Adams’ Apples


3 Down to Earth

JACK ADAMS GOT BACK TO EARTH after rendezvousing with the freighter at the ISS and switching command of his repair shuttle to Lee Burke.

“You got the easy stuff,” Lee groused. “I’ve loaded guidance for the shuttle from satellite to satellite in the deeper ranges of LEO. Sometimes it will take me three days to get from one to the next.”

“Watch out for those black ones. After I boosted that last one and reset it, all hell broke loose. I went back and it was completely fried. I towed it back for salvage,” Jack said.

“Yeah. We’ve been told now to stay away from military junk unless we get a specific contract from them. They’re spitting about having the Maytag repairman out tinkering with their assets.”

The two men wished each other luck and Jack headed for his debrief in India.


“Six months of solitude doesn’t seem to have affected you too badly,” Indira said at the debrief.

“I could use a shave.”

“Are you sure? It’s nearly Christmas. You could get a temp job as Santa Claus in an American department store. Just bleach it out.”

“Thanks heaps, boss. Are you laying me off?”

“Oh, no. Three months furlough for your round the clock work upstairs. Then you’ll go on the monitoring station in Florida. Maybe you and that pretty miss you’ve been courting can get some one-on-one time.” She laughed at his embarrassment; the blush seen through his heavy beard.

“I think I’d better go marry her first.”

“Good luck, Jack. And good work. You took care of over 200 satellites on this cruise. After a year dirtside, you’ll be eligible to return if you want.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Jack headed out of the office and caught a cab to the airport.


“You’re home!” Evelyn shrieked. She rushed to his arms in the Des Moines airport. He picked her up to swing her around in a circle, causing other arriving passengers to dodge out of their way. “Are you going to keep this beard?” she asked, running her fingers across his face. “I like it.”

“Only enough of it to tickle you in places you like to be tickled,” he laughed.

“Oh yes! Let’s go home and you can start researching how much it takes to get the response you want. I love you, Jack!” He had only his carry-on and allowed Evelyn to lead him out of the terminal to the short-term parking area. “Do you want to drive?”

“Heavens no! I’ve been drivint a shuttle in outer space for six months. I don’t want to drive anywhere. It’s not safe.”

“Then get in. I’ll show you my piloting skills. I can’t believe you ran all around in orbit and can’t drive an Escape.”

“Do you see the tower over there?” Jack asked as he pointed at the control tower a good half mile away. “If I got that close to an object in space my collision avoidance alarms would be ringing in my ears. I’m sure I’ll readjust soon, but for right now, I just want to watch your legs as you work the pedals and your breasts as you breathe.”

“Jack! Just settle down. The sooner we get home, the sooner you’ll be able to get my winter coat off and really be able to see what’s under there.”

It took only half an hour to get to the little bungalow they’d rented while he trained for space. When he had to report to India, Evelyn went along to see him off and then returned to Des Moines where she knew people and had a good job. And once they were home, the clothing was shed at once.

“Mmm. Our little escapades by long distance were nice but seeing you, holding you, touching you… that’s the best,” Jack whispered as he kissed his way down her neck to her breasts.

“It does tickle,” she giggled. “Why did you grow it out?”

“Shaving in the shuttle was more of a challenge than I wanted to endure. There were cut whiskers everywhere. It was easier to just let it grow than turn on the entire recirculation system just to clean the whiskers out of the cabin.”

“It didn’t interfere with your space suit?”

“No. It might have if it were six inches longer, but at this length it was no problem. Now, open these pretty legs a bit so I can taste that heavenly nectar.”

“Yes! Oh, I’ve missed you. Come and make love to me.” Jack took his time tasting her and licking her but her urgency mounted and his own rose to meet it. He pulled himself up between her legs and she guided his missile into her launching tube.


They had a Christmas wedding and Evelyn quit her job so they could move to Florida. It was difficult to leave Iowa, but they had each other and there would be new friends to be made. After all, they’d be near Orlando and what could be better?

“Baby,” Evelyn said. “We played at it for two years before we were married. Don’t you think it’s time we added to the population explosion?”

“You know I’m going to have to go back up there for six months again, right?” Jack was concerned about not being there when his child was born.

“Of course. But you have a year of dirtside duty here first, and you’ll probably be back at the same station after you return. It would be much nicer for me to be raising our junior instead of being alone here. If we start now, he would be born long before you go back up and we’ll talk every day about how he’s doing.”

“You’re convinced we’ll have a boy?”

“Yes. He’ll want to grow up to be a spaceman, just like his father.”

“You know a girl could grow up to be a spacewoman. You don’t have to be a boy to go into space.”

“Are you arguing about the sex of our child or are we going to get busy?”

That was pretty much the end of discussion. Jack and Evelyn started working on the problem that night. Of course, it was a few weeks before the birth control was completely out of her system, but they still had fun working on the strategy.

“How about if I ride on top this time?” Evelyn asked. “You want a dominant girl, right?”

“I have a dominant girl right here in my bed,” Jack growled. “Come up here and ride ’em, cowgirl!” Evelyn rolled on top of Jack and lined herself up.

“Oh, yes!” Evelyn cried. “I’m sure that one took. They say it’s best if the child is conceived when the mommy is orgasming.”

“I guess all of them are conceived when the man orgasms,” Jack chuckled. He looked at his beloved wife as she lay atop him. “Let’s see if we can make twins,” he growled as he rolled her to her back.

“Do it, lover. Make me come again and plant another baby!” They humped together over and over until at last Evelyn peaked again, bringing Jack along with her. He settled to her side and spooned her into his arms as they drifted off to sleep.


Jack was in the control room when Evelyn called. Things weren’t too busy as it was rest period for Lee Burke. The shuttle circled the opposite side of the globe and Jack would get to wake him up when it crested the horizon again. Lee had another month to go and everyone in control was moaning. Lee had no girlfriend on Earth and his circuits were boring.

“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Jack asked his wife.

“It worked!” she shouted.

“Worked? What worked?”

“Jack, we’re pregnant!”

“I’m pretty sure I’m not.”

“You ass. How soon can you get off work? I want to celebrate.”

Jack called a replacement to his station, pleading a stomach upset and need to go home. If Evelyn wanted to celebrate, now was no time to be at work.



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