

ALERT: This book contains content of an adult nature.

This includes explicit sexual content and characters whose beliefs may be contrary to your religious, political, or world view. Scenes in this story may be triggers for Vietnam War era vets with PTSD.

The content is inappropriate and in some cases illegal for readers under the age of 18.


Characters Introduced in Full Frame and Shutter Speed and Exposure who continue to have an important role in F/Stop. When ages are given, they are as of the end of Exposure, December 1, 1969.


Nate and Family

  • Nate Hart. 20yo student at Columbia College studying photography. Operates the Attic Allure studio in a space over the top of Camera Warehouse in Chicago. Still has a lot of stuff in his space in Tenbrook. Has four girlfriends and messes around with his models.
  • Kat Hart. 14yo brown-haired sister of Nate. Artist.
  • Rev. Mother Superior Joyce Hart. Nate’s mother. United Methodist minister in Sage, IL. Also sometimes referred to by Nate as ‘Reverend Mother Superior.’
  • Rich Hart. Nate’s father. Heating and air conditioning specialist commuting from Sage to Huntertown for work.
  • Deborah and John Lindal. 27yo sister of Nate and her husband. They have two children, Cameron and Anthony. John served with Tony in Vietnam.
  • Lt. Naomi Hart. 25yo sister of Nate, serving in the Air Force.
  • Uncle Nate and Grace Mayer. Nate’s uncle and aunt. Nate is a freelancer for various people who need special services. Also acts as Nate’s agent.

Nate’s Extended Family


“Ronda” by Sandra Schram, ID 26689129 licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Ronda May. 19yo blonde, former cheerleader. Nate’s girlfriend, even after Christine left them. Studying International Relations at University of Chicago.
    • Dr. Joseph & Susan May. Ronda’s parents. Dr. May has supplied many Tenbrook girls with birth control pills.
    • Danny May. 16yo brother of Ronda, possibly sweet on Julie Evans.
    • Nora May. 24yo sister of Ronda, studying to be a veterinarian.

“Anna” by BLGKV, ID1556827643 from Shutterstock

  • Anna Marx. 19yo brunette. Almost 20. Nate’s first girlfriend after he moved to Tenbrook. Broke up and then returned to become a girlfriend again with the gathering family.

“Patricia” by Hank Shiffman, ID399667684 licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Patricia Berg Kowalski. 20yo blonde classmate and model of Nate’s, and Tony’s widow. Now one of Nate’s girlfriends. Mother of Toni. Tony Kowalski was Nate’s best friend in high school and was killed in Vietnam less than a year after graduation.
    • Antonia “Toni” El Kowalski. 1yo daughter of Patricia and Tony. Nate’s goddaughter.
    • Elise & Tor Berg. Patricia’s parents. Live in Tenbrook.
    • Ellie & Jim Kowalski. Patricia’s in-laws, Tony’s parents.
    • Vanessa Kowalski. 15yo brunette. Tony’s younger sister.

“Starr” by Arthur-studio 10, ID109658213 licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Elizabeth “Beth” “Starr” Marsh. 19yo (almost 20) comedienne girlfriend of Nate’s from Chicago. Has been on tour for five months.
    • Nadia & Jordan Marsh. Elizabeth’s parents. Collectors of photography.
    • Valerie Marsh. 24yo brunette. Elizabeth’s airline stewardess sister.
    • Adele Peterson. Lesbian Domme now living with Elizabeth’s parents, Nadia and Jordan.

“Adrienne” by conrado, ID78516796, licensed from Shutterstock.com

Adrienne “Fifi” Baudelaire. 29yo blonde model (sent by Nate’s Las Vegas patron) who wants to be involved as his mistress. Very into Marquis de Sade. Lives in Los Angeles.


Attic Allure Staff and High School Models

  • Christine “Chris” Evans. 19yo dirty blonde former girlfriend of Nate and Ronda. Purging away her perversions in college and engaged to be married.
  • Judy Delap. 19yo former model, and classmate, and assistant at Attic Allure, Tenbrook. Studying costuming in St. Louis and still active with AA.
  • Janice Graham Adams. 19yo former model and assistant at Attic Allure. She married Pete Adams and now has a baby.
  • Pris Anson. 19yo former model and classmate, and assistant at Attic Allure, Tenbrook. Now an electrician in her family’s business.
  • Debbie Faulkner. 19yo former model and classmate, and assistant at Attic Allure, Tenbrook. Now a grocery clerk at Piggly Wiggly in Huntertown.
  • Cassie Robinson. 23yo black assistant at Attic Allure Chicago.

“Leanne” by Hank Shiffman, ID8427988, licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Leanne Kim. 19yo member of Nate’s study group and assistant at Attic Allure Chicago. Studying makeup and costuming at Columbia.
  • Theresa Newman. 19yo high school classmate in Chicago Nate once fantasized about. She’s now become his assistant at Attic Allure Chicago while attending Jr. College. Modeled under the name Nikita Bychkova.
  • Lori Reynolds. 21yo Abe Lawrence Model. Started out with Nate in Tenbrook when she was a senior. Now engaged to Constable Stoney.

Chicago Models Working with Abe

  • Abe Lawrence. Chicago modeling agent who sends models to Nate to photograph.
  • Brittany Fleck. 22yo model working for Abe Lawrence.
  • Brandi Flowers. 23yo model working for Abe Lawrence.
  • Gwyneth Parsons. 21yo very thin model working for Abe Lawrence.

Other models and friends


“Carrie” by Jeff Thrower, ID74060449, licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Carrie (Carolyn) Lockhart. 20yo student at Columbia and in Nate’s study group.
  • Devon Young. 19yo. Nate’s freshman year roommate. Quiet gay cross-dresser. Dora Devine. Devon Young’s stage name as a drag queen.


“Leslie” by Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB, ID477279049, licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Leslie Lewis. 19yo member of Nate’s study group. Head of the “Whore Corps” at college. Studying fashion photography.


“Yvonne” by Belovodchenko Anton, ID754081981 licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Yvonne Renninger Sullivan. Business teacher at Tenbrook who also poses for Nate.


“Rose” by sakkmesterke, ID254610976 licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Rose Thorne. 22yo showgirl from Las Vegas who was a test model from Nate’s patrons. She’s become a close friend of Elizabeth’s.


“Sandra” by George Mayer, ID86795689, licensed from Shutterstock.com

  • Sandra Gottschalk. 17yo dirty blonde who has asked Nate to photograph her and record her growth and body changes over several years.

Other important people

  • Brian Evans. 15yo brother of Christine. Sweet on Kat.
  • Julie Evans. 16yo blonde sister of Christine. Kat’s best friend.
  • Clyde Warren. Former Tenbrook Constable, dismissed for racism following Nate’s photos and Rich’s impassioned address to the Village Council. He then was hired as part of the Hunter County Selective Service Board where he manipulated calls to draft minorities.
  • Allen White. Attorney preparing class action suit against the draft board.
  • Lowell Graves. Attorney representing Nate against the draft board.
  • Edna Ludwig. Middle age librarian in Tenbrook. Devoted to helping young women.
  • Jim Stoneburner. Retired army captain and Vietnam Vet, now Constable in Tenbrook. Engaged to Lori Reynolds.
  • Levi Levinson. Owner of Camera Warehouse who provides space for Nate’s studio and has always gotten him equipment and supplies.
  • Sylvia Drummond. Patron who had a kink photo sitting with Nate and then used the photos to punish her husband (his original patron), provoking him to an attack which got her bodyguard to kill him.

Please feel free to send comments to the author at devon@devonlayne.com.

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