Porn Stars Save the Universe

This is number twenty-four in the blog series, “My Life In Erotica.” I encourage you to join my Patreon community so I can afford to keep writing.


I’VE MENTIONED MIA and Miss Molly in my previous post. Were they unique? No. They were special, but not unique. I’ve met many wonderful sex workers over the years.

Not so many as Angus Vieira, author of Murder & Witches, the latest of his personal detective stories. Angus has nearly 5,000 friends on Facebook, most of whom are women in the industry. Many of those women have given him photos of their butts to display on their birthdays. Sadly, his books are available only in paperback, but I can highly recommend Murder on a Two-Lane Road and Murder on a Small Island, as well as his most recent.

Well, Angus has had a couple more years to accumulate his friends than I have, and spends two or three evenings a week ‘polishing a tip rail,’ in his words. And in his company, I’ve met a couple of stellar beauties who call him a friend in real life—not just online.

His works include sexual scenes, but nothing too explicit. He still holds the dream of walking into a mainstream bookstore and seeing his title on display. I wish him the best of luck.


After I got my feet wet at the LA Sex Expo, I decided to test my theory that I was actually a part, however small, of the industry. I registered for the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo of 2017. They accepted my registration as a member of the industry without hesitation. That meant I got VIP access to both the AEE and the Adult Novelty Expo, all seminars, and the official nightclub parties for $200. The cost of a similar ticket for VIP fans was over $1,500!

I recognized that a partially deaf old man was vulnerable in this kind of environment, so I advertised for an escort. She wasn’t a sex escort, but Dee agreed to accompany me to the show and the parties. She wore costumes like my character Alice in US Highways, American Backroads, and Border Crossings. I had a promotional excerpt of the first book to give away to the artists I met.

And I met some of my favorite online talents, like Miss Molly, Casey, Miah Callix, Ginger Potter, Kendra Cole, Braislee Adams, plus the incomparable Alex Coal and Inked Angel Lydia Black. A hug and a picture with each of them.

I don’t show those pictures around because I look like someone’s grandpa visiting his granddaughter’s college roommate. But they were fun to take.


About that time, I decided to write my first contribution to the SWARM Cycle universe. Of course, I wasn’t satisfied with the typical pickup and go to the stars to battle the Sa’arm. I focused on a fat computer hacker and a bunch of porn stars who refused to leave earth. The result was Pussy Pirates. Every porn star in that volume was based on someone I’d met IRL or communicated with online.

Of course, I couldn’t use my initial title, “Porn Stars Save the Universe” because that would end the cycle and we can’t have that, but collecting the stats on the girls, assigning them names for the story, and copying significant parts of their characteristics brought the story to life.

I returned to the AEE in 2019 accompanied by six friends who adopted roles as my staff. M1 was my security, D my story consultant, M2 my producer. S was my secretary, C my editor, and R a talent (was she ever!). We all had a blast and the number of close encounters multiplied. I met Amazing Allie at one of the booths just before the show closed for the evening and there was no crowd standing around waiting. We got to talking and I told her I was an author. She professed to love to read, so I pulled out one of my sample copies and handed it to her.

“For me? Really? You can so touch my tits,” she exclaimed. I took advantage of that offer and enjoyed her very much.

Perhaps the best part of that year’s outing was the annual white party. My friends and I all dressed in bright white clothes. Mine included white shoes, slacks, shirt, and a white vest. I topped it with a white Panama hat. I was glad I didn’t need to color my beard. It was already white.

We had a drink at the party and once there were a lot of people there, I stood up to circulate and see who I knew. I’d walked most of the way around the nightclub when a guy came up to me and asked if he could get a picture with me. I agreed and kind of laughed that he thought I was a recognizable part of the industry.

But he wasn’t the last one.

M1 and I walked out on the patio to smoke a cigar. I was no sooner out there than three cute girls rushed to me and asked if they could have a picture with me—cuddled up on a sofa in the cabana. Sure. We were enjoying our cigars when another girl asked to have her picture with me. She was a little drunk, but I said sure. She wanted to be looking over her shoulder as she leaned against me, ‘to show her best assets.’ Then she leaned into my hand with her midsection and made sure I was in solid contact before the picture was taken.

An online performer named Amee the Heaure, cuddled up next to me next. She was in the most revealing outfit I’d seen that night with pasties made of crystals and a skirt made of panels that were always parting to show her g-string. She knelt on the bench facing the fire to get warm and asked me to just cuddle up and keep her backside warm. That was a pleasant task.

But I had no idea why so many of these starlets and fans were wanting to cuddle up and have a picture. I joined my friends after the party for a drink at the center bar in the casino. A complete stranger gave me a thumbs up and nodded. WTF?

As we sat for a drink another guy came up to me. Said he was here for a law convention of some sort that would start over the weekend. Then he said, “I just want to tell you that you wear that outfit so much better than the guy in Jurassic Park.”

They thought I looked like Richard Attenborough! Who had died five years earlier at age 90!

Oh well.

I guess, in one way or another, I was part of the industry.


Even though COVID19 was lurking on the horizon, that wasn’t the last show I attended and I’ve been gratified to be recognized for who I really am. I’ll talk about a couple more close encounters next week in “Honorary Lesbian.”


Please feel free to send comments to the author at devon@devonlayne.com.

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