratford, Ontario?”

“How exciting. I can speak French up there!”

“I guess so. I haven’t heard much of it. But all the signs are in two languages.”

Adrienne picked up the pace of her thrusts and I met each one until I hit an overwhelming orgasm that left me limp, lying on top of her. I recalled myself to reality and rolled off her so I didn’t suffocate the poor girl. She breathed deeply.

We didn’t talk much, but did a lot of kissing, both of us playing with the idea of starting again.

“May I take your picture, Adrienne?”


“Right here with you in your bed. You look so beautiful here.”

“You may always take my picture. I am yours to command.”

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my camera case. I considered pulling the Hasselblad, but I had a partial roll of Kodachrome in the Nikon and if I shot it up, I might be able to send it in someplace tomorrow.

One wall of her room was glass with a double French door opening onto a balcony. Beyond the balcony, a tree grew and the streetlight filtered through the leaves into her room. I was going to need an exceptionally long exposure to capture this on the low speed film, but it was worth a try.

She looked incredible. I tried her in a couple of positions and smoothed her negligee out so she had the illusion of being partially covered. Then I found the picture and locked it in.

“I wish I had the facility to develop this. I think we’ll both want copies of this one.” Two of my photos of Adrienne hung in her living room and another in her bedroom. Other than that, she had some very nice art on her walls. No college dorm room posters for this girl.

“Oh, we can take care of that,” she said. “Let me give Samuel a call.”

Samuel? Oh, yeah. He was the doorman who guarded the entrance. I couldn’t believe he was still on duty down there.

“Samuel,” Adrienne said into her bedside phone. How many phones did she have in this apartment? “We have a roll of film that needs to be processed right away. What kind is it, Nate?”

“Kodachrome. 35mm slides.”

“Did you catch that? Yes, somebody must process overnight. Thank you!” She hung up.

“He’s on his way up to get the film. Um… You should put your robe on before he gets here,” she giggled.

“I can’t believe you can get this processed overnight.”

“This city runs on film. You have industry contacts. In fact, I’ll tell Samuel you are in the industry and need this for a meeting tomorrow. They’ll get it turned around.”

“What do I need to tip him?”

“Samuel is our employee,” Adrienne said. “We residents treat him very well and he treats us very well. You can’t imagine how many times he’s come through with something I needed in the middle of cooking.”

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it with the roll of film in my hand. He had a bag for processing in his hand and deposited the film. He tore a stub off the envelope and handed it to me, wishing me a good night. Then he was gone.

I returned to the bedroom. Adrienne was still in bed, but she’d removed the nightie and lay there naked for my enjoyment. I certainly enjoyed it. I dropped the robe and crawled in beside her. We cuddled, kissed, and eventually, made love again before sleeping in each other’s arms.


When we went downstairs to meet the limo in the morning, Samuel handed me the film envelope with a box of slides in it. Amazing.

Speaking of amazing, Adrienne looked spectacular. I was wearing my suit with a white shirt and narrow tie. She wore an extremely sexy suit, made sexier by the midriff-baring blouse, short skirt, and six-inch high heels.

“Adrienne, this is my PA, Chrystal. Chrystal, my assistant, Adrienne.” Chrystal’s eyes were popped wide open as she waited for us to get in the limo before she did.

“It’s nice to meet you, um… Adrienne. Are you in the industry?”

“Peripherally,” Adrienne answered. “I do some fashion and food consulting.”

“Adrienne is quite an accomplished chef. You wouldn’t believe the meal she served me last night.”

“Fascinating,” Chrystal said. Somehow, she made it sound serious. “We’ll get to the office in about half an hour,” she continued. “You know Bert and Frank, the writer and producer. Gene and Dave will be in and out. Adrienne, Gene is head of security and Dave is the production PA. Unlike me. I’m the PA strictly for the relationship with Attic Allure and Nate. Reg, the director, is tied up this morning with casting calls, but he’ll be in this afternoon.”

“Any idea what all they want on this trip?”

“They want to go over the storyline with you and have you punch holes in it,” Chrystal said. “They expect that when they’re off base, you’ll say ‘That couldn’t happen,’ or ‘He can’t do that with that film,’ or whatever. Then they’ve got some production problems they’re trying to work out. Holes in the script that have to be filled before they can start shooting. I’m pretty sure Reg will want you to sit in on some screen tests tomorrow. He’s kind of interested in finding out how the girls respond to a real-life situation.”


We got to the office at a few minutes before eleven. I guess no one starts work around here before then.

“Nate, it’s good to see you again,” Frank said. The producer was one of those guys who is always a ‘good to see you’ kind of guy. “Who is this beautiful creature with you. Are you one of Nate’s girlfriends or models?”

“This is Adrienne Baudelaire,” I said. “She does some industry consulting and has consented to act as my personal assistant.”

“I can tell you right now, Reg will want to cast her. You have exactly the right look for what he’s looking for.”

“I’m sorry. The only camera lens I get in front of is Nate’s. Our sponsor has paid a great deal of money for the rights to his photos of me and he doesn’t want the market diluted,” Adrienne said. That shut Frank up fast.

“Hey, Nate,” Bert said. “This is way down on the agenda, but I need you to have it in the back of your mind while we’re working. I need ideas on how a photographer would contrive to kill one of his models without any suspicion falling on him. Just put that in the back of your head and let it simmer a while. Nice to meet you, Miss Baudelaire.”

What the hell? How would a photographer kill his model? I had absolutely no idea.

We all sat at the table and Bert handed us copies of the script. Dave came in with coffee for all of us and we started paying attention to Bert and his storyboards.

“Joe Price is the antihero in the story,” Bert said. “It’s about him, but he’s actually the villain. The movie will pit Joe against a pair of detectives who try to pin a murder on him. They won’t succeed. Joe is squeaky clean. But the thing is, Joe actually did commit the murder. And got away with it.”

“I’m still not sure about how letting him get away with murder is going to play with the audiences,” Frank said. “We’re going to test that ending. Audiences want villains to be punished, not to get away with it.”

“It will test fine,” Bert responded. “You see, Joe is actually quite a lovable guy. In fact, the women in town come to Joe to have discreet photos done. And to do Joe. He’s the local family photographer—big on taking baby pictures and annual family portraits. How does your family grow? Maybe he sells something like a subscription, so for a certain flat rate, a family comes in once every three months to have their portrait taken. But between those sittings, Momma comes in to sit on Joe.”

“So, some Momma decides she wants more from Joe than a photo, and he decides to bump her off?” I asked. I thought the plot was pretty transparent.

“You’re quick, but it’s not Momma who is the problem. It’s Momma’s daughter. She sees what Momma is getting away with and wants a piece of the action, so to speak. You see screwing Momma might be unethical, but screwing the little girl is illegal. Now Joe’s in hot water. He’s screwed up big time and little Sally Jane has him over a barrel. He screws her whenever she wants, or she tells Daddy. Daddy’s a honcho in the city. Don’t know yet if he’s corporate or government. Might even be labor. Union boss, you know. If Daddy starts a fight with someone, that person is going down. So, Joe has to get rid of Sally Jane and not have any evidence pointing toward him. Hence my first question to you. Don’t try to answer yet. Let this percolate in your head for a while.”

“That is totally nothing at all like my business,” I said. I wasn’t sure I wanted my name associated with this. I guess I assumed I’d identify with the photographer. Dude is disgusting.

“Oh, it’s not about you,” Frank jumped in. “Bert’s done a good job of making sure the movie is absolutely not about you. It’s going to be shot in your home town, so we don’t want people thinking the movie is about you. We tried to choose a theme for the movie that was obviously not about you.”

“Thanks for that. You’re planning to film in Tenbrook?”

“Went over everything with your village council and they’ve put the matter to a vote. It’s been approved. Of course, most of the movie will be shot in a sound stage. It’s only the flavor of the community that will really be in the movie. Small town murder mystery. Everybody knows everybody else’s business, so they absolutely believe the murderer couldn’t possibly be a resident of their community,” Frank said.

Bert jumped back in.

“And as the detectives get into it, they keep finding out more about what an unsavory character Sally Jane really was. There are half a dozen people who could want her dead. The high school chemistry teacher who has screwed her. The fundamentalist preacher who counsels her in a very personal way. At least three boys on the football team who had a long weekend in the woods with Sally Jane just before she was killed. Lots of red herrings.”


That was how the day went. The script was pretty well developed. It was marked in different places with “Check this with Nate” notations. I was able to add some comments. I didn’t think it was generally practical to have a huge darkroom with a bed in it for Joe to engage in his conquests. We’d found out how difficult it was to keep a room that size dark in Las Vegas when we’d used a theatre dressing room as a darkroom. I ruined more than one picture with a light leak or someone hitting the wrong switch.

“Will married women actually fall for some of these lines?” I asked. I still had trouble with the idea that single women would allow themselves to be handled in the way I did. I almost never had a married woman in the studio. I’m not sure I’d have ever engaged with Sylvia if I’d known she was married. By the time I found that out, I’d already had her tied to a chair with my fingers up her twat.

“Nate, you would be amazed at how married women would behave,” Adrienne said. “I think they’d go much further with Joe. Uh… How old is this photographer?”

“We’re pegging him in his mid-thirties. Married with a couple kids of his own. The guy is a pillar of the community,” Bert answered.

“Then we’re definitely talking women who will sleep with him,” she said. “Married women would feel too guilty sleeping with a teenage photographer.”

I had to laugh about that. I felt the same way. Sleep with a forty-year-old housewife with three children she’s transporting to play practice, football games, and music lessons? I’m certainly not interested.


We didn’t get around to lunch until two in the afternoon. I’d drunk enough coffee by then to be jumpy. Adrienne did her best to calm and soothe me, but it wasn’t until she stood up in the meeting and said we were leaving for lunch that everyone else seemed to come alive and agree that lunch was a good idea.

Dave said he’d call for a reservation and Adrienne said not to bother. She’d already called and we were headed to Diablo’s. There was a little grumbling, but one look at Adrienne’s face and everybody agreed. When we got to the restaurant, I found out the reason people were grumbling was because this restaurant didn’t serve alcohol.

Reg joined us and, as predicted, wanted Adrienne to come in for a screen test.

“Of course, you’re too young to be the mother, and too old to be the daughter. But you’d be perfect for Joe’s wife. She needs to be younger than him and make people think, ‘Why would he fool around on her?’ We could go back to the studio and shoot it this afternoon,” Reg said as soon as he’d met Adrienne.

“Unless you’ve suddenly hired Nate as the cinematographer, my answer is still no. The only lens I get in front of is Nate’s.” Then she became incredibly maternal toward Reg. She actually patted him on the head. “There, there, now, Reg. It will work out. Sweet young actresses are arriving in town every day. Go hang out at the airport and screen test them as they get off the plane, or at the bus station.”

“Hey!” I said. “In fact, I flew in with one yesterday. I’ve got pictures with me and her resume. She’s fresh and in her twenties. Let’s give her a call and have her test.” I dug in my case and pulled out Fran’s resume and headshot. The shot wasn’t very good. “That’s not one of my photos, by the way. I have some I took of her, though. Haven’t looked at them yet.”

I pulled out the box of slides and started sorting through them. There were a few pictures of clouds out the airplane window and the end of the roll had half a dozen shots of Adrienne in bed. I separated those shots and handed the rest to Reg. He started sorting through them and handing them on to Frank and Bert. Dave collected them at the other end, then handed them to Chrystal. She glanced through them and put them back in the box.

“You got her to pose like this on the airplane? And you just met her? Bert, I no longer have any question about Joe being able to seduce any of the women in the town. Dave, call this girl up and get her in for an audition tomorrow,” Reg said.

“You might mention that the photographer on the plane recommended her,” I said. “I’m sure she’s not expecting calls to come in out of the blue on her first full day in town.”

Dave left the table and went to a pay phone. It took a while and our food arrived before he got back.

“She’s set at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon,” Dave said. “Oh, Nate, she said to tell you to forget about owing her one. She owed you again.”

“That’s good. Nate, I’d like to have you come to the screen tests. Maybe if she sees you there, she’ll be ready to open up. You can even stand in as Joe.”

“If we do that,” Adrienne said, “Nate needs to eat beforehand. None of this waiting until the middle of the afternoon.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Frank said. “It was truly an oversight today. We often get into a creative mode and forget to eat. I think Bert had to read every word of the script aloud to you today. Let’s just meet for lunch and then go straight to the studio. I’d like to see this wonder.”

“Who do you have lined up for playing Joe?” Adrienne asked.

“Well, we’re having a little trouble casting that,” Reg said. “Agents aren’t forwarding the script to the actors we want. You know. Newman, Redford, Reynolds. Somebody good looking and with hair. But not crazy hair like Wilder. Hair like Nate’s. And not too rugged like Pacino or De Niro. Steve McQueen’s still got the look but he’s hard to work with. The problem is that none of the guys want to play a villain. Especially a sneaky bastard who doesn’t get caught. It’s not like playing villain hero, like Butch Cassidy. Everyone cheered for him and the Sundance Kid. But in the end, they got what was coming to them. They’ll hate Joe. Actors have fragile egos. They don’t want people to hate them. We’ll end up going with a look-alike that we get from a cattle call.”

We ended up sitting at the table talking about the script and schedule until the guys just stood up and said, “Cocktail time.” They took off and left Chrystal, Adrienne, and me.

“Home or do you have other plans?” Chrystal asked. “I can just leave you the limo and driver if you have plans for the evening.”

I looked at Adrienne and she looked down. I got it.

“Too tired to go out,” I said. “Just drop us back at the apartment.”


“I had so much coffee today, I might not sleep at all tonight,” I said during my phone conversation back home.

“I’m sure Adrienne will be pleased about that!” Ronda laughed. “Would you give that girl a huge deep kiss from me? Make sure she knows she’s invited to Stratford this summer.”

“I’ll do that,” I laughed.

“Nate,” Anna said, “I know you’re tired, but you really need to dominate Adrienne one night. She will be so disappointed if you went all the way out there and were just loving and kind. You know what she craves.”

“Yes. I’m working my way up to it,” I said.

“Unca Nate, dance!” Toni said when Patricia took the receiver.

“Hi, Pumpkin! I will dance and dance and dance with you. I miss my little girl.”


“Lubbu, too, sweetie.”


I sat on the bed with my face in my hands. I missed them. We’d been living together almost completely since spring break. Two years ago, I couldn’t have hoped that our family would survive being separated for college. Leaving high school seemed like too big an obstacle, especially after Chris left us. And even now, I wondered if our relationship with Beth would survive. We were getting along on a Sunday afternoon phone call each week.

But now, I couldn’t imagine being parted from my family. My three girlfriends and my daughter. Er… goddaughter. They meant the world to me.

And then there was Adrienne. She seemed to thrive on the neglect. God, how long had it been since she’d been with her sponsor? She’d learned to be a gourmet cook, was active in community organizations, entertained regularly, and was a slave when I dropped in. And Anna was right. I needed to dominate her. She’d been at my side all day and made several valuable bits of input. Including getting me some food. She wouldn’t know I appreciated it unless I treated her as my slave.


“Fifi,” I said sharply. “Where is dinner? Do you think that because we ate late with the production team that I don’t want food in the evening?”

She jumped. In truth, I wasn’t that hungry, but it was the only thing I could think of.

“No, Master. Of course not, sir. I thought that I would wait until you told me what you would like.”

“I’ve been making decisions all day long. Do I need to make decisions about what to eat, too? And why are you dressed? Isn’t a slave supposed to be naked before her master?”

“Yes, sir.” She began fumbling with her blouse.

“Any article remaining on your body in sixty seconds will be torn from it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master.”

Her clothes started flying as she tore them off. I really didn’t want to destroy anything. She’d looked lovely today. When her skirt hit the floor, I saw she was wearing FFNs and a garter. Very sexy, but I’d made a demand and everything had to be gone from her body. At ten seconds, I started counting down. She was still fighting with her bra as I reached the last second. It flew across the room and she fell to her knees in front of me.

“What a mess you’ve made of the room,” I said sadly. “First, order some food so I don’t starve for the second time today. Second, clean up the mess you’ve made. Third, bring me a paddle so I can properly punish you.”

Adrienne gasped and ran to the kitchen phone. I heard her ordering Samuel to fetch some Chinese food for us. I think she ordered twice what we could possibly eat. I sat in a chair in the living room and looked at the LA Times to see if there was any news about the general strike. I was pleased to see the California schools were pretty much all out. Sadly, violence had erupted again on the University of Washington campus. In general, it was all depressing. I threw the newspaper down as Fifi approached me with a paddle.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” she said. “Please punish your pet for being so inconsiderate.”

“Lie here across my lap, Fifi,” I said. She handed me the paddle and lay across my lap, that beautiful butt under my hand. I petted her bottom and felt her quiver. I swung the paddle and the crack filled the room.

“Thank you, sir, for disciplining your pet,” she said.

“You know it hurts me to punish you,” I said. I borrowed that line right out of my father’s book. I could remember that from having a willow switch stripe my legs when I was about ten. I swung and cracked the paddle on her butt again.

“Thank you, sir. I’m so sorry to have disappointed you. I’m sorry to be causing you such pain. I will…”

I swung the paddle again and saw her bottom turning red where I’d landed all three strikes.

“How many swats with this paddle do you deserve?” I demanded.

“F-five, sir?”


“T-t-ten! Ten swats on my bare bottom and legs.”

Ah! A hint. I shouldn’t focus all my swats on one part of her bottom, or even on her bottom at all. I swung again and found the other butt cheek.

“I’ve lost track. How many is that, Fifi?”

“Four, sir.”

I swung again, landing the next one on her right thigh.

“Five!” she called out. “Thank you, sir.”

I wished she’d stuck with five as the number. It was truly painful to hit her five more times. I tossed the paddle down and softly petted her bottom while she cried. I dipped between her legs and verified that even though it hurt, she’d become highly aroused and was wet. That was like giving my cock permission to stiffen.

Just then a knock came on the door and I pushed Fifi out of my lap and pointed to the door. She started to protest answering the door because she was naked. I just pointed.

She went to the door and opened it wide to Samuel. The doorman definitely appreciated the view as he handed her the box with our food in it.

“Are you okay, Miss Baudelaire?” he asked.

“Yes, Samuel. My master has given me just what I deserved and no more.”

“Very well. Have a good night.” He glanced toward me and scowled, but turned and walked away.

“Shall I put the food on the table, master?”

“I think that’s a good place for me to eat it,” I said.

I stood and took off my clothes, laying them on the chair, and getting a condom out of my pocket. Then I went to the table and chose a seat, pushing the rest of the chairs away from the table.

Adrienne was quickly opening boxes and putting food on my plate, careful to keep the items separate. I sat at an angle to the table so my stiffening cock was out from under it. She stood back from me a step and lowered her head.

“May I get anything else for you, master?” she asked. She eyed my cock.

“My cock is distracting me from eating,” I said. “Put it in your mouth.”

She dropped to her knees and began fellating me with vigor. I had to put my hand on her head to slow her down as I nibbled at the food. I wasn’t all that hungry, but I felt that having made such a big deal out of things, I needed to make a show of eating. Talk about having a distraction, though. Having my cock in her mouth did not help me concentrate on eating.

“Now, my little pet. I want you to sit in my lap so I can feed you.”

She looked up at me in surprise and I handed her the condom. She had a sudden burst of understanding and rolled it on me, then I pulled her to me, facing me, and she settled her wet pussy onto my stiff rod.

“Ah. Now this will help me concentrate on my meal. You know I love company when I eat. It gets lonely up here when you are on the floor.”

I had become fairly good with chopsticks from eating in Chinese restaurants in Chicago. I grabbed a few noodles and held them to her mouth. She opened and ate them.

“Thank you, Master. You make Fifi so happy to be your pet.”

“Let’s have no more discipline tonight,” I said. “Tend to your job of keeping me hard and in you, and I will feed you.”

“Thank you, sir. I love to keep you hard and in me.”

“Good. I think I’ll be there a long time tonight.”


Dinner became playful and Adrienne was extremely loving. She kept working on my cock with the muscles in her pussy. I loved just staying hard in her as we ate and I licked bits of sauce off her breasts where I’d dripped it. When I reached a point where I wanted to focus on fucking her, I simply stood up as I held her butt and kept her impaled as I walked us back to the bedroom.

We had some energetic sex and once we were in bed, everything was open. Literally. Eventually, I filled her ass with my cock and we both nearly passed out with the intensity of our orgasms.

“You know you helped me in a way I never expected,” I said as my mistress cuddled to me.

“How, lover?”

We were past the stage of master and pet. In the aftermath, we were lovers.

“A client-patron attempted to trap me in her dungeon,” I said. “Because of the way you taught me, I read it correctly and was able to trap her instead. I was not kind to her. In fact, the whip I chose may have left permanent marks on her pussy.”

“Oh!” she gasped. “I think I just flooded my pussy again. What else did you do?”

“I had her tied down with her ass in the air and a gag in her mouth. I kept her on edge, not letting her come, though she was very ready. I lubed up her ass and left.”

“You left? With her at your mercy to do with as you wished?”

“I’d already done everything I wished. I gathered my equipment and after I was loaded and ready to leave, I told her bodyguard that she was prepared for him to do what he’d always wanted to.”

“And did he?”

“She’d been humiliating him ever since she’d hired him, trying to get him to take control. I don’t have the details, but I processed the film and sent her prints of everything. I got a nice check in the mail from her with a note of thanks. A friend who is associated with people of similar status reported that the bodyguard had joined their circle and showed the photos around. Word has circulated throughout the wealthy elite of that area that she is only a slave now and not the one in control.”

“Please don’t give me away,” Adrienne whispered. She shuddered against me and I held her tightly.

“You are far too precious to give, sell, or share, my sweet. Far too precious.”


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